import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle; import 'package:tor/tor.dart'; class TorService { final Tor _tor = Tor(); StreamSubscription? _torStatusSubscription; final StreamController _statusController = StreamController.broadcast(); final StreamController _controlPortStatusController = StreamController.broadcast(); Stream get statusStream =>; Stream get controlPortStatusStream =>; final String _controlAddress = ''; final int _controlPort = 9051; Future initializeTor() async { _torStatusSubscription = Tor.torEvents.listen((String status) { _statusController.add(status); }); try { await _tor.startTor(); //_statusController.add("Tor started successfully!"); //await _checkControlPort(); } catch (e) { _statusController.add("Failed to start Tor: $e"); } } Future _checkControlPort() async { _controlPortStatusController.add("Checking control port..."); try { final socket = await Socket.connect(_controlAddress, _controlPort, timeout: Duration(seconds: 10)); socket.destroy(); _controlPortStatusController.add("Control port is open and listening."); } catch (e) { _controlPortStatusController.add("Control port connection failed: $e"); } } Future dispose() async { await _torStatusSubscription?.cancel(); await _statusController.close(); await _controlPortStatusController.close(); } }