#!/bin/bash echo "Updating BasicSwapDEX" && sleep 1 # Delete dangling build folder. Same as --no-cache for docker rm -rf $SWAP_DATADIR/basicswap/build # BasicSwap, coincurve, and dependencies # Switch to new repo: basicswap/basicswap cd $SWAP_DATADIR/basicswap git remote set-url origin https://github.com/basicswap/basicswap # Conflicting messages_pb2.py from v0.12.7 if [[ -f basicswap/messages_pb2.py ]]; then git restore basicswap/messages_pb2.py fi #git checkout master git pull $SWAP_DATADIR/venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt --require-hashes $SWAP_DATADIR/venv/bin/pip3 install . # Update Coin Cores $HOME/.local/bin/bsx/auto_coinupd8.sh # Cleanup rm -rf basicswap-bash