// Copyright (c) 2006-2013, Andrey N. Sabelnikov, www.sabelnikov.net // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Andrey N. Sabelnikov nor the // names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER BE LIABLE FOR ANY // DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES // (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND // ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // #pragma once #include "portable_storage_template_helper.h" #include <boost/utility/value_init.hpp> #include "span.h" #include "net/levin_base.h" #undef MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY #define MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY "net" namespace { template<typename context_t> void on_levin_traffic(const context_t &context, bool initiator, bool sent, bool error, size_t bytes, const char *category) { MCINFO("net.p2p.traffic", context << bytes << " bytes " << (sent ? "sent" : "received") << (error ? "/corrupt" : "") << " for category " << category << " initiated by " << (initiator ? "us" : "peer")); } template<typename context_t> void on_levin_traffic(const context_t &context, bool initiator, bool sent, bool error, size_t bytes, int command) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "command-%u", command); return on_levin_traffic(context, initiator, sent, error, bytes, buf); } } namespace epee { namespace net_utils { #if 0 template<class t_arg, class t_result, class t_transport> bool invoke_remote_command2(int command, const t_arg& out_struct, t_result& result_struct, t_transport& transport) { if(!transport.is_connected()) return false; serialization::portable_storage stg; out_struct.store(stg); std::string buff_to_send, buff_to_recv; stg.store_to_binary(buff_to_send); int res = transport.invoke(command, buff_to_send, buff_to_recv); if( res <=0 ) { MERROR("Failed to invoke command " << command << " return code " << res); return false; } serialization::portable_storage stg_ret; if(!stg_ret.load_from_binary(buff_to_recv)) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to load_from_binary on command " << command); return false; } return result_struct.load(stg_ret); } template<class t_arg, class t_transport> bool notify_remote_command2(int command, const t_arg& out_struct, t_transport& transport) { if(!transport.is_connected()) return false; serialization::portable_storage stg; out_struct.store(&stg); std::string buff_to_send; stg.store_to_binary(buff_to_send); int res = transport.notify(command, buff_to_send); if(res <=0 ) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to notify command " << command << " return code " << res); return false; } return true; } #endif template<class t_arg, class t_result, class t_transport> bool invoke_remote_command2(const epee::net_utils::connection_context_base context, int command, const t_arg& out_struct, t_result& result_struct, t_transport& transport) { const boost::uuids::uuid &conn_id = context.m_connection_id; typename serialization::portable_storage stg; out_struct.store(stg); std::string buff_to_send, buff_to_recv; stg.store_to_binary(buff_to_send); on_levin_traffic(context, true, true, false, buff_to_send.size(), command); int res = transport.invoke(command, buff_to_send, buff_to_recv, conn_id); if( res <=0 ) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to invoke command " << command << " return code " << res); return false; } typename serialization::portable_storage stg_ret; if(!stg_ret.load_from_binary(buff_to_recv)) { on_levin_traffic(context, true, false, true, buff_to_recv.size(), command); LOG_ERROR("Failed to load_from_binary on command " << command); return false; } on_levin_traffic(context, true, false, false, buff_to_recv.size(), command); return result_struct.load(stg_ret); } template<class t_result, class t_arg, class callback_t, class t_transport> bool async_invoke_remote_command2(const epee::net_utils::connection_context_base &context, int command, const t_arg& out_struct, t_transport& transport, const callback_t &cb, size_t inv_timeout = LEVIN_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_PRECONFIGURED) { const boost::uuids::uuid &conn_id = context.m_connection_id; typename serialization::portable_storage stg; const_cast<t_arg&>(out_struct).store(stg);//TODO: add true const support to searilzation std::string buff_to_send; stg.store_to_binary(buff_to_send); on_levin_traffic(context, true, true, false, buff_to_send.size(), command); int res = transport.invoke_async(command, epee::strspan<uint8_t>(buff_to_send), conn_id, [cb, command](int code, const epee::span<const uint8_t> buff, typename t_transport::connection_context& context)->bool { t_result result_struct = AUTO_VAL_INIT(result_struct); if( code <=0 ) { if (!buff.empty()) on_levin_traffic(context, true, false, true, buff.size(), command); LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to invoke command " << command << " return code " << code); cb(code, result_struct, context); return false; } serialization::portable_storage stg_ret; if(!stg_ret.load_from_binary(buff)) { on_levin_traffic(context, true, false, true, buff.size(), command); LOG_ERROR("Failed to load_from_binary on command " << command); cb(LEVIN_ERROR_FORMAT, result_struct, context); return false; } if (!result_struct.load(stg_ret)) { on_levin_traffic(context, true, false, true, buff.size(), command); LOG_ERROR("Failed to load result struct on command " << command); cb(LEVIN_ERROR_FORMAT, result_struct, context); return false; } on_levin_traffic(context, true, false, false, buff.size(), command); cb(code, result_struct, context); return true; }, inv_timeout); if( res <=0 ) { LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to invoke command " << command << " return code " << res); return false; } return true; } template<class t_arg, class t_transport> bool notify_remote_command2(const typename t_transport::connection_context &context, int command, const t_arg& out_struct, t_transport& transport) { const boost::uuids::uuid &conn_id = context.m_connection_id; serialization::portable_storage stg; out_struct.store(stg); std::string buff_to_send; stg.store_to_binary(buff_to_send); on_levin_traffic(context, true, true, false, buff_to_send.size(), command); int res = transport.notify(command, epee::strspan<uint8_t>(buff_to_send), conn_id); if(res <=0 ) { MERROR("Failed to notify command " << command << " return code " << res); return false; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<class t_owner, class t_in_type, class t_out_type, class t_context, class callback_t> int buff_to_t_adapter(int command, const epee::span<const uint8_t> in_buff, std::string& buff_out, callback_t cb, t_context& context ) { serialization::portable_storage strg; if(!strg.load_from_binary(in_buff)) { on_levin_traffic(context, false, false, true, in_buff.size(), command); LOG_ERROR("Failed to load_from_binary in command " << command); return -1; } boost::value_initialized<t_in_type> in_struct; boost::value_initialized<t_out_type> out_struct; if (!static_cast<t_in_type&>(in_struct).load(strg)) { on_levin_traffic(context, false, false, true, in_buff.size(), command); LOG_ERROR("Failed to load in_struct in command " << command); return -1; } on_levin_traffic(context, false, false, false, in_buff.size(), command); int res = cb(command, static_cast<t_in_type&>(in_struct), static_cast<t_out_type&>(out_struct), context); serialization::portable_storage strg_out; static_cast<t_out_type&>(out_struct).store(strg_out); if(!strg_out.store_to_binary(buff_out)) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to store_to_binary in command" << command); return -1; } on_levin_traffic(context, false, true, false, buff_out.size(), command); return res; } template<class t_owner, class t_in_type, class t_context, class callback_t> int buff_to_t_adapter(t_owner* powner, int command, const epee::span<const uint8_t> in_buff, callback_t cb, t_context& context) { serialization::portable_storage strg; if(!strg.load_from_binary(in_buff)) { on_levin_traffic(context, false, false, true, in_buff.size(), command); LOG_ERROR("Failed to load_from_binary in notify " << command); return -1; } boost::value_initialized<t_in_type> in_struct; if (!static_cast<t_in_type&>(in_struct).load(strg)) { on_levin_traffic(context, false, false, true, in_buff.size(), command); LOG_ERROR("Failed to load in_struct in notify " << command); return -1; } on_levin_traffic(context, false, false, false, in_buff.size(), command); return cb(command, in_struct, context); } #define CHAIN_LEVIN_INVOKE_MAP2(context_type) \ int invoke(int command, const epee::span<const uint8_t> in_buff, std::string& buff_out, context_type& context) \ { \ bool handled = false; \ return handle_invoke_map(false, command, in_buff, buff_out, context, handled); \ } #define CHAIN_LEVIN_NOTIFY_MAP2(context_type) \ int notify(int command, const epee::span<const uint8_t> in_buff, context_type& context) \ { \ bool handled = false; std::string fake_str;\ return handle_invoke_map(true, command, in_buff, fake_str, context, handled); \ } #define CHAIN_LEVIN_INVOKE_MAP() \ int invoke(int command, const epee::span<const uint8_t> in_buff, std::string& buff_out, epee::net_utils::connection_context_base& context) \ { \ bool handled = false; \ return handle_invoke_map(false, command, in_buff, buff_out, context, handled); \ } #define CHAIN_LEVIN_NOTIFY_MAP() \ int notify(int command, const epee::span<const uint8_t> in_buff, epee::net_utils::connection_context_base& context) \ { \ bool handled = false; std::string fake_str;\ return handle_invoke_map(true, command, in_buff, fake_str, context, handled); \ } #define CHAIN_LEVIN_NOTIFY_STUB() \ int notify(int command, const epee::span<const uint8_t> in_buff, epee::net_utils::connection_context_base& context) \ { \ return -1; \ } #define BEGIN_INVOKE_MAP2(owner_type) \ template <class t_context> int handle_invoke_map(bool is_notify, int command, const epee::span<const uint8_t> in_buff, std::string& buff_out, t_context& context, bool& handled) \ { \ typedef owner_type internal_owner_type_name; #define HANDLE_INVOKE2(command_id, func, type_name_in, typename_out) \ if(!is_notify && command_id == command) \ {handled=true;return epee::net_utils::buff_to_t_adapter<internal_owner_type_name, type_name_in, typename_out>(this, command, in_buff, buff_out, boost::bind(func, this, boost::placeholders::_1, boost::placeholders::_2, boost::placeholders::_3, boost::placeholders::_4), context);} #define HANDLE_INVOKE_T2(COMMAND, func) \ if(!is_notify && COMMAND::ID == command) \ {handled=true;return epee::net_utils::buff_to_t_adapter<internal_owner_type_name, typename COMMAND::request, typename COMMAND::response>(command, in_buff, buff_out, boost::bind(func, this, boost::placeholders::_1, boost::placeholders::_2, boost::placeholders::_3, boost::placeholders::_4), context);} #define HANDLE_NOTIFY2(command_id, func, type_name_in) \ if(is_notify && command_id == command) \ {handled=true;return epee::net_utils::buff_to_t_adapter<internal_owner_type_name, type_name_in>(this, command, in_buff, boost::bind(func, this, boost::placeholders::_1, boost::placeholders::_2, boost::placeholders::_3), context);} #define HANDLE_NOTIFY_T2(NOTIFY, func) \ if(is_notify && NOTIFY::ID == command) \ {handled=true;return epee::net_utils::buff_to_t_adapter<internal_owner_type_name, typename NOTIFY::request>(this, command, in_buff, boost::bind(func, this, boost::placeholders::_1, boost::placeholders::_2, boost::placeholders::_3), context);} #define CHAIN_INVOKE_MAP2(func) \ { \ int res = func(is_notify, command, in_buff, buff_out, context, handled); \ if(handled) \ return res; \ } #define CHAIN_INVOKE_MAP_TO_OBJ2(obj) \ { \ int res = obj.handle_invoke_map(is_notify, command, in_buff, buff_out, context, handled); \ if(handled) \ return res; \ } #define CHAIN_INVOKE_MAP_TO_OBJ_FORCE_CONTEXT(obj, context_type) \ { \ int res = obj.handle_invoke_map(is_notify, command, in_buff, buff_out, static_cast<context_type>(context), handled); \ if(handled) return res; \ } #define END_INVOKE_MAP2() \ LOG_ERROR("Unknown command:" << command); \ on_levin_traffic(context, false, false, true, in_buff.size(), "invalid-command"); \ return LEVIN_ERROR_CONNECTION_HANDLER_NOT_DEFINED; \ } } }