#/bin/bash #set -x export SWAP_DATADIR=$HOME/coinswaps if [[ $USER == amnesia ]]; then export SWAP_DATADIR=$HOME/Persistent/coinswaps fi # Colors red="printf \e[31;1m" green="printf \e[32;1m" nocolor="printf \e[0m" # Check if bsx is already installedo chain=(particl monero wownero dash decred firo litecoin bitcoin bitcoincash pivx) for coin in "${chain[@]}"; do if [[ -f "${SWAP_DATADIR}/${coin}/${coin}.conf" ]]; then printf "Existing configuration file found at ${SWAP_DATADIR}/${coin}/${coin}.conf\n" abort=1 fi if [[ -f "${SWAP_DATADIR}/${coin}/${coin}d.conf" ]]; then printf "Existing configuration file found at ${SWAP_DATADIR}/${coin}/${coin}d.conf\n" abort=1 fi done if [[ -f "${SWAP_DATADIR}/basicswap.json" ]]; then printf "Existing configuration file(s) found at ${SWAP_DATADIR}/basicswap.json.\n" abort=1 fi if [[ $abort ]]; then $red"Aborting install\n"; $nocolor; exit fi # Check if basicswap is running if [[ -f ${SWAP_DATADIR}/particl/particl.pid ]]; then bsx_pid=$(cat ${SWAP_DATADIR}/particl/particl.pid) if [[ $bsx_pid ]]; then bsx_run=$(pgrep particld | grep $bsx_pid) if [[ $bsx_run ]]; then $red"\nError: BasicSwapDEX is already installed.\n"; $nocolor exit fi fi fi # Title Bar $green "\n" title="BasicSwapDEX Installer" COLUMNS=$(tput cols) title_size=${#title} span=$(((COLUMNS + title_size) / 2)) printf "%${COLUMNS}s" " " | tr " " "#" printf "%${span}s\n" "$title" printf "%${COLUMNS}s" " " | tr " " "#" $nocolor # Detect Operating system INSTALL="" UPDATE="" DEPENDENCY="" TAILS="" check_tails() { if [[ $USER == amnesia ]]; then $green"\n\nDetected Tails";$nocolor TAILS=1 else $green"\n\nDetected Debian";$nocolor fi } detect_os_arch() { if [[ $(uname -s) = "Darwin" ]]; then # MacOS export MACOS=1 if type -p brew > /dev/null; then $green"Homebrew is installed\n";$nc INSTALL="brew install" else $green"Installing Homebrew\n";$nc INSTALL="curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh | /bin/bash && brew install" fi DEPENDENCY="python gnupg pkg-config" $green"\n\nDetected MacOS";$nocolor elif type -p apt > /dev/null; then check_tails # Debian / Ubuntu / Mint INSTALL="sudo apt install" UPDATE="sudo apt update" DEPENDENCY="python3-pip python3-venv gnupg pkg-config" elif type -p dnf > /dev/null; then # Fedora INSTALL="sudo dnf install" UPDATE="sudo dnf check-update" DEPENDENCY="python3-virtualenv python3-pip python3-devel gnupg2 pkgconf" $green"\n\nDetected Fedora";$nocolor elif type -p pacman > /dev/null; then # Arch Linux INSTALL="sudo pacman -S" UPDATE="sudo pacman -Syu" DEPENDENCY="curl python-pipenv gnupg pkgconf base-devel" $green"\n\nDetected Arch Linux";$nocolor elif type -P apk > /dev/null; then # Alpine Linux INSTALL="sudo apk add" UPDATE="sudo apk update" DEPENDENCY="py3-virtualenv python3-dev gnupg gcc musl-dev" $green"\nDetected Alpine Linux";$nocolor else $red"\nFailed to detect OS. Unsupported or unknown distribution.\nInstall Failed.\n";$nocolor exit fi } detect_os_arch ## Update & Install dependencies printf "\n\nInstalling dependencies\nPress CTRL-C at password prompt(s) to skip. If skipped, you must install the dependencies manually before proceeding\n\n" $green"$UPDATE\n$INSTALL $DEPENDENCY curl automake libtool jq\n"; $nocolor $UPDATE $INSTALL $DEPENDENCY automake libtool jq # Enable tor printf "\n[1] Tor ON (requires sudo)\n[2] Tor OFF\n" until [[ "$tor_on" =~ ^[12]$ ]]; do read -p 'Select an option: [1|2]: ' tor_on case $tor_on in 1) $green"BasicSwapDEX will use Tor\n";$nocolor ;; 2) $red"BasicSwapDEX will NOT use Tor\n";$nocolor ;; *) $red"You must answer 1 or 2\n";$nocolor ;; esac done ## Particl restore Seed printf "\n[1] New Install (default)\n[2] Restore from Particl Seed\n" until [[ "$restore" =~ ^[12]$ ]]; do read -p 'Select an option: [1|2]: ' restore case $restore in 1) $green"Installing BasicSwapDEX\n"; $nocolor ;; 2) until [[ "$wordcount" = "24" ]]; do read -p $'\nEnter your Particl Seed\n[example: word word word word word...] ' particl_mnemonic wordcount=$(echo $particl_mnemonic | wc -w) if [[ $wordcount = 24 ]]; then printf "Restoring BasicSwapDEX\n" $green"$particl_mnemonic\n";$nocolor else $red"Try again. Seed must be 24 words\n"; $nocolor fi done ;; *) $red"You must answer 1 or 2\n";$nocolor ;; esac done # Monero restore height if [[ $particl_mnemonic ]]; then read -p $'\nEnter a restore height for your BasicSwap XMR wallet? [Y/n] ' height case $height in n|N) $red"Not using a custom XMR Restore height\n";$nocolor ;; *) until [[ "$xmrrestoreheight" =~ ^[0-9]{1,7}$ ]]; do read -p $'Enter your Monero Restore Height [example: 2548568] ' xmrrestoreheight if [[ $xmrrestoreheight =~ ^[0-9]{7}$ ]]; then $green"Your XMR Restore height: $xmrrestoreheight\n"; $nocolor else $red"Try again. Must be 1-7 digits\n"; $nocolor fi done ;; esac fi ## Configure Monero printf "\n[1] Connect to a Monero node\n[2] Allow BasicSwapDEX to run a Monero node (+70GB)\n" until [[ "$l" =~ ^[12]$ ]]; do read -p 'Select an option [1|2]: ' l case $l in 1) until [[ $checknode ]]; do read -p 'Enter Address of Monero node [example:] ' monerod_addr read -p 'Enter RPC Port for the Monero node [example: 18081] ' monerod_port checknode=$(curl -sk http://$monerod_addr:$monerod_port/get_info | jq .height) if [[ $checknode ]]; then $green"Successfully connected to the XMR node @ $monerod_addr:$monerod_port\n"; $nocolor else $red"The node at $monerod_addr:$monerod_port is not accessible. Try again\n"; $nocolor fi done if [[ -z $xmrrestoreheight ]]; then xmrrestoreheight="${checknode}" fi $green"Monero wallet Restore Height set to ${xmrrestoreheight}\n"; $nocolor ;; 2) xmrrestoreheight=$(curl -s http://node3.monerodevs.org:18089/get_info | jq .height || { echo "Failed to get Monero blockchain height. Please run the installer again."; exit; }) $green"BasicSwapDEX will run the Monero node for you.\n"; $nocolor $green"Monero wallet Restore Height set to ${xmrrestoreheight}\n"; $nocolor ;; *) $red"You must answer 1 or 2\n"; $nocolor ;; esac done ## Begin Install printf "\nInstalling BasicSwapDEX\n" read -p 'Press Enter to continue, or CTRL-C to exit.' # Quest to make trasher happy addpath='PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' trasherdk=$(echo $PATH | grep -F '.local/bin') if [[ ! -d $HOME/.local/bin ]]; then mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin fi if [[ -z $trasherdk ]]; then # Bash if [[ -f $HOME/.bashrc ]]; then echo "export $addpath" | tee -a $HOME/.bashrc fi # Zsh if [[ -f $HOME/.zshrc ]]; then echo "export $addpath" | tee -a $HOME/.zshrc fi # xfce4 if [[ -f $HOME/.xsessionrc ]]; then echo "export $addpath" | tee -a $HOME/.xsessionrc fi fi # Move scripts to .local/bin if [[ -d $HOME/.local/bin/bsx ]]; then rm -r $HOME/.local/bin/bsx* $HOME/.local/bin/basicswap-bash fi cp -r basicswap-bash bsx* $HOME/.local/bin/ ## Make venv and set variables for install export monerod_addr="${monerod_addr}" export monerod_port="${monerod_port}" export particl_mnemonic="${particl_mnemonic}" export xmrrestoreheight="${xmrrestoreheight}" export tor_on="${tor_on}" export TAILS="${TAILS}" python3 -m venv "${SWAP_DATADIR}/venv" ## Activate venv $HOME/.local/bin/bsx/activate_venv.sh