diff --git a/_i18n/ar/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/ar/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index dd446e0c..ed26d1e0 100644 --- a/_i18n/ar/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/ar/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,15 +1,26 @@ --- +summary: 'the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain' terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners"] -summary: "the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain" --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### The Basics -The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. +The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, +containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. -Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere. +Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public +ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the +blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend +coins that have already been spent elsewhere. -Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in ordinary CPUs and GPUs. +Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm +that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing +devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of +CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in +ordinary CPUs and GPUs. -The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. +The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's +computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool +mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. diff --git a/_i18n/de/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/de/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index a3d764c1..c43e9f2b 100644 --- a/_i18n/de/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/de/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,15 +1,30 @@ --- +summary: 'Der Prozess des kryptografischen Errechnens eines mathematischen Nachweises eines Blocks, welcher eine Anzahl von Transaktionen enthält, die dann zur Blockchain hinzugefügt werden' terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners", "Mining", "Miner", "Minings", "Miners", "Minern"] -summary: "Prozess des kryptografischen Errechnens eines mathematischen Nachweises eines Blocks, der eine Anzahl von Transaktionen enthält, welche dann zur Blockchain hinzugefügt werden" --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### Grundlagen -Der Prozess des kryptografischen Errechnens eines mathematischen Nachweises eines Blocks, welcher eine Anzahl von Transaktionen enthält, die dann zur Blockchain hinzugefügt werden. +Der Prozess des kryptografischen Errechnens eines mathematischen Nachweises +eines Blocks, welcher eine Anzahl von Transaktionen enthält, die dann zur +Blockchain hinzugefügt werden. -Mining ist der verteilte Prozess des Bestätigens von Transaktionen im öffentlichen, alle Transaktionen umfassenden Kassenbuch, bekannt als @Blockchain. Monero-Nodes nutzen die Blockchain, um rechtmäßige Transaktionen von denen zu unterscheiden, in welchen versucht wird, bereits zuvor ausgegebene Coins erneut zu senden. +Mining ist der verteilte Prozess des Bestätigens von Transaktionen im +öffentlichen, alle Transaktionen umfassenden Kassenbuch, bekannt als +@Blockchain. Monero-Nodes nutzen die Blockchain, um rechtmäßige +Transaktionen von denen zu unterscheiden, in welchen versucht wird, bereits +zuvor ausgegebene Coins erneut zu senden. -Monero wird ausschließlich durch ein Proof-of-Work-Verfahren betrieben. Es setzt einen Mining-Algorithmus ein, der das Potenzial hat, effizient auf Milliarden von bestehenden Geräten (jeder modernen x86-CPU und vielen GPUs) ausgeführt zu werden. Monero verwendet eine Variante des CryptoNight-Proof-of-Work-Algorithmus, der für den Gebrauch in üblichen CPUs und GPUs entwickelt wurde. +Monero wird ausschließlich durch ein Proof-of-Work-Verfahren betrieben. Es +setzt einen Mining-Algorithmus ein, der das Potenzial hat, effizient auf +Milliarden von bestehenden Geräten (jeder modernen x86-CPU und vielen GPUs) +ausgeführt zu werden. Monero verwendet eine Variante des +CryptoNight-Proof-of-Work-Algorithmus, der für den Gebrauch in üblichen CPUs +und GPUs entwickelt wurde. -Diese intelligente Eigenschaft des Minings erlaubt transparentes CPU-Mining auf dem Rechner des Nutzers, weit weg von faktisch zentralisierten Mining-Farms und Mining-Pools, und strebt damit Satoshi Nakamotos ursprüngliche Vision einer wahrhaftigen P2P-Währung an. \ No newline at end of file +Diese intelligente Eigenschaft des Minings erlaubt transparentes CPU-Mining +auf dem Rechner des Nutzers, weit weg von faktisch zentralisierten +Mining-Farms und Mining-Pools, und strebt damit Satoshi Nakamotos +ursprüngliche Vision einer wahrhaftigen P2P-Währung an. diff --git a/_i18n/en/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/en/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index dd446e0c..aa5e4976 100644 --- a/_i18n/en/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/en/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ summary: "the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### The Basics The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. diff --git a/_i18n/es/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/es/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index dd446e0c..ed26d1e0 100644 --- a/_i18n/es/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/es/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,15 +1,26 @@ --- +summary: 'the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain' terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners"] -summary: "the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain" --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### The Basics -The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. +The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, +containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. -Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere. +Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public +ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the +blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend +coins that have already been spent elsewhere. -Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in ordinary CPUs and GPUs. +Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm +that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing +devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of +CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in +ordinary CPUs and GPUs. -The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. +The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's +computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool +mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. diff --git a/_i18n/fr/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/fr/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index f4453dd4..9c535815 100644 --- a/_i18n/fr/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/fr/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,16 +1,31 @@ --- -terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners", "extraction-minière", "mineur", "mineurs"] summary: "Le processus de calcul cryptographique d'une preuve mathématique pour un bloc, contenant une quantité de transactions, qui sont alors ajoutés à la chaîne de blocs" +terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners", "extraction-minière", "mineur", "mineurs"] --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### Les Bases +Le processus de calcul cryptographique d'une preuve mathématique pour un +bloc, contenant une quantité de transactions, qui sont alors ajoutés à la +chaîne de blocs. -Le processus de calcul cryptographique d'une preuve mathématique pour un bloc, contenant une quantité de transactions, qui sont alors ajoutés à la chaîne de blocs. +L'extraction minière est le processus distribué confirmant les transactions +sur le registre publique de toutes les transactions, c'est à dire la chaîne +de blocs. Les nœuds Monero utilisent la chaîne de blocs pour différencier +les transactions légitimes des tentative de re-dépense des pièces qui ont +déjà été dépensées ailleurs. -L'extraction minière est le processus distribué confirmant les transactions sur le registre publique de toutes les transactions, c'est à dire la chaîne de blocs. Les nœuds Monero utilisent la chaîne de blocs pour différencier les transactions légitimes des tentative de re-dépense des pièces qui ont déjà été dépensées ailleurs. +Monero est alimenté uniquement par Preuve de Travail. Il utilise un +algorithm d'extraction minière qui a le potentiel pour être exécuté +efficacement par des milliards d'équipement existant (tous les processeurs +x86 modernes et de nombreux processeurs graphiques). Monero utilise une +variante de l'algorithme de preuve de travail CryptoNight, qui est conçu +pour une utilisation sur des CPUs et GPUs ordinaires. -Monero est alimenté uniquement par Preuve de Travail. Il utilise un algorithm d'extraction minière qui a le potentiel pour être exécuté efficacement par des milliards d'équipement existant (tous les processeurs x86 modernes et de nombreux processeurs graphiques). Monero utilise une variante de l'algorithme de preuve de travail CryptoNight, qui est conçu pour une utilisation sur des CPUs et GPUs ordinaires. - -La fonctionnalité d'extraction minière intelligente permet une extraction minière transparente sur l'ordinateur de l'utilisateur, loin de la centralisation de facto des fermes et pool d'extractions minières, poursuivant ainsi la vision originelle d'une vrai monnaie pair-à-pair de Satoshi Nakamoto. +La fonctionnalité d'extraction minière intelligente permet une extraction +minière transparente sur l'ordinateur de l'utilisateur, loin de la +centralisation de facto des fermes et pool d'extractions minières, +poursuivant ainsi la vision originelle d'une vrai monnaie pair-à-pair de +Satoshi Nakamoto. diff --git a/_i18n/it/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/it/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index dd446e0c..ed26d1e0 100644 --- a/_i18n/it/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/it/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,15 +1,26 @@ --- +summary: 'the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain' terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners"] -summary: "the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain" --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### The Basics -The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. +The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, +containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. -Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere. +Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public +ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the +blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend +coins that have already been spent elsewhere. -Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in ordinary CPUs and GPUs. +Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm +that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing +devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of +CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in +ordinary CPUs and GPUs. -The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. +The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's +computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool +mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. diff --git a/_i18n/nb-no/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/nb-no/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index f1449209..225be02b 100644 --- a/_i18n/nb-no/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/nb-no/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,15 +1,28 @@ --- +summary: 'Prosessen av å kryptografisk beregne et matematisk bevis for en blokk som inneholder en rekke transaksjoner, som deretter legges til blokkjeden' terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners", "utvinning", "utvinner", "utvinnere"] -summary: "prosessen av å kryptografisk beregne et matematisk bevis for en blokk som inneholder en rekke transaksjoner, som deretter legges til blokkjeden" --- - + {% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### Det grunnleggende -Prosessen av å kryptografisk beregne et matematisk bevis for en blokk som inneholder en rekke transaksjoner, som deretter legges til blokkjeden. +Prosessen av å kryptografisk beregne et matematisk bevis for en blokk som +inneholder en rekke transaksjoner, som deretter legges til blokkjeden. -Utvinning er den distribuerte prosessen av å bekrefte transaksjoner på den offentlige hovedboken som ikkeholder alle transaksjonene, altså @blokkjeden. Monero-noder bruker blokkjeden til å skille legitime transaksjoner fra forsøk på å bruke mynter om igjen som allerede har blitt brukt et annet sted. +Utvinning er den distribuerte prosessen av å bekrefte transaksjoner på den +offentlige hovedboken som ikkeholder alle transaksjonene, altså +@blokkjeden. Monero-noder bruker blokkjeden til å skille legitime +transaksjoner fra forsøk på å bruke mynter om igjen som allerede har blitt +brukt et annet sted. -Monero er utelukkende drevet av «Proof of Work» («bevis på arbeid»). Den bruker en utvinningsalgoritme som potensielt kan tilordnes milliarder av enheter (alle moderne x86-CPU-er og mange GPU-er). Monero bruker en variant av CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW)-algoritmen, som er designet for å brukes i vanlige CPU-er og GPU-er. +Monero er utelukkende drevet av «Proof of Work» («bevis på arbeid»). Den +bruker en utvinningsalgoritme som potensielt kan tilordnes milliarder av +enheter (alle moderne x86-CPU-er og mange GPU-er). Monero bruker en variant +av CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW)-algoritmen, som er designet for å brukes +i vanlige CPU-er og GPU-er. -Den smarte utvinningsfunksjonen tillater transparent CPU-utvinning på brukerens PC – fjernt unna den faktiske sentraliseringen av utvinningsgårder og pool-utvinning – og bestreber å følge Satoshi Nakamotos opprinnelige visjon om en ekte P2P-valuta. +Den smarte utvinningsfunksjonen tillater transparent CPU-utvinning på +brukerens PC – fjernt unna den faktiske sentraliseringen av utvinningsgårder +og pool-utvinning – og bestreber å følge Satoshi Nakamotos opprinnelige +visjon om en ekte P2P-valuta. diff --git a/_i18n/nl/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/nl/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index dd446e0c..ed26d1e0 100644 --- a/_i18n/nl/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/nl/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,15 +1,26 @@ --- +summary: 'the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain' terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners"] -summary: "the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain" --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### The Basics -The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. +The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, +containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. -Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere. +Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public +ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the +blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend +coins that have already been spent elsewhere. -Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in ordinary CPUs and GPUs. +Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm +that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing +devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of +CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in +ordinary CPUs and GPUs. -The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. +The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's +computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool +mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. diff --git a/_i18n/pl/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/pl/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index 6eeb4c50..c7ca7d4b 100644 --- a/_i18n/pl/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/pl/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,17 +1,28 @@ --- +summary: 'Proces kryptograficznego obliczania matematycznego dowodu do bloku zawierającego wiele transakcji, który następnie jest dodawany do łańcucha bloków' terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners", "wydobycie", "wydobywanie", "wydobywania", "wydobycia", "górnik", "górnicy", "górnika", "górnikowi", "górnikom", "górnikami", "górników", "wydobyciem"] -summary: "Proces kryptograficznego obliczania matematycznego dowodu do bloku zawierającego wiele transakcji, który następnie jest dodawany do łańcucha bloków." --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### Podstawy -Proces kryptograficznego obliczania matematycznego dowodu do bloku zawierającego wiele transakcji, który następnie jest dodawany do łańcucha bloków. +Proces kryptograficznego obliczania matematycznego dowodu do bloku +zawierającego wiele transakcji, który następnie jest dodawany do łańcucha +bloków. -Wydobycie jest rozproszonym procesem potwierdzania transakcji w publicznej zapisie wszystkich transakcji, zwanym @łańcuchem-bloków. Węzły Monero używają łańcucha bloków, aby rozróżnić prawowite transakcje od prób ponownego wydania monet, które już raz zostały wydane. +Wydobycie jest rozproszonym procesem potwierdzania transakcji w publicznej +zapisie wszystkich transakcji, zwanym @łańcuchem-bloków. Węzły Monero +używają łańcucha bloków, aby rozróżnić prawowite transakcje od prób +ponownego wydania monet, które już raz zostały wydane. -Monero napędzane jest ściśle przez Dowód Pracy. Wykorzystuje on algorytm wydobycia, który potencjalnie może zostać skutecznie przypisany miliardom istniejących urządzeń (wszystkim nowoczesnym CPU x86 i wielu GPU). Monero korzysta z algorytmu dowodu pracy CryptoNight, który został zaprojektowany do użycia na zwykłych CPU i GPU. +Monero napędzane jest ściśle przez Dowód Pracy. Wykorzystuje on algorytm +wydobycia, który potencjalnie może zostać skutecznie przypisany miliardom +istniejących urządzeń (wszystkim nowoczesnym CPU x86 i wielu GPU). Monero +korzysta z algorytmu dowodu pracy CryptoNight, który został zaprojektowany +do użycia na zwykłych CPU i GPU. -Inteligentna funkcja wydobywania pozwala na transparentne wydobycie na komputerze użytkownika, z dala od centralizacji farm wydobywczych oraz stowarzyszeń wydobywczych, dążąc do oryginalnej wizji Satoshi Nakamoto o prawdziwej walucie peer-to-peer. - -Zgodnie ze stanem na czerwiec 2017 roku, botnety złożone z zaatakowanych komputerów stanowią nieistotną część górników w sieci Monero. Jest to zasługa rentowności wydobycia na CPU za pomocą algorytmu CryptoNight. +Inteligentna funkcja wydobywania pozwala na transparentne wydobycie na +komputerze użytkownika, z dala od centralizacji farm wydobywczych oraz +stowarzyszeń wydobywczych, dążąc do oryginalnej wizji Satoshi Nakamoto o +prawdziwej walucie peer-to-peer. diff --git a/_i18n/pt-br/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/pt-br/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index dd446e0c..ed26d1e0 100644 --- a/_i18n/pt-br/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/pt-br/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,15 +1,26 @@ --- +summary: 'the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain' terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners"] -summary: "the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain" --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### The Basics -The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. +The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, +containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. -Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere. +Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public +ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the +blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend +coins that have already been spent elsewhere. -Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in ordinary CPUs and GPUs. +Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm +that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing +devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of +CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in +ordinary CPUs and GPUs. -The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. +The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's +computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool +mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. diff --git a/_i18n/ru/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/ru/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index b2ec7c13..03236dfe 100644 --- a/_i18n/ru/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/ru/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,15 +1,29 @@ --- +summary: 'Процесс криптографического вычисления математического доказательства блока, содержащего некоторое количество транзакций и добавляемого затем в блокчейн' terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners", "майнерами", "майнера", "майнеров", "майнинга", "майнингом"] -summary: "Процесс криптографического вычисления математического доказательства блока, содержащего некоторое количество транзакций и добавляемого затем в блокчейн." --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### Основная информация -Процесс криптографического вычисления математического доказательства блока, содержащего некоторое количество транзакций и добавляемого затем в блокчейн. +Процесс криптографического вычисления математического доказательства блока, +содержащего некоторое количество транзакций и добавляемого затем в блокчейн. -Майнинг является распределённым процессом подтверждения транзакций в публичном журнале всех транзакций, также известном как @блoкчейн. Узлы Monero используют блокчейн для того, чтобы отделить законные транзакции от попыток повторно потратить монеты, которые уже были потрачены где-либо. +Майнинг является распределённым процессом подтверждения транзакций в +публичном журнале всех транзакций, также известном как @блoкчейн. Узлы +Monero используют блокчейн для того, чтобы отделить законные транзакции от +попыток повторно потратить монеты, которые уже были потрачены где-либо. -Monero строго использует алгоритм доказательства работы (Proof of Work). Алгоритм майнинга этой монеты потенциально может эффективно использоваться миллиардами устройств (любыми современными x86 CPU и многими GPU). Monero также использует вариант алгоритма CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW), который разработан таким образом, что работает с самыми обычными CPU и GPU. +Monero строго использует алгоритм доказательства работы (Proof of +Work). Алгоритм майнинга этой монеты потенциально может эффективно +использоваться миллиардами устройств (любыми современными x86 CPU и многими +GPU). Monero также использует вариант алгоритма CryptoNight Proof of Work +(PoW), который разработан таким образом, что работает с самыми обычными CPU +и GPU. -Возможность интеллектуального (смарт) майнинга обеспечивает прозрачность процесса на CPU, установленном на компьютере пользователя. Это далеко от централизации майнинговых ферм и майнинг пулов и соответствует оригинальным взглядам Сатоши Накамото (Satoshi Nakamoto) на то, каким должна быть истинная P2P валюта. +Возможность интеллектуального (смарт) майнинга обеспечивает прозрачность +процесса на CPU, установленном на компьютере пользователя. Это далеко от +централизации майнинговых ферм и майнинг пулов и соответствует оригинальным +взглядам Сатоши Накамото (Satoshi Nakamoto) на то, каким должна быть +истинная P2P валюта. diff --git a/_i18n/tr/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/tr/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index dd446e0c..ed26d1e0 100644 --- a/_i18n/tr/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/tr/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,15 +1,26 @@ --- +summary: 'the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain' terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners"] -summary: "the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain" --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### The Basics -The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. +The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, +containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. -Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere. +Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public +ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the +blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend +coins that have already been spent elsewhere. -Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in ordinary CPUs and GPUs. +Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm +that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing +devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of +CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in +ordinary CPUs and GPUs. -The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. +The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's +computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool +mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. diff --git a/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index 317ad91b..01517030 100644 --- a/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ --- +summary: 一种以密码方式计算一个区块的数学证明的过程,该区块包含一定数量的交易,然后将这些交易添加到区块链中。 terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners"] -summary: "the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain" --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### 基础知识 一种以密码方式计算一个区块的数学证明的过程,该区块包含一定数量的交易,然后将这些交易添加到区块链中。 diff --git a/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/moneropedia/mining.md b/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/moneropedia/mining.md index dd446e0c..ed26d1e0 100644 --- a/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/moneropedia/mining.md +++ b/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/moneropedia/mining.md @@ -1,15 +1,26 @@ --- +summary: 'the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain' terms: ["mining", "miner", "miners"] -summary: "the process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain" --- {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %} + ### The Basics -The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. +The process of cryptographically computing a mathematical proof for a block, +containing a number of transactions, which is then added to the blockchain. -Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere. +Mining is the distributed process of confirming transactions on the public +ledger of all transactions, aka @blockchain. Monero nodes use the +blockchain to distinguish legitimate transactions from attempts to re-spend +coins that have already been spent elsewhere. -Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in ordinary CPUs and GPUs. +Monero is powered strictly by Proof of Work. It employs a mining algorithm +that has the potential to be efficiently tasked to billions of existing +devices (any modern x86 CPU and many GPUs). Monero uses a variant of +CryptoNight Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is designed for use in +ordinary CPUs and GPUs. -The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. +The smart mining feature allows transparent CPU mining on the user's +computer, far from the de facto centralization of mining farms and pool +mining, pursuing Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision of a true P2P currency. diff --git a/po/moneropedia/mining.config b/po/moneropedia/mining.config new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b7636db5 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/moneropedia/mining.config @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[po4a_langs] es it pl fr ar ru de nl pt-br tr zh-cn zh-tw nb-no +[po4a_paths] ../_i18n/en/resources/moneropedia/weblate/mining.pot $lang:../_i18n/$lang/resources/moneropedia/weblate/mining.po + +[options] opt:"--keep=0" +[options] opt:"--localized-charset=UTF-8" +[options] opt:"--master-charset=UTF-8" +[options] opt:"--master-language=en_US" +[options] opt:"--msgmerge-opt='--no-wrap'" +[options] opt:"--wrap-po=newlines" + +[po4a_alias:markdown] text opt:"--option markdown" + +[type: markdown] ../_i18n/en/resources/moneropedia/mining.md $lang:../_i18n/$lang/resources/moneropedia/mining.md \ No newline at end of file