--- layout: static_page title: "Creating a Monero wallet" title-pre-kick: "Creating a Monero wallet " title-kick: "on Ubuntu " title-post-kick: "" kick-class: "purple-kicks" icon: "icon_userguides" attribution: "<!-- Icon is based on work by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 -->" --- ### Operating Systems: Ubuntu - Download the [official binaries](https://getmonero.org/downloads/) or compile the last source available on [Github](https://github.com/monero-project/bitmonero)   - Extract the files with the archive manager (same as Winzip on Windows). Note the path where the files "monerod" and "monero-wallet-cli" are   - You only need to do this step once : open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and install the required dependencies by typing : "*sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libdb++-dev*". When asked, press the Y key and then Enter to continue   - Open a terminal and load the path where your binaries are extracted (cf. step 2) by typing : "*cd yourPathFromStep2*"  - Load monerod by typing in your terminal : "*./monerod*". Wait for the synchronisation with the network (monerod is updating the blockchain you have downloaded in step 4 or is downloading it from scratch). This can take a lot of time the first time, so be patient     - Once monerod is synchronised with the network, open a new terminal, change the directory (cf. step 5), and launch monero-wallet-cli by typing "*./monero-wallet-cli*"  - Enter the name you want for your portfolio and follow the instructions from the terminal     *This is your private key. Write it down and keep it in a safe place!*  *This is your view key. You need it to create a view only wallet (cf. associated user guide)*  *This is the address of your wallet*      - To exit monerod or monero-wallet-cli just type "*exit*" in the associated terminal Now to access the portfolio you have just created you will have to launch monerod, wait for it to be synchronised with the network, launch monero-wallet-cli, and type the name of your portfolio and your password.