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#"MiniNero" by Shen Noether mrl. Use at your own risk.
import hashlib #for signatures
import math
import Crypto.Random.random as rand
import Keccak #cn_fast_hash
import mnemonic #making 25 word mnemonic to remember your keys
import binascii #conversion between hex, int, and binary. Also for the crc32 thing
import ed25519 #Bernsteins python ed25519 code from cr.yp.to
import zlib
b = 256
q = 2**255 - 19
l = 2**252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493
def netVersion():
return "12"
def public_key(sk):
#returns point encoded to binary .. sk is just an int..
return ed25519.encodepoint(ed25519.scalarmultbase(sk)) #pub key is not just x coord..
def scalarmult_simple(pk, num):
#returns point encoded to hex.. num is an int, not a hex
return ed25519.encodepoint(ed25519.scalarmult(toPoint(pk), num)) #pub key is not just x coord..
def addKeys(P1, P2):
return binascii.hexlify(ed25519.encodepoint(ed25519.edwards(toPoint(P1), toPoint(P2))))
#aG + bB, G is basepoint..
def addKeys1(a, b, B):
return addKeys(scalarmultBase(a), scalarmultKey(B, b))
#aA + bB
def addKeys2(a, A, b, B):
return addKeys(scalarmultKey(A, a), scalarmultKey(B, b))
def subKeys(P1, P2):
return binascii.hexlify(ed25519.encodepoint(ed25519.edwards_Minus(toPoint(P1), toPoint(P2))))
def randomScalar():
tmp = rand.getrandbits(32 * 8) # 8 bits to a byte ...
return (tmp)
def xor(a, b):
return intToHex(hexToInt(a) ^ hexToInt(b))
def electrumChecksum(wordlist):
wl = wordlist.split(" ") #make an array
if len(wl) > 13:
wl = wl[:24]
wl = wl[:12]
upl = 3 #prefix length
wl2 = ''
for a in wl:
wl2+= a[:upl]
z = ((zlib.crc32(wl2) & 0xffffffff) ^ 0xffffffff ) >> 0
z2 = ((z ^ 0xffffffff) >> 0) % len(wl)
return wl[z2]
__b58chars = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
__b58base = len(__b58chars)
def b58encode(v):
a = [reverseBytes(v[i:i+16]) for i in range(0, len(v)-16, 16)]
rr = -2*((len(v) /2 )% 16)
res = ''
for b in a:
bb = hexToInt(b)
result = ''
while bb >= __b58base:
div, mod = divmod(bb, __b58base)
result = __b58chars[mod] + result
bb = div
result = __b58chars[bb] + result
res += result
result = ''
if rr < 0:
bf = hexToInt(reverseBytes(v[rr:])) #since we only reversed the ones in the array..
result = ''
while bf >= __b58base:
div, mod = divmod(bf, __b58base)
result = __b58chars[mod] + result
bf = div
result = __b58chars[bf] + result
res += result
return res
def sc_0():
return intToHex(0)
def sc_reduce_key(a):
return intToHex(hexToInt(a) % l)
def sc_unreduce_key(a):
return intToHex(hexToInt(a) % l + l)
def sc_add_keys(a, b):
#adds two private keys mod l
return intToHex((hexToInt(a) + hexToInt(b)) % l)
def sc_add(a, exps):
#adds a vector of private keys mod l and multiplies them by an exponent
ssum = 0
for i in range(0, len(a)):
ssum = (ssum + 10 ** exps[i] * hexToInt(a[i])) % l
return intToHex(ssum)
def sc_check(a):
if hexToInt(a) % l == 0:
return False
return (a == sc_reduce_key(a))
def addScalars(a, b): #to do: remove above and rename to this (so that there is "add keys" and "add scalars")
#adds two private keys mod l
return intToHex((hexToInt(a) + hexToInt(b)) % l)
def sc_sub_keys(a, b):
#subtracts two private keys mod l
return intToHex((hexToInt(a) - hexToInt(b)) % l)
def sc_mul_keys(a, b):
return intToHex((hexToInt(a) * hexToInt(b)) % l)
def sc_sub_keys(a, b):
return intToHex((hexToInt(a) - hexToInt(b)) % l)
def sc_mulsub_keys(a, b, c):
#returns a - b * c (for use in LLW sigs - see MRL notes v 0.3)
return intToHex( (hexToInt(a)- hexToInt(b) * hexToInt(c)) % l)
def add_l(a, n):
return intToHex(hexToInt(a) +n * l )
def sc_muladd_keys(a, b, c):
#returns a + b * c (for use in LLW sigs - see MRL notes v 0.3)
return intToHex((hexToInt(a)+ hexToInt(b) * hexToInt(c) ) % l)
def mul_8(a):
return intToHex(8 * hexToInt(a))
def fe_reduce_key(a):
return intToHex(hexToInt(a) % q)
def recoverSK(seed):
mn2 = seed.split(" ") #make array
if len(mn2) > 13:
mn2 = mn2[:24]
sk = mnemonic.mn_decode(mn2)
mn2 = mn2[:12]
#mn2 += mn2[:]
sk = cn_fast_hash(mnemonic.mn_decode(mn2))
#sk = mnemonic.mn_decode(mn2)
return sk
def cn_fast_hash(s):
k = Keccak.Keccak()
return k.Keccak((len(s) * 4, s), 1088, 512, 32 * 8, False).lower() #r = bitrate = 1088, c = capacity, n = output length in bits
def getView(sk):
a = hexToInt(cn_fast_hash(sc_reduce_key(sk))) % l
return intToHex(a)
def getViewMM(sk):
a = hexToInt(cn_fast_hash(sk))
return intToHex(a)
def reverseBytes(a): #input is byte string, it reverse the endianness
b = [a[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(a)-1, 2)]
return ''.join(b[::-1])
def encode_addr(version, spendP, viewP):
buf = version + spendP + viewP
h = cn_fast_hash(buf)
buf = buf + h[0:8]
return b58encode(buf)
def hexToInt(h):
s = binascii.unhexlify(h) #does hex to bytes
bb = len(h) * 4 #I guess 8 bits / b
return sum(2**i * ed25519.bit(s,i) for i in range(0,bb)) #does to int
def intToHex(i):
return binascii.hexlify(ed25519.encodeint(i)) #hexlify does bytes to hex
def publicFromSecret(sk):
#returns pubkey in hex, same as scalarmultBase
return binascii.hexlify(public_key(hexToInt(sk)))
def scalarmultBase(sk):
#returns pubkey in hex, expects hex sk
return binascii.hexlify(public_key(hexToInt(sk)))
def identity():
return scalarmultBase(intToHex(0))
def scalarmultKey(pk, num):
return binascii.hexlify(scalarmult_simple(pk, hexToInt(num)))
def scalarmultKeyInt(pk, num):
return binascii.hexlify(scalarmult_simple(pk, num))
def publicFromInt(i):
#returns pubkey in hex, same as scalarmultBase.. should just pick one
return binascii.hexlify(public_key(i))
def toPoint(hexVal):
aa = binascii.unhexlify(hexVal) #to binary (new)
return ed25519.decodepoint(aa) #make to point
def fromPoint(aa): #supposed to reverse toPoint
binvalue = ed25519.encodepoint(aa)
return binascii.hexlify(binvalue)
def hashToPoint_cn(hexVal):
#note this is the monero one, won't work for C.T.
#however there is an alternative which will work for C.T.
#pk = publicFromSecret(hexVal)
HP = cn_fast_hash(hexVal)
return scalarmultBase(HP)
def mul8(point):
return binascii.hexlify(scalarmult_simple(point, 8))
def hashToPoint_ct(hexVal):
#note this is the monero one, won't work for C.T.
#however there is an alternative which will work for C.T.
#returns a hex string, not a point
a = hexVal[:]
i = 0
while True:
worked = 1
a = cn_fast_hash(a)
i += 1
worked = 0
if worked == 1:
print("found point after "+str(i)+" hashes")
return mul8(a) # needs to be in group of basepoint
def getAddrMM(sk):
vk = getViewMM(sk)
sk = sc_reduce_key(sk)
pk = publicFromSecret(sk)
pvk = publicFromSecret(vk)
return encode_addr(netVersion(), pk, pvk)
def getAddr(sk):
vk = getView(sk)
sk = sc_reduce_key(sk)
pk = publicFromSecret(sk)
pvk = publicFromSecret(vk)
return encode_addr(netVersion(), pk, pvk)