--- tags: ["kovri"] terms: ["LeaseSet", "LeaseSets"] summary: "Contains all currently authorized Leases for a particular I2P Destination" --- ### The Basics A Lease-Set contains a set of authorized @leases (and other related information) for a particular @destination. ### In-depth information A Lease-Set contains: - all of the currently authorized @leases for a particular @destination - the public key to which garlic messages can be encrypted (see @garlic-routing) - the signing public key that can be used to revoke this particular version of the structure The Lease-Set is one of the two structures stored in the @network-database (the other being @router-info), and is keyed under the SHA256 of the contained @destination. ### Notes For further details, read @Java-I2P's [LeaseSet](https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/network-database#leaseSet)