import MiniNero import os import ed25519 import binascii import PaperWallet import json, hmac, hashlib, time, requests #gets xmr address, xmr amount, and pid for xmr2 order #inputs are btc destination, and amount in btc #also will return the order id, so you can track the order def btc2xmr(dest, amount): #First create the order.. url = '' payload = {'btc_dest_address' : dest, 'btc_amount' : amount} headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} r =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers) data = json.loads(r.content) uuid = data['uuid'] print("uuid=", uuid) #wait a few seconds print("waiting a few seconds for order to be created") for i in range(0, 5): print(".") time.sleep(1) #get amount, address, pid ipStatus = '' dat = { 'uuid' : uuid } r2 =, data=json.dumps(dat), headers = headers) #print(r2.text) data2 = json.loads(r2.content) xmr_amount = data2['xmr_required_amount'] xmr_addr = data2['xmr_receiving_address'] xmr_pid = data2['xmr_required_payment_id'] print("send ", str(xmr_amount), " xmr to", xmr_addr, "with pid", xmr_pid) return uuid, xmr_amount, xmr_addr, xmr_pid #dest = "1em2WCg9QKxRxbo6S3xKF2K4UDvdu6hMc" #your dest address here #amount = "0.1" #your amount here... #uuid, xmr_amount, xmr_addr, xmr_pid = btc2xmr(dest, amount)