diff --git a/po/po-update.sh b/po/po-update.sh
index 78d3b6fb..201a053a 100755
--- a/po/po-update.sh
+++ b/po/po-update.sh
@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
-# This script loops through all the .config files in this folder and run po4a on them. The config files are one for each user guide.
+# This script loops through all the .config files in this folder and run po4a on them. The config files are one for each user guide and moneropedia entry.
 # See the next section for instructions about adding new config files.
 # The config files give a set of instructions to po4a, which will update all translations files (.pot and .po) and documents (.md) at the same time.
 # we use --keep=0 to transfer all translated content directly to the original markdown file, but would be good to switch to a more reasonable thresold
-# (maybe the standard 80%?) in the future, when the guides will be mostly translated.
+# (maybe the standard 80%?) in the future, when the guides and moneropedia entries will be mostly translated.
-# To avoid spamming unnecessary diffs, we didn't add all config files for all guides. A new config file should be added
-# when the translation files and the guides themselves need to be updated (so, when the original document got changed and 
+# To avoid spamming unnecessary diffs, we didn't add all config files for all guides or entries. A new config file should be added
+# when the translation files and the guides or moneropedia entries themselves need to be updated (so, when the original document got changed and 
 # the changes need to be transferred to the translation files). To add a new config file to be managed by po4a:
-# 1. Copy one of the other .config files and rename it to the filename of the guide it's going to point to (for example, for the user guide
+# 1. Copy one of the other .config files and rename it to the filename of the guide/entry it's going to point to (for example, for the user guide
 # 'verification-allos-advanced.md' we will create a config file named 'verification-allos-advanced.config').
-# 2.change the strings starting with [po4a_paths] and [type: markdown] using this structure:
+# 2. Change the strings starting with [po4a_paths] and [type: markdown] using this structure:
 # [po4a_paths] ../_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/weblate/<GUIDE.pot> $lang:../_i18n/$lang/resources/user-guides/weblate/<GUIDE.po>
 # 3. At the bottom of the file, change the '[type: markdown]' instruction:
 # [type: markdown] ../_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/<GUIDE.md> $lang:../_i18n/$lang/resources/user-guides/<GUIDE.md>
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ updatelangs() {
     echo "-> Running po4a on ${guide}"
     po4a $guide || echo "ERROR: something went wrong, po4a didn't run succesfully on ${guide}"
+  for entry in moneropedia/*.config; do
+    echo "-> Running po4a on ${entry}"
+    po4a $entry || echo "ERROR: something went wrong, po4a didn't run succesfully on ${entry}"
+  done
 while true; do