diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/new-merchant.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/new-merchant.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 111a1dbf..00000000
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/new-merchant.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-name: New Merchant
-about: Propose a new merchant to add to the 'Merchants' page
-title: 'Add <NAME OF YOUR BUSINESS> to the list of merchants'
-labels: "\U0001F3EA merchant, \U0001F50D Needs investigation"
-assignees: ''
-#### What's the name of your business?
-<!-- Write here -->
-#### What's the URL of the website?
-<!-- Write here. Referral links and/or trackers are not accepted -->
-#### Write a brief description of your business/service (max 50 characters)
-<!-- Write here. This text will be displayed on the Merchant page. Keep it short -->
-#### Enter the URL where a Monero mention can be found
-<!-- Be aware of the fact that to be listed, you must specify somewhere on your website that you accept Monero. -->
-#### How do you accept Monero? *(choose only one option)*
-- [ ] Monero integrations *(github.com/monero-integrations)*
-- [ ] Globee
-- [ ] Native wallet
-- [ ] Other payment gateaway (Coinpayments, Morphtoken, etc. *Please specify*)
-#### How would you categorize your business? *(choose only one option)*
-- [ ] Exchange
-- [ ] Block Explorer
-- [ ] Payment Gateway
-- [ ] Web Hosting
-- [ ] Tool
-- [ ] Service
-- [ ] Goods
-- [ ] Entertainment
-#### Comment
-<!-- Write here any additional comment -->
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/remove-merchant.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/remove-merchant.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c316eb03..00000000
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/remove-merchant.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-name: Remove Merchant
-about: Ask to remove a merchant from the 'Merchants' page
-title: 'Remove <NAME_OF_THE_MERCHANT> from the list of merchants'
-labels: "\U0001F3EA merchant: removal, \U0001F50D Needs investigation"
-assignees: ''
-#### What's the name of the merchant you are asking to remove?
-<!-- Write here the name as it's listed on the Merchants page -->
-#### What's the URL of their website?
-<!-- Write here the URL listed on the Merchants page -->
-#### Why do you think it should be removed?
-- [ ] They don't accept Monero anymore
-- [ ] They are likely scammers
-- [ ] They closed / Their services are unavailable
-#### Useful links
-<!-- Write here links to discussions, blog posts, documents that prove the merchant should be removed -->
-#### Additional comments
-<!-- Write here any additional comment -->