diff --git a/_data/lang/it/footer-1.yml b/_data/lang/it/footer-1.yml
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+++ b/_data/lang/it/footer-1.yml
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+- title: Risorse
+  subfolderitems:
+  - name: Riguardo Monero
+    url: resources/about/
+  - name: Moneropedia
+    url: resources/moneropedia/
+  - name: Guide per Sviluppatori
+    url: resources/developer-guides/
+  - name: Guide per l'utente
+    url: resources/user-guides/
+  - name: RSS Feed
+    url: https://getmonero.org/feed.xml
+- title: IRC Chats
+  subfolderitems:
+  - name: monero
+    url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero
+  - name: monero-dev
+    url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-dev
+  - name: monero-markets
+    url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-markets
+  - name: monero-pools
+    url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-pools
+  - name: monero-community
+    url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-community
+  - name: monero-translations
+    url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-translations
+  - name: monero-hardware
+    url: irc://chat.freenode.net/#monero-hardware
+- title: Community
+  subfolderitems:
+  - name: Reddit
+    url: https://reddit.com/r/monero
+  - name: Stack Exchange
+    url: https://monero.stackexchange.com/
+  - name: BitcoinTalk Thread
+    url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583449.0
+  - name: Mattermost Chat
+    url: https://mattermost.getmonero.org/
+  - name: Telegram Chat
+    url: https://telegram.me/bitmonero
+- title: The Monero Project
+  subfolderitems:
+  - name: Open Alias
+    url: https://openalias.org/
+  - name: Kovri
+    url: https://getkovri.org/
+  - name: Monero Research Lab
+    url: resources/research-lab/
+  - name: Monero Press Kit
+    url: press-kit
diff --git a/_data/lang/it/footer-2.yml b/_data/lang/it/footer-2.yml
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+- name: Legale
+  url: legal
+- name: Codice Sorgente
+  url: https://github.com/monero-project
+- name: Specifiche Tecniche
+  url: technical-specs/
diff --git a/_data/lang/it/navigation.yml b/_data/lang/it/navigation.yml
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+- title: Inizia da Qui
+  subfolderitems:
+  - page: cos'è Monero?
+    url: get-started/what-is-monero
+  - page: Utilizzo
+    url: get-started/using
+  - page: Adozione
+    url: get-started/accepting
+  - page: Contribuire
+    url: get-started/contributing
+  - page: Mining
+    url: get-started/mining
+  - page: FAQ
+    url: get-started/faq
+- title: Downloads
+  url: downloads/
+- title: Notizie Recenti
+  subfolderitems:
+    - page: Tutti i Post
+      url: blog
+    - page: Missive
+      url: blog/tags/monero%20missives.html
+    - page: Logs dei Meetings
+      url: blog/tags/dev%20diaries.html
+    - page: Uscite
+      url: blog/tags/releases.html
+- title: Community
+  subfolderitems:
+  - page: Team
+    url: community/team
+  - page: Hangouts
+    url: community/hangouts
+  - page: Eventi
+    url: community/events
+  - page: Sponsorships
+    url: community/sponsorships
+  - page: Mercanti
+    url: community/merchants
+- title: Risorse
+  subfolderitems:
+  - page: About
+    url: resources/about
+  - page: Roadmap
+    url: resources/roadmap
+  - page: Research Lab
+    url: resources/research-lab
+  - page: Moneropedia
+    url: resources/moneropedia
+  - page: Guide per Utenti
+    url: resources/user-guides
+  - page: Guide per sviluppatori
+    url: resources/developer-guides
+  - page: Specifiche Tecniche
+    url: technical-specs
diff --git a/_data/lang/it/roadmap.yml b/_data/lang/it/roadmap.yml
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+- year: 2014
+  accomplishments:
+    - name: Annuncio su Bitcointalk
+      date: 2014-04-18
+      status: completed
+    - name: Rinominato da Bitmonero to Monero
+      date: 2014-04-23
+      status: completed
+    - name: Recuperato dopo un attacco spam
+      date: 2014-09-04
+      status: completed
+    - name: Il Monero Research Lab pubblica i Papers 1 e 2
+      date: 2014-09-12
+      status: completed
+    - name: Il Monero Research Lab pubblica il Paper 3
+      date: 2014-09-25
+      status: completed
+    - name: rilasciata
+      date: 2014-12-08
+      status: completed
+- year: 2015
+  accomplishments:
+    - name: Il Monero Research Lab pubblica il Paper 4
+      date: 2015-01-26
+      status: completed
+- year: 2016
+  accomplishments:
+    - name: 0.9.0 Hydrogen Helix rilasciata
+      date: 2016-01-01
+      status: completed
+    - name: Il Monero Research Lab pubblica il Paper 5
+      date: 2016-02-10
+      status: completed
+    - name: Hardfork per richiedere un ringsize minimo di 3 per tutte le transazioni
+      date: 2016-03-22
+      status: completed
+    - name: 0.10.0 Wolfram Warptangent rilasciata
+      date: 2016-09-18
+      status: completed
+    - name: Hardfork per dividere coinbase in denominazioni
+      date: 2016-09-21
+      status: completed
+    - name: 0.10.1 Wolfram Warptangent rilasciata
+      date: 2016-12-14
+      status: completed
+    - name: GUI Beta 1 ufficialmente rilasciata
+      date: 2016-12-22
+      status: completed
+- year: 2017
+  accomplishments:
+    - name: Hardfork per abilitare Transazioni RingCT
+      date: 2017-01-05
+      status: completed
+    - name: 0.10.2 rilasciata; vulnerabilità critica patchata
+      date: 2017-02-22
+      status: completed
+    - name: Wolfram Warptangent rilasciata
+      date: 2017-03-27
+      status: completed
+    - name: Hardfork per sistemare il blocksize minimo e l'algoritmo per le fee dinamiche
+      date: 2017-04-15
+      status: completed
+    - name: Website ridisegnato
+      date: 2017-07-04
+      status: completed
+    - name: Helium Hydra rilasciata
+      date: 2017-09-07
+      status: completed
+    - name: Fluffy blocks
+      date: 2017-09-07
+      status: completed
+    - name: GUI non più in beta
+      date: 2017-09-10
+      status: completed
+    - name: Hardfork per incrementare il ringsize minimo a 5 e richiedere l'uso di transazioni RingCT
+      date: 2017-09-15
+      status: completed
+    - name: 0MQ/ZeroMQ
+      date: September, 2017
+      status: completed
+    - name: Fluffy blocks
+      date:
+      status: ongoing
+    - name: porting della GUI su android
+      date:
+      status: ongoing
+    - name: Redesign del Forum Funding System
+      date:
+      status: ongoing
+    - name: Subaddresses
+      date:
+      status: ongoing
+    - name: Multi-signatures (multisig)
+      date:
+      status: ongoing
+    - name: Rilascio versione alpha di Kovri
+      date:
+      status: upcoming
+- year: 2018
+  accomplishments:
+    - name: Ricerche aggiuntive del MRL
+      date:
+      status: upcoming
+    - name: Soluzioni Second-layer per velocità e scalabilità
+      date:
+      status: upcoming
+    - name: Range proofs più efficiente per RingCT - Ridurre dimensione delle transazioni
+      date:
+      status: upcoming