--- layout: post title: Overview and Logs for the tini2p Dev Meeting Held on 2019-05-23 summary: Current project status, Roadmap, Meta issues, and miscellaneous tags: [dev diaries, i2p, crypto] author: el00ruobuob / oneiric --- # Logs **tini2p** 0: Greetings hello to the void 1: What's been done I2NP messages + processing NetDB initial implementation Global housekeeping refactors Endian util removing Boost::Endian dependency endian util was merged here: tini2p/tini2p!7 I2NP + NetDB + housekeeping is in this open merge request: tini2p/tini2p!8 Tunnel messages + processing still need implementation, along with some of the other networking parts of NetDB (that require Tunnels) **tini2p** will discuss more about Tunnels in the next meeting item global housekeeping was for style + correctness, cleaning up some early spaghetti code some housekeeping remains, so it's definitely still WIP 2: What's to come ECIES updates following #ls2 discussion and prop. 144 updates Experimental Tunnel impl under ECIES Writing a proposal for Tunnel changes under ECIES, following goals of prop. 144 Use standalone ASIO to replace Boost::ASIO dependency my initial experimental ECIES implementation diverges a bit from the current spec proposal will be updating the code to match the most recent revisions, and discussions from #ls2 meetings some mismatch going forward is to be expected, since there are a number of TBD sections in 144 **tini2p** the hope is to get an MVP impl working, and come together on the necessary changes for the spec similarly, Tunnel changes under ECIES were left out of prop. 144, and I will be implementing an MVP following the spec goals of 144 after getting something working, will write up a companion spec proposal for Tunnels under ECIES one difficulty/interesting design challenge will be I2NP fragmenting + encryption for fixed-length tunnel messages during this next run, I will also be replacing Boost::ASIO with standalone ASIO, completely removing Boost dependencies **tini2p** no Boost will hopefully reduce overall code size it will also ironically increase platform portability, since the project won't be tied to any particular Boost version (since no Boost) for tini2p's separate client library, HTTP/WebSockets will be an interesting problem to solve hopefully by the time the client library is being implemented, Beast will also have a standalone option the first two items (ECIES + Tunnels) will likely take a large amount of time, probably spanning the next few weeks (if not more) **tini2p** the goal is still to have a working (able to talk to other routers via Tunnels) by alpha release (2019-07-10) `#ls2` I2P meetings have been very productive the last few weeks, and will hopefully continue to be moving forward short meeting today 3: Next meeting time 2019-06-06 18:00 UTC meeting closed