#!/bin/bash ## Prompt for user input echo -e "\n\nThe following coins can be added (case sensitive)\nbitcoin\ndash\nfiro\nlitecoin\nparticl\npivx\n" read -p 'Full name of coin to add [example: litecoin] ' addcoin ## Confirm echo -e "\nAdd $addcoin to your BasicSwap install, correct? Press any key to continue. CTRL-C to exit" read ## Add the coin if [ $addcoin = bitcoin ]; then read -p 'Use --usebtcfastsync for bitcoin? [Y/n] ' btcfastsync case $btcfastsync in n | N) confirmed=no;; *) confirmed=yes;; esac if [ $confirmed = yes ]; then echo "Using btcfastsync" basicswap-prepare --usebtcfastsync --datadir=$SWAP_DATADIR --addcoin=$addcoin else echo "Not using btcfastsync" basicswap-prepare --datadir=$SWAP_DATADIR --addcoin=$addcoin fi else basicswap-prepare --datadir=$SWAP_DATADIR --addcoin=$addcoin fi