import MiniNero
import MLSAG2
import PaperWallet
import AggregateSchnorr
import Ecdh
import Crypto.Random.random as rand

#set 8 atoms, since python is super slow on my laptop - normally this is 64 (note these range sigs are going pretty fast in the c++ version)

#implementing some types 
class ctkey(object):
    __slots__ = ['dest', 'mask']
def ctkeyV(rows):
    return [ctkey() for i in range(0, rows)]
class ecdhTuple(object):
    __slots__ = ['mask', 'amount','senderPk'] 
class asnlSig(object):
    __slots__ = ['L1', 's2','s'] 
class mgSig(object):
    __slots__ = ['ss', 'cc','II']     
class rangeSig(object):
    __slots__ = ['asig', 'Ci']         
class rctSig(object):
    __slots__ = ['rangeSigs', 'MG', 'mixRing', 'ecdhInfo','outPk']
def ctskpkGen(amount):
    sk = ctkey()
    pk = ctkey()
    sk.dest, pk.dest = PaperWallet.skpkGen()
    sk.mask, pk.mask = PaperWallet.skpkGen()
    am = MiniNero.intToHex(amount)
    aH = MiniNero.scalarmultKey(getHForCT(), am)
    pk.mask = MiniNero.addKeys(pk.mask, aH)
    return sk, pk
def getHForCT():
    return "8b655970153799af2aeadc9ff1add0ea6c7251d54154cfa92c173a0dd39c1f94"
    A = MiniNero.publicFromInt(1)
    H = MiniNero.hashToPoint_ct(A)
    return H
def getH2ForCT():
    A = MiniNero.publicFromInt(1)
    HPow2 = MiniNero.hashToPoint_ct(A)
    two = MiniNero.intToHex(2)
    H2 = [None] * ATOMS
    for i in range(0, ATOMS):
        H2[i] = HPow2
        HPow2 = MiniNero.scalarmultKey(HPow2, two)
    return H2
def d2b(n, digits):
    b = [0] * digits
    i = 0
    while n:
        b[i] = n & 1
        i = i + 1
        n >>= 1
    return b 

def b2d(binArray):
    s = 0
    i = 0
    for a in binArray:
        s = s + a * 2 ** i   
        i+= 1
    return s

def sumCi(Cis):
    CSum = MiniNero.identity()
    for i in Cis:
        CSum = MiniNero.addKeys(CSum, i)
    return CSum
    #proveRange and verRange
	#proveRange gives C, and mask such that \sumCi = C
	#   c.f. section 5.1
	#   and Ci is a commitment to either 0 or 2^i, i=0,...,63
	#   thus this proves that "amount" is in [0, 2^ATOMS]
	#   mask is a such that C = aG + bH, and b = amount
	#verRange verifies that \sum Ci = C and that each Ci is a commitment to 0 or 2^i
    #"prove" returns a rangeSig (list) containing a list [L1, s2, s] and a key64 list [C0, C1, ..., C64] of keys, it also returns C = sum(Ci) and mask, which in the c++ version are returned by reference
    #inputs key C, key mask, number amount
    #"ver" returns true or false, and inputs a key, and a rangesig list "as"
def proveRange(amount):
    bb = d2b(amount, ATOMS) #gives binary form of bb in "digits" binary digits
    print("amount, amount in binary", amount, bb)
    ai = [None] * len(bb)
    Ci = [None] * len(bb)
    CiH = [None] * len(bb) #this is like Ci - 2^i H
    H2 = getH2ForCT()
    a = MiniNero.sc_0()
    ii = [None] * len(bb)
    indi = [None] * len(bb)
    for i in range(0, ATOMS):
        ai[i] = PaperWallet.skGen()
        a = MiniNero.addScalars(a, ai[i]) #creating the total mask since you have to pass this to receiver...
        if bb[i] == 0:
            Ci[i] =  MiniNero.scalarmultBase(ai[i])
        if bb[i] == 1:
            Ci[i] = MiniNero.addKeys(MiniNero.scalarmultBase(ai[i]), H2[i])
        CiH[i] = MiniNero.subKeys(Ci[i], H2[i])
    A = asnlSig()
    A.L1, A.s2, A.s = AggregateSchnorr.GenASNL(ai, Ci, CiH, bb)
    R = rangeSig()
    R.asig = A
    R.Ci = Ci
    mask = a
    C = sumCi(Ci)
    return C, mask, R
def verRange(Ci, ags):
    n = ATOMS
    CiH = [None] * n
    H2 = getH2ForCT()
    for i in range(0, n):
        CiH[i] = MiniNero.subKeys(ags.Ci[i], H2[i])
    return AggregateSchnorr.VerASNL(ags.Ci, CiH, ags.asig.L1, ags.asig.s2, ags.asig.s) 
#Ring-ct MG sigs
#   c.f. section 4. definition 10. 
#   This does the MG sig on the "dest" part of the given key matrix, and 
#   the last row is the sum of input commitments from that column - sum output commitments
#   this shows that sum inputs = sum outputs
#   verifies the above sig is created corretly
def proveRctMG(pubs, inSk, outSk, outPk, index):
    #pubs is a matrix of ctkeys [P, C] 
    #inSk is the keyvector of [x, mask] secret keys
    #outMasks is a keyvector of masks for outputs
    #outPk is a list of output ctkeys [P, C]
    #index is secret index of where you are signing (integer)
    #returns a list (mgsig) [ss, cc, II] where ss is keymatrix, cc is key, II is keyVector of keyimages
    #so we are calling MLSAG2.MLSAG_Gen from here, we need a keymatrix made from pubs
    #we also need a keyvector made from inSk
    rows = len(pubs[0])
    cols = len(pubs)
    print("rows in mg", rows)
    print("cols in mg", cols)
    M = MLSAG2.keyMatrix(rows + 1, cols) #just a simple way to initialize a keymatrix, doesn't need to be random..
    sk = MLSAG2.keyVector(rows + 1)
    for j in range(0, cols):
        M[j][rows] = MiniNero.identity()
    sk[rows] = MiniNero.sc_0()
    for i in range(0, rows): 
        sk[i] = inSk[i].dest #get the destination part
        sk[rows] = MiniNero.sc_add_keys(sk[rows], inSk[i].mask) #add commitment part
        for j in range(0, cols):
            M[j][i] = pubs[j][i].dest # get the destination part
            M[j][rows] = MiniNero.addKeys(M[j][rows], pubs[j][i].mask) #add commitment part
    #next need to subtract the commitment part of all outputs..
    for j in range(0, len(outSk)):
        sk[rows] = MiniNero.sc_sub_keys(sk[rows], outSk[j].mask)
        for i in range(0, len(outPk)):
            M[j][rows] = MiniNero.subKeys(M[j][rows], outPk[i].mask) # subtract commitment part
    MG = mgSig()
    MG.II,, = MLSAG2.MLSAG_Gen(M, sk, index)
    return MG #mgSig
def verRctMG(MG, pubs, outPk):
    #mg is an mgsig (list [ss, cc, II] of keymatrix ss, keyvector II and key cc]
    #pubs is a matrix of ctkeys [P, C]
    #outPk is a list of output ctkeys [P, C] for the transaction
    #returns true or false
    rows = len(pubs[0])
    cols = len(pubs)
    M = MLSAG2.keyMatrix(rows + 1, cols) #just a simple way to initialize a keymatrix, doesn't need to be random..
    for j in range(0, cols):
        M[j][rows] = MiniNero.identity()
    for i in range(0, rows): 
        for j in range(0, cols):
            M[j][i] = pubs[j][i].dest # get the destination part
            M[j][rows] = MiniNero.addKeys(M[j][rows], pubs[j][i].mask) #add commitment part
    #next need to subtract the commitment part of all outputs..
    for j in range(0, cols):
        for i in range(0, len(outPk)):
            M[j][rows] = MiniNero.subKeys(M[j][rows], outPk[i].mask) # subtract commitment part        
    return MLSAG2.MLSAG_Ver(M, MG.II,,

#These functions get keys from blockchain
#replace these when connecting blockchain
#getKeyFromBlockchain grabs a key from the blockchain at "reference_index" to mix with
#populateFromBlockchain creates a keymatrix with "mixin" columns and one of the columns is inPk
#   the return value are the key matrix, and the index where inPk was put (random). 
def getKeyFromBlockchain(reference_index):
    #returns a ctkey a (randomly)
    rv = ctkey()
    rv.dest = PaperWallet.pkGen()
    rv.mask = PaperWallet.pkGen()
    return rv
def populateFromBlockchain(inPk, mixin):
    #returns a ckKeyMatrix with your public input keys at "index" which is the second returned parameter. 
    #the returned ctkeyMatrix will have number of columns = mixin
    rv = [None] * mixin
    index = rand.getrandbits(mixin - 1)
    blockchainsize = 10000
    for j in range(0, mixin):
        if j != index:
            rv[j] = [getKeyFromBlockchain(rand.getrandbits(blockchainsize)) for i in range(0, len(inPk))]
            rv[j] = inPk
    return rv, index
#Elliptic Curve Diffie Helman: encodes and decodes the amount b and mask a
# where C= aG + bH    
def ecdhEncode(unmasked, receiverPk):    
    rv = ecdhTuple()
    #compute shared secret
    esk, rv.senderPk =  PaperWallet.skpkGen()
    sharedSec1 = MiniNero.cn_fast_hash(MiniNero.scalarmultKey(receiverPk, esk));
    sharedSec2 = MiniNero.cn_fast_hash(sharedSec1)
    rv.mask = MiniNero.sc_add_keys(unmasked.mask, sharedSec1)
    rv.amount = MiniNero.sc_add_keys(unmasked.amount, sharedSec1)
    return rv
def ecdhDecode(masked, receiverSk):
    rv = ecdhTuple()
    #compute shared secret
    sharedSec1 = MiniNero.cn_fast_hash(MiniNero.scalarmultKey(masked.senderPk, receiverSk))
    sharedSec2 = MiniNero.cn_fast_hash(sharedSec1)
    rv.mask = MiniNero.sc_sub_keys(masked.mask, sharedSec1)
    rv.amount = MiniNero.sc_sub_keys(masked.amount, sharedSec1)
    return rv
#RingCT protocol
#   creates an rctSig with all data necessary to verify the rangeProofs and that the signer owns one of the
#   columns that are claimed as inputs, and that the sum of inputs  = sum of outputs.
#   Also contains masked "amount" and "mask" so the receiver can see how much they received
#   verifies that all signatures (rangeProogs, MG sig, sum inputs = outputs) are correct
#decodeRct: (c.f. section 5.1.1)
#   uses the attached ecdh info to find the amounts represented by each output commitment 
#   must know the destination private key to find the correct amount, else will return a random number

def genRct(inSk, inPk, destinations, amounts, mixin):
    #inSk is signers secret ctkeyvector 
    #inPk is signers public ctkeyvector 
    #destinations is a keyvector of output addresses 
    #amounts is a list of amounts corresponding to above output addresses
    #mixin is an integer which is the desired mixin 
    #rctSig is a list [ rangesigs, MG, mixRing, ecdhInfo, outPk] 
    #rangesigs is a list of one rangeproof for each output
    #MG is the mgsig [ss, cc, II] 
    #mixRing is a ctkeyMatrix 
    #ecdhInfo is a list of masks / amounts for each output
    #outPk is a vector of ctkeys (since we have computed the commitment for each amount)
    rv = rctSig()
    rv.outPk = ctkeyV( len(destinations))
    rv.rangeSigs = [None] * len(destinations)
    outSk = ctkeyV(len(destinations))
    rv.ecdhInfo = [None] * len(destinations)
    for i in range(0, len(destinations)):
        rv.ecdhInfo[i] = ecdhTuple()
        rv.outPk[i] = ctkey()
        rv.outPk[i].dest = destinations[i]
        rv.outPk[i].mask, outSk[i].mask, rv.rangeSigs[i] = proveRange(amounts[i])
        #do ecdhinfo encode / decode 
        rv.ecdhInfo[i].mask = outSk[i].mask
        rv.ecdhInfo[i].amount = MiniNero.intToHex(amounts[i])
        rv.ecdhInfo[i] = ecdhEncode(rv.ecdhInfo[i], destinations[i])
    rv.mixRing, index = populateFromBlockchain(inPk, mixin)
    rv.MG = proveRctMG(rv.mixRing, inSk, outSk, rv.outPk, index)
    return rv
def verRct(rv):
    #rv is a list [rangesigs, MG, mixRing, ecdhInfo, outPk] 
    #rangesigs is a list of one rangeproof for each output
    #MG is the mgsig [ss, cc, II] 
    #mixRing is a ctkeyMatrix 
    #ecdhInfo is a list of masks / amounts for each output
    #outPk is a vector of ctkeys (since we have computed the commitment for each amount)    
    #true or false
    rvb = True 
    tmp = True 
    for i in range(0, len(rv.outPk)): 
        tmp = verRange(rv.outPk[i].mask, rv.rangeSigs[i])
        rvb = rvb and tmp
    mgVerd = verRctMG(rv.MG, rv.mixRing, rv.outPk)
    return (rvb and mgVerd)

def decodeRct(rv, sk, i):
    #rctSig is a list [ rangesigs, MG, mixRing, ecdhInfo, outPk] 
    #rangesigs is a list of one rangeproof for each output
    #MG is the mgsig [ss, cc, II] 
    #mixRing is a ctkeyMatrix 
    #ecdhInfo is a list of masks / amounts for each output
    #outPk is a vector of ctkeys (since we have computed the commitment for each amount)    
    #sk is the secret key of the receiver
    #i is the index of the receiver in the rctSig (in case of multiple destinations)
    #the amount received
    decodedTuple = ecdhDecode(rv.ecdhInfo[i], sk)
    mask = decodedTuple.mask
    amount = decodedTuple.amount
    C = rv.outPk[i].mask
    H = getHForCT()
    Ctmp = MiniNero.addKeys(MiniNero.scalarmultBase(mask), MiniNero.scalarmultKey(H, amount))
    if (MiniNero.subKeys(C, Ctmp) != MiniNero.identity()): 
        print("warning, amount decoded incorrectly, will be unable to spend")
    return MiniNero.hexToInt(amount)