diff --git a/_i18n/ar/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/ar/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index bf0f1629..f76d201e 100644
--- a/_i18n/ar/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/ar/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
+summary: 'Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient'
 terms: ["change"]
-summary: "Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient"
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### The Basics
-Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient.
+Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead
+of going to another recipient.
 ### More Information
-The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
+The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you
+send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the
+Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account
+that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that
+tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
-You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the @miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new transaction.
+You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different
+denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on
+Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you
+only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the
+@miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that
+you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is
+called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes
+available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new
diff --git a/_i18n/de/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/de/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index d1c1a30a..b4838191 100644
--- a/_i18n/de/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/de/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,31 @@
+summary: 'Monero, die als Teil einer Transaktion versendet wurden und auf das Konto zurückgebucht werden, anstatt an einen anderen Empfänger zu gehen.'
 terms: ["change", "Wechselgeld"]
-summary: "Monero, die Teil einer Transaktion waren und auf das Konto zurückgebucht werden, anstatt an einen anderen Empfänger zu gehen"
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### Grundlagen
-Monero, die als Teil einer Transaktion versendet wurden und auf das Konto zurückgebucht werden, anstatt an einen anderen Empfänger zu gehen.
+Monero, die als Teil einer Transaktion versendet wurden und auf das Konto
+zurückgebucht werden, anstatt an einen anderen Empfänger zu gehen.
 ### Weitere Informationen
-Das @Wallet der Monero-Software berechnet Wechselgeld automatisch. Wenn du eine Transaktion vornimmst, sagst du dem Monero-Netzwerk, was es mit einem von dir kontrollierten Input tun soll. Ein Input ist eine "Einzahlung" auf dein Konto, welche du anschließend ausgeben kannst. Outputs sind der Teil einer Transaktion, welcher dem Monero Netzwerk mitteilt, wohin Beträge gesendet werden sollen (Outputs sind also gewissermaßen die gesendeten und damit ausgegebenen Geldbeträge).
+Das @Wallet der Monero-Software berechnet Wechselgeld automatisch. Wenn du
+eine Transaktion vornimmst, sagst du dem Monero-Netzwerk, was es mit einem
+von dir kontrollierten Input tun soll. Ein Input ist eine "Einzahlung" auf
+dein Konto, welche du anschließend ausgeben kannst. Outputs sind der Teil
+einer Transaktion, welcher dem Monero Netzwerk mitteilt, wohin Beträge
+gesendet werden sollen (Outputs sind also gewissermaßen die gesendeten und
+damit ausgegebenen Geldbeträge).
-Du kannst mehrere Inputs in verschiedenen Stückelungen auf deinem Konto haben (so hast du vielleicht am Freitag 0,5 XMR und am Samstag 0,75 XMR eingezahlt). Wenn du also eine Transaktion mit einem Input von 0,5 XMR hast, jedoch nur 0,1 XMR versenden möchtest, wird deine @Transaktion neben einer Gebühr zur Bezahlung des @Miners einen Output von 0,1 XMR, die an den Empfänger gehen, enthalten. Der Restbetrag, den du zurückerhalten möchtest, geht als Output an dich selbst (dies wird "Wechselgeld" genannt). Sobald die Transaktion abgeschlossen ist, wird das Wechselgeld zu einem Input, welches du wieder aufteilen und in einer neuen Transaktion versenden kannst.
\ No newline at end of file
+Du kannst mehrere Inputs in verschiedenen Stückelungen auf deinem Konto
+haben (so hast du vielleicht am Freitag 0,5 XMR und am Samstag 0,75 XMR
+eingezahlt). Wenn du also eine Transaktion mit einem Input von 0,5 XMR hast,
+jedoch nur 0,1 XMR versenden möchtest, wird deine @Transaktion neben einer
+Gebühr zur Bezahlung des @Miners einen Output von 0,1 XMR, die an den
+Empfänger gehen, enthalten. Der Restbetrag, den du zurückerhalten möchtest,
+geht als Output an dich selbst (dies wird "Wechselgeld" genannt). Sobald die
+Transaktion abgeschlossen ist, wird das Wechselgeld zu einem Input, welches
+du wieder aufteilen und in einer neuen Transaktion versenden kannst.
diff --git a/_i18n/en/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/en/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index bf0f1629..a30fb79a 100644
--- a/_i18n/en/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/en/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ summary: "Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account ins
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### The Basics
 Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient.
diff --git a/_i18n/es/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/es/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index bf0f1629..f76d201e 100644
--- a/_i18n/es/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/es/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
+summary: 'Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient'
 terms: ["change"]
-summary: "Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient"
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### The Basics
-Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient.
+Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead
+of going to another recipient.
 ### More Information
-The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
+The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you
+send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the
+Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account
+that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that
+tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
-You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the @miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new transaction.
+You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different
+denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on
+Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you
+only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the
+@miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that
+you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is
+called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes
+available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new
diff --git a/_i18n/fr/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/fr/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index 735665dd..4bd9a074 100644
--- a/_i18n/fr/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/fr/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
-terms: ["change", "monnaie"]
 summary: "Moneroj envoyés lors d'une transaction, qui reviennent dans votre compte au lieu d'être envoyés à un autre destinataire."
+terms: ["change", "monnaie"]
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### Les Bases
-Moneroj envoyés lors d'une transaction, qui reviennent dans votre compte au lieu d'être envoyés à un autre destinataire.
+Moneroj envoyés lors d'une transaction, qui reviennent dans votre compte au
+lieu d'être envoyés à un autre destinataire.
 ### Informations détaillées
-Le @portefeuille de l'application Monero rends la monnaie automatiquement, mais lorsque vous envoyez une transaction, vous prenez une entrée que vous contrôlez et dites au réseau Monero quoi faire avec. L'entrée est un "dépôt" sur votre compte que vous avez le droit de dépenser. Les sorties sont les portions de la transaction qui disent au réseau Monero où envoyer les fonds.
+Le @portefeuille de l'application Monero rends la monnaie automatiquement,
+mais lorsque vous envoyez une transaction, vous prenez une entrée que vous
+contrôlez et dites au réseau Monero quoi faire avec. L'entrée est un "dépôt"
+sur votre compte que vous avez le droit de dépenser. Les sorties sont les
+portions de la transaction qui disent au réseau Monero où envoyer les fonds.
-Vous pourriez avoir de multiples entrées dans votre compte, de multiples valeurs (par exemple : vous avez déposé 0,5 XMR vendredi, et 0,75 XMR samedi). Donc, lorsque vous avez une transaction avec une entrée de 0,5 XMR, mais que vous ne voulez envoyer que 0,1 XMR, votre transaction va inclure des frais à payer au @mineur, une sorti de 0,1 XMR à envoyer au destinataire, et le reste qui devra vous être rendu (c'est appelé de la "monnaie"). Une fois la transaction terminée, la monnaie devient disponible en tant qu'entrée que vous pourrez de nouveau fractionner lors d'une nouvelle transaction.
+Vous pourriez avoir de multiples entrées dans votre compte, de multiples
+valeurs (par exemple : vous avez déposé 0,5 XMR vendredi, et 0,75 XMR
+samedi). Donc, lorsque vous avez une transaction avec une entrée de 0,5 XMR,
+mais que vous ne voulez envoyer que 0,1 XMR, votre transaction va inclure
+des frais à payer au @mineur, une sorti de 0,1 XMR à envoyer au
+destinataire, et le reste qui devra vous être rendu (c'est appelé de la
+"monnaie"). Une fois la transaction terminée, la monnaie devient disponible
+en tant qu'entrée que vous pourrez de nouveau fractionner lors d'une
+nouvelle transaction.
diff --git a/_i18n/it/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/it/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index 29a681bc..f76d201e 100644
--- a/_i18n/it/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/it/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
-terms: ["change", "resto"]
-summary: "Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient"
+summary: 'Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient'
+terms: ["change"]
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### The Basics
-Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient.
+Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead
+of going to another recipient.
 ### More Information
-The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
+The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you
+send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the
+Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account
+that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that
+tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
-You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the @miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new transaction.
+You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different
+denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on
+Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you
+only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the
+@miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that
+you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is
+called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes
+available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new
diff --git a/_i18n/nb-no/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/nb-no/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index 2a9d4dfc..f76d201e 100644
--- a/_i18n/nb-no/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/nb-no/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
-terms: ["change", "veksel"]
-summary: "Monero som sendes som del av en transaksjon som tilbakeføres til kontoen din i stedet for å gå til en annen mottaker"
+summary: 'Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient'
+terms: ["change"]
-{% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
-### Det grunnleggende
+{% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
-Monero som sendes som del av en transaksjon som tilbakeføres til kontoen din i stedet for å gå til en annen mottaker.
+### The Basics
-### Mer informasjon
+Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead
+of going to another recipient.
-@Lommeboken i Monero-programvaren lager veksel automatisk, men når du sender en transaksjon, tar du en inndata som du kontrollerer og forteller Monero-nettverket hva som skal gjøres med det. Inndataen er et «innskudd» til kontoen din som du kan forbruke. Utdataene er delen av transaksjonen som forteller Monero-nettverket hvor midlene skal sendes til.
+### More Information
-Du har kanskje flere inndata i kontoen din, og i forskjellige benevnelser (for eksempel: du har satt inn 0,5 XMR på fredag, og 0,75 XMR på lørdag). Så når du har en transaksjon med en inndata på 0,5 XMR, men bare vil sende 0,1 XMR, vil transaksjonen din inkludere et gebyr som betales til @utvinneren og en utdata på 0,1 XMR som går til mottakeren, og resten som du vil sende tilbake til deg selv blir en utdata tilbake til deg (dette kalles for «veksel»). Når transaksjonen er fullført, blir vekselet tilgjengelig for deg som en inndata som du kan dele opp på nytt og sende med en ny transaksjon.
+The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you
+send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the
+Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account
+that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that
+tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
+You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different
+denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on
+Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you
+only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the
+@miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that
+you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is
+called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes
+available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new
diff --git a/_i18n/nl/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/nl/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index bf0f1629..f76d201e 100644
--- a/_i18n/nl/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/nl/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
+summary: 'Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient'
 terms: ["change"]
-summary: "Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient"
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### The Basics
-Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient.
+Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead
+of going to another recipient.
 ### More Information
-The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
+The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you
+send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the
+Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account
+that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that
+tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
-You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the @miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new transaction.
+You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different
+denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on
+Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you
+only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the
+@miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that
+you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is
+called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes
+available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new
diff --git a/_i18n/pl/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/pl/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index b5924460..36352eed 100644
--- a/_i18n/pl/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/pl/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,27 @@
+summary: 'Monero wysłane jako część transakcji, która jest zwracana na twoje konto zamiast być przelana do innego odbiorcy.'
 terms: ["change", "reszta", "reszty", "reszcie"]
-summary: "Monero wysłane jako część transakcji, która jest zwracana na twoje konto zamiast być przelana do innego odbiorcy."
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### Podstawy
-Monero wysłane jako część transakcji, która jest zwracana na twoje konto zamiast być przelana do innego odbiorcy.
+Monero wysłane jako część transakcji, która jest zwracana na twoje konto
+zamiast być przelana do innego odbiorcy.
 ### Szczegółowe informacje
-@portfel w oprogramowaniu Monero zwraca resztę automatycznie, ale gdy dokonujesz transakcji, pobierasz wkład, który kontrolujesz i decydujesz, co się z nim stanie w sieci Monero. Wkład jest "depozytem" na twoje konto, który możesz wydać. wyjście to część transakcji, która informuje sieć Monero o tym, dokąd wysłać pieniądze.
+@portfel w oprogramowaniu Monero zwraca resztę automatycznie, ale gdy
+dokonujesz transakcji, pobierasz wkład, który kontrolujesz i decydujesz, co
+się z nim stanie w sieci Monero. Wkład jest "depozytem" na twoje konto,
+który możesz wydać. wyjście to część transakcji, która informuje sieć Monero
+o tym, dokąd wysłać pieniądze.
-Możesz posiadać wiele wkładów na swoje konto w różnych nominałach, na przykład wpłaciłeś 0,5 XMR w piątek i 0,75 XMR w sobotę. Gdy chcesz dokonać transakcji z wkładem 0,5 XMR, ale chcesz przesłać jedynie 0,1 XMR, twoja transakcja będzie zawierać opłatę dla @górnika, wyjście do przesłania 0,1 XMR do odbiorcy oraz resztę zwróconą na twoje konto. Po ukończeniu transakcji, reszta staje się dostępna jako wkład, który możesz ponownie podzielić i wysłać w nowej płatności.
+Możesz posiadać wiele wkładów na swoje konto w różnych nominałach, na
+przykład wpłaciłeś 0,5 XMR w piątek i 0,75 XMR w sobotę. Gdy chcesz dokonać
+transakcji z wkładem 0,5 XMR, ale chcesz przesłać jedynie 0,1 XMR, twoja
+transakcja będzie zawierać opłatę dla @górnika, wyjście do przesłania 0,1
+XMR do odbiorcy oraz resztę zwróconą na twoje konto. Po ukończeniu
+transakcji, reszta staje się dostępna jako wkład, który możesz ponownie
+podzielić i wysłać w nowej płatności.
diff --git a/_i18n/pt-br/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/pt-br/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index 29a681bc..f76d201e 100644
--- a/_i18n/pt-br/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/pt-br/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
-terms: ["change", "resto"]
-summary: "Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient"
+summary: 'Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient'
+terms: ["change"]
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### The Basics
-Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient.
+Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead
+of going to another recipient.
 ### More Information
-The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
+The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you
+send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the
+Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account
+that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that
+tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
-You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the @miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new transaction.
+You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different
+denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on
+Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you
+only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the
+@miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that
+you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is
+called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes
+available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new
diff --git a/_i18n/ru/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/ru/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index 6470c550..0fc49210 100644
--- a/_i18n/ru/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/ru/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
+summary: 'Monero, отправляемые как часть транзакции и возвращающиеся к вам на счёт вместо того, чтобы уйти другому получателю.'
 terms: ["change", "сдача", "сдачи", "сдачу"]
-summary: "Часть транзакции, которая при отправке возвращается на счёт вместо перехода к другому получателю"
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### Основная информация
-Monero, отправляемые как часть транзакции и возвращающиеся к вам на счёт вместо того, чтобы уйти другому получателю.
+Monero, отправляемые как часть транзакции и возвращающиеся к вам на счёт
+вместо того, чтобы уйти другому получателю.
 ### Дополнительная информация
-Программное обеспечение @кошелька Monero автоматически генерирует сдачу, но когда вы инициируете транзакцию, вы берёте вход, который контролируете, и говорите сети Monero, что делать с ним. Вход является "депозитом" на вашем счёте, который вы можете потратить. Выходы являются частью транзакции, которая указывает сети Monero, куда должны быть отправлены средства.
+Программное обеспечение @кошелька Monero автоматически генерирует сдачу, но
+когда вы инициируете транзакцию, вы берёте вход, который контролируете, и
+говорите сети Monero, что делать с ним. Вход является "депозитом" на вашем
+счёте, который вы можете потратить. Выходы являются частью транзакции,
+которая указывает сети Monero, куда должны быть отправлены средства.
-На вашем счёте может находиться множество входов самого разного достоинства (например, вы положили 0,5 XMR в пятницу и 0,75 XMR в субботу). Таким образом, когда вы проводите транзакцию со входом 0,5 XMR, но вы хотите отправить всего 0,1 XMR, ваша транзакция будет включать в себя комиссию для @майнера, выход 0,1 XMR для отправки получателю и остаток, который вы хотите получить обратно, и который будет выходом, который вернётся к вам (он и называется "сдача"). Как только транзакция будет завершена, вы сможете использовать сдачу в качестве входа, который вы точно так же сможете снова разбить и отправить с новой транзакцией.
+На вашем счёте может находиться множество входов самого разного достоинства
+(например, вы положили 0,5 XMR в пятницу и 0,75 XMR в субботу). Таким
+образом, когда вы проводите транзакцию со входом 0,5 XMR, но вы хотите
+отправить всего 0,1 XMR, ваша транзакция будет включать в себя комиссию для
+@майнера, выход 0,1 XMR для отправки получателю и остаток, который вы хотите
+получить обратно, и который будет выходом, который вернётся к вам (он и
+называется "сдача"). Как только транзакция будет завершена, вы сможете
+использовать сдачу в качестве входа, который вы точно так же сможете снова
+разбить и отправить с новой транзакцией.
diff --git a/_i18n/tr/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/tr/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index bf0f1629..f76d201e 100644
--- a/_i18n/tr/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/tr/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
+summary: 'Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient'
 terms: ["change"]
-summary: "Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient"
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### The Basics
-Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient.
+Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead
+of going to another recipient.
 ### More Information
-The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
+The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you
+send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the
+Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account
+that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that
+tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
-You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the @miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new transaction.
+You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different
+denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on
+Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you
+only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the
+@miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that
+you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is
+called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes
+available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new
diff --git a/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index 3738268e..bd659106 100644
--- a/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
+summary: 门罗币发送作为交易的一部分,它将返回到您的帐户,而不是发送到另一个接收者。
 terms: ["change"]
-summary: "Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient"
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="yes" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### 基础知识
@@ -12,5 +13,6 @@ summary: "Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account ins
-您的帐户中可能有多种不同面值的输入(例如:周五存入0.5 XMR,周六存入0.75 XMR)。所以,当交易中有一个输入面额是0.5 XMR,但你只想发送0.1 XMR出去,交易将包括一笔手续费用于支付@矿工,输出为0.1 XMR发送给接收者,其余你想发回给自己的部分,将成为一个输出返回你的钱包(这就是所谓的“找零”)。一旦交易完成,找零将作为一笔输入供您使用,您可以通过一笔新的交易,再次分割或发送该输入。
+您的帐户中可能有多种不同面值的输入(例如:周五存入0.5 XMR,周六存入0.75 XMR)。所以,当交易中有一个输入面额是0.5
+XMR,但你只想发送0.1 XMR出去,交易将包括一笔手续费用于支付@矿工,输出为0.1
diff --git a/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/moneropedia/change.md b/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/moneropedia/change.md
index bf0f1629..f76d201e 100644
--- a/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/moneropedia/change.md
+++ b/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/moneropedia/change.md
@@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
+summary: 'Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient'
 terms: ["change"]
-summary: "Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient"
 {% include disclaimer.html translated="no" translationOutdated="no" %}
 ### The Basics
-Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead of going to another recipient.
+Monero sent as part of a transaction, that returns to your account instead
+of going to another recipient.
 ### More Information
-The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
+The @wallet in the Monero software makes change automatically, but when you
+send a transaction, you are taking an input that you control and telling the
+Monero network what to do with it. The input is a "deposit" to your account
+that you are able to spend. Outputs are the part of the transaction that
+tells the Monero network where to send the funds.
-You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the @miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new transaction.
+You might have multiple inputs in your account, in many different
+denominations (For example: you deposited 0.5 XMR on Friday, and 0.75 XMR on
+Saturday). So, when have a transaction with an input of 0.5 XMR, but you
+only want to send 0.1 XMR, your transaction will include a fee to pay the
+@miner, an output for 0.1 XMR to send to the recipient, and the rest that
+you want to send back to yourself will be an output back to you (this is
+called "change"). Once the transaction is completed, the change becomes
+available to you as an input that you can again split and send with a new
diff --git a/po/moneropedia/change.config b/po/moneropedia/change.config
new file mode 100644
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