From 29b3862fdd447f188e98bc38161b9197bc740207 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: erciccione Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2021 15:07:07 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] user guides: uniform structure of or all languages and removed author from body of the guide --- _i18n/ar/resources/user-guides/ | 2 -- _i18n/de/resources/user-guides/ | 2 -- _i18n/en/resources/user-guides/ | 2 -- _i18n/es/resources/user-guides/ | 2 -- _i18n/fr/resources/user-guides/ | 2 -- _i18n/it/resources/user-guides/ | 6 ++---- _i18n/nl/resources/user-guides/ | 2 -- _i18n/pl/resources/user-guides/ | 2 -- _i18n/pt-br/resources/user-guides/ | 6 ++---- _i18n/ru/resources/user-guides/ | 2 -- _i18n/tr/resources/user-guides/ | 4 +--- _i18n/zh-cn/resources/user-guides/ | 6 ++---- _i18n/zh-tw/resources/user-guides/ | 6 ++---- 13 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) diff --git a/_i18n/ar/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/ar/resources/user-guides/ index 030d2179..42b2c5e7 100644 --- a/_i18n/ar/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/ar/resources/user-guides/ @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ تم إنشاء الحساب في الذاكره العشوائيه ولا يمكن الوصول للملفات الأن. إذا تَمَكَن أحد الأخصام من الوصول للبيانات لن يتمكن من الحصول علي كلمه السر الطويله بأي طريقه. إذا إحتجت إستلام مُعاملات لديك عنوان الحساب ومُفتاح الرؤيه. إذا كنت تريد الدخول للحساب لديك ال25 كلمه الخاصين بإستعاده حسابك. قم بإنشاء عِده نُسخ منها في أماكن مُتفرقه وإحذر أن تقع في حوزه أي شخص . -الكاتب : ريكاردو إسبانغي (Riccardo Spagni) - مُرتبط بالموضوع: [مُنشيء حساب بِدون إتصال بالإنترنت]( diff --git a/_i18n/de/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/de/resources/user-guides/ index fe1aa5b6..2cf91520 100644 --- a/_i18n/de/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/de/resources/user-guides/ @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ Das Konto, das du erstellt hast, wurde im RAM erstellt. Die digitalen Dateien sind jetzt nicht abrufbar. Sollte ein Angreifer es irgendwie schaffen, an diese Daten zu gelangen, fehlt ihm immer noch das lange Passwort, um es öffnen zu können. Wenn du Zahlungen erhalten möchtest, hast du deine öffentliche Adresse und bei Bedarf deinen View-Key. Wenn du auf dein Konto zugreifen willst, hast du deinen 25 Wörter umfassenden @mnemonischen-Seed, von welchem du nun mehrere Kopien (einschließlich einer in bspw. einem Bankschließfach hinterlegten analogen Kopie) anfertigen kannst. -Credit: Riccardo Spagni - Siehe auch: [Offline Konto-Generator]( diff --git a/_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/ index 49454b99..2bc90449 100644 --- a/_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/en/resources/user-guides/ @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ The account you've created was created in RAM, and the digital files are now inaccessible. If some adversary manages to somehow obtain the data, they will lack the long password to open it. If you need to receive payments, you have your public address, and you have the view key if needed. If you need access to it, you have your 25 word @mnemonic-seed, and you can now write out several copies of it, including an offsite copy (e.g. a bank deposit box). -Credit: Riccardo Spagni - Related: [Offline Account Generator]( diff --git a/_i18n/es/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/es/resources/user-guides/ index 0587966e..b758d896 100644 --- a/_i18n/es/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/es/resources/user-guides/ @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ La cuenta que acabas de crear fue creada en la RAM, y los archivos digitales ahora son inaccesibles. Si algún adversario se las arregla para de alguna forma obtener los datos, no contarán con la larga contraseña para abrirla. Si necesitas recibir pagos, cuentas con tu dirección pública, y tienes la llave de visualización por si acaso. Si necesitas acceder a tu cuenta, cuentas con la semilla mnemónica (@mnemonic-seed) de 25 palabras, y puedes escribir varias copias de ella, incluyendo una copia fuera de sitio (e.g. una caja de depósito bancaria). -Créditos: Riccardo Spagni - Relacionado: [Generador de cuenta offline]( diff --git a/_i18n/fr/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/fr/resources/user-guides/ index cde08578..6b94bbd0 100644 --- a/_i18n/fr/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/fr/resources/user-guides/ @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ Le compte que vous avez créé se trouvait en mémoire vive, et les fichiers sont maintenant inaccessible. Si un ennemi parvenait d'une quelconque manière à obtenir ces données, il lui manquerait le long mot de passe pour pouvoir l'ouvrir. Si vous avez besoin de recevoir des paiements, vous avez votre adresse publique, et vous avez votre clef d'audit si nécessaire. Si vous avez besoin d'y accéder, vous avez votre @mnemonic-seed de 25 mots, et vous pouvez maintenant en faire quelques copies, dont une copie externe (par exemple, dans le coffre d'une banque). -Mérite : Riccardo Spagni - Lié : [Générateur de Compte Hors-Ligne]( diff --git a/_i18n/it/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/it/resources/user-guides/ index ac8f4a59..2bc90449 100644 --- a/_i18n/it/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/it/resources/user-guides/ @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ #### Resource for Creating Bootable Disks: [Linux](, [Windows]( -#### Resource for Monero Binaries: [Monero Binaries]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/) +#### Resource for Monero Binaries: [Monero Binaries]({{ site.baseurl_root }}/downloads/) - Take any computer you have lying around, even your normal workstation. You may find it easier to use an older computer that has no wifi or bluetooth if you're particularly paranoid @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ - Copy the Monero binaries to a RAM disk (/dev/shm in Linux, Windows bootable ISOs normally have a Z: drive or something) -- Don't run the Monero daemon. Instead, using the command line, use monero-wallet-cli to create a new Monero @account +- Don't run the Monero @daemon. Instead, using the command line, use monero-wallet-cli to create a new Monero @account - When prompted for a name, give it any name, it doesn't really matter @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ The account you've created was created in RAM, and the digital files are now inaccessible. If some adversary manages to somehow obtain the data, they will lack the long password to open it. If you need to receive payments, you have your public address, and you have the view key if needed. If you need access to it, you have your 25 word @mnemonic-seed, and you can now write out several copies of it, including an offsite copy (e.g. a bank deposit box). -Credit: Riccardo Spagni - Related: [Offline Account Generator]( diff --git a/_i18n/nl/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/nl/resources/user-guides/ index c69c76d2..5c119544 100644 --- a/_i18n/nl/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/nl/resources/user-guides/ @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ Je nieuwe account is in RAM gemaakt en de digitale bestanden zijn nu verdwenen. Zelfs een aanvaller die op een of andere manier deze gegevens zou krijgen, zou het lange wachtwoord missen om de portemonnee te openen. Voor het ontvangen van betalingen heb je je openbare adres, en je alleen-lezen sleutel om ze te bekijken. Voor toegang tot je portemonnee heb je je hersteltekst (@mnemonic-seed) van 25 woorden. Je kunt nu meerdere exemplaren hiervan opschrijven, waaronder een om elders te bewaren (bijvoorbeeld in een bankkluis). -Geschreven door: Riccardo Spagni - Gerelateerd: [Offline account-generator]( diff --git a/_i18n/pl/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/pl/resources/user-guides/ index 159dd164..9e14e202 100644 --- a/_i18n/pl/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/pl/resources/user-guides/ @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ Konto, które założyłeś, zostało zapisane w pamięci RAM i pliki cyfrowe są teraz niedostępne. Jeśli ktoś niepożądany w jakikolwiek sposób wejdzie w posiadanie tych danych, nie będzie posiadał długiego hasła niezbędnego do ich otworzenia. Aby otrzymać płatność, użyj swojego publicznego adresu lub klucza widoczności. Jeżeli potrzebujesz dostępu do swoich danych, użyj swojego 25-słownego kodu mnemonicznego, którego kopie możesz teraz zapisać w różnych miejscach, na przykład w skrytce bankowej. -Zasługa: Riccardo Spagni - Powiązane: [Generator Konta Offline]( diff --git a/_i18n/pt-br/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/pt-br/resources/user-guides/ index ac8f4a59..2bc90449 100644 --- a/_i18n/pt-br/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/pt-br/resources/user-guides/ @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ #### Resource for Creating Bootable Disks: [Linux](, [Windows]( -#### Resource for Monero Binaries: [Monero Binaries]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/) +#### Resource for Monero Binaries: [Monero Binaries]({{ site.baseurl_root }}/downloads/) - Take any computer you have lying around, even your normal workstation. You may find it easier to use an older computer that has no wifi or bluetooth if you're particularly paranoid @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ - Copy the Monero binaries to a RAM disk (/dev/shm in Linux, Windows bootable ISOs normally have a Z: drive or something) -- Don't run the Monero daemon. Instead, using the command line, use monero-wallet-cli to create a new Monero @account +- Don't run the Monero @daemon. Instead, using the command line, use monero-wallet-cli to create a new Monero @account - When prompted for a name, give it any name, it doesn't really matter @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ The account you've created was created in RAM, and the digital files are now inaccessible. If some adversary manages to somehow obtain the data, they will lack the long password to open it. If you need to receive payments, you have your public address, and you have the view key if needed. If you need access to it, you have your 25 word @mnemonic-seed, and you can now write out several copies of it, including an offsite copy (e.g. a bank deposit box). -Credit: Riccardo Spagni - Related: [Offline Account Generator]( diff --git a/_i18n/ru/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/ru/resources/user-guides/ index 2d4e0479..50f398f6 100644 --- a/_i18n/ru/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/ru/resources/user-guides/ @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ Ваш аккаунт был создан на RAM диске, и цифровые файлы теперь недоступны. Если какой-то злоумышленник решит каким-либо образом заполучить ваши данные, у него не будет длинного пароля, необходимого, чтобы открыть их. Для получения платежей у вас есть публичный адрес и на всякий случай ключ просмотра. Для получения доступа к аккаунту у вас есть @мнемоническая-фраза из 25 слов, и теперь вы можете записать несколько её копий, включая копию для хранения в каком-нибудь удалённом месте (например, в банковской ячейке). -Автор: Риккардо Спаньи (Riccardo Spagni) - Связанная тема: [Offline Account Generator]( diff --git a/_i18n/tr/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/tr/resources/user-guides/ index 2b82dee8..2bc90449 100644 --- a/_i18n/tr/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/tr/resources/user-guides/ @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ - Copy the Monero binaries to a RAM disk (/dev/shm in Linux, Windows bootable ISOs normally have a Z: drive or something) -- Don't run the Monero daemon. Instead, using the command line, use monero-wallet-cli to create a new Monero @account +- Don't run the Monero @daemon. Instead, using the command line, use monero-wallet-cli to create a new Monero @account - When prompted for a name, give it any name, it doesn't really matter @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ The account you've created was created in RAM, and the digital files are now inaccessible. If some adversary manages to somehow obtain the data, they will lack the long password to open it. If you need to receive payments, you have your public address, and you have the view key if needed. If you need access to it, you have your 25 word @mnemonic-seed, and you can now write out several copies of it, including an offsite copy (e.g. a bank deposit box). -Credit: Riccardo Spagni - Related: [Offline Account Generator]( diff --git a/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/user-guides/ index ac8f4a59..2bc90449 100644 --- a/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/zh-cn/resources/user-guides/ @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ #### Resource for Creating Bootable Disks: [Linux](, [Windows]( -#### Resource for Monero Binaries: [Monero Binaries]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/) +#### Resource for Monero Binaries: [Monero Binaries]({{ site.baseurl_root }}/downloads/) - Take any computer you have lying around, even your normal workstation. You may find it easier to use an older computer that has no wifi or bluetooth if you're particularly paranoid @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ - Copy the Monero binaries to a RAM disk (/dev/shm in Linux, Windows bootable ISOs normally have a Z: drive or something) -- Don't run the Monero daemon. Instead, using the command line, use monero-wallet-cli to create a new Monero @account +- Don't run the Monero @daemon. Instead, using the command line, use monero-wallet-cli to create a new Monero @account - When prompted for a name, give it any name, it doesn't really matter @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ The account you've created was created in RAM, and the digital files are now inaccessible. If some adversary manages to somehow obtain the data, they will lack the long password to open it. If you need to receive payments, you have your public address, and you have the view key if needed. If you need access to it, you have your 25 word @mnemonic-seed, and you can now write out several copies of it, including an offsite copy (e.g. a bank deposit box). -Credit: Riccardo Spagni - Related: [Offline Account Generator]( diff --git a/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/user-guides/ b/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/user-guides/ index ac8f4a59..2bc90449 100644 --- a/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/user-guides/ +++ b/_i18n/zh-tw/resources/user-guides/ @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ #### Resource for Creating Bootable Disks: [Linux](, [Windows]( -#### Resource for Monero Binaries: [Monero Binaries]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/) +#### Resource for Monero Binaries: [Monero Binaries]({{ site.baseurl_root }}/downloads/) - Take any computer you have lying around, even your normal workstation. You may find it easier to use an older computer that has no wifi or bluetooth if you're particularly paranoid @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ - Copy the Monero binaries to a RAM disk (/dev/shm in Linux, Windows bootable ISOs normally have a Z: drive or something) -- Don't run the Monero daemon. Instead, using the command line, use monero-wallet-cli to create a new Monero @account +- Don't run the Monero @daemon. Instead, using the command line, use monero-wallet-cli to create a new Monero @account - When prompted for a name, give it any name, it doesn't really matter @@ -33,6 +33,4 @@ The account you've created was created in RAM, and the digital files are now inaccessible. If some adversary manages to somehow obtain the data, they will lack the long password to open it. If you need to receive payments, you have your public address, and you have the view key if needed. If you need access to it, you have your 25 word @mnemonic-seed, and you can now write out several copies of it, including an offsite copy (e.g. a bank deposit box). -Credit: Riccardo Spagni - Related: [Offline Account Generator](