--- layout: root Title: Home --- <!-- Top Boxes --> <div class="row info-boxes"> <div class="col-md-5 monero-info"> <!-- Icon is based on work by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 --> <img src="//static.getmonero.org/images/icon_monero.svg" class="inline-icon" style="height: 60px;"><h2>{% t index.what_is_1 %} <span class="kicks">{% t global.monero %}</span> {% t index.what_is_2 %}</h2> <p class="kicks text-important">{% t index.what_is_orange_block %}</p> <p>{% t index.what_is_text_block_1 %}</p> <p>{% t index.what_is_text_block_2 %} <a href="/{{ site.lang }}/getting-started/">{% t global.getting_started %}</a> {% t index.what_is_text_block_4 %}<br/> </p> </div> <div class="col-md-1 info-spacer"> </div> <div class="col-md-6 monero-news"> <!-- Icon is based on work by Icomoon (http://www.icomoon.io) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 --> <img src="//static.getmonero.org/images/icon_news.svg" class="inline-icon" style="height: 60px;"><h2>{% t index.the_latest %} <span class="announcements">{% t index.news %}</span></h2> <ul> {% for post in site.posts limit:3 %} <li> <a href="{{ post.url }}">[{{ post.date | date: "%B %d" }} - <span class="news-title">{{ post.title }}</span>]</a><br> {{ post.summary }} </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </div> </div> <!-- / Top Boxes --> <!-- Green Box --> <div class="row box-green"> <div class="col-md-4 right-border inside"> <!-- Icon is by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 --> <img src="//static.getmonero.org/images/icon_secure.svg" class="green-icon" style="height: 40px;"><h2>{% t index.secure %}</h2> <p>{% t index.secure_text %}</p> </div> <div class="col-md-4 inside"> <!-- Icon is by Bogdan Rosu (http://www.bogdanrosu.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 --> <img src="//static.getmonero.org/images/icon_private.svg" class="green-icon" style="height: 40px;"><h2>{% t index.private %}</h2> <p>{% t index.private_text %}</p> </div> <div class="col-md-4 left-border inside"> <!-- Icon is by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 --> <img src="//static.getmonero.org/images/icon_untraceable.svg" class="green-icon" style="height: 40px;"><h2>{% t index.untraceable %}</h2> <p>{% t index.untraceable_text %}</p> </div> </div> <!-- / Green Box --> <hr class="push-top"> <div class="row bottom-boxes"> <div class="col-md-6"> <!-- Icon is by Freepik (http://www.freepik.com) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 --> <img src="//static.getmonero.org/images/icon_start.svg" class="icon" style="height: 60px;"> <h2 class="inline"> {% t index.how_do_i_1 %}<br><span class="softyellow-kicks">{% t index.get_started %}</span> {% t index.how_do_i_2 %} </h2> <p style="margin-top: 40px;">{% t index.get_started_1 %}<a href="https://mymonero.com">{% t index.mymonero %}</a>{% t index.get_started_2 %}</p> <p>{% t index.get_started_3 %}</p> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="left-pad"> <!-- Icon is by Yannick (http://yanlu.de) and is licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0 --> <img src="//static.getmonero.org/images/icon_download.svg" class="icon" style="height: 60px;"><h2 class="no-margin hide-breaks inline">{% t index.where_can_i %} <span class="purple-kicks">{% t index.download_1 %}</span> {% t global.monero %} {% t index.download_2 %}</h2> </div> <div class="left-pad download-links-container"> {% include download.php %} </div> <div class="col-lg-12 left-pad other-links"> {% t index.different_os %}<br><a href="/{{ site.lang }}/downloads">{% t index.all_downloads %}</a> </div> </div> </div>