diff --git a/_data/merchants.yml b/_data/merchants.yml index 78cc9bc4..304dc018 100644 --- a/_data/merchants.yml +++ b/_data/merchants.yml @@ -273,6 +273,8 @@ url: https://Congrevape.com/shop - name: Crypto Armory - ammunition for cryptocurrency at a competitive rate url: https://www.crypto-armory.com + - name: CryptoKey - Indestructible Crypto Backup + url: https://www.getcryptokey.com/ - name: Crypto Clothing - apparel and accessory shop based on the popular cryptocurrencies url: https://cryptoclothing.org/ - name: Crypto Merch Global - crypto branded clothing and accessories @@ -327,6 +329,8 @@ url: https://moneroapparel.com/ - name: Mushroom cultures, mushroom growing supplies, seeds url: https://www.vesp.co/Fungible + - name: Name Chains + url: https://namechains.myshopify.com - name: Nature Provides - Shilajit url: https://mountain-blood.com/ - name: One Stop NY