diff --git a/_data/merchants.yml b/_data/merchants.yml
index 931dcb30..f06248df 100644
--- a/_data/merchants.yml
+++ b/_data/merchants.yml
@@ -124,6 +124,8 @@
     - name: 99Stack Hosting
       url: https://www.99stack.com
+    - name: Abaco Hosting
+      url: https://abacohosting.com/
     - name: AirVPN
       url: https://airvpn.org/
     - name: algoStrategic - Internet Marketing and Web Development
@@ -156,6 +158,8 @@
       url: https://www.goforwardsoftware.com
     - name: Guitar Music Theory course w/ 30% XMR discount
       url: http://www.guitartheoryrevolution.info/blog/guitar-theory-revolution-store/
+    - name: IdeaSoft - Full-cycle Software Development
+      url: https://i-deasoft.com
     - name: Infield Loan Services - Atlanta, Construction Consulting, Contract review, Feasibility, Funds Escrow
       url: mailto:info@loandraw.com
     - name: Ink Rebels
@@ -178,6 +182,8 @@
       url: https://njal.la/
     - name: Pradeep Atluri, Psychiatrist, New York
       url: http://dr.mindsci.com/
+    - name: Ray Luechtefeld, PhD, Leadership & Team Coaching and Development
+      url: https://clarity.fm/rayluechtefeld
     - name: Rootbox; Simple, no non-sense hosting
       url: https://rootbox.host/
     - name: TheBigCoin - Spend Monero Anywhere
@@ -227,6 +233,8 @@
       url: http://www.projectcoralreef.com/all-stores
     - name: Reservoir Mugs - Roasted gourmet coffees, mugs, t-shirts
       url: https://reservoirmugs.com/
+    - name: Revolution Microelectronics
+      url: https://revolutionmicro.com/
     - name: SecPoint IT Security Products
       url: https://shop.secpoint.com/shop/frontpage.html
     - name: SilverRound.com - Gold and Silver Dealer