diff --git a/_i18n/en.yml b/_i18n/en.yml
index 0219a578..52a97d65 100644
--- a/_i18n/en.yml
+++ b/_i18n/en.yml
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ home:
     The community has put together a vast amount of resources and documentation. Users can find useful info and guides about common configurations and 
     tips in the 'User Guides' section. Developers can find everything they need to build a service based on Monero or simply communicate with the network 
     in the 'Developer Guides'. The Library offers publications and books downloadable for free, including the full 'Mastering Monero' and 'Zero to Monero' books.
-  moneropedia_para: Would you like to look up the meanings of the terms and concepts used in Monero? Here you will find an alphabetical guide to terms and their meanings from both the Monero and Kovri projects.
+  moneropedia_para: Would you like to look up the meanings of the terms and concepts used in Monero? Here you will find an alphabetical guide to terms and their meanings.
   moneropedia_button: Read Moneropedia
   joincommunity: Join the Community
   contributecommunity: "We Need Your Skills: Contribute!"