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2024-12-08 06:38:57 +00:00
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:background_downloader/background_downloader.dart';
import 'package:haveno_app/utils/arch_helper.dart';
import 'package:haveno_app/utils/file_utils.dart';
import 'package:haveno_app/versions.dart';
import 'package:archive/archive.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
Future<void> checkShouldDownloadMonero(String downloadTo) async {
final applicationSupportDir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
const url = 'https://downloads.getmonero.org/cli/linux64'; // Monero CLI URL
const requiredBinaries = ['monerod', 'monero-wallet-rpc'];
const fileName = 'monero-linux.tar.bz2';
final downloadPath = path.join(applicationSupportDir.path, downloadTo, fileName);
// Ensure the download directory exists
final binDir = Directory(path.join(applicationSupportDir.path, downloadTo));
final versionFilePath = path.join(binDir.path, 'monero_version');
if (!binDir.existsSync()) {
binDir.createSync(recursive: true);
// Check the current version
String? currentVersion;
if (File(versionFilePath).existsSync()) {
currentVersion = File(versionFilePath).readAsStringSync().trim();
print('Current version: $currentVersion');
if (currentVersion == 'v${Versions().getVersion("monero")}') {
} else {
// Could deleteSync here but they will get overritten anyway, it might be approprioate to force pkill, and delete anyway because of the wallet.
// Define the download task
final task = DownloadTask(
url: url,
filename: fileName,
directory: downloadTo,
baseDirectory: BaseDirectory.applicationSupport,
updates: Updates.statusAndProgress,
requiresWiFi: false,
retries: 3,
allowPause: false,
// Start the download
print('Downloading Monero CLI...');
final result = await FileDownloader().download(
onProgress: (progress) => print('Download Progress: ${progress * 100}%'),
onStatus: (status) => print('Download Status: $status'),
if (result.status != TaskStatus.complete) {
print('Download failed or was not completed.');
print('Download complete. Extracting...');
// Decompress the .bz2 file
final compressedData = File(downloadPath).readAsBytesSync();
final decompressedData = BZip2Decoder().decodeBytes(compressedData);
// Extract the .tar archive
final archive = TarDecoder().decodeBytes(decompressedData);
// Identify the nested folder (e.g., monero-x86_64-linux-gnu-v0.18.3.4)
String? nestedFolder;
for (final file in archive.files) {
if (file.isFile) {
final parts = path.split(file.name);
if (parts.length > 1) {
nestedFolder = parts.first;
if (nestedFolder == null) {
print('Could not identify nested folder in the archive.');
print('Nested folder identified: $nestedFolder');
// Extract required binaries from the nested folder
for (final file in archive.files) {
if (file.isFile && requiredBinaries.contains(path.basename(file.name))) {
final relativePath = path.relative(file.name, from: nestedFolder);
final outputPath = path.join(binDir.path, relativePath);
final outputFile = File(outputPath);
outputFile.createSync(recursive: true);
outputFile.writeAsBytesSync(file.content as List<int>);
print('Extracted binary: $outputPath');
// Save the version extracted from the folder name
final latestVersion = nestedFolder.split('-').last; // Extract version from folder name
print('Updated monero_version to $latestVersion.');
// Clean up the downloaded .tar.bz2 file
print('Cleaned up temporary files.');
// Set executable permissions
setExecutablePermissions(path.join(applicationSupportDir.path, downloadTo, 'monerod'));
setExecutablePermissions(path.join(applicationSupportDir.path, downloadTo, 'monero-wallet-rpc'));
Future<void> checkShouldDownloadHavenoDaemon(String downloadTo) async {
var applicationSupportDir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
const url = 'https://github.com/KewbitXMR/haveno-app/releases/download/0.1.0%2B4/daemon-all.jar';
const fileName = 'daemon-all.jar';
final downloadPath = path.join(applicationSupportDir.path, downloadTo, fileName);
// Ensure the download directory exists
final downloadDir = Directory(downloadTo);
if (!downloadDir.existsSync()) {
downloadDir.createSync(recursive: true);
// Check if the file already exists
if (File(downloadPath).existsSync()) {
print('Haveno Daemon JAR already exists at $downloadPath. No download needed.');
// Define the download task
final task = DownloadTask(
url: url,
filename: fileName,
directory: downloadTo,
baseDirectory: BaseDirectory.applicationSupport,
updates: Updates.statusAndProgress, // Show progress updates
retries: 3,
allowPause: false,
requiresWiFi: false,
// Start the download
print('Downloading Haveno Daemon JAR...');
final result = await FileDownloader().download(
onProgress: (progress) => print('Haveno Daemon Download Progress: ${progress * 100}%'),
onStatus: (status) => print('Haveno Daemon Download Status: $status'),
// Handle the download result
switch (result.status) {
case TaskStatus.complete:
print('Haveno Daemon JAR downloaded successfully to $downloadPath.');
case TaskStatus.canceled:
print('Haveno Daemon download was canceled.');
case TaskStatus.paused:
print('Haveno Daemon download was paused.');
print('Failed to download Haveno Daemon JAR.');
Future<void> checkShouldDownloadTor(String downloadTo) async {
// Get the application support directory
final applicationSupportDir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
final downloadFilename = 'tor-expert-bundle.tar.gz';
final downloadPath = path.join(applicationSupportDir.path, downloadFilename);
// Get default tor version and make sure it exists
final version = Versions().getVersion('tor');
final url = 'https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/$version/tor-expert-bundle-linux-x86_64-$version.tar.gz';
final torDir = path.join(applicationSupportDir.path, downloadTo, version);
// Ensure the Tor directory exists
final targetDir = Directory(torDir);
final targetBin = File(path.join(torDir, 'tor'));
if (!targetBin.existsSync()) {
targetDir.createSync(recursive: true);
} else {
print('Tor $version is already installed.');
// Define the download task
final task = DownloadTask(
url: url,
filename: downloadFilename,
directory: path.join(downloadTo, version),
baseDirectory: BaseDirectory.applicationSupport,
updates: Updates.statusAndProgress,
requiresWiFi: false,
retries: 3,
allowPause: false,
// Start the download
print('Downloading Tor Expert Bundle...');
final result = await FileDownloader().download(
onProgress: (progress) => print('Download Progress: ${progress * 100}%'),
onStatus: (status) => print('Download Status: $status'),
if (result.status != TaskStatus.complete) {
print('Download failed or was not completed.');
print('Download complete. Extracting from {$torDir}/$downloadFilename...');
// Read and decompress the .tar.gz file
final compressedData = File(path.join(torDir, downloadFilename)).readAsBytesSync();
final tarGzDecoder = GZipDecoder();
final tarData = tarGzDecoder.decodeBytes(compressedData);
// Extract the .tar archive
final archive = TarDecoder().decodeBytes(tarData);
for (final file in archive.files) {
final filePath = path.join(torDir, file.name.replaceFirst('tor/', ''));
final fileName = file.name.replaceFirst('tor/', '');
if (file.isFile) {
if (file.name.startsWith('tor/')) {
final outputFile = File(path.join(torDir, fileName));
outputFile.createSync(recursive: true);
outputFile.writeAsBytesSync(file.content as List<int>);
print('Extracted file to: ${path.join(torDir, fileName)}}');
} else {
final outputFile = File(filePath);
outputFile.createSync(recursive: true);
outputFile.writeAsBytesSync(file.content as List<int>);
print('Extracted file to: ${path.join(torDir, fileName)}}');
} else {
Directory(filePath).createSync(recursive: true);
print('Created directory: $filePath');
// Clean up the downloaded .tar.gz file
File(path.join(torDir, downloadFilename)).deleteSync();
print('Cleaned up temporary files.');
// Put the config
if (!File(path.join(torDir, 'torrc')).existsSync()) {
await extractAssetToFile('assets/config/default/torrc', 'Tor/torrc');
// Set permissions
Future<void> checkShouldDownloadJava(downloadTo) async {
// First check if java bin file exists for the version specified
// Get the application support directory
final applicationSupportDir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
final javaDir = path.join(applicationSupportDir.path, 'Java', '21.0.4+7');
const fileName = 'java.tar.gz';
final downloadPath = path.join(javaDir, fileName);
File javaExecutableFile = File(path.join(javaDir, 'bin', 'java'));
if (javaExecutableFile.existsSync()) {
print('The correct version of java is already installed...');
} else {
// Since we will now continue to install a different version of Java that will be used we'll clear the Java folder completely
print("Deleted old Java version as there is a new version required");
Architecture arch = getArchitecture();
String? url;
if (arch == Architecture.x86_64) {
url = 'https://github.com/adoptium/temurin21-binaries/releases/download/jdk-21.0.4%2B7/OpenJDK21U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_21.0.4_7.tar.gz';
} else if (arch == Architecture.arm64) {
url = 'https://github.com/adoptium/temurin21-binaries/releases/download/jdk-21.0.4%2B7/OpenJDK21U-jre_aarch64_linux_hotspot_21.0.4_7.tar.gz';
} else {
url = null;
throw Exception("Unsupported operating system architecture");
// Ensure the Java directory exists
final targetDir = Directory(javaDir);
if (!targetDir.existsSync()) {
targetDir.createSync(recursive: true);
var finalExtractionPath = path.join(downloadTo, '21.0.4+7');
// Define the download task
final task = DownloadTask(
url: url,
filename: fileName,
directory: finalExtractionPath,
baseDirectory: BaseDirectory.applicationSupport,
updates: Updates.statusAndProgress,
requiresWiFi: false,
retries: 3,
allowPause: false,
// Start the download
print('Downloading Java...');
final result = await FileDownloader().download(
onProgress: (progress) => print('Download Progress: ${progress * 100}%'),
onStatus: (status) => print('Download Status: $status'),
if (result.status != TaskStatus.complete) {
print('Download failed or was not completed.');
print('Download complete. Extracting from {$javaDir}/$fileName...');
// Read and decompress the .tar.gz file
final compressedData = File(downloadPath).readAsBytesSync();
final tarGzDecoder = GZipDecoder();
final tarData = tarGzDecoder.decodeBytes(compressedData);
// Extract the .tar archive
final archive = TarDecoder().decodeBytes(tarData);
// Identify the first nested directory if it exists
String? firstNestedDir;
for (final file in archive.files) {
if (file.isFile) {
// Check for the first directory in the archive and store its path
if (firstNestedDir == null) {
final parts = path.split(file.name);
if (parts.length > 1) {
firstNestedDir = parts.first;
// Extract files, skipping the first nested directory
for (final file in archive.files) {
String filePath;
if (firstNestedDir != null && file.name.startsWith(firstNestedDir)) {
// Remove the first nested directory from the file's path
final relativePath = file.name.substring(firstNestedDir.length + 1); // Skip the first nested directory
filePath = path.join(javaDir, relativePath); // Extract directly into javaDir
} else {
filePath = path.join(javaDir, file.name);
if (file.isFile) {
final outputFile = File(filePath);
outputFile.createSync(recursive: true);
outputFile.writeAsBytesSync(file.content as List<int>);
print('Extracted file to: $filePath');
} else {
Directory(filePath).createSync(recursive: true);
print('Created directory: $filePath');
// Clean up the downloaded .tar.gz file
File(path.join(javaDir, fileName)).deleteSync();
print('Cleaned up temporary files.');
// Optionally set executable permissions if needed (for example, for binaries)
setExecutablePermissions(path.join(applicationSupportDir.path, finalExtractionPath, 'bin'));