diff --git a/source-code/Poisson-Graphs/FishGraph.py b/source-code/Poisson-Graphs/FishGraph.py
index 2e15b49..0d1e4f5 100644
--- a/source-code/Poisson-Graphs/FishGraph.py
+++ b/source-code/Poisson-Graphs/FishGraph.py
@@ -1,98 +1,537 @@
-import unittest, copy, random, math
+import unittest, copy, random, math, time
+from scipy.stats import skew
+from numpy import var
+from numpy import random as nprandom
-class stochasticProcess(object):
+#TODO: Node.data["blockchain"] != node.data
+def newIdent(params):
+    nonce = params
+    # Generate new random identity.
+    return hash(str(nonce) + str(random.random()))
+def newIntensity(params):
+    mode = params
+    if mode=="uniform":
+        return random.random()
+def newOffset(params):
+    mode = params
+    if mode=="unifDST":
+        r = 2.0*random.random() - 1.0 # hours
+        r = 60.0*60.0*r #60 min/hr, 60 sec/min
+        return r
+    if mode=="sumOfSkellams":
+        # This mode uses a skellam distribution, which is
+        # the difference of two poisson-distributed random 
+        # variables.
+        # HourOffset = skellam
+        # SecondOffset = skellam
+        # TotalOffset = 60*60*HourOffset + 60*MinuteOffset + SecondOffset
+        # Each skellam = poisson(1) - poisson(1)
+        # Reasoning: We consider most computers' local time offset from UTC
+        # to be a two time-scale random variable, one on the hour scale and one on 
+        # the second scale. We make 
+        x = nprandom.poisson(1, (2,2))
+        totalOffset = 60.0*60.0*float(x[0][0] - x[1][0]) + float((x[0][1] - x[1][1]))
+        return totalOffset
+class StochasticProcess(object):
+    ''' 
+    Stochastic processes have a clock and a state.
+    The clock moves forward, and then the state updates.
+    More detail requires knowledge of the underlying stochProc.
+    '''
     def __init__(self, params=None):
+        # initialize with initial data
         self.data = params
-        self.t = 0.0
-        self.state = 0.0
-        self.maxTime = 1000.0
+        self.t = 0.0 # should always start at t=0.0
+        self.state = 0.0 # magic number
+        self.maxTime = 1000.0 # magic number
+        self.verbose = True
     def go(self):
-        assert self.maxTime > 0.0
-        while self.t <= self.maxTime:
-            deltaT = self.getNextTime()
-            self.updateState(deltaT)
-            #print(str(self.t) + ", " + str(self.state))
+        # Executes stochastic process.
+        assert self.maxTime > 0.0 # Check loop will eventually terminate.
+        t = self.t
+        while t <= self.maxTime: 
+            deltaT = self.getNextTime() # Pick the next "time until event" and a description of the event.
+            self.updateState(t, deltaT) # Update state with deltaT input
+            t = self.t
+            if self.verbose:
+                print("Recording...")
     def getNextTime(self):
-        return 1
+        return 1 # Magic number right now
-    def updateState(self, deltaT):
+    def updateState(self, t, deltaT):
+        # Update the state of the system. In this case,
+        # we are doing a random walk on the integers.
         self.state += random.randrange(-1,2,1) # [-1, 0, 1]
         self.t += deltaT
-class Test_stochasticProcess(unittest.TestCase):
+class Test_StochasticProcess(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_sp(self):
-        sally = stochasticProcess()
+        sally = StochasticProcess()
-suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_stochasticProcess)
+#suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_StochasticProcess)
-class Node(object):
-    def __init__(self, params=["", {}]):
-        self.ident = params[0]
-        self.data = params[1]
-        self.edges = {}
+class Block(object):
+    '''
+    Each block has: an identity, a timestamp of discovery (possibly false), 
+    has a timestamp of arrival at the local node (possibly unnecessary), a pointer to a parent
+    block's identity, and a difficulty score.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, params=[]):
+        try:
+            assert len(params)==6
+        except AssertionError:
+            print("Error in Block(): Tried to add a malformed block. We received params = " + str(params) + ", but should have had something of the form [ident, disco, arriv, parent, diff, verbose].")
+        else:
+            self.ident = params[0]
+            self.discoTimestamp = params[1]
+            self.arrivTimestamp = params[2]
+            self.parent = params[3]
+            self.diff = params[4]
+            self.verbose = params[5]
+class Test_Block(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_b(self):
+        #bill = Block()
+        name = newIdent(0)
+        t = time.time()
+        diff = 1.0
+        params = [name, t, t+1, None, diff, False]
+        bill = Block(params)
+        self.assertEqual(bill.ident,name)
+        self.assertEqual(bill.discoTimestamp,t)
+        self.assertEqual(bill.arrivTimestamp,t+1)
+        self.assertTrue(bill.parent is None)
+        self.assertEqual(bill.diff,diff)
+suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_Block)
+class Blockchain(object):
+    ''' 
+    Not a true blockchain, of course, but tracks block objects (timestamps) as above.
+    Each node should be responsible for finding the chain with most cumulative work.
+    Right now we assume Nakamoto consensus (konsensnakamoto).
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, params=[], verbosity=True):
+        self.blocks = {}
+        self.leaves = {}
+        self.miningIdent = None
+        self.verbose = verbosity
+    def addBlock(self, blockToAdd):
+        # In our model we assume difficulty scores of blocks are correct (otherwise they would
+        # be rejected in the real life network, and we aren't trying to model spam attacks).
+        try:
+            assert blockToAdd.ident not in self.blocks
+        except AssertionError:
+            print("Error, tried to add block that already exists in blockchain.")
+        else:
+            self.blocks.update({blockToAdd.ident:blockToAdd})
+            self.leaves.update({blockToAdd.ident:blockToAdd})
+            if blockToAdd.parent in self.leaves:
+                del self.leaves[blockToAdd.parent]
+            self.whichLeaf()
+    def whichLeaf(self):
+        # Determine which leaf shall be the parent leaf.
+        if len(self.leaves) == 1:
+            # If the chain has never forked, we have no decision to make:
+            for ident in self.leaves:
+                self.miningIdent = ident
+        elif len(self.leaves) > 1:
+            # If the chain has forked *ever* this will not be the case.
+            maxCumDiff = 0.0
+            for ident in self.leaves:
+                tempCumDiff = 0.0
+                tempCumDiff += self.blocks[ident].diff
+                nextIdent = self.blocks[ident].parent
+                if nextIdent is not None and nextIdent in self.blocks:
+                    while self.blocks[nextIdent].parent is not None:
+                        tempCumDiff += self.blocks[nextIdent].diff
+                        nextIdent = self.blocks[nextIdent].parent
+                if tempCumDiff > maxCumDiff:
+                    # If more than one leaf ties for maxCumDiff, each node in the 
+                    # network should pick one of these two arbitrarily. Since we 
+                    # are storing each blockchain in a hash table (unordered!), for 
+                    # each node in the network that observes a tie, each possible leaf
+                    # is equally likely to have been the first one found! So
+                    # we don't need to do anything for the node to select which chain
+                    # to work off of.
+                    self.miningIdent = ident
+        else:
+            print("Error, tried to assess an empty blockchain.")
+class Test_Blockchain(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_bc(self):
+        bill = Blockchain([], verbosity=True)
+        name = newIdent(0)
+        t = time.time()
+        diff = 1.0
+        params = [name, t, t+1, None, diff, bill.verbose]
+        genesis = Block(params)
+        self.assertEqual(genesis.ident,name)
+        self.assertEqual(genesis.discoTimestamp,t)
+        self.assertEqual(genesis.arrivTimestamp,t+1)
+        self.assertTrue(genesis.parent is None)
+        self.assertEqual(genesis.diff,diff)
+        bill.addBlock(genesis)
+        self.assertTrue(genesis.ident in bill.blocks)
+        self.assertTrue(genesis.ident in bill.leaves)
+        self.assertEqual(genesis.ident, bill.miningIdent)
+        name = newIdent(1)
+        t = time.time()
+        diff = 2.0
+        params = [name, t, t+1, genesis.ident, diff, bill.verbose]
+        blockA = Block(params)
+        bill.addBlock(blockA)
+        self.assertTrue(blockA.ident in bill.blocks)
+        self.assertTrue(blockA.ident in bill.leaves)
+        self.assertFalse(genesis.ident in bill.leaves)
+        self.assertTrue(genesis.ident in bill.blocks)
+        self.assertEqual(blockA.ident, bill.miningIdent)
+        name = newIdent(1)
+        t = time.time()
+        diff = 2.5
+        params = [name, t, t+1, None, diff, bill.verbose]
+        blockB = Block(params)
+        bill.addBlock(blockB)
+        self.assertTrue(blockB.ident in bill.blocks)
+        self.assertTrue(blockB.ident in bill.leaves)
+        self.assertFalse(genesis.ident in bill.leaves)
+        self.assertTrue(genesis.ident in bill.blocks)
+        self.assertTrue(blockA.ident in bill.leaves)
+        self.assertTrue(blockB.ident in bill.leaves)
+        self.assertEqual(blockB.ident, bill.miningIdent)
+suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_Blockchain)
+class Node(object):
+    '''
+    Node object. params [identity, blockchain (data), verbosity, difficulty]
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, params=["", {}, True]):
+        try:
+            assert len(params)==4
+        except AssertionError:
+            print("Error, Tried to create malformed node.")
+        else:
+            self.ident = params[0]
+            self.data = params[1] #Blockchain object
+            self.verbose = params[2]
+            self.diff = params[3]
+            self.edges = {}
+    def updateBlockchain(self, incBlocks, diffUpdateRate=1, mode="Nakamoto", targetRate=1.0/1209600.0):
+        # dataToUpdate shall be a dictionary of block identities (as keys) and their associated blocks (as values)
+        # to be added to the local data. We assume difficulty scores have been reported honestly for now.
+        # Stash a copy of incoming blocks so removing keys won't shrink the size of the dictionary over which
+        # we are looping.
+        tempData = copy.deepcopy(incBlocks)
+        for key in incBlocks:
+            if incBlocks[key].parent in self.data["blockchain"].blocks:
+                self.data["blockchain"].addBlock(incBlocks[key])
+                #if len(self.data["blockchain"]) % diffUpdateRate == 0:
+                #    self.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate)
+                del tempData[key]
+        incBlocks = copy.deepcopy(tempData)
+        while len(incBlocks)>0:
+            for key in incBlocks:
+                if incBlocks[key].parent in self.data["blockchain"].blocks:
+                    self.data["blockchain"].addBlock(incBlocks[key])
+                    #if len(self.data["blockchain"]) % diffUpdateRate == 0:
+                    #    self.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate)
+                    del tempData[key]
+            incBlocks = copy.deepcopy(tempData)
+    def updateDifficulty(self, mode="Nakamoto", targetRate=1.0/1209600.0):
+        # Compute the difficulty of the next block
+        # Note for default, targetRate = two weeks/period, seven days/week, 24 hours/day, 60 minutes/hour, 60 seconds/minute) = 1209600 seconds/period
+        if mode=="Nakamoto":
+            # Use MLE estimate of poisson process, compare to targetRate, update by multiplying by resulting ratio.
+            count = 2016
+            ident = self.data.miningIdent
+            topTime = copy.deepcopy(int(round(self.data.blocks[ident].discoTimestamp)))
+            parent = self.data.blocks[ident].parent
+            count = count - 1
+            while count > 0 and parent is not None:
+                ident = copy.deepcopy(parent)
+                parent = self.data.blocks[ident].parent
+                count = count - 1
+            botTime = copy.deepcopy(int(round(self.data.blocks[ident].discoTimestamp)))
+            # Algebra is okay:
+            assert 0 <= 2016 - count and 2016 - count < 2017
+            assert topTime > botTime
+            # MLE estimate of arrivals per second:
+            mleDiscoRate = float(2016 - count)/float(topTime - botTime)
+            # How much should difficulty change?
+            self.diff = self.diff*(mleDiscoRate/targetRate)
+        elif mode=="vanSaberhagen":
+            # Similar to above, except use 1200 blocks, discard top 120 and bottom 120 after sorting.
+            # 4 minute blocks in the original cryptonote, I believe... targetRate = 1.0/
+            # 4 minutes/period, 60 seconds/minute ~ 240 seconds/period
+            assert targetRate==1.0/240.0
+            count = 1200
+            ident = self.data.miningIdent
+            bl = []
+            bl.append(copy.deepcopy(self.data.blocks[ident].discoTimestamp))
+            parent = self.data.blocks[ident].parent
+            count = count - 1
+            while count > 0 and parent is not NOne:
+                ident = copy.deepcopy(parent)
+                bl.append(copy.deepcopy(self.data.blocks[ident].discoTimestamp))
+                parent = self.data.blocks[ident].parent
+                count = count-1
+            # sort    
+            bl = sorted(bl)
+            # remove outliers
+            bl = bl[120:-120]
+            # get topTime and botTime
+            topTime = bl[-1]
+            botTime = bl[0]
+            # Assert algebra will work
+            assert 0 <= 960 - count and 960 - count < 961
+            assert topTime > botTime
+            # Sort of the MLE: # blocks/difference in reported times
+            # But not the MLE, since the reported times may not be 
+            # the actual times, the "difference in reported times" != 
+            # "ground truth difference in block discoery times" in general 
+            naiveDiscoRate = (960 - count)/(topTime - botTime)
+            # How much should difficulty change?
+            self.diff = self.diff*(naiveDiscoRate/targetRate)
+        elif mode=="MOM:expModGauss":
+            # Similar to "vanSaberhagen" except with 2-minute blocks and
+            # we attempt to take into account that "difference in timestamps" 
+            # can be negative by:
+            # 1) insisting that the ordering induced by the blockchain and
+            # 2) modeling timestamps as exponentially modified gaussian.
+            # If timestamps are T = X + Z where X is exponentially dist-
+            # ributed with parameter lambda and Z is some Gaussian 
+            # noise with average mu and variance sigma2, then we can est-
+            # imate sigma2, mu, and lambda:
+            #       mu     ~ mean - stdev*(skewness/2)**(1.0/3.0)
+            #       sigma2 ~ variance*(1-(skewness/2)**(2.0/3.0))
+            #       lambda ~ (1.0/(stdev))*(2/skewness)**(1.0/3.0)
+            assert targetRate==1.0/120.0
+            count = 1200
+            ident = self.data.miningIdent
+            bl = []
+            bl.append(copy.deepcopy(self.data.blocks[ident].discoTimestamp))
+            parent = self.data.blocks[ident].parent
+            count = count - 1
+            while count > 0 and parent is not NOne:
+                ident = copy.deepcopy(parent)
+                bl.append(copy.deepcopy(self.data.blocks[ident].discoTimestamp))
+                parent = self.data.blocks[ident].parent
+                count = count-1
+            sk   = skew(bl)
+            va   = var(bl)
+            stdv = sqrt(va)
+            lam  = (1.0/stdv)*(2.0/sk)**(1.0/3.0)
+            self.diff = self.diff*(lam/targetRate)
+        else:
+            print("Error, invalid difficulty mode entered.")
+    def propagate(self, blockIdent):
+        for edgeIdent in self.edges:
+            e = self.edges[edgeIdent]
+            l = e.data["length"]
+            toa = self.t + l
+            mIdent = e.getNeighbor(n.ident)
+            m = e.nodes[mIdent]
+            if blockIdent not in m.data["blockchain"]:
+                pB = e.data["pendingBlocks"]
+                pendingIdent = newIdent(len(pB))
+                pendingDat = {"timeOfArrival":toa, "destIdent":mIdent, "block":self.blocks[blockIdent]}
+                pB.update({pendingIdent:pendingDat})
+class Test_Node(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_node(self):
+        nellyIdent = newIdent(0)
+        bill = Blockchain([], verbosity=True)
+        name = newIdent(0)
+        t = time.time()
+        diff = 1.0
+        params = [name, t, t+1, None, diff, bill.verbose] # Genesis block has no parent, so parent = None
+        genesis = Block(params)
+        bill.addBlock(genesis)
+        time.sleep(10)
+        name = newIdent(1)
+        t = time.time()
+        diff = 1.0
+        params = [name, t, t+1, genesis.ident, diff, bill.verbose]
+        blockA = Block(params)
+        bill.addBlock(blockA)
+        # Nodes need an identity and a blockchain object and verbosity and difficulty
+        nelly = Node([nellyIdent, copy.deepcopy(bill), bill.verbosity, diff])
+        nelly.updateDifficulty(mode="Nakamoto")
+        time.sleep(9)
+        name = newIdent(len(nelly.data))
+        t = time.time()
+        params = [name, t, t+1, blockA.ident, nelly.diff, nelly.verbose]
+        blockB = Block(params)
+        nelly.updateBlockchain({blockB.ident:blockB})
+        time.sleep(8)
+        name = newIdent(len(nelly.data))
+        t = time.time()
+        params = [name, t, t+1, blockB.ident, nelly.diff, nelly.verbose]
+        blockC = Block(params)
+        nelly.updateBlockchain({blockC.ident:blockC})
+        time.sleep(1)
+        name = newIdent(len(nelly.data))
+        t = time.time()
+        params = [name, t, t+1, blockB.ident, nelly.diff, nelly.verbose] # Fork off
+        blockD = Block(params)
+        nelly.updateBlockchain({blockD.ident:blockD})
+        time.sleep(7)
+        name = newIdent(len(nelly.data))
+        t = time.time()
+        params = [name, t, t+1, blockD.ident, nelly.diff, nelly.verbose] 
+        blockE = Block(params)
+        nelly.updateBlockchain({blockE.ident:blockE})
+        time.sleep(6)
+        name = newIdent(len(nelly.data))
+        t = time.time()
+        params = [name, t, t+1, blockE.ident, nelly.diff, nelly.verbose] 
+        blockF = Block(params)
+        nelly.updateBlockchain({blockF.ident:blockF})
+suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_Blockchain)
 class Edge(object):
-    def __init__(self, params=["", {}]):
-        self.ident = params[0]
-        self.data = params[1]
-        self.nodes = {}
+    '''
+    Edge object. Has an identity, some data, and a dict of nodes.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, params=["", {}, True]):
+        try:
+            assert len(params)==3
+        except AssertionError:
+            print("Error, tried to create mal-formed edge.")
+        else:
+            self.ident = params[0]
+            self.data = params[1]
+            self.verbose = params[2]
+            self.nodes = {}
     def getNeighbor(self, nodeIdent):
-        result = nodeIdent in self.nodes
+        # Given one node identity, check that the node
+        # identity is in the edge's node list and 
+        # return the identity of the other adjacent node.
+        result = (nodeIdent in self.nodes)
         if result:
             for otherIdent in self.nodes:
                 if otherIdent != nodeIdent:
                     result = otherIdent
+        assert result in self.nodes
         return result
 class Graph(object):
-    def __init__(self, params={}):
+    '''
+    Graph object. Contains some data, a dict of nodes, and a dict of edges.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, params={}, verbosity=True):
+        self.verbose = verbosity
         self.nodes = {}
         self.edges = {}
-    def newIdent(self, nonce):
-        return hash(str(nonce) + str(random.random()))
     def createGraph(self, numNodes, probEdge, maxNeighbors):
-        self.data.update({"numNodes":numNodes, "probEdge":probEdge, "maxNeighbors":maxNeighbors})
+        # Create a new random graph with numNodes nodes, a
+        # likelihood any unordered pair of vertices has an edge
+        # probEdge, and maximum number of neighbors per node
+        # maxNeighbors.
+        # First, include inputted information into self.data
+        self.data.update({"probEdge":probEdge, "maxNeighbors":maxNeighbors})
+        # Next, for each node to be added, create the node and name it.
         for i in range(numNodes):
-            nIdent = self.newIdent(i)
-            n = Node([nIdent,{}])
+            nIdent = newIdent(i)
+            bl = Blockchain([], verbosity=True)
+            dat = {"blockchain":bl, "intensity":newIntensity(["uniform"]), "offset":newOffset("sumOfSkellams")}
+            # A node needs an ident, a data object, a verbosity, and a difficulty
+            n = Node([nIdent, dat, self.verbose, 1.0])
-        touched = {}
+        # Next, for each possible node pair, decide if an edge exists.
+        touched = {} # Dummy list of node pairs we have already considered.
         for nIdent in self.nodes:
-            n = self.nodes[nIdent]
+            n = self.nodes[nIdent] # Pick a node
             for mIdent in self.nodes:
-                m = self.nodes[mIdent]
-                notSameNode = (nIdent != mIdent)
-                nOpenSlots = (len(n.edges) < self.data["maxNeighbors"])
+                m = self.nodes[mIdent] # Pick a pair element
+                notSameNode = (nIdent != mIdent) # Ensure we aren't dealing with (x,x)
+                nOpenSlots = (len(n.edges) < self.data["maxNeighbors"]) # ensure both nodes have open slots available for new edges
                 mOpenSlots = (len(m.edges) < self.data["maxNeighbors"])
-                untouched = ((nIdent, mIdent) not in touched)
+                untouched = ((nIdent, mIdent) not in touched) # make sure the pair and its transposition have not been touched
                 dehcuotnu = ((mIdent, nIdent) not in touched)
                 if notSameNode and nOpenSlots and mOpenSlots and untouched and dehcuotnu:
+                    # Mark pair as touhed
                     touched.update({(nIdent,mIdent):True, (mIdent,nIdent):True})
                     if random.random() < self.data["probEdge"]:
+                        # Determine if edge should exist and if so, add it.
                         nonce = len(self.edges)
-                        e = Edge([self.newIdent(nonce),{"length":random.random(), "pendingBlocks":[]}])
+                        e = Edge([newIdent(nonce),{"length":random.random(), "pendingBlocks":[]},self.verbose])
                         e.nodes.update({n.ident:n, m.ident:m})
     def addNode(self):
-        n = Node([self.newIdent(len(self.nodes)), {}])
+        # Add new node
+        n = Node([self.newIdent(len(self.nodes)), {}, self.verbose, 1.0])
         for mIdent in self.nodes:
+            # For every other node, check if an edge should exist and if so add it.
             m = self.nodes[mIdent]
             notSameNode = (n.ident != mIdent)
             nOpenSlots = (len(n.edges) < self.data["maxNeighbors"])
             mOpenSlots = (len(m.edges) < self.data["maxNeighbors"])
             if notSameNode and nOpenSlots and mOpenSlots and random.random() < self.data["probEdge"]:
                 nonce = len(self.edges)
-                e = Edge([self.newIdent(nonce), {"length":random.random(), "pendingBlocks":[]}])
+                e = Edge([self.newIdent(nonce), {"length":random.random(), "pendingBlocks":[]}, self.verbose])
                 e.nodes.update({n.ident:n, m.ident:m})
@@ -100,10 +539,13 @@ class Graph(object):
         return n.ident
     def delNode(self, ident):
+        # Remove a node and wipe all memory of its edges from history.
         edgesToDelete = self.nodes[ident].edges
         for edgeIdent in edgesToDelete:
-            if edgeIdent in self.edges:
-                del self.edges[edgeIdent]
+            e = edgesToDelete[edgeIdent]
+            otherIdent = e.getNeighbor(ident)
+            del self.edges[edgeIdent]
+            del self.nodes[otherIdent].edges[edgeIdent]
         del self.nodes[ident]
 class Test_Graph(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -111,8 +553,6 @@ class Test_Graph(unittest.TestCase):
         greg = Graph()
         greg.createGraph(3, 0.5, 10)
-        for edge in greg.edges:
-            print(greg.edges[edge].ident, "\t", [greg.edges[edge].nodes[n].ident for n in greg.edges[edge].nodes], "\n")
         for edge in greg.edges:
@@ -127,43 +567,69 @@ class Test_Graph(unittest.TestCase):
 suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_Graph)
-class FishGraph(stochasticProcess):
-    def __init__(self, params=None):
+class FishGraph(StochasticProcess):
+    '''
+    Stochastic process on a graph 
+    with the graph growing in a stochastic process too
+    '''
+    # TODO: Check if output.txt exists before beginning. If so, clear it and create a new one.
+    # TODO: Instead of/in addition to storing graph data in a text file, can we plot with ggplot in R?
+    def __init__(self, params=None, verbosity=True):
+        # Initialize
+        assert "maxTime" in params
+        self.maxTime = copy.deepcopy(params["maxTime"])
+        del params["maxTime"]
+        assert "numNodes" in params
+        numNodes = params["numNodes"]
+        del params["numNodes"]
         self.data = params
         self.t = 0.0
         self.state = Graph()
-        self.state.createGraph(self.data["numNodes"], self.data["probEdge"], self.data["maxNeighbors"])
+        self.filename = "output.txt"
+        self.verbose = verbosity
+        # Create graph
+        self.state.createGraph(numNodes, self.data["probEdge"], self.data["maxNeighbors"])
+        # Update node data
         for nIdent in self.state.nodes:
             n = self.state.nodes[nIdent]
-            difficulty = 10000.0
-            intensity = random.random()/difficulty
-            offset = 2.0*random.random() - 1.0
-            n.data.update({"intensity":intensity, "offset":offset, "blockchain":{}})
+            difficulty = 1.0
+            intensity = newIntensity(params="uniform")
+            offset = newOffset(params="sumOfSkellams")
+            dat = {"intensity":intensity, "offset":offset, "blockchain":Blockchain([], verbosity=self.verbose)}
+            n.data.update(dat)
+        # Update edge data.
         for eIdent in self.state.edges:
             e = self.state.edges[eIdent]
-            e.data.update({"pendingBlocks":[]})
-        self.maxTime = self.data["maxTime"]
+            e.data.update({"pendingBlocks":{}})
     def go(self):
         assert self.maxTime > 0.0
         while self.t <= self.maxTime and len(self.state.nodes) > 0:
             deltaT = self.getNextTime()
-            self.updateState(deltaT)
-            #print(str(self.t) + ", " + str(self.state))
+            self.updateState(self.t, deltaT)
+            self.record()
     def getNextTime(self):
+        # Each Poisson process event generates an exponential random variable.
+        # The smallest of these is selected
+        # The rate of the smallest determines event type.
         eventTag = None
-        u = copy.deepcopy(random.random())
+        u = 0.0
+        while(u == 0.0):
+            u = copy.deepcopy(random.random())
         u = -1.0*math.log(copy.deepcopy(u))/self.data["birthRate"] # Time until next stochastic birth
         eventTag = "birth"
-        v = copy.deepcopy(random.random())
+        v = 0.0
+        while(v == 0.0):
+            v = copy.deepcopy(random.random())
         v = -1.0*math.log(copy.deepcopy(v))/self.data["deathRate"] # Time until next stochastic death
         if v < u:
             u = copy.deepcopy(v)
@@ -171,94 +637,160 @@ class FishGraph(stochasticProcess):
         for nIdent in self.state.nodes:
             n = self.state.nodes[nIdent] # n.ident = nIdent 
-            v = copy.deepcopy(random.random())
+            v = 0.0
+            while(v == 0.0):
+                v = copy.deepcopy(random.random())
             v = -1.0*math.log(copy.deepcopy(v))/n.data["intensity"]
             if v < u:
                 u = copy.deepcopy(v)
                 eventTag = ["discovery", n.ident]
+        # Now that all the STOCHASTIC arrivals have been decided,
+        # We check if any of the deterministic events fire off instead.
         for eIdent in self.state.edges:
             e = self.state.edges[eIdent] # e.ident = eIdent
-            bufferedBlocks = e.data["pendingBlocks"]
-            if len(bufferedBlocks) > 0:
-                for pendingIdent in bufferedBlocks:
-                    pB = bufferedBlocks[pendingIdent]
-                    v = pB["timeOfArrival"]
-                    if v < u:
+            pB = e.data["pendingBlocks"]
+            if len(pB) > 0:
+                for pendingIdent in pB:
+                    arrivalInfo = pB[pendingIdent]
+                    v = arrivalInfo["timeOfArrival"] - self.t
+                    if v < u and 0.0 < v:
                         u = copy.deepcopy(v)
                         eventTag = ["arrival", e.ident, pendingIdent]
         deltaT = (u, eventTag)
-        # eventTag = ["arrival", e.ident, pendingIdent]
-        # eventTag = ["discovery", n.ident]
-        # eventTag = "death"
-        # eventTag = "birth"
+        # Formats:
+        #   eventTag = ["arrival", e.ident, pendingIdent]
+        #   eventTag = ["discovery", n.ident]
+        #   eventTag = "death"
+        #   eventTag = "birth"
         return deltaT
-    def updateState(self, deltaT):
+    def updateState(self, t, deltaT, mode="Nakamoto", targetRate=1.0/1209600.0):
+        # Depending on eventTag, update the state...
         u = deltaT[0]
+        shout = ""
         eventTag = deltaT[1]
         if type(eventTag)==type("birthordeath"):
             if eventTag == "death":
                 # Picks random nodeIdent and kills it
                 toDie = random.choice(list(self.state.nodes.keys()))
-                print("DEATH EVENT:")
-                print("Pre-death population = ", len(self.state.nodes))
+                x = len(self.state.nodes)
+                shout += "DEATH, Pop(Old)=" + str(x) + ", Pop(New)="
+                if self.verbose:
+                    print(shout)
-                print("Post-death population = ", len(self.state.nodes))
-                print("Done. \n")
+                y = len(self.state.nodes)
+                assert y == x - 1
+                shout += str(y) + "\n"
             elif eventTag == "birth":
                 # Adds node with some randomly determined edges
-                print("BIRTH EVENT:")
-                print("Pre-birth population = ", len(self.state.nodes))
+                x = len(self.state.nodes)
+                shout += "BIRTH, Pop(Old)=" + str(x) + ", Pop(New)="
+                if self.verbose:
+                    print(shout)
                 nIdent = self.state.addNode() 
-                print("Post-death population = ", len(self.state.nodes))
                 n = self.state.nodes[nIdent]
-                intensity = random.random()/10000.0
+                intensity = random.random()/1000.0
                 offset = 2.0*random.random() - 1.0
                 n.data.update({"intensity":intensity, "offset":offset, "blockchain":{}})
                 # Auto syncs new node.
-                print("Auto syncing new node...")
                 for eIdent in n.edges:
                     e = n.edges[eIdent]
-                    e.data.update({"pendingBlocks":[]})
+                    e.data.update({"pendingBlocks":{}})
                     mIdent = e.getNeighbor(n.ident)
                     m = self.state.nodes[mIdent]
                     mdata = m.data["blockchain"]
-                print("Done. \n")
+                y = len(self.state.nodes)
+                assert y == x + 1
+                shout += str(y) + "\n"
-                print("Error: eventTag had length 1 but was neighter a birth or a death. We had ", eventTag)
+                print("Error: eventTag had length 1 but was neighter a birth or a death, this shouldn't happen so this else case will eventually be removed, I guess? Our eventTag = ", eventTag)
         elif len(eventTag)==2:
+            # Block is discovered and plunked into each edge's pendingBlock list.
+            shout += "DISCOVERY"
+            if self.verbose:
+                print(shout)
             assert eventTag[0]=="discovery"
-            nIdent = eventTag[1]
-            n = self.state.nodes[n]
-            s = self.t + n.data["offset"]
-            n.data["blockchain"].append(s)
-            for edgeIdent in n.edges:
-                e = n.edges[edgeIdent]
-                l = e.data["length"]
-                toa = self.t + l
-                mIdent = e.getNeighbor(n.ident)
-                e.data["pendingBlocks"].append({"timestamp":s, "timeOfArrival":toa, "destIdent":mIdent})
-            print("Block Discovery event. To be coded. For now, blah blah.")
-        elif len(eventTag)==3:
+            assert eventTag[1] in self.state.nodes
+            nIdent = eventTag[1] # get founding node's identity
+            n = self.state.nodes[nIdent] # get founding node
+            s = self.t + n.data["offset"] # get founding node's wall clock
+            newBlockIdent = newIdent(len(n.data["blockchain"].blocks)) # generate new identity
+            disco = s
+            arriv = s
+            parent = n.data["blockchain"].miningIdent
+            diff = copy.deepcopy(n.diff)
+            verbosity = self.verbose
+            newBlock = Block([newBlockIdent, disco, arriv, parent, diff, verbosity])
+            n.updateBlockchain({newBlockIdent:newBlock})
+            n.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate)
+            n.propagate(newBlockIdent)
+        elif len(eventTag)==3: 
+            #eventTag = ("arrival", e.ident, pendingIdent)
+            # A block deterministically arrives at the end of an edge.
             assert eventTag[0]=="arrival"
-            print("Block Arrival event. To be coded. For now, blah blah.")
+            shout += "ARRIVAL"
+            if self.verbose:
+                print(shout)
+            eIdent = eventTag[1]
+            pendingIdent = eventTag[2]
+            e = self.state.edges[eIdent]
+            pB = e.data["pendingBlocks"]
+            arrivalInfo = pB[pendingIdent] # arrivalInfo = {"timeOfArrival":toa, "destIdent":mIdent, "block":newBlock}
+            assert arrivalInfo["destIdent"] in self.state.nodes
+            assert self.t + u == arrivalInfo["timeOfArrival"]
+            receiver = self.state.nodes[arrivalInfo["destIdent"]]
+            arriv = self.t + u + receiver.data["offset"]
+            newBlock = arrivalInfo["block"]
+            newBlock.arrivTimestamp = copy.deepcopy(arriv)
+            receiver.data["blockchain"].updateBlockchain({newBlock.ident:newBlock})
+            receiver.updateDifficulty(mode, targetRate)
+            receiver.propagate(newBlock.ident)
             print("Error: eventTag was not a string, or not an array length 2 or 3. In fact, we have eventTag = ", eventTag)
+        if self.verbose:
+            print("u = ", u)
+        self.t += u
+        if self.verbose:
+            print(str(self.t) + "\t" + shout)
+    def record(self):
+        with open(self.filename, "a") as f:
+            line = ""
+            # Format will be edgeIdent,nodeAident,nodeBident
+            line += str("t=" + str(self.t) + ",")
+            ordKeyList = sorted(list(self.state.edges.keys()))
+            for key in ordKeyList:
+                entry = []
+                entry.append(key)
+                nodeKeyList = sorted(list(self.state.edges[key].nodes))
+                for kkey in nodeKeyList:
+                    entry.append(kkey)
+                line += str(entry) + ","
+            f.write(line + "\n")
 class Test_FishGraph(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_fishGraph(self):
-        params = {"numNodes":10, "probEdge":0.5, "maxNeighbors":10, "maxTime":100.0, "birthRate":1.1, "deathRate":0.2}
-        greg = FishGraph(params)
-        greg.go()
+        for i in range(10):
+            params = {"numNodes":10, "probEdge":0.5, "maxNeighbors":10, "maxTime":10.0, "birthRate":0.001, "deathRate":0.001}
+            greg = FishGraph(params, verbosity=True)
+            greg.go()
 suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(Test_FishGraph)