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synced 2025-03-23 15:48:49 +00:00
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from Blockchain import *
from copy import *
class Node(object):
Node object. params [identity, blockchain (data), verbosity, difficulty]
def __init__(self, params={}):
self.ident = None
self.data = {}
self.verbose = None
self.edges = {}
self.mode = None
self.targetRate = None
assert len(params)==5
except AssertionError:
print("Error, Tried to create malformed node.")
self.ident = params["ident"]
self.data = params["data"]
self.verbose = params["verbose"]
self.edges = {}
self.mode = params["mode"]
self.targetRate = params["targetRate"]
def generateBlock(self, discoTime):
newName = newIdent(len(self.data["blockchain"].blocks))
t = discoTime
s = t+self.data["offset"]
diff = self.data["blockchain"].diff
params = {"ident":newName, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":None, "diff":diff}
newBlock = Block(params)
return newName
def updateBlockchain(self, incBlocks):
# incBlocks shall be a dictionary of block identities (as keys) and their associated blocks (as values)
# to be added to the local data. We assume difficulty scores have been reported honestly for now.
tempData = deepcopy(incBlocks)
for key in incBlocks:
if key in self.data["blockchain"].blocks:
del tempData[key]
elif incBlocks[key].parent in self.data["blockchain"].blocks or incBlocks[key].parent is None:
del tempData[key]
incBlocks = deepcopy(tempData)
while len(incBlocks)>0:
for key in incBlocks:
if key in self.data["blockchain"].blocks:
del tempData[key]
elif incBlocks[key].parent in self.data["blockchain"].blocks:
self.data["blockchain"].addBlock(incBlocks[key], self.mode, self.targetRate)
del tempData[key]
incBlocks = deepcopy(tempData)
def propagate(self, timeOfProp, blockIdent):
for edgeIdent in self.edges:
edge = self.edges[edgeIdent]
length = edge.data["length"]
timeOfArrival = timeOfProp + length
otherIdent = edge.getNeighbor(self.ident)
other = edge.nodes[otherIdent]
bc = other.data["blockchain"]
if blockIdent not in bc.blocks:
pB = edge.data["pendingBlocks"]
pendingIdent = newIdent(len(pB))
mybc = self.data["blockchain"]
blockToProp = mybc.blocks[blockIdent]
pendingDat = {"timeOfArrival":timeOfArrival, "destIdent":otherIdent, "block":blockToProp}
class Test_Node(unittest.TestCase):
# TODO test each method separately
def test_all(self):
bill = Blockchain([], verbosity=True)
tr = 1.0/600000.0
deltaT = 600000.0
bill.targetRate = tr
name = newIdent(0)
t = 0.0
s = t
diff = 1.0
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":None, "diff":diff}
genesis = Block(params)
bill.addBlock(genesis, mode, tr)
parent = genesis.ident
nellyname = newIdent(time.time())
mode = "Nakamoto"
targetRate = 1.0/600000.0
params = {"ident":nellyname, "data":{"offset":0.0, "intensity":1.0, "blockchain":bill}, "verbose":True, "mode":mode, "targetRate":targetRate}
nelly = Node(params)
while len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks) < 2015:
name = newIdent(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks))
diff = nelly.data["blockchain"].diff
t += deltaT*diff*(2.0*random.random()-1.0)
s = t
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":parent, "diff":diff}
newBlock = Block(params)
parent = name
while len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks) < 5000:
name = newIdent(len(nelly.data["blockchain"].blocks))
diff = nelly.data["blockchain"].diff
t += deltaT*diff
s = t
params = {"ident":name, "disco":t, "arriv":s, "parent":parent, "diff":diff}
newBlock = Block(params)
parent = name
#suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_Node)