--- layout: post title: Overview and Logs for the tini2p Dev Meeting Held on 2019-10-03 summary: Current project status, Roadmap, Meta issues, and miscellaneous tags: [dev diaries, i2p, crypto] author: el00ruobuob / oneiric --- # Logs **\** meet time **\** 0: Greetings **\** hi all **\** 1: What's been done **\** an incredible amount of refactoring, and router context impl **\** a lot of the early code that I wrote in the first months of the project has returned to bite me **\** I've spent a good amount of time correcting early design and implementation mistakes **\** work remains on the refactoring front, but it works **\** the real test will come with cross-implementation integration tests (post-alpha) **\** you can see my progress in the `context` branch: https://gitlab.com/tini2p/tini2p/tree/context **\** I have a bit more work to do cleaning things up, and making the context work without so much manual interaction **\** but tunnel messages, and end-to-end ECIES messaging works over localhost! **\** you can see for yourself here: https://gitlab.com/tini2p/tini2p/blob/context/tests/net\_tests/router/context.cc **\** notably, this test shows an end-to-end ECIES session over inbound and outbound tunnels: https://gitlab.com/tini2p/tini2p/blob/context/tests/net\_tests/router/context.cc#L402 **\** you can also see that I'm manually adding tunnels, selecting which router infos are used for tunnel hops, and manually creating the LeaseSet **\** so all that needs to be automated, and wrapped in functions inside the router context itself **\** I'll be working on that for the remainder of today, and pushing an alpha release candidate today or tomorrow **\** I'll leave the alpha candidate open for review for one week before merging into master **\** I've also updated my ECIES impl to \*mostly\* match what is in the current revision of [144](https://geti2p.net/spec/proposals/144-ecies-x25519-aead-ratchet) **\** where there are TODOs and otherwise murky content, I've filled in the gaps **\** the proposal is still highly in flux, and I will continue to update my impl until we reach a stable spec **\** over the last few meetings, zzz, orignal, the rest of the I2P devs, and I have been making a lot of progress **\** zzz is dedicating time to the next I2P release, and will return focus to 144 afterward **\** they have stated an estimate for end-of-year for a stable spec/rollout in Java I2P impl code **\** I'm hoping to also be ready with some client code (I2CP, SAMv3, Reseed) around that time to do full integration tests with Java I2P and i2pd **\** (ire too if str4d is ready :) **\** after alpha, I'll also be implementing ElGamal tunnel building, so that tini2p users will be able to build tunnels through existing Java I2P and i2pd routers **\** after that, Reseed **\** between now and next week, I'll be working on more bug fixes, the automation of router context stuffs, and trying to put together instructions for running tini2p routers over a docker testnet **\** docker testnet may wait until after alpha release, since I have net-tests that show full end-to-end communication (even if it is only over localhost) **\** that was 2: What's next **\** :0 **\** 3: Comments / questions **\** then that leaves **\** 4: Next meeting **\** will be a short update next week for alpha release: 2019-10-10 18:00 UTC **\** thanks for reading **\** @tini2p\_gitlab kick juggles the gaffer like a hacky-sack