import unittest, copy, random, math, time from scipy.stats import skew from numpy import var from numpy import random as nprandom #TODO:["blockchain"] != def newIdent(params): nonce = params # Generate new random identity. return hash(str(nonce) + str(random.random())) def newIntensity(params): mode = params if mode=="uniform": return random.random() def newOffset(params): mode = params if mode=="unifDST": r = 2.0*random.random() - 1.0 # hours r = 60.0*60.0*r #60 min/hr, 60 sec/min return r if mode=="sumOfSkellams": # This mode uses a skellam distribution, which is # the difference of two poisson-distributed random # variables. # HourOffset = skellam # SecondOffset = skellam # TotalOffset = 60*60*HourOffset + 60*MinuteOffset + SecondOffset # Each skellam = poisson(1) - poisson(1) # Reasoning: We consider most computers' local time offset from UTC # to be a two time-scale random variable, one on the hour scale and one on # the second scale. We make x = nprandom.poisson(1, (2,2)) totalOffset = 60.0*60.0*float(x[0][0] - x[1][0]) + float((x[0][1] - x[1][1])) return totalOffset class FishGraph(StochasticProcess): ''' Stochastic process on a graph with the graph growing in a stochastic process too ''' # TODO: Check if output.txt exists before beginning. If so, clear it and create a new one. # TODO: Instead of/in addition to storing graph data in a text file, can we plot with ggplot in R? def __init__(self, params=None, verbosity=True): # Initialize assert "maxTime" in params self.maxTime = copy.deepcopy(params["maxTime"]) del params["maxTime"] assert "numNodes" in params numNodes = params["numNodes"] del params["numNodes"] = params self.t = 0.0 self.state = Graph() self.filename = "output.txt" self.verbose = verbosity # Create graph self.state.createGraph(numNodes,["probEdge"],["maxNeighbors"]) # Update node data for nIdent in self.state.nodes: n = self.state.nodes[nIdent] difficulty = 1.0 intensity = newIntensity(params="uniform") offset = newOffset(params="sumOfSkellams") dat = {"intensity":intensity, "offset":offset, "blockchain":Blockchain([], verbosity=self.verbose)} # Update edge data. for eIdent in self.state.edges: e = self.state.edges[eIdent]{"pendingBlocks":{}}) def go(self): assert self.maxTime > 0.0 while self.t <= self.maxTime and len(self.state.nodes) > 0: deltaT = self.getNextTime() self.updateState(self.t, deltaT) self.record() def getNextTime(self): # Each Poisson process event generates an exponential random variable. # The smallest of these is selected # The rate of the smallest determines event type. eventTag = None u = 0.0 while(u == 0.0): u = copy.deepcopy(random.random()) u = -1.0*math.log(copy.deepcopy(u))/["birthRate"] # Time until next stochastic birth eventTag = "birth" v = 0.0 while(v == 0.0): v = copy.deepcopy(random.random()) v = -1.0*math.log(copy.deepcopy(v))/["deathRate"] # Time until next stochastic death if v < u: u = copy.deepcopy(v) eventTag = "death" for nIdent in self.state.nodes: n = self.state.nodes[nIdent] # n.ident = nIdent v = 0.0 while(v == 0.0): v = copy.deepcopy(random.random()) v = -1.0*math.log(copy.deepcopy(v))/["intensity"] if v < u: u = copy.deepcopy(v) eventTag = ["discovery", n.ident] # Now that all the STOCHASTIC arrivals have been decided, # We check if any of the deterministic events fire off instead. for eIdent in self.state.edges: e = self.state.edges[eIdent] # e.ident = eIdent pB =["pendingBlocks"] if len(pB) > 0: for pendingIdent in pB: arrivalInfo = pB[pendingIdent] v = arrivalInfo["timeOfArrival"] - self.t if v < u and 0.0 < v: u = copy.deepcopy(v) eventTag = ["arrival", e.ident, pendingIdent] deltaT = (u, eventTag) # Formats: # eventTag = ["arrival", e.ident, pendingIdent] # eventTag = ["discovery", n.ident] # eventTag = "death" # eventTag = "birth" return deltaT def updateState(self, t, deltaT, mode="Nakamoto", targetRate=1.0/1209600.0): # Depending on eventTag, update the state... u = deltaT[0] shout = "" eventTag = deltaT[1] if type(eventTag)==type("birthordeath"): if eventTag == "death": # Picks random nodeIdent and kills it toDie = random.choice(list(self.state.nodes.keys())) x = len(self.state.nodes) shout += "DEATH, Pop(Old)=" + str(x) + ", Pop(New)=" if self.verbose: print(shout) self.state.delNode(toDie) y = len(self.state.nodes) assert y == x - 1 shout += str(y) + "\n" elif eventTag == "birth": # Adds node with some randomly determined edges x = len(self.state.nodes) shout += "BIRTH, Pop(Old)=" + str(x) + ", Pop(New)=" if self.verbose: print(shout) nIdent = self.state.addNode() n = self.state.nodes[nIdent] intensity = random.random()/1000.0 offset = 2.0*random.random() - 1.0{"intensity":intensity, "offset":offset, "blockchain":{}}) # Auto syncs new node. for eIdent in n.edges: e = n.edges[eIdent]{"pendingBlocks":{}}) mIdent = e.getNeighbor(n.ident) m = self.state.nodes[mIdent] mdata =["blockchain"] n.updateBlockchain(mdata) y = len(self.state.nodes) assert y == x + 1 shout += str(y) + "\n" else: print("Error: eventTag had length 1 but was neighter a birth or a death, this shouldn't happen so this else case will eventually be removed, I guess? Our eventTag = ", eventTag) elif len(eventTag)==2: # Block is discovered and plunked into each edge's pendingBlock list. shout += "DISCOVERY\n" if self.verbose: print(shout) if self.verbose: print("Checking formation of eventTag = [\"discovery\", nodeIdent]") assert eventTag[0]=="discovery" assert eventTag[1] in self.state.nodes if self.verbose: print("Retrieving discoverer's identity") nIdent = eventTag[1] # get founding node's identity if self.verbose: print("Retrieving discoverer") n = self.state.nodes[nIdent] # get founding node if self.verbose: print("Computing discoverer's wall clock") s = self.t +["offset"] # get founding node's wall clock if self.verbose: print("Generating new block identity") newBlockIdent = newIdent(len(["blockchain"].blocks)) # generate new identity if self.verbose: print("Setting timestamps") disco = s arriv = s if self.verbose: print("Retrieving parent") parent =["blockchain"].miningIdent if self.verbose: print("getting difficulty") diff = copy.deepcopy(n.diff) if self.verbose: print("setting verbosity") verbosity = self.verbose if self.verbose: print("Initializing a new block") newBlock = Block([newBlockIdent, disco, arriv, parent, diff, verbosity]) if self.verbose: print("Updating discovering node's blockchain") n.updateBlockchain({newBlockIdent:newBlock}) if self.verbose: print("Computing discoverer's new difficulty") n.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate) if self.verbose: print("propagating new block.") n.propagate(self.t, newBlockIdent) if self.verbose: print("discovery complete") elif len(eventTag)==3: #eventTag = ("arrival", e.ident, pendingIdent) # A block deterministically arrives at the end of an edge. assert eventTag[0]=="arrival" shout += "ARRIVAL" if self.verbose: print(shout) eIdent = eventTag[1] pendingIdent = eventTag[2] e = self.state.edges[eIdent] pB =["pendingBlocks"] arrivalInfo = pB[pendingIdent] # arrivalInfo = {"timeOfArrival":toa, "destIdent":mIdent, "block":newBlock} assert arrivalInfo["destIdent"] in self.state.nodes assert self.t + u == arrivalInfo["timeOfArrival"] receiver = self.state.nodes[arrivalInfo["destIdent"]] arriv = self.t + u +["offset"] newBlock = arrivalInfo["block"] newBlock.arrivTimestamp = copy.deepcopy(arriv) receiver.updateBlockchain({newBlock.ident:newBlock}) receiver.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate) receiver.propagate(self.t, newBlock.ident) else: print("Error: eventTag was not a string, or not an array length 2 or 3. In fact, we have eventTag = ", eventTag) if self.verbose: print("u = ", u) self.t += u if self.verbose: print(str(self.t) + "\t" + shout) def record(self): with open(self.filename, "a") as f: line = "" # Format will be edgeIdent,nodeAident,nodeBident line += str("t=" + str(self.t) + ",") ordKeyList = sorted(list(self.state.edges.keys())) for key in ordKeyList: entry = [] entry.append(key) nodeKeyList = sorted(list(self.state.edges[key].nodes)) for kkey in nodeKeyList: entry.append(kkey) line += str(entry) + "," f.write(line + "\n") class Test_FishGraph(unittest.TestCase): def test_fishGraph(self): for i in range(10): params = {"numNodes":10, "probEdge":0.5, "maxNeighbors":10, "maxTime":10.0, "birthRate":0.1, "deathRate":0.1} greg = FishGraph(params, verbosity=True) greg.go() suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_FishGraph) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite)