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synced 2025-03-20 22:28:56 +00:00
libglim is an Apache-licensed C++ wrapper for lmdb, and rather than rolling our own it seems prudent to use it. Note: lmdb is not included in it, and unless something happens as did with libunbound, should be installed via each OS' package manager or equivalent.
165 lines
8.5 KiB
165 lines
8.5 KiB
#include "ldb.hpp"
using glim::Ldb;
using glim::gstring;
#include <iostream>
using std::cout; using std::flush; using std::endl;
#include <assert.h>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
void test1 (Ldb& ldb) {
ldb.put (std::string ("foo_"), std::string ("bar"));
ldb.put ((uint32_t) 123, 1);
ldb.put ((uint32_t) 123, 2);
ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("foo"), 3);
ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("foo"), 4);
ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("gsk"), C2GSTRING ("gsv"));
std::string ts; int ti; gstring tgs;
auto fail = [](std::string msg) {throw std::runtime_error ("assertion failed: " + msg);};
if (!ldb.get (std::string ("foo_"), ts) || ts != "bar") fail ("!foo_=bar");
if (!ldb.get ((uint32_t) 123, ti) || ti != 2) fail ("!123=2");
if (!ldb.get (C2GSTRING ("foo"), ti) || ti != 4) fail ("!foo=4");
if (!ldb.get (C2GSTRING ("gsk"), tgs) || tgs != "gsv") fail ("!gsk=gsv");
// Test range-based for.
int count = 0; bool haveGskGsv = false;
for (auto&& entry: ldb) {
if (!entry._lit->Valid()) fail ("!entry");
if (entry.keyView() == "gsk") {
if (entry.getKey<gstring>() != "gsk") fail ("getKey(gsk)!=gsk");
if (entry.getValue<gstring>() != "gsv") fail ("getValue(gsk)!=gsv");
haveGskGsv = true;
if (count != 4) fail ("count!=4"); // foo_=bar, 123=2, foo=4, gsk=gsv
if (!haveGskGsv) fail ("!haveGskGsv");
ldb.del ((uint32_t) 123); if (ldb.get ((uint32_t) 123, ti)) fail ("123");
ldb.del (C2GSTRING ("foo")); if (ldb.get (C2GSTRING ("foo"), ti)) fail ("foo");
ldb.del (std::string ("foo_"));
{ // We've erased "123" and "foo", the only key left is "gsk" (gsk=gsv), let's test the iterator boundaries on this small dataset.
auto&& it = ldb.begin();
if (it->getKey<gstring>() != "gsk") fail ("first key !gsk " + it->keyView().str());
if (!(++it).end()) fail ("++it != end");
if ((--it)->getKey<gstring>() != "gsk") fail ("can't go back to gsk");
if (!(--it).end()) fail ("--it != end");
if ((++it)->getKey<gstring>() != "gsk") fail ("can't go forward to gsk");
// todo: index trigger example
// struct SimpleIndexTrigger: public Trigger { // Uses key space partitioning (cf. http://stackoverflow.com/a/12503799/257568)
// const char* _name; Ldb _indexDb;
// SimpleIndexTrigger (Ldb& ldb, const char* name = "index"): _name (name), _indexDb (ldb._env, name) {}
// gstring triggerName() {return gstring (0, (void*) _name, false, strlen (_name), true);}
// void add (Ldb& ldb, void* key, gstring& kbytes, void* value, gstring& vbytes, Transaction& txn) {
// MDB_val mkey = {vbytes.size(), (void*) vbytes.data()};
// MDB_val mvalue = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()};
// int rc = ::ldb_put (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &mkey, &mvalue, 0);
// if (rc) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, ldb_put: ") + ::strerror (rc));
// }
// void erase (Ldb& ldb, void* ekey, gstring& kbytes, Transaction& txn) {
// // Get all the values and remove them from the index.
// MDB_cursor* cur = 0; int rc = ::ldb_cursor_open (txn.get(), ldb._dbi, &cur);
// if (rc) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, erase, ldb_cursor_open: ") + ::strerror (rc));
// std::unique_ptr<MDB_cursor, void(*)(MDB_cursor*)> curHolder (cur, ::ldb_cursor_close);
// MDB_val mkey = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()}, val = {0, 0};
// rc = ::ldb_cursor_get (cur, &mkey, &val, ::MDB_SET_KEY); if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) return;
// if (rc) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, erase, ldb_cursor_get: ") + ::strerror (rc));
// rc = ::ldb_del (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &val, &mkey);
// if (rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, erase, ldb_del: ") + ::strerror (rc));
// for (;;) {
// rc = ::ldb_cursor_get (cur, &mkey, &val, ::MDB_NEXT_DUP); if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) return;
// if (rc) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, erase, ldb_cursor_get: ") + ::strerror (rc));
// rc = ::ldb_del (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &val, &mkey);
// if (rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, erase, ldb_del: ") + ::strerror (rc));
// }
// }
// void eraseKV (Ldb& ldb, void* key, gstring& kbytes, void* value, gstring& vbytes, Transaction& txn) {
// MDB_val mkey = {vbytes.size(), (void*) vbytes.data()};
// MDB_val mvalue = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()};
// int rc = ::ldb_del (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &mkey, &mvalue);
// if (rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("index, ldb_del: ") + ::strerror (rc));
// }
// };
// auto indexTrigger = std::make_shared<SimpleIndexTrigger> (ldb); ldb.setTrigger (indexTrigger); auto& indexDb = indexTrigger->_indexDb;
// ldb.erase (C2GSTRING ("gsk")); // NB: "gsk" wasn't indexed here. `IndexTrigger.erase` should handle this gracefully.
// Add indexed.
// ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("ik"), C2GSTRING ("iv1"));
// ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("ik"), string ("iv2"));
// ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("ik"), 3);
// Check the index.
// gstring ik;
// if (!indexDb.first (C2GSTRING ("iv1"), ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv1=ik");
// if (!indexDb.first (string ("iv2"), ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv2=ik");
// if (!indexDb.first (3, ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv3=ik");
// Remove indexed.
// ldb.eraseKV (C2GSTRING ("ik"), string ("iv2"));
// Check the index.
// if (!indexDb.first (C2GSTRING ("iv1"), ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv1=ik");
// if (indexDb.first (string ("iv2"), ik)) fail ("iv2=ik");
// if (!indexDb.first (3, ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv3=ik");
// Remove indexed.
// ldb.erase (C2GSTRING ("ik"));
// Check the index.
// if (indexDb.first (C2GSTRING ("iv1"), ik)) fail ("iv1");
// if (indexDb.first (3, ik)) fail ("iv3");
// Check the data.
// if (ldb.first (C2GSTRING ("ik"), ik)) fail ("ik");
void testStartsWith (Ldb& ldb) {
// Using `gstring`s because the Boost Serialization encoding for CStrings is not prefix-friendly.
ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("01"), ""); ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("02"), "");
ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("11"), "");
ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("21"), ""); ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("222"), ""); ldb.put (C2GSTRING ("2"), "");
auto range = ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("0")); auto it = range.begin();
assert (it->keyView() == "01"); assert (it != range.end());
assert ((++it)->keyView() == "02"); assert (it != range.end());
assert ((++it)->keyView().empty()); assert (it == range.end());
assert ((--it)->keyView() == "02"); assert (it != range.end());
assert ((--it)->keyView() == "01"); assert (it != range.end());
assert ((--it)->keyView().empty()); assert (it == range.end());
// `it` and `range.begin` point to the same `leveldb::Iterator`.
assert (range.begin()._entry->_lit == it._entry->_lit);
assert (!range.begin()._entry->_valid); assert (range.begin()->keyView().empty());
range = ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("0")); it = range.end();
assert (it.end() && it->keyView().empty()); assert (it != range.begin());
assert ((--it)->keyView() == "02"); assert (it != range.begin());
assert ((--it)->keyView() == "01"); assert (it == range.begin());
assert ((--it)->keyView().empty()); assert (it != range.begin());
int8_t count = 0; for (auto& en: ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("1"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 1);
count = 0; for (auto& en: ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("2"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 3);
count = 0; for (auto& en: ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("-"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 0);
count = 0; for (auto& en: ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING (""))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 6);
assert (ldb.startsWith (C2GSTRING ("-")) .empty());
count = 0; for (auto& en: boost::make_iterator_range (ldb.end().seek ("1"), ldb.end().seek ("2"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 1);
count = 0; for (auto& en: boost::make_iterator_range (ldb.end().seek ("2"), ldb.end().seek ("3"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 3);
count = 0; for (auto& en: ldb.range (C2GSTRING ("1"), C2GSTRING ("2"))) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 1);
{ auto range = ldb.range (C2GSTRING ("0"), C2GSTRING ("1")); // 01 and 02, but not 11.
count = 0; for (auto& en: range) {en.keyView(); ++count;} assert (count == 2); }
int main() {
cout << "Testing ldb.hpp ... " << flush;
boost::filesystem::remove_all ("/dev/shm/ldbTest");
Ldb ldb ("/dev/shm/ldbTest");
test1 (ldb);
for (auto& en: ldb) ldb.del (en.keyView());
testStartsWith (ldb);
ldb._db.reset(); // Close.
boost::filesystem::remove_all ("/dev/shm/ldbTest");
cout << "pass." << endl;
return 0;