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941 lines
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from Blockchain import *
import copy
class Node(object):
Node object. params [identity, blockchain (data), verbosity, difficulty]
def __init__(self, params={}):
assert len(params)==4
except AssertionError:
print("Error, Tried to create malformed node.")
self.ident = params["ident"]
self.data = params["data"]
self.diff = params["diff"]
self.verbose = params["verbose"]
self.edges = {}
def updateBlockchain(self, incBlocks, diffUpdateRate=1, mode="Nakamoto", targetRate=1.0/1209600.0):
# incBlocks shall be a dictionary of block identities (as keys) and their associated blocks (as values)
# to be added to the local data. We assume difficulty scores have been reported honestly for now.
if self.verbose:
print("\t\t Updating blockchain.")
if self.verbose:
print("\t\tAdding incoming blocks in order of parentage")
if self.verbose:
print("\t\tFirst step. incBlocks has " + str(len(incBlocks)) + " entries.")
tempData = copy.deepcopy(incBlocks)
if self.verbose:
print("\t\t Now tempData has " + str(len(tempData)) + " entries.")
for key in incBlocks:
if key in self.data["blockchain"].blocks:
del tempData[key]
elif incBlocks[key].parent in self.data["blockchain"].blocks or incBlocks[key].parent is None:
#if len(self.data["blockchain"]) % diffUpdateRate == 0:
# self.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate)
del tempData[key]
incBlocks = copy.deepcopy(tempData)
if self.verbose:
print("\t\t Now incBlocks has " + str(len(incBlocks)) + " entries.")
if self.verbose:
print("\t\tRemaining steps (while loop)")
while len(incBlocks)>0:
if self.verbose:
print("\t\t Now tempData has " + str(len(tempData.blocks)) + " entries.")
for key in incBlocks:
if key in self.data["blockchain"].blocks:
del tempData[key]
elif incBlocks[key].parent in self.data["blockchain"].blocks:
del tempData[key]
incBlocks = copy.deepcopy(tempData)
if self.verbose:
print("\t\t Now incBlocks has " + str(len(incBlocks)) + " entries.")
def updateDifficulty(self, mode="Nakamoto", targetRate=1.0/1209600.0):
# Compute the difficulty of the next block
# Note for default, targetRate = two weeks/period, seven days/week, 24 hours/day, 60 minutes/hour, 60 seconds/minute) = 1209600 seconds/period
if mode=="Nakamoto":
# Use MLE estimate of poisson process, compare to targetRate, update by multiplying by resulting ratio.
if self.verbose:
print("Beginning update of difficulty with Nakamoto method")
count = 2016
bc = self.data["blockchain"]
if self.verbose:
print("Checking that blockchain is 2016*n blocks long and some mining identity has been set")
if len(bc.blocks) % 2016 == 0 and len(bc.miningIdents) > 0:
ident = random.choice(bc.miningIdents)
topTime = copy.deepcopy(bc.blocks[ident].discoTimestamp)
parent = bc.blocks[ident].parent
count = count - 1
touched = False
while count > 0 and parent is not None:
ident = copy.deepcopy(parent)
parent = bc.blocks[ident].parent
count = count - 1
touched = True
if not touched:
mleDiscoRate = targetRate
botTime = copy.deepcopy(bc.blocks[ident].discoTimestamp)
# Algebra is okay:
assert topTime != botTime
# MLE estimate of arrivals per second:
mleDiscoRate = float(2015)/float(topTime - botTime)
# Rates can't be negative, but this estimate could be (although it's highly unlikely given Bitcoin's standard choices
# of difficulty update rate, etc.
mleDiscoRate = abs(mleDiscoRate)
if self.verbose:
print("MLE disco rate = " + str(mleDiscoRate) + " and targetRate = " + str(targetRate))
# Rate must be positive... so the MLE for block arrival rate
# assuming a Poisson process _is not even well-defined_ as
# an estimate for block arrival rate assuming timestamps are
# inaccurately reported!
# We use it nonetheless.
if self.verbose:
print("MLE discovery rate = " + str(mleDiscoRate))
print("Difficulty before adjustment = " + str(self.diff))
# Update difficulty multiplicatively
self.diff = self.diff*mleDiscoRate/targetRate
if self.verbose:
print("Difficulty after adjustment = ", str(self.diff))
elif mode=="vanSaberhagen":
# Similar to above, except use 1200 blocks, discard top 120 and bottom 120 after sorting.
# 4 minute blocks in the original cryptonote, I believe... targetRate = 1.0/
# 4 minutes/period, 60 seconds/minute ~ 240 seconds/period
# assert targetRate==1.0/240.0
count = 1200
bc = self.data["blockchain"]
assert self.diff != 0.0
if len(bc.blocks) > 120:
assert type(bc.miningIdents)==type([])
assert len(bc.miningIdents) > 0
ident = random.choice(bc.miningIdents)
bl = []
parent = bc.blocks[ident].parent
count = count - 1
while count > 0 and parent is not None:
ident = copy.deepcopy(parent)
parent = bc.blocks[ident].parent
count = count-1
# sort
bl = sorted(bl)
assert len(bl)<=1200
#print("Sample size = " + str(len(bl)))
# remove 10 and 90 %-iles
numOutliers = round(len(bl)/5)//2
assert numOutliers <= 120
#print("Number of outliers = " + str(numOutliers))
if numOutliers > 0:
bl = bl[numOutliers:-numOutliers]
#print("New Sample Size = " + str(len(bl)))
# get topTime and botTime
if self.verbose:
print("bl[0] = " + str(bl[0]) + ",\tbl[-1] = " + str(bl[-1]))
topTime = bl[-1]
botTime = bl[0]
if self.verbose:
print("list of timestamps = " + str(bl))
print("topTime = " + str(bl[-1]))
print("botTime = " + str(bl[0]))
# Assert algebra will work
# 1200 - 2*120 = 1200 - 240 = 960
assert 0 < len(bl) and len(bl) < 961
assert topTime - botTime >= 0.0
# Sort of the MLE: # blocks/difference in reported times
# But not the MLE, since the reported times may not be
# the actual times, the "difference in reported times" !=
# "ground truth difference in block discoery times" in general
naiveDiscoRate = (960 - count)/(topTime - botTime)
# How much should difficulty change?
self.diff = self.diff*(naiveDiscoRate/targetRate)
elif mode=="MOM:expModGauss":
# Similar to "vanSaberhagen" except with 2-minute blocks and
# we attempt to take into account that "difference in timestamps"
# can be negative by:
# 1) insisting that the ordering induced by the blockchain and
# 2) modeling timestamps as exponentially modified gaussian.
# If timestamps are T = X + Z where X is exponentially dist-
# ributed with parameter lambda and Z is some Gaussian
# noise with average mu and variance sigma2, then we can est-
# imate sigma2, mu, and lambda:
# mu ~ mean - stdev*(skewness/2)**(1.0/3.0)
# sigma2 ~ variance*(1-(skewness/2)**(2.0/3.0))
# lambda ~ (1.0/(stdev))*(2/skewness)**(1.0/3.0)
assert targetRate==1.0/120.0
count = 1200
bc = self.data["blockchain"]
if len(bc.miningIdents) > 0:
ident = random.choice(bc.miningIdents)
bl = []
parent = bc.blocks[ident].parent
count = count - 1
while count > 0 and parent is not None:
ident = copy.deepcopy(parent)
parent = bc.blocks[ident].parent
count = count-1
if len(bl) > 120:
sk = skew(bl)
va = var(bl)
stdv = sqrt(va)
lam = (1.0/stdv)*(2.0/sk)**(1.0/3.0)
lam = targetRate # we will not change difficulty unless we have at least 120 blocks of data (arbitrarily selected)
self.diff = self.diff*(lam/targetRate)
print("Error, invalid difficulty mode entered.")
def propagate(self, t, blockIdent):
for edgeIdent in self.edges:
e = self.edges[edgeIdent]
l = e.data["length"]
toa = t + l
mIdent = e.getNeighbor(self.ident)
m = e.nodes[mIdent]
bc = m.data["blockchain"]
if blockIdent not in bc.blocks:
pB = e.data["pendingBlocks"]
pendingIdent = newIdent(len(pB))
mybc = self.data["blockchain"]
pendingDat = {"timeOfArrival":toa, "destIdent":mIdent, "block":mybc.blocks[blockIdent]}
class Test_Node(unittest.TestCase):
# TODO test each method separately
'''def test_nakamoto(self):
print("Beginning test of Nakamoto difficulty adjustment")
print("Setting initial values")
target = 100.0 # rate = blocks/s
verbose = False
deltaT = 1.0/target # forced wait time
arrivalList = []
print("Generating node")
nellyIdent = newIdent(0)
offset = random.random()
intensity = random.random()
print("Generating initial blockchain")
# Create a new initial blockchain object
bill = Blockchain([], verbosity=verbose)
name = newIdent(0)
t = time.time()
t += offset
s = t+random.random()
diff = 1.0
oldDiff = copy.deepcopy(diff)
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":None, "diff":diff}
genesis = Block(params)
print("Adding block")
# Check that it consists only of the genesis block
self.assertTrue(genesis.ident in bill.blocks)
self.assertTrue(genesis.parent is None)
print("Finish creating node")
# Create node with this blockchain.
nodeData = {"blockchain":bill, "intensity":intensity, "offset":offset}
params = {"ident":nellyIdent, "data":nodeData, "diff":diff, "verbose":verbose}
nelly = Node(params)
# Check node creation worked
self.assertEqual(nelly.ident, nellyIdent)
self.assertEqual(nelly.data["blockchain"], bill)
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, diff)
self.assertEqual(nelly.data["intensity"], intensity)
self.assertEqual(nelly.data["offset"], offset)
# Sleep and add a block on top of genesis
if verbose:
print("Giving genesis block a child")
name = newIdent(1)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
diff = oldDiff
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":genesis.ident, "diff":diff}
blockA = Block(params)
oldIdent = blockA.ident
# Check this worked
self.assertTrue(blockA.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
self.assertTrue(genesis.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
self.assertEqual(genesis.ident, nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks[blockA.ident].parent)
print("Updating difficulty")
# Update the difficulty score
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = target) # With only two blocks, nothing should change.
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, oldDiff)
# Print regardless of verbosity:
print("Now generating first difficulty adjustment period.")
# Now we are going to fast forward to right before the first difficulty adjustment.
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
while(N < 2015):
if N % 100 == 0:
print("\tN=" + str(N))
name = newIdent(N)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
diff = nelly.diff
oldDiff = diff
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":oldIdent, "diff":diff}
oldIdent = copy.deepcopy(name)
block = Block(params)
# Check this worked
self.assertTrue(block.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update the difficulty score
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = target) # With N < 2016, nothing should change.
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, oldDiff)
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
name = newIdent(N)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
diff = oldDiff
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":oldIdent, "diff":diff}
block = Block(params)
# Check this worked
self.assertTrue(block.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update the difficulty score
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = target) # With N < 2016, nothing should change.
# Note: 2016 blocks is 2015 block inter-arrival times.
expRatioNumerator = float(2015)/(arrivalList[-1] - arrivalList[-2016])
expRatio = expRatioNumerator/target
expDiff = oldDiff*expRatio
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, expDiff)
# The following should fail, because our sample size is incorrect.
expRatioNumerator = float(2016)/(arrivalList[-1] - arrivalList[-2016])
expRatio = expRatioNumerator/target
expDiff = oldDiff*expRatio
self.assertFalse(nelly.diff - expDiff == 0.0)
# Print regardless of verbosity:
print("Now generating second difficulty adjustment period.")
# Now we are going to fast forward to right before the next difficulty adjustment.
# This time, though, we are going to re-set the block inter-arrival time deltaT
# to half. This should drive difficulty up.
lastDifficultyScore = copy.deepcopy(nelly.diff)
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
while(N < 4031):
if N % 100 == 0:
print("\tN=" + str(N))
name = newIdent(N)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
diff = nelly.diff
oldDiff = diff
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":oldIdent, "diff":diff}
oldIdent = copy.deepcopy(name)
block = Block(params)
# Check this worked
self.assertTrue(block.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update the difficulty score
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = target) # With N < 2016, nothing should change.
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, oldDiff)
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Now if we add a single new block, we should trigger difficulty adjustment.
name = newIdent(N)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
diff = oldDiff
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":oldIdent, "diff":diff}
block = Block(params)
# Check this worked
self.assertTrue(block.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update the difficulty score.
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = target)
expRatioNumerator = float(2015)/(arrivalList[-1] - arrivalList[-2016])
expRatio = expRatioNumerator/target
expDiff = oldDiff*expRatio
print("expRatio = " + str(expRatio) + ", lastDifficultyScore = " + str(lastDifficultyScore) + ", new difficulty = " + str(nelly.diff))
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, expDiff)
def test_vs(self):
print("Beginning test of vanSaberhagen difficulty adjustment.")
print("Setting initial values")
target = 10.0 # 1.0/240.0 # rate = blocks/s
verbose = False
deltaT = 1.0/target # forced wait time
arrivalList = []
print("Instantiating new node")
nellyIdent = newIdent(0)
offset = random.random()
intensity = random.random()
print("Creating new blockchain for new node")
# Create a new initial blockchain object
bill = Blockchain([], verbosity=verbose)
name = newIdent(0)
t = time.time()
t += offset
s = t+random.random()
diff = 1.0
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":None, "diff":diff}
genesis = Block(params)
print("Adding genesis block")
# Check that it consists only of the genesis block
self.assertTrue(genesis.ident in bill.blocks)
self.assertTrue(genesis.parent is None)
self.assertTrue(genesis.ident in bill.leaves)
print("Making node")
# Create node with this blockchain.
nodeData = {"blockchain":bill, "intensity":intensity, "offset":offset}
params = {"ident":nellyIdent, "data":nodeData, "diff":diff, "verbose":verbose}
nelly = Node(params)
# Check node creation worked
self.assertEqual(nelly.ident, nellyIdent)
self.assertEqual(nelly.data["blockchain"], bill)
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, diff)
self.assertEqual(nelly.data["intensity"], intensity)
self.assertEqual(nelly.data["offset"], offset)
# Sleep and add a block on top of genesis
if verbose:
print("Give genesis a child")
name = newIdent(1)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
oldDiff = copy.deepcopy(diff)
diff = copy.deepcopy(nelly.diff)
assert diff != 0.0
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":genesis.ident, "diff":diff}
blockA = Block(params)
oldIdent = blockA.ident
# Check this worked
self.assertTrue(blockA.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
self.assertTrue(genesis.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
self.assertEqual(genesis.ident, nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks[blockA.ident].parent)
# Update the difficulty score
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = target) # With only two blocks, nothing should change.
assert nelly.diff != 0.0
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, oldDiff)
self.assertFalse(nelly.diff == -0.0)
# Print regardless of verbosity:
print("Now generating fulls sample size.")
# Now we are going to fast forward to a "full sample size" period of time.
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
while(N < 1200):
name = newIdent(N)
if N % 100 == 0:
print("\tNow adding block N=" + str(N))
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
oldDiff = copy.deepcopy(diff)
diff = copy.deepcopy(nelly.diff)
assert diff != 0.0
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":oldIdent, "diff":diff}
oldIdent = copy.deepcopy(name)
block = Block(params)
# Check this worked
self.assertTrue(block.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update the difficulty score
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = target) # With N < 100, nothing should change.
if N < 100:
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, oldDiff)
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
print("Adding one more block")
name = newIdent(N)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
oldDiff = diff
diff = nelly.diff
assert diff != 0.0
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":oldIdent, "diff":nelly.diff}
block = Block(params)
# Check this worked
self.assertTrue(block.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update the difficulty score
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = target) # With N < 2016, nothing should change.
# Note: 2016 blocks is 2015 block inter-arrival times.
print(str(arrivalList[-120]) + ", " + str(arrivalList[-1080]) + ", " + str(arrivalList[-120]-arrivalList[-1080]) + ", " + str(float(959)/(arrivalList[-120]-arrivalList[-1080]))+ ", " + str(float(float(959)/(arrivalList[-120]-arrivalList[-1080]))/float(target)))
expRatioNumerator = float(959)/(arrivalList[-120] - arrivalList[-1080])
expRatio = expRatioNumerator/target
expDiff = oldDiff*expRatio
print("expDiff = " + str(expDiff) + " and nelly.diff = " + str(nelly.diff))
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, expDiff)
# Print regardless of verbosity:
print("Now fast forwarding past the tail end of the last period..")
# Now we are going to fast forward to right before the next difficulty adjustment.
# This time, though, we are going to re-set the block inter-arrival time deltaT
# to half. This should drive difficulty up.
lastDifficultyScore = copy.deepcopy(nelly.diff)
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
while(N < 1700):
name = newIdent(N)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
diff = nelly.diff
oldDiff = diff
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":oldIdent, "diff":diff}
oldIdent = copy.deepcopy(name)
block = Block(params)
# Check this worked
self.assertTrue(block.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update the difficulty score
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = target) # With N < 2016, nothing should change.
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, oldDiff)
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Now if we add a single new block, we should trigger difficulty adjustment.
name = newIdent(N)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
diff = oldDiff
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":oldIdent, "diff":diff}
block = Block(params)
# Check this worked
self.assertTrue(block.ident in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update the difficulty score.
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = target)
expRatioNumerator = float(959)/(arrivalList[-120] - arrivalList[-1080])
expRatio = expRatioNumerator/target
expDiff = oldDiff*expRatio
print("expRatio = " + str(expRatio) + ", lastDifficultyScore = " + str(lastDifficultyScore) + ", new difficulty = " + str(nelly.diff))
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, expDiff)
def test_modexp(self):
'''# Check this worked
if mode == "Nakamoto":
# In this case we take simple MLE estimate
ratio = 1.0/abs(t1-t)
print("Nakamoto mle = " + str(ratio))
ratio = ratio/target
print("Normalized = " + str(ratio))
print("New diff = " + str(ratio*oldDiff))
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, ratio*oldDiff)
elif mode == "vanSaberhagen":
# In this case, with only 2 blocks, we just use simple MLE again
ratio = 1.0/abs(t1-t)
ratio = ratio/target
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, ratio*oldDiff)
elif mode == "MOM:expModGauss":
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, 1.0)
# With at least 120 blocks of data...
#sk = skew(bl)
#va = var(bl)
#stdv = sqrt(va)
#lam = (1.0/stdv)*(2.0/sk)**(1.0/3.0)
#self.diff = self.diff*(lam/targetRate)
# Otherwise, set to 1.0
print("what world are you living in?")
if verbose:
print("sleeping 1 seconds")
listOfTimes = [copy.deepcopy(t), copy.deepcopy(t1)]
listOfBlocks = []
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
lastIdent = blockA.ident
bail = False
while N < 10 and not bail:
# Generate new block
name = newIdent(N)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
oldDiff = copy.deepcopy(nelly.diff)
print("Current difficulty = ", oldDiff)
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":lastIdent, "diff":oldDiff}
newBlock = Block(params)
# Append new block to running list along with creation time
# Update nelly's blockchain with newBlock
lastIdent = name
# Quick check that this worked:
self.assertTrue(name in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
self.assertEqual(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks), N+1)
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update difficulty
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = 100.0)
# Quick check that this worked:
if mode == "Nakamoto":
# In this case we take use top block and genesis block
ratio = float(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks) - 1)/(listOfTimes[-1] - listOfTimes[0])
ratio = ratio / target
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, ratio*oldDiff)
print("Hoped for difficulty = " + str(oldDiff*ratio) + ", and computed = " + str(nelly.diff))
elif mode == "vanSaberhagen":
# This case coincides with nakamoto until block 10
ratio = float( len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks) - 1)/(listOfTimes[-1] - listOfTimes[0])
ratio = ratio / target
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, ratio*oldDiff)
elif mode == "MOM:expModGauss":
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, 1.0)
# With at least 120 blocks of data...
#sk = skew(bl)
#va = var(bl)
#stdv = sqrt(va)
#lam = (1.0/stdv)*(2.0/sk)**(1.0/3.0)
#self.diff = self.diff*(lam/targetRate)
# Otherwise, set to 1.0
print("what world are you living in?")
# Sleep a random time
print("Sleeping a random sub-second, working on block " + str(N))
deltaT = deltaT*ratio
while N < 120 and not bail:
# Generate new block
name = newIdent(N)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
oldDiff = copy.deepcopy(nelly.diff)
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":lastIdent, "diff":oldDiff}
newBlock = Block(params)
# Append new block to running list along with creation time
# Update nelly's blockchain with newBlock
lastIdent = name
# Quick check that this worked:
self.assertTrue(name in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
self.assertEqual(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks), N+1)
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update difficulty
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = 100.0)
# Quick check that this worked:
if mode == "Nakamoto":
# In this case we take use top block and genesis block
ratio = float(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)-1)/(listOfTimes[-1] - listOfTimes[0])
ratio = ratio / target
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, oldDiff*ratio)
print("Hoped for difficulty = " + str(oldDiff*ratio) + ", and computed = " + str(nelly.diff))
elif mode == "vanSaberhagen":
# This case no longer coincides with Nakamoto...
numOutliers = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)//10
numOutliers = min(numOutliers, 120)
ratio = float(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks) - 2*numOutliers - 1)/(listOfTimes[-numOutliers] - listOfTimes[numOutliers])
ratio = ratio / target
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, oldDiff*ratio)
elif mode == "MOM:expModGauss":
# With at least 120 blocks of data...
count = 1200
bl = []
parent = bc.blocks[lastIdent].parent
count = count - 1
while count > 0 and parent is not None:
ident = copy.deepcopy(parent)
parent = bc.blocks[ident].parent
count = count-1
if len(bl) > 120:
sk = skew(bl)
va = var(bl)
stdv = sqrt(va)
lam = (1.0/stdv)*(2.0/sk)**(1.0/3.0)
lam = target
ratio = lam/target
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, oldDiff*ratio)
print("what world are you living in?")
# Sleep a random time
print("Sleeping a random sub-second, working on block " + str(N))
deltaT = deltaT*ratio
while N < 2400 and not bail:
# Generate new block
name = newIdent(N)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
oldDiff = copy.deepcopy(nelly.diff)
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":lastIdent, "diff":oldDiff}
newBlock = Block(params)
# Append new block to running list along with creation time
# Update nelly's blockchain with newBlock
lastIdent = name
# Quick check that this worked:
self.assertTrue(name in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
self.assertEqual(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks), N+1)
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update difficulty
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = 100.0)
# Quick check that this worked:
if mode == "Nakamoto":
# In this case we take use top block and genesis block
ratio = float(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)-1)/(listOfTimes[-1] - listOfTimes[0])
ratio = ratio / target
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, oldDiff*ratio)
print("Hoped for difficulty = " + str(oldDiff*ratio) + ", and computed = " + str(nelly.diff))
elif mode == "vanSaberhagen":
# This case no longer coincides with Nakamoto...
numOutliers = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)//10
numOutliers = min(numOutliers, 120)
ratio = float(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks) - 2*numOutliers - 1)/(listOfTimes[-numOutliers] - listOfTimes[numOutliers])
ratio = ratio / target
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, ratio*oldDiff)
elif mode == "MOM:expModGauss":
# With at least 120 blocks of data...
count = 1200
bl = []
parent = bc.blocks[lastIdent].parent
count = count - 1
while count > 0 and parent is not None:
ident = copy.deepcopy(parent)
parent = bc.blocks[ident].parent
count = count-1
if len(bl) > 120:
sk = skew(bl)
va = var(bl)
stdv = sqrt(va)
lam = (1.0/stdv)*(2.0/sk)**(1.0/3.0)
lam = targetRate
ratio = lam/targetRate
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, ratio*oldDiff)
print("what world are you living in?")
# Sleep a random time
print("Sleeping a random sub-second, working on block " + str(N))
deltaT = deltaT*ratio
while N < 3600 and not bail:
# Generate new block
name = newIdent(N)
t = time.time()
t += nelly.data["offset"]
s = t+random.random()
oldDiff = nelly.diff
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":lastIdent, "diff":oldDiff}
newBlock = Block(params)
# Append new block to running list along with creation time
# Update nelly's blockchain with newBlock
lastIdent = name
# Quick check that this worked:
self.assertTrue(name in nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
self.assertEqual(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks), N+1)
N = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)
# Update difficulty
nelly.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate = 100.0)
# Quick check that this worked:
if mode == "Nakamoto":
# In this case we take use top block and genesis block
ratio = float(2400)/(listOfTimes[-1] - listOfTimes[-2400])
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, ratio*oldDiff)
elif mode == "vanSaberhagen":
# This case no longer coincides with Nakamoto...
numOutliers = len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks)//10
numOutliers = min(numOutliers, 120)
ratio = float(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks) - 2*numOutliers)/(listOfTimes[-numOutliers] - listOfTimes[numOutliers])
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, ratio*oldDiff)
elif mode == "MOM:expModGauss":
# With at least 120 blocks of data...
count = 1200
bl = []
parent = bc.blocks[lastIdent].parent
count = count - 1
while count > 0 and parent is not None:
ident = copy.deepcopy(parent)
parent = bc.blocks[ident].parent
count = count-1
if len(bl) > 120:
sk = skew(bl)
va = var(bl)
stdv = sqrt(va)
lam = (1.0/stdv)*(2.0/sk)**(1.0/3.0)
lam = targetRate
ratio = lam/targetRate
self.assertEqual(nelly.diff, ratio*oldDiff)
print("what world are you living in?")
# Sleep a random time
print("Sleeping a random sub-second, working on block " + str(N))
deltaT = deltaT*ratio
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_Node)