import unittest import math import copy from collections import deque import time import hashlib class Block(object): """ Fundamental object. Attributes: data = payload dict with keys "timestamp" and "txns" and others ident = string parents = dict {blockID : parentBlock} Functions: addParents : takes dict {blockID : parentBlock} as input and updates parents to include. _recomputeIdent : recomputes identity Usage: b0 = Block(dataIn = stuff, parentsIn = None) b1 = Block(dataIn = otherStuff, parentsIn = { b0.ident : b0 }) """ def __init__(self, dataIn=None, parentsIn=[]): # Initialize with empty payload, no identity, and empty parents. = dataIn self.ident = hash(str(0)) assert type(parentsIn)==type([]) self.parents = parentsIn self._recomputeIdent() def addParents(self, parentsIn=[]): # list of parentIdents if self.parents is None: self.parents = parentsIn else: self.parents = self.parents + parentsIn self._recomputeIdent() def _recomputeIdent(self): m = str(0) + str( + str(self.parents) self.ident = hash(m) class Test_Block(unittest.TestCase): def test_Block(self): # b0 -> b1 -> {both b2, b3} -> b4... oh, and say b3 -> b5 also b0 = Block() = {"timestamp" : time.time()} time.sleep(1) b1 = Block() = {"timestamp" : time.time(), "txns" : [1,2,3]} b1.addParents({b0.ident:b0}) # updateIdent called with addParent. time.sleep(1) b2 = Block() = {"timestamp" : time.time(), "txns" : None} b2.addParents({b1.ident:b1}) time.sleep(1) b3 = Block() = {"timestamp" : time.time(), "txns" : None} b3.addParents({b1.ident:b1}) time.sleep(1) b4 = Block() = {"timestamp" : time.time()} # see how sloppy we can be wheeee b4.addParents({b2.ident:b2, b3.ident:b3}) time.sleep(1) b5 = Block() = {"timestamp" : time.time(), "txns" : "stuff" } b5.addParents({b3.ident:b3}) self.assertTrue(len(b1.parents)==1 and b0.ident in b1.parents) self.assertTrue(len(b2.parents)==1 and b1.ident in b2.parents) self.assertTrue(len(b3.parents)==1 and b1.ident in b3.parents) self.assertTrue(len(b4.parents)==2) self.assertTrue(b2.ident in b4.parents and b3.ident in b4.parents) self.assertTrue(len(b5.parents)==1 and b3.ident in b5.parents) #suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_Block) #unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite)