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#see https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098.pdf
#this one is same as MLSAG.py, I'm just experimenting with
#how to best implement it..
import MiniNero
import PaperWallet
def keyVector(rows):
return [None] * rows
def keyMatrix(rows, cols):
#first index is columns (so slightly backward from math)
rv = [None] * cols
for i in range(0, cols):
rv[i] = keyVector(rows)
return rv
def hashKeyVector(v):
return [MiniNero.hashToPoint_cn(vi) for vi in v]
def vScalarMultBase(v):
return [MiniNero.scalarmultBase(a) for a in v]
def keyImageV(x):
#takes as input a keyvector, returns the keyimage-vector
return [MiniNero.scalarmultKey(MiniNero.hashToPoint_cn(MiniNero.scalarmultBase(xx)), xx) for xx in x]
def skvGen(n):
return [PaperWallet.skGen() for i in range(0, n)]
def skmGen(r, c):
rv = keyMatrix(r, c)
for i in range(0, c):
rv[i] = skvGen(r)
return rv
def MLSAG_Gen(pk, xx, index ):
rows = len(xx)
cols = len(pk)
print("Generating MG sig of size ", rows, "x", cols)
print("index is:", index)
print("checking if I can actually sign")
print([MiniNero.scalarmultBase(x) for x in xx])
c= [None] * cols
alpha = skvGen(rows)
I = keyImageV(xx)
L = keyMatrix(rows, cols)
R = keyMatrix(rows, cols)
s = keyMatrix(rows, cols)
m = ''.join(pk[0])
for i in range(1, cols):
m = m + ''.join(pk[i])
L[index] = [MiniNero.scalarmultBase(aa) for aa in alpha] #L = aG
Hi = hashKeyVector(pk[index])
R[index] = [MiniNero.scalarmultKey(Hi[ii], alpha[ii]) for ii in range(0, rows)] #R = aI
oldi = index
i = (index + 1) % cols
c[i] = MiniNero.cn_fast_hash(m+''.join(L[oldi]) + ''.join(R[oldi]))
while i != index:
s[i] = skvGen(rows)
L[i] = [MiniNero.addKeys1(s[i][j], c[i], pk[i][j]) for j in range(0, rows)]
Hi = hashKeyVector(pk[i])
R[i] = [MiniNero.addKeys2( s[i][j], Hi[j], c[i], I[j]) for j in range(0, rows)]
oldi = i
i = (i + 1) % cols
c[i] = MiniNero.cn_fast_hash(m+''.join(L[oldi]) + ''.join(R[oldi]))
print("L", L)
print("R", R)
s[index] = [MiniNero.sc_mulsub_keys(alpha[j], c[index], xx[j]) for j in range(0, rows)] #alpha - c * x
return I, c[0], s
def MLSAG_Ver(pk, I, c0, s ):
rows = len(pk[0])
cols = len(pk)
print("verifying MG sig of dimensions ",rows ,"x ", cols)
c= [None] * (cols + 1)
c[0] = c0
L = keyMatrix(rows, cols)
R = keyMatrix(rows, cols)
m = ''.join(pk[0])
for i in range(1, cols):
m = m + ''.join(pk[i])
i = 0
while i < cols:
L[i] = [MiniNero.addKeys1(s[i][j], c[i], pk[i][j]) for j in range(0, rows)]
Hi = hashKeyVector(pk[i])
R[i] = [MiniNero.addKeys2( s[i][j], Hi[j], c[i], I[j]) for j in range(0, rows)]
oldi = i
i = i + 1
c[i] = MiniNero.cn_fast_hash(m+''.join(L[oldi]) + ''.join(R[oldi]))
print("L", L)
print("R", R)
print("c", c)
return (c0 == c[cols])