from Edge import * class Graph(object): ''' Graph object. Contains some data, a dict of nodes, and a dict of edges. ''' def __init__(self, params={}, verbosity=True): self.verbose = verbosity self.nodes = {} self.edges = {} def createGraph(self, numNodes, probEdge, maxNeighbors): # Create a new random graph with numNodes nodes, a # likelihood any unordered pair of vertices has an edge # probEdge, and maximum number of neighbors per node # maxNeighbors. # First, include inputted information into{"probEdge":probEdge, "maxNeighbors":maxNeighbors}) # Next, for each node to be added, create the node and name it. for i in range(numNodes): nIdent = newIdent(i) bl = Blockchain([], verbosity=True) dat = {"blockchain":bl, "intensity":newIntensity(["uniform"]), "offset":newOffset("sumOfSkellams")} # A node needs an ident, a data object, a verbosity, and a difficulty n = Node([nIdent, dat, self.verbose, 1.0]) self.nodes.update({n.ident:n}) # Next, for each possible node pair, decide if an edge exists. touched = {} # Dummy list of node pairs we have already considered. for nIdent in self.nodes: n = self.nodes[nIdent] # Pick a node for mIdent in self.nodes: m = self.nodes[mIdent] # Pick a pair element notSameNode = (nIdent != mIdent) # Ensure we aren't dealing with (x,x) nOpenSlots = (len(n.edges) <["maxNeighbors"]) # ensure both nodes have open slots available for new edges mOpenSlots = (len(m.edges) <["maxNeighbors"]) untouched = ((nIdent, mIdent) not in touched) # make sure the pair and its transposition have not been touched dehcuotnu = ((mIdent, nIdent) not in touched) if notSameNode and nOpenSlots and mOpenSlots and untouched and dehcuotnu: # Mark pair as touhed touched.update({(nIdent,mIdent):True, (mIdent,nIdent):True}) if random.random() <["probEdge"]: # Determine if edge should exist and if so, add it. nonce = len(self.edges) e = Edge([newIdent(nonce),{"length":random.random(), "pendingBlocks":[]},self.verbose]) e.nodes.update({n.ident:n, m.ident:m}) self.nodes[nIdent].edges.update({e.ident:e}) self.nodes[mIdent].edges.update({e.ident:e}) self.edges.update({e.ident:e}) def addNode(self): # Add new node n = Node([newIdent(len(self.nodes)), {}, self.verbose, 1.0]) self.nodes.update({n.ident:n}) for mIdent in self.nodes: # For every other node, check if an edge should exist and if so add it. m = self.nodes[mIdent] notSameNode = (n.ident != mIdent) nOpenSlots = (len(n.edges) <["maxNeighbors"]) mOpenSlots = (len(m.edges) <["maxNeighbors"]) if notSameNode and nOpenSlots and mOpenSlots and random.random() <["probEdge"]: nonce = len(self.edges) e = Edge([newIdent(nonce), {"length":random.random(), "pendingBlocks":[]}, self.verbose]) e.nodes.update({n.ident:n, m.ident:m}) n.edges.update({e.ident:e}) self.nodes[mIdent].edges.update({e.ident:e}) self.edges.update({e.ident:e}) return n.ident def delNode(self, ident): # Remove a node and wipe all memory of its edges from history. edgesToDelete = self.nodes[ident].edges for edgeIdent in edgesToDelete: e = edgesToDelete[edgeIdent] otherIdent = e.getNeighbor(ident) del self.edges[edgeIdent] del self.nodes[otherIdent].edges[edgeIdent] del self.nodes[ident] class Test_Graph(unittest.TestCase): def test_graph(self): greg = Graph() greg.createGraph(3, 0.5, 10) self.assertEqual(len(greg.nodes),3) greg.addNode() self.assertEqual(len(greg.nodes),4) for edge in greg.edges: self.assertEqual(len(greg.edges[edge].nodes),2) nodeToKill = random.choice(list(greg.nodes.keys())) greg.delNode(nodeToKill) for edge in greg.edges: self.assertEqual(len(greg.edges[edge].nodes),2) for nodeIdent in greg.edges[edge].nodes: self.assertTrue(nodeIdent in greg.nodes) suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_Graph) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite)