  date: '%Y/%m/%d'
  monero: Monero
  getting_started: Getting Started
  copyright: Copyright
  monero_project: The Monero Project
  sitename:, The Monero Project
  wiki: Moneropedia
  tags: Articles By Tag
  wikimeta: on Moneropedia, the open encyclopedia of Monero knowledge
  tagsmeta: All Monero blog articles that are tagged
  titlemeta: on the home of Monero, a digital currency that is secure, private, and untraceable
  terms: Terms
  privacy: Privacy
  copyright: Copyright
  forum: Forum
  blog: Blog
  knowledge_base: Knowledge Base
  community: Community
  bitcointalk: Bitcointalk Thread
  reddit: Reddit
  allblog: All Blog Posts
  devdiaries: Dev Diaries
  missives: Monero Missives
  uncategorised: Uncategorized
  choose: How to Choose a Monero Client
  running: How to Run a Monero Node
  donations: Donating and Sponsorships
  downloads: All Monero Downloads
  merchants: Merchants and Services Directory
  accepting: Accepting Monero Payments
  about: About Monero
  people: The People Behind Monero
  userguides: User Guides
  developerguides: Developer Guides
  goals: Design & Development Goals
  openalias: The OpenAlias Project
  lab: Monero Research Lab
  alternative: Alternative Clients
  projects: External Projects
  irc: IRC on Freenode
  irc-general: "#monero (General)"
  irc-development: "#monero-dev (Development)"
  irc-trading: "#monero-otc (OTC Trading)"
  irc-markets: "#monero-markets (Markets)"
  irc-mining: "#monero-pools (Mining)"
  page_title: "Monero - secure, private, untraceable"
  what_is_1: What is
  what_is_2: " ?"
  what_is_orange_block: "Monero is a secure, private, untraceable currency. It is open-source and freely available to all."
  what_is_text_block_1: "With Monero, you are your own bank. Only you control and are responsible for your funds, and your accounts and transactions are kept private from prying eyes."
  what_is_text_block_2: "Want to find out more? An overview of Monero's main features are below. If you'd like to try Monero for yourself the"
  what_is_text_block_3: "Getting Started"
  what_is_text_block_4: "section is an excellent launching point."
  news: News
  the_latest: The Latest
  private: Private
  secure: Secure
  untraceable: Untraceable
  private_text: "Monero uses a cryptographically sound system that allows you to send and receive funds without your @transactions being publically visible on the @blockchain (the distributed ledger of transactions). This ensures that your purchases, receipts, and other transfers remain private by default."
  untraceable_text: "By taking advantage of @ring-signatures, a special property of certain types of cryptography, Monero enables untraceable transactions. This means it's ambiguous which funds have been spent, and thus extremely unlikely that a transaction could be linked to particular user."
  secure_text: "Using the power of a distributed peer-to-peer @consensus network, every transaction is cryptographically secured. Individual @accounts have a 25 word @mnemonic-seed displayed when created, which can be written down to back up the @account. Account files are encrypted with a passphrase to ensure they are worthless if stolen."
  how_do_i_1: "How do I "
  how_do_i_2: " ?"
  get_started: get started
  get_started_1: "The fastest way to start using Monero is with a web @account manager such as "
  mymonero: "MyMonero"
  get_started_2: "."
  get_started_3: "Alternatively, if you would like to run a [full Monero node](/getting-started/running) you can download the client and a kick-starter @blockchain (to bring your local client up to speed) using the download link on the right."
  where_can_i: Where can I
  download_1: download
  download_2: " ?"
  different_os: "Need it for a different operating system?"
  all_downloads: View all available downloads here
  c_download: Download
  monero_for: Monero for
  latest_blockchain: Latest @Blockchain
  title_1: All
  title_2: Blog
  title_3: Posts
  tagged: Tagged under
  author: Posted by
  forum: Click here to join the discussion for this entry on the Monero Forum
  all: Articles by Tag
  notags: There are no posts for this tag.