--- layout: post title: Overview and Logs for the Kovri Dev Meeting Held on 2018-06-28 summary: Discussion of the latest Kovri development updates and the alpha release tags: [dev diaries, i2p, crypto] author: selsta / anonimal --- # Logs **\** 1. Greetings **\** 2. Brief review of what's been completed since the previous meeting **\** 3. Contributor FFS check-in / status **\** 4. Alpha release discussion **\** 5. Public relations discussion **\** 6. Code + ticket discussion / Q & A **\** 7. Any additional meeting items **\** 8. Confirm next meeting date/time **\** howdy **\** hi there **\** rehrar are you going to miss the 2nd meeting that you helped setup? :/ **\** He's busy with things. This I do know. **\** But what if I decided to not show up to meetings because I was busy, and didn't reschedule? **\** Life's questions. **\** 2. Brief review of what's been completed since the previous meeting **\** When was the last meeting? **\** Oh, only 3 weeks ago? **\** Seems longer than that. **\** I put together a small summary of stuff from ~last month: **\** anonimal improved and/or fixed builds, tests, the testnet, logging, CLI arguments, and documentation. In addition, anonimal spent a significant amount of time mentoring oneiric. **\** tmoravec is a new contributor, and fixed a number of Coverity bugs & build warnings. **\** ordtrogen is a new contributor, and improved build instructions in the README. **\** RichAyotte is a new contributor, and updated the user guide documentation. **\** ErCiccione added a TOC to the Kovri multilingual README. **\** rahkimov improved a core data structure (Tag), and fixed a dependency in the Kovri README. **\** oneiric improved tests, router key creation (w/ anonimal), core data structures (Tag/InputByteStream), and fixed build warnings. **\** rehrar updated the multilingual implementation for the Kovri site, and merged a number of commits from documentation. **\** monerorus is a new contributor to the kovri site, and translated the site into Russian. **\** el00ruobuob is a new contributor to the Kovri site, and translated the site into French. **\** For details see merged PRs on github: **\** kovri: https://github.com/monero-project/kovri/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+is%3Amerged **\** kovri-site: https://github.com/monero-project/kovri-site/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+is%3Amerged **\** kovri-docs: https://github.com/monero-project/kovri-docs/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+is%3Amerged **\** lol, thanks oneiric\_ **\** Also see open PRs. **\** lol, no problem anonimal **\** I implemented tweetnacl / dropped supercop, in #909. There are other open PRs too. **\** oneiric\_: that was an awesome summary btw **\** ^ irc summary **\** reminds me of my gusto circa 2015 **\** which has disappeared in the wind of time. **\** So thanks for doing that **\** thanks, I'll try to keep that up for good communication **\** no worries :) **\** 3. Contributor FFS check-in / status **\** oneiric\_'s FFS has moved to funding required **\** https://forum.getmonero.org/8/funding-required/90300/oneiric-june-august-part-time-kovri-junior-developer **\** Congratulations on 73.36% funding oneiric\_ **\** thanks anonimal, and huge thank you to everyone who has contributed! **\** means a lot to me to have the community's support **\** I don't think people realize how much of my time I donate. Regardless, if the remaining balance isn't filled soon then I'll donate. **\** Anything else on the FFS topic? **\** Oh, my FFS. **\** that's awesome, thank you! I do know, at least partly, how much time you spend, and that's hugely appreciated on it's own **\** I could go into detail for any lurkers or people with questions but I don't know who are around. **\** From an outsider's perspective, I don't think they realize how far you've come oneiric\_ in such a short amount of time. **\** Ok, not to derail my FFS, I've recently finished another milestone http://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/86967/anonimal-s-kovri-full-time-development-funding-thread?page=&noscroll=1#post-94875 **\** Continuing as scheduled. **\** Any questions/comments on the FFS checkin? **\** 4. Alpha release discussion **\** Here **\** Hi Corklander, thanks for dropping in. I know the relays are offline. **\** Just that the comment about mentoring is not an understatement, and I appreciate your time spent with me **\** We'll have to upload the meeting log. Maybe selsta is around? **\** Thanks oneiric\_, likewise. **\** Hi there, Corklander! **\** Continuing to the release discussion, any questions before I start? **\** none from me **\** Ok, so off the top of my head, **\** I'm imagining a release date of August 1st. Completed release, on website, binaries rolled out, etc. **\** Codefreeze two weeks before that at most. **\** Or, more realistically, codefreeze the night before :) **\** lol **\** But let's aim for two weeks prior. **\** Not like it will matter much. Everyone will still 99.9% be advised to build from master. **\** But, if we have these dates, we can tell pigeons and hopefully he can make sure all the backend issues are resolved so we can actually *have* a release. **\** Will there be a release branch to make bugfix pulls against? **\** Good question. We can do that. Or not. We can also just do a featurefreeze instead. **\** Ok, I'm good with either way. **\** I personally don't like a cluttered tree, and considering alpha and lots of numbers that will need to be released... **\** We can decide as the time approaches. Sound fair? **\** Definitely, sounds fair. **\** ok **\** About the website, that too will need to be updated and ready to go. **\** Just FYI. Not my territory though. **\** Any more questions/comments about alpha release? **\** Ok, I was hoping rehrar would be here. Wanted to ask questions about his preference for docs PRs **\** Did you want to PR some things? **\** Yeah, the router size notes we discussed in #627 **\** anonimal: if I have time I’ll PR it :) **\** k **\** oneiric\_: I'm basically running that repo. What was the question? **\** I'm thinking we move kovri moneropedia entires onto kovri-site btw **\** and then from there we can add directly to the website **\** Ok, would you prefer me to make a PR directly to kovri-site, or to kovri-docs, then merge that into kovri-site? **\** Oh, got it, so just PR to moneropedia? **\** Good questions. If we had more active website development I would say just PR to the website **\** *kovri-site **\** What would the title of the document be? **\** Good question, I haven't thought about it, yet. **\** Ok, let's talk more. This would be the perfect opportunity to have a simple developer notes section somewhere. **\** Then again, the java i2p docs could simply be written better. Yes, I've voiced complaints/concerns. Beating dead horse. **\** oneiric\_: can we talk more about this after the meeting? **\** Absolutely **\** k **\** 5. Public relations discussion **\** Well, our volunteer PR guy who was here for 3 seconds decided to rage quit, so, here we are. **\** Any questions/comments on point 5? **\** We're in a time where PR doesn't require product anymore. I personally don't agree with this but the trend is being set. **\** Is xmrhaelan, the Monero PR/outreach guy, available to help with Kovri? **\** We're in a time where PR doesn't require product anymore. < what do you mean? **\** We're available. We have communications channels. We have very little outreach but c'est la vie. **\** oneiric\_: one can put vast amounts of money into a PR team and not need to have a product. See ICOs. **\** Oh, yeah vaporware is king there **\** I don't know if xmrhaelan is around. I keep thinking of Van Halen everytime I read his name. **\** lol **\** "Got it baaddd, got it baaad, got it baaadd, got hots for teacher" **\** Anything else on point 5.? **\** Is there a strategy? **\** I could go on, this is a chat-worthy topic but, preaching to the choir here. **\** As in, was there a plan to have an alpha now, a beta in 1 year, etc. **\** These are all just names. We could've had alpha a year ago. Names and numbers used to denote quality and reliability but most of that concept has disappeared. **\** The steaming pile of shit that we forked had multiple "full releases" even before we forked. **\** So, we can say whatever we'd like. I'm just trying to be as honest as possible. **\** But yes, strategy would be good. **\** Ah, yeah. **\** I would think we need an extra pair of hands to fulfill a strategy though. **\** Corklander: do you have any ideas/thoughts on how to improve PR? **\** Well, I think PR is always targeted to get needed people involved **\** There's got to be existing projects that are fumbling with Tor, etc. that could use a better API. **\** Good point, I haven't thought about that. **\** If we just throw together a list, then go through and announce the alpha to them, that would generate interest on its own. **\** I'd always thought that stem and their existing api was good enough for most people. **\** e.g., socks proxy :) **\** Ok, that sounds interesting. **\** It's the I2P routing that sold me though. Tor is too wild to provide services. **\** I'd really like to hear more about your perspective Corklander. My head's been in this too long to have a fresh/newcomer perspective. **\** i.e. If I want to make an app with a connection to a relaible backend and prove no knowledge of the requestor then I2P might work. **\** Would you like to chat more about this after the meeting? Or in a separate meeting or side-channel? And/or inperson? **\** Sure. **\** Ok, I don't understand the zero knowledge requester part so I'll ask about that. **\** Well, I'll be at DEFCON so we'll have a chance to go into details anyway. **\** Yup. **\** Ok. Any other questions/comments on the PR topic? **\** < None here **\** 6. Code + ticket discussion / Q & A **\** oneiric\_: I'll get to reviewing the remaining open PRs today **\** Ok, I added a WIP tag to #917, to rebase on top of a merged #926 **\** ok **\** Have a hunch about what might be causing the assert firing for #909, think related to RI stuff **\** Getting closer to figuring out the SSU overread issue. Is the SSU fragment code from pre-fork? **\** ok good. After I merge 926 into my bandcaps branch I'll need to fix a couple of RI bugs that are getting in the way. I don't think it will affect that assertion though, TBD. **\** The SSU fragment and data code, yes. **\** Alright, was just a hunch. **\** re: SSU code, thought so. much spaget **\** lol **\** yes **\** ok, running out of time, anything else for 6.? **\** Can talk later, or on GH **\** k **\** I'm not 100% thrilled about the new utility buffer. I'd like to see a more work on it before it's deployed out of the simple RI case. **\** 7. Any additional meeting items **\** Corklander: selsta may be able to upload the meeting. If he can't then I'll upload a paste. **\** 8. Confirm next meeting date/time **\** Two weeks? Sooner? **\** Two weeks, cause code freeze, I'm good for sooner, too. **\** ok. Corklander? **\** Anytime is good with me. **\** ok **\** (It'll take me at least that much time before I can cover the entire codebase and be ready to add.) **\** Alright, let's set a date for 2 weeks, same time, and we can chat here frequently when needed. **\** Sound good? **\** +1 **\** +1 **\** Corklander: are you on Coverity? **\** Thanks everyone