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synced 2025-03-22 23:28:51 +00:00
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110 lines
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import Crypto.Random.random as rand
import itertools
import math #for log
import sys
def decomposition(i):
#from stack exchange, don't think it's uniform
while i > 0:
n = rand.randint(1, i)
yield n
i -= n
def Decomposition(i):
while True:
l = list(decomposition(i))
if len(set(l)) == len(l):
return l
def decomposition2(n, s, d, k):
#home-brewed, returns no duplicates, includes the number d
s = s - 1
n = n
while True:
a = [d]
nn = n
for i in range(0, s):
a.append(rand.randint(0, n))
#print("a", a)
b = []
c = []
while len(a) > 0:
t = a.pop()
#print(t, a)
if t >= d:
b.append(nn - t)
c.append(nn - t)
nn = t
tot = b[:] + c[:]
#print("b", b)
if sum(set(tot)) == n and len(c) > int(k):
return sorted(c), sorted(b)
def decomposition3(n, s, d, k):
#a combination of both methods, designed to get some smaller values
send, change = decomposition2(n, s, d, k)
for i in send:
if i > n / s:
send = send + list(Decomposition(i))
for i in change:
if i > n / (s - 1):
change = change + list(Decomposition(i))
return send, change
def divv(l, m):
return [a /float( m) for a in l]
def frexp10(x):
exp = int(math.log10(x))
return x / 10**exp, exp
def decideAmounts(totalInputs, toSend, Partitions, k, fuzz):
#fuzz is an optional amount to fuzz the transaction by
#so if you start with a big obvious number like 2000, it might be fuzzed by up to "fuzz" amount
fz = rand.randint(0, int(fuzz * 1000) ) / 1000.0
toSend += fz
g, ii =frexp10(totalInputs)
ii = 10 ** (-1 * min(ii - 2, 0))
print("ii", ii)
M = 10 ** (int(math.log(2 ** Partitions) / math.log(10))) * ii
#M = 10 ** M
print("multiplier:", M)
totalInputs = int(totalInputs * M)
toSend = int(toSend * M)
change = totalInputs - toSend
send_amounts, change_amounts = decomposition3(totalInputs, Partitions, toSend, k)
all_amounts = send_amounts[:] + change_amounts[:]
print("change amounts:", divv(change_amounts, M))
print("send amounts:", divv(send_amounts, M))
print("now from the following, how much is sent?")
print("all amounts:", sorted(divv(all_amounts, M)))
print("possible sent amounts:")
amounts = []
for L in range(0, len(all_amounts)+1):
for subset in itertools.combinations(all_amounts, L):
print("number of possible sent amounts:")
print("2^N:", 2 ** len(all_amounts))
print("number of possible sent amounts duplicates removed:")
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
kk = 2
parts = 7
kk = rand.randint(1, int(parts / 4)) #how many sends to demand
fuzz = 1
decideAmounts(float(sys.argv[1]), float(sys.argv[2]), parts, kk, fuzz)