From b0a806f59b5344f3fca6332ce6a94b3cf915c28f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ProkhorZ <> Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2018 10:29:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update number of contributors The current number of contributors is 436 according to OpenHub, much more than the numbers on the site ("well over 200", "over 240"). But let's be modest and choose a round number: - "well over 400" - "over 420" --- _i18n/en.yml | 4 ++-- _i18n/es.yml | 4 ++-- _i18n/fr.yml | 4 ++-- _i18n/it.yml | 4 ++-- _i18n/pl.yml | 4 ++-- 5 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/_i18n/en.yml b/_i18n/en.yml index 52375bc8..5dc9eb21 100644 --- a/_i18n/en.yml +++ b/_i18n/en.yml @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ team: translated: "yes" core: Core developers: Developers - developers_para1: The Monero Project has had well over 200 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the + developers_para1: The Monero Project has had well over 400 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the developers_para2: OpenHub contributors page. developers_para3: Below you'll find some individuals that have gone above and beyond for Monero. community: Community @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ what-is-monero: confidential_para5: ", will route and encrypt transactions via I2P Invisible Internet Project nodes. This will obfuscate a transactor's IP address and provide further protection against network monitoring." grassroots: Monero is a grassroots community attracting the world's best cryptocurrency researchers and engineering talent. grassroots_para1: Over - grassroots_para2: 240 developers + grassroots_para2: 420 developers grassroots_para3: have contributed to the Monero project, including 30 core developers. Forums and chat channels are welcoming and active. grassroots_para4: Monero's Research Lab, Core Development Team and Community Developers are constantly pushing the frontier of what is possible with cryptocurrency privacy and security. grassroots_para5: Monero is not a corporation. It is developed by cryptography and distributed systems experts from all over the world that donate their time or are funded by community donations. This means that Monero can't be shut down by any one country and is not constrained by any particular legal jurisdiction. diff --git a/_i18n/es.yml b/_i18n/es.yml index 5598764b..39b8123d 100644 --- a/_i18n/es.yml +++ b/_i18n/es.yml @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ team: translated: "no" core: Core developers: Developers - developers_para1: he Monero Project has had well over 200 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the + developers_para1: he Monero Project has had well over 400 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the developers_para2: OpenHub contributors page. developers_para3: Below you'll find some individuals that have gone above and beyond for Monero. community: Community @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ what-is-monero: confidential_para5: ", will route and encrypt transactions via I2P Invisible Internet Project nodes. This will obfuscate a transactor's IP address and provide further protection against network monitoring." grassroots: Monero is a grassroots community attracting the world's best cryptocurrency researchers and engineering talent. grassroots_para1: Over - grassroots_para2: 240 developers + grassroots_para2: 420 developers grassroots_para3: have contributed to the Monero project, including 30 core developers. Forums and chat channels are welcoming and active. grassroots_para4: Monero's Research Lab, Core Development Team and Community Developers are constantly pushing the frontier of what is possible with cryptocurrency privacy and security. grassroots_para5: Monero is not a corporation. It is developed by cryptography and distributed systems experts from all over the world that donate their time or are funded by community donations. This means that Monero can't be shut down by any one country and is not constrained by any particular legal jurisdiction. diff --git a/_i18n/fr.yml b/_i18n/fr.yml index ff83621a..cf11396b 100644 --- a/_i18n/fr.yml +++ b/_i18n/fr.yml @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ team: translated: "yes" core: Noyau developers: Développeurs - developers_para1: Le Projet Monero a déjà eu plus de 200 contributeurs sur sa durée. Pour une liste exhaustive, consultez la page + developers_para1: Le Projet Monero a déjà eu plus de 400 contributeurs sur sa durée. Pour une liste exhaustive, consultez la page developers_para2: contributeurs OpenHub. developers_para3: Ci dessous quelques personnes qui sont allées bien au delà pour Monero. community: Communauté @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ what-is-monero: confidential_para5: ", permettra de router et chiffrer les transactions via des nœuds I2P (Invisible Internet Project). Cela masquera l'adresse IP de l'agent et fournira plus de protection contre la surveillance du réseau." grassroots: Monero est une communauté populaire qui attire les meilleurs chercheurs en cryptomonnaie et les meilleurs talents en ingénierie au monde. grassroots_para1: Plus de - grassroots_para2: 240 développeurs + grassroots_para2: 420 développeurs grassroots_para3: ont contribués au projet Monero, dont 30 développeurs principaux. Les Forums et canaux de discussion sont actifs et accueillant. grassroots_para4: Le Laboratoire de Recherche de Monero, l'équipe de dévelopement Principale et les développeurs de la communauté repoussent en permanence les limites du possible dans la confidentialité et la sécurité des cryptomonnaies. grassroots_para5: Monero n'est pas une société. Il est développé par des experts en cryptographie et en systèmes distribués du monde entier qui donnent de leur temps ou sont financés par des dons communautaires. Cela signifie que Monero ne peut être fermé par un pays et n'est soumis à aucune juridiction légale particulière diff --git a/_i18n/it.yml b/_i18n/it.yml index d5626f9d..abdc8405 100644 --- a/_i18n/it.yml +++ b/_i18n/it.yml @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ team: translated: "no" core: Core developers: Developers - developers_para1: he Monero Project has had well over 200 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the + developers_para1: he Monero Project has had well over 400 contributors over the life of the project. For a complete list, please see the developers_para2: OpenHub contributors page. developers_para3: Below you'll find some individuals that have gone above and beyond for Monero. community: Community @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ what-is-monero: confidential_para5: ", reindirizzerà e cripterà le transazioni attraverso nodi I2P (Invisible Internet Project). Questa tecnologia nasconde l'indirizzo IP di chi effettua una transazione e fornisce ulteriore protezione verso un eventuale indesiderato monitoraggio della rete." grassroots: Monero è una community orizzontale che attrare i migliori ricercatori ed ingegneri del mondo.cryptocurrency researchers and engineering talent. grassroots_para1: Più di - grassroots_para2: 240 sviluppatori + grassroots_para2: 420 sviluppatori grassroots_para3: hanno contribuito al progetto Monero, inclusi 30 'core developers'. I forum e le chat sono amichevoli e attivi. grassroots_para4: Il Monero Research Lab, il Core Development Team e gli sviluppatori/sviluppatrici della community spingono ogni giorno sempre più in là i limiti di cosa è possibile fare in materia di privacy e sicurezza nelle criptovalute. grassroots_para5: Monero non è un'azienda, né tanto meno una corporazione. E' sviluppato da esperti in crittografia e sistemi distribuiti provenienti da tutto il mondo, che donano il loro tempo e talvolta vengono finanziati dalla community. Questo vuol dire che Monero non può essere bloccato da nessuna nazione e non è costretto in nessuna particolare giurisdizione. diff --git a/_i18n/pl.yml b/_i18n/pl.yml index c54b6d49..faeb7875 100644 --- a/_i18n/pl.yml +++ b/_i18n/pl.yml @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ team: translated: "yes" core: Centrum developers: Deweloperzy - developers_para1: W Projekcie Monero wzięło udział ponad 200 twórców. Aby zobaczyć całą listę, wejdź na + developers_para1: W Projekcie Monero wzięło udział ponad 400 twórców. Aby zobaczyć całą listę, wejdź na developers_para2: stronę twórców OpenHub. developers_para3: Poniżej znajdziesz listę osób, które szczególnie się przyczyniły dla Monero. community: Społeczność @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ what-is-monero: confidential_para5: skieruje i zaszyfruje transakcje przez węzły I2P. Jego celem jest zamaskowanie adresu IP użytkownika i pomoc w dalszej ochronie przeciw monitorowaniu sieci. grassroots: Monero jest oddolną inicjatywą społeczną, która zrzesza najlepsze światowe talenty w zakresie badania i tworzenia kryptowalut. grassroots_para1: Ponad - grassroots_para2: 240 deweloperów + grassroots_para2: 420 deweloperów grassroots_para3: przyczyniło się do Projektu Monero, w tym 30 kluczowych deweloperów. Fora i kanały czatowe są aktywne i zapraszają nowych użytkowników. grassroots_para4: Laboratorium Badawcze Monero, Centrum Rozwoju oraz deweloperzy społeczni ciągle przesuwają granicę tego, co możliwe w zakresie prywatności i bezpieczeństwa kryptowalut. grassroots_para5: Monero nie jest korporacją. Jest rozwijane przez ekspertów kryptografii i systemów rozmieszczenia z całego świata, którzy poświęcają swój czas, oraz dzięki społecznym darowiznom. To oznacza, że Monero nie może zostać wyłączone przez żaden kraj i nie jest ograniczone żadnym szczególnym prawem.