<?php // set the language cookie, all languages must use the appropriate ISO 639-1 code $lang = "en"; // fallback to English // we expect the path of this file to be /XX (two letter language code), if its not then the most likely event is that we are in the // English language part of the site. If we are in, say, /de then we can just grab that ISO code and run with it. The nginx rules won't // match on a language we don't know about anyway. if (substr(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)), -3, 1) == "/") $lang = substr(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)), -2); // apply to all Monero subdomains, expire in a month //setcookie("MONERO_LANG", $lang, time()+2592000, "/", ".getmonero.org"); setcookie("MONERO_LANG", $lang, time()+2592000, "/"); ?>