#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2019 The Monero Project # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of # conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list # of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other # materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific # prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF # THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import time """Test cold tx signing """ from framework.daemon import Daemon from framework.wallet import Wallet class ColdSigningTest(): def run_test(self): self.reset() self.create(0) self.mine() self.transfer() def reset(self): print 'Resetting blockchain' daemon = Daemon() daemon.pop_blocks(1000) daemon.flush_txpool() def create(self, idx): print 'Creating hot and cold wallet' self.hot_wallet = Wallet(idx = 0) # close the wallet if any, will throw if none is loaded try: self.hot_wallet.close_wallet() except: pass self.cold_wallet = Wallet(idx = 1) # close the wallet if any, will throw if none is loaded try: self.cold_wallet.close_wallet() except: pass seed = 'velvet lymph giddy number token physics poetry unquoted nibs useful sabotage limits benches lifestyle eden nitrogen anvil fewest avoid batch vials washing fences goat unquoted' res = self.cold_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seed) self.cold_wallet.set_daemon('', ssl_support = "disabled") spend_key = self.cold_wallet.query_key("spend_key").key view_key = self.cold_wallet.query_key("view_key").key res = self.hot_wallet.generate_from_keys(viewkey = view_key, address = '42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm') ok = False try: res = self.hot_wallet.query_key("spend_key") except: ok = True assert ok ok = False try: self.hot_wallet.query_key("mnemonic") except: ok = True assert ok assert self.cold_wallet.query_key("view_key").key == view_key assert self.cold_wallet.get_address().address == self.hot_wallet.get_address().address def mine(self): print("Mining some blocks") daemon = Daemon() wallet = Wallet() daemon.generateblocks('42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 80) wallet.refresh() def transfer(self): daemon = Daemon() print("Creating transaction in hot wallet") dst = {'address': '42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 'amount': 1000000000000} payment_id = '1234500000012345abcde00000abcdeff1234500000012345abcde00000abcde' self.hot_wallet.refresh() res = self.hot_wallet.export_outputs() self.cold_wallet.import_outputs(res.outputs_data_hex) res = self.cold_wallet.export_key_images(True) self.hot_wallet.import_key_images(res.signed_key_images, offset = res.offset) res = self.hot_wallet.transfer([dst], ring_size = 11, payment_id = payment_id, get_tx_key = False) assert len(res.tx_hash) == 32*2 txid = res.tx_hash assert len(res.tx_key) == 0 assert res.amount > 0 amount = res.amount assert res.fee > 0 fee = res.fee assert len(res.tx_blob) == 0 assert len(res.tx_metadata) == 0 assert len(res.multisig_txset) == 0 assert len(res.unsigned_txset) > 0 unsigned_txset = res.unsigned_txset print 'Signing transaction with cold wallet' res = self.cold_wallet.describe_transfer(unsigned_txset = unsigned_txset) assert len(res.desc) == 1 desc = res.desc[0] assert desc.amount_in >= amount + fee assert desc.amount_out == desc.amount_in - fee assert desc.ring_size == 11 assert desc.unlock_time == 0 assert desc.payment_id == payment_id assert desc.change_amount == desc.amount_in - 1000000000000 - fee assert desc.change_address == '42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm' assert desc.fee == fee assert len(desc.recipients) == 1 rec = desc.recipients[0] assert rec.address == '42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm' assert rec.amount == 1000000000000 res = self.cold_wallet.sign_transfer(unsigned_txset) assert len(res.signed_txset) > 0 signed_txset = res.signed_txset assert len(res.tx_hash_list) == 1 txid = res.tx_hash_list[0] assert len(txid) == 64 print 'Submitting transaction with hot wallet' res = self.hot_wallet.submit_transfer(signed_txset) assert len(res.tx_hash_list) > 0 assert res.tx_hash_list[0] == txid res = self.hot_wallet.get_transfers() assert len([x for x in (res['pending'] if 'pending' in res else []) if x.txid == txid]) == 1 assert len([x for x in (res['out'] if 'out' in res else []) if x.txid == txid]) == 0 daemon.generateblocks('42ey1afDFnn4886T7196doS9GPMzexD9gXpsZJDwVjeRVdFCSoHnv7KPbBeGpzJBzHRCAs9UxqeoyFQMYbqSWYTfJJQAWDm', 1) self.hot_wallet.refresh() res = self.hot_wallet.get_transfers() assert len([x for x in (res['pending'] if 'pending' in res else []) if x.txid == txid]) == 0 assert len([x for x in (res['out'] if 'out' in res else []) if x.txid == txid]) == 1 res = self.hot_wallet.get_tx_key(txid) assert len(res.tx_key) == 0 or res.tx_key == '01' + '0' * 62 # identity is used as placeholder res = self.cold_wallet.get_tx_key(txid) assert len(res.tx_key) == 64 class Guard: def __enter__(self): for i in range(2): Wallet(idx = i).auto_refresh(False) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): for i in range(2): Wallet(idx = i).auto_refresh(True) if __name__ == '__main__': with Guard() as guard: cs = ColdSigningTest().run_test()