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synced 2025-03-26 09:08:59 +00:00
Updated rct code with ring multisig and fixing key image bug I found last night
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 267 additions and 207 deletions
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
--for quick conversion of the MiniNero python code to c++
if #arg > 0 then
class = string.lower(arg[1]) --asdf
object = arg[1] --Asdf
deff = string.upper(arg[1]) --ASDF
hfile = io.input("TemplateHead"):read("*a")
cppfile = io.input("TemplateBody"):read("*a")
hfile = string.gsub(hfile, "asdf", class)
hfile = string.gsub(hfile, "Asdf", object)
hfile = string.gsub(hfile, "ASDF", deff)
cppfile = string.gsub(cppfile, "asdf", class)
cppfile = string.gsub(cppfile, "Asdf", object)
cppfile = string.gsub(cppfile, "ASDF", deff)
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
mingw32-make.exe clean
a.exe > .results
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
make clean
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
rm.exe a.exe
g++ bits.cpp
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -34,4 +34,74 @@ using namespace std;
namespace rct {
namespace rct {
int i;
//Generate Signing Keys
//This function is called by each participant in
//A ring multisignature transaction.
//The participant will send the returned parameters
//to whomever is managing the transaction.
//returns a, aG, aHP and I
tuple<key, key, key, key> InitiateRMS(key x) {
key I = scalarmultKey(hashToPoint(scalarmultBase(x)), x);
key a, aG;
skpkGen(a, aG);
key aHP = scalarmultKey(hashToPoint(scalarmultBase(x)), a);
return make_tuple(a, aG, aHP, I);
//returns "c" which is the last index needed to get the last s-values
key rmsMgSigStart(const keyM & pk, mgSig & rv, keyV aG, keyV aHP, const int index) {
int rows = pk[0].size();
int cols = pk.size();
if (cols < 2) {
printf("Error! What is c if cols = 1!");
int i = 0, j = 0;
key c, c_old, c0, L, R, Hi;
vector<ge_dsmp> Ip(rows);
rv.ss = keyM(cols, rv.II);
unsigned char m2[96];
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
memcpy(m2, pk[index][i].bytes, 32);
memcpy(m2 + 32, aG[i].bytes, 32);
memcpy(m2 + 64, aHP[i].bytes, 32);
precomp(Ip[i], rv.II[i]);
sc_add(c_old.bytes, c_old.bytes, cn_fast_hash96(m2).bytes);
int oldi = index;
i = (index + 1) % cols;
while (i != index) {
rv.ss[i] = skvGen(rows);
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
addKeys2(L, rv.ss[i][j], c_old, pk[i][j]);
hashToPoint(Hi, pk[i][j]);
addKeys3(R, rv.ss[i][j], Hi, c_old, Ip[j]);
memcpy(m2, pk[i][j].bytes, 32);
memcpy(m2 + 32, L.bytes, 32);
memcpy(m2 + 64, R.bytes, 32);
sc_add(c.bytes, c.bytes, cn_fast_hash96(m2).bytes);
c_old = copy(c);
if (i == 0) {
c0 = copy(c);
oldi = i;
i = (i + 1) % cols;
return c;
//have to return s = a - cx
//for each participant in the MG sig..
key rmsSign(key a, key c, key x) {
key s;
sc_mulsub(s.bytes, c.bytes, x.bytes, a.bytes);
return s;
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include "rctTypes.h"
#include "rctTypes.h"
#include "rctOps.h"
#include "rctOps.h"
#include "rctSigs.h"
@ -58,11 +59,8 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace crypto;
using namespace crypto;
namespace rct {
namespace rct {
tuple<key, key, key, key> InitiateRMS(key x);
int i;
key rmsMgSigStart(const keyM & pk, mgSig & rv, keyV aG, keyV aHP, const int index);
//rctSig genRMS(ctkeyV & inSk, ctkeyV & inPk, const keyV & destinations, const vector<xmr_amount> amounts, const int mixin);
key rmsSign(key a, key c, key x) ;
@ -353,14 +353,41 @@ namespace rct {
return hash;
return hash;
//returns cn_fast_hash(input) * G where G is the basepoint
//cn_fast_hash for a 96 byte unsigned char
key hashToPoint(const key & in) {
key cn_fast_hash96(const void * in) {
return scalarmultBase(cn_fast_hash(in));
uint8_t md2[32];
int j = 0;
key hash;
keccak((uint8_t *)in, 96, md2, 32);
for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
hash[j] = (unsigned char)md2[j];
return hash;
//returns cn_fast_hash(input) * G where G is the basepoint
key hashToPoint(const key & hh) {
void hashToPoint(key & out, const key & in) {
key pointk;
scalarmultBase(out, cn_fast_hash(in));
ge_p2 point;
ge_p1p1 point2;
ge_p3 res;
key h = cn_fast_hash(hh);
ge_fromfe_frombytes_vartime(&point, h.bytes);
ge_mul8(&point2, &point);
ge_p1p1_to_p3(&res, &point2);
ge_p3_tobytes(pointk.bytes, &res);
return pointk;
void hashToPoint(key & pointk, const key & hh) {
ge_p2 point;
ge_p1p1 point2;
ge_p3 res;
key h = cn_fast_hash(hh);
ge_fromfe_frombytes_vartime(&point, h.bytes);
ge_mul8(&point2, &point);
ge_p1p1_to_p3(&res, &point2);
ge_p3_tobytes(pointk.bytes, &res);
//sums a vector of curve points (for scalars use sc_add)
//sums a vector of curve points (for scalars use sc_add)
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#include "rctTypes.h"
#include "rctTypes.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace std;
using namespace crypto;
using namespace crypto;
@ -128,6 +129,8 @@ namespace rct {
void cn_fast_hash(key &hash, const key &in);
void cn_fast_hash(key &hash, const key &in);
//cn_fast_hash for a 32 byte key
//cn_fast_hash for a 32 byte key
key cn_fast_hash(const key &in);
key cn_fast_hash(const key &in);
//for mg sigs
key cn_fast_hash96(const void * in);
//returns cn_fast_hash(input) * G where G is the basepoint
//returns cn_fast_hash(input) * G where G is the basepoint
key hashToPoint(const key &in);
key hashToPoint(const key &in);
@ -134,18 +134,10 @@ namespace rct {
return II;
return II;
keyV skvGen(int n) {
keyV rv(n);
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
return rv;
//Multilayered Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signatures (MLSAG signatures)
//Multilayered Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signatures (MLSAG signatures)
//This is a just slghtly more efficient version than the ones described below
//(will be explained in more detail in Ring Multisig paper
//These are aka MG signatutes in earlier drafts of the ring ct paper
//These are aka MG signatutes in earlier drafts of the ring ct paper
// c.f. http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098 section 2.
// c.f. http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098 section 2.
// keyImageV just does I[i] = xx[i] * Hash(xx[i] * G) for each i
// keyImageV just does I[i] = xx[i] * Hash(xx[i] * G) for each i
@ -153,7 +145,6 @@ namespace rct {
// the signer knows a secret key for each row in that column
// the signer knows a secret key for each row in that column
// Ver verifies that the MG sig was created correctly
// Ver verifies that the MG sig was created correctly
mgSig MLSAG_Gen(const keyM & pk, const keyV & xx, const int index) {
mgSig MLSAG_Gen(const keyM & pk, const keyV & xx, const int index) {
mgSig rv;
mgSig rv;
int rows = pk[0].size();
int rows = pk[0].size();
int cols = pk.size();
int cols = pk.size();
@ -161,118 +152,117 @@ namespace rct {
printf("Error! What is c if cols = 1!");
printf("Error! What is c if cols = 1!");
int i = 0, j = 0;
int i = 0, j = 0;
key c, c_old, L, R, Hi;
keyV c(cols);
keyV alpha = skvGen(rows);
rv.II = keyImageV(xx);
vector<ge_dsmp> Ip(rows);
vector<ge_dsmp> Ip(rows);
keyM L(cols, rv.II);
rv.II = keyV(rows);
keyM R(cols, rv.II);
rv.ss = keyM(cols, rv.II);
rv.ss = keyM(cols, rv.II);
keyV Hi(rows);
keyV alpha(rows);
keyV aG(rows);
keyV aHP(rows);
key m2hash;
unsigned char m2[96];
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
L[index][i] = scalarmultBase(alpha[i]);
skpkGen(alpha[i], aG[i]); //need to save alphas for later..
hashToPoint(Hi[i], pk[index][i]);
Hi = hashToPoint(pk[index][i]);
R[index][i] = scalarmultKey(Hi[i], alpha[i]);
aHP[i] = scalarmultKey(Hi, alpha[i]);
memcpy(m2, pk[index][i].bytes, 32);
memcpy(m2 + 32, aG[i].bytes, 32);
memcpy(m2 + 64, aHP[i].bytes, 32);
rv.II[i] = scalarmultKey(Hi, xx[i]);
precomp(Ip[i], rv.II[i]);
precomp(Ip[i], rv.II[i]);
m2hash = cn_fast_hash96(m2);
char * m1 = (char *)malloc(32 * rows * (cols + 2));
sc_add(c_old.bytes, c_old.bytes, m2hash.bytes);
//vector<char> m1(32 * rows * (cols + 2));
for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
memcpy(m1 + rows * 32 * i + (32 * j), pk[i][j].bytes, 32);
int oldi = index;
int oldi = index;
i = (index + 1) % cols;
i = (index + 1) % cols;
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
if (i == 0) {
memcpy(m1 + rows * 32 * cols + (32 * j), L[oldi][j].bytes, 32);
copy(rv.cc, c_old);
memcpy(m1 + rows * 32 * (cols + 1) + (32 * j), R[oldi][j].bytes, 32);
while (i != index) {
while (i != index) {
cn_fast_hash(c[i], m1, 32 * rows * (cols + 2));
rv.ss[i] = skvGen(rows);
rv.ss[i] = skvGen(rows);
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
addKeys2(L[i][j], rv.ss[i][j], c[i], pk[i][j]);
addKeys2(L, rv.ss[i][j], c_old, pk[i][j]);
hashToPoint(Hi[j], pk[i][j]);
hashToPoint(Hi, pk[i][j]);
addKeys3(R[i][j], rv.ss[i][j], Hi[j], c[i], Ip[j]);
addKeys3(R, rv.ss[i][j], Hi, c_old, Ip[j]);
memcpy(m2, pk[i][j].bytes, 32);
memcpy(m2 + 32, L.bytes, 32);
memcpy(m2 + 64, R.bytes, 32);
m2hash = cn_fast_hash96(m2);
sc_add(c.bytes, c.bytes, m2hash.bytes);
copy(c_old, c);
oldi = i;
oldi = i;
i = (i + 1) % cols;
i = (i + 1) % cols;
if (i == 0) {
copy(rv.cc, c_old);
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
memcpy(m1 + rows * 32 * cols + (32 * j), L[oldi][j].bytes, 32);
sc_mulsub(rv.ss[index][j].bytes, c.bytes, xx[j].bytes, alpha[j].bytes);
memcpy(m1 + rows * 32 * (cols + 1) + (32 * j), R[oldi][j].bytes, 32);
cn_fast_hash(c[index], m1, 32 * rows * (cols + 2));
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
sc_mulsub(rv.ss[index][j].bytes, c[index].bytes, xx[j].bytes, alpha[j].bytes);
memcpy(rv.cc.bytes, c[0].bytes, 32);
return rv;
return rv;
//Multilayered Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signatures (MLSAG signatures)
//Multilayered Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signatures (MLSAG signatures)
//This is a just slghtly more efficient version than the ones described below
//(will be explained in more detail in Ring Multisig paper
//These are aka MG signatutes in earlier drafts of the ring ct paper
//These are aka MG signatutes in earlier drafts of the ring ct paper
// c.f. http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098 section 2.
// c.f. http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098 section 2.
// keyImageV just does I[i] = xx[i] * Hash(xx[i] * G) for each i
// keyImageV just does I[i] = xx[i] * Hash(xx[i] * G) for each i
// Gen creates a signature which proves that for some column in the keymatrix "pk"
// Gen creates a signature which proves that for some column in the keymatrix "pk"
// the signer knows a secret key for each row in that column
// the signer knows a secret key for each row in that column
// Ver verifies that the MG sig was created correctly
// Ver verifies that the MG sig was created correctly
bool MLSAG_Ver(keyM &pk, mgSig &sig) {
bool MLSAG_Ver(keyM & pk, mgSig & rv) {
int rows = pk[0].size();
int rows = pk[0].size();
int cols = pk.size();
int cols = pk.size();
if (cols < 2) {
if (cols < 2) {
printf("Error! What is c if cols = 1!");
printf("Error! What is c if cols = 1!");
DP("Verifying MG sig");
int i = 0, j = 0;
keyV c(cols + 1);
key c, L, R, Hi;
memcpy(c[0].bytes, sig.cc.bytes, 32);
key c_old = copy(rv.cc);
vector<ge_dsmp> Ip(rows);
vector<ge_dsmp> Ip(rows);
keyM L(cols, pk[0]);
keyM R(cols, pk[0]);
int i = 0, oldi = 0, j = 0;
keyV Hi(rows);
for (i= 0 ; i< rows ; i++) {
for (i= 0 ; i< rows ; i++) {
precomp(Ip[i], sig.II[i]);
precomp(Ip[i], rv.II[i]);
i = 0;
char * m1 = (char *)malloc(32 * rows * (cols + 2));
//vector<char> m1(32 * rows * (cols + 2));
for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
memcpy(m1 + rows * 32 * i + (32 * j), pk[i][j].bytes, 32);
unsigned char m2[96];
key m2hash;
int oldi = 0;
i = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < cols) {
while (i < cols) {
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
addKeys2(L[i][j], sig.ss[i][j], c[i], pk[i][j]);
addKeys2(L, rv.ss[i][j], c_old, pk[i][j]);
hashToPoint(Hi[j], pk[i][j]);
hashToPoint(Hi, pk[i][j]);
addKeys3(R[i][j], sig.ss[i][j], Hi[j], c[i], Ip[j]);
addKeys3(R, rv.ss[i][j], Hi, c_old, Ip[j]);
memcpy(m2, pk[i][j].bytes, 32);
memcpy(m2 + 32, L.bytes, 32);
memcpy(m2 + 64, R.bytes, 32);
m2hash = cn_fast_hash96(m2);
sc_add(c.bytes, c.bytes, m2hash.bytes);
copy(c_old, c);
oldi = i;
oldi = i;
i = (i + 1);
i = (i + 1);
for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
memcpy(m1 + rows * 32 * cols + (32 * j), L[oldi][j].bytes, 32);
memcpy(m1 + rows * 32 * (cols + 1) + (32 * j), R[oldi][j].bytes, 32);
cn_fast_hash(c[i], m1, 32 * rows * (cols + 2));
sc_sub(c.bytes, c_old.bytes, rv.cc.bytes);
return sc_isnonzero(c.bytes) == 0;
key cc;
sc_sub(cc.bytes, c[0].bytes, c[cols].bytes);
return sc_isnonzero(cc.bytes) == 0;
//proveRange and verRange
//proveRange and verRange
//proveRange gives C, and mask such that \sumCi = C
//proveRange gives C, and mask such that \sumCi = C
@ -78,13 +78,14 @@ namespace rct {
//Multilayered Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signatures (MLSAG signatures)
//Multilayered Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signatures (MLSAG signatures)
//These are aka MG signatutes in earlier drafts of the ring ct paper
//These are aka MG signatutes in earlier drafts of the ring ct paper
// c.f. http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098 section 2.
// c.f. http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1098 section 2.
// keyImageV just does I[i] = xx[i] * Hash(xx[i] * G) for each i
// keyImageV just does I[i] = xx[i] * HashToPoint(xx[i] * G) for each i
// Gen creates a signature which proves that for some column in the keymatrix "pk"
// Gen creates a signature which proves that for some column in the keymatrix "pk"
// the signer knows a secret key for each row in that column
// the signer knows a secret key for each row in that column
// Ver verifies that the MG sig was created correctly
// Ver verifies that the MG sig was created correctly
keyV keyImageV(const keyV &xx);
keyV keyImageV(const keyV &xx);
mgSig MLSAG_Gen(const keyM & pk, const keyV & xx, const int index);
mgSig MLSAG_Gen(const keyM & pk, const keyV & xx, const int index);
bool MLSAG_Ver(keyM &pk, mgSig &sig);
bool MLSAG_Ver(keyM &pk, mgSig &sig);
//mgSig MLSAG_Gen_Old(const keyM & pk, const keyV & xx, const int index);
//proveRange and verRange
//proveRange and verRange
//proveRange gives C, and mask such that \sumCi = C
//proveRange gives C, and mask such that \sumCi = C
Reference in a new issue