selsta 35a0f25b57
PasswordDialog: merge components and bug fixes
This commit merges PasswordDialog, PassphraseDialog and
NewPasswordDialog. Also the following bugs were fixed:

- Wizard pages still being active when opening a wallet
  from wizard.
- Capslock detection was buggy when copy pasting password, I
  replaced it with native implementations for each platform.
- isAlpha could throw errors when using special characters.
2019-07-15 00:05:10 +02:00

158 lines
4.8 KiB

* Formats a date.
* @param {date} date - toggle decorations
* @param {params} params -
function formatDate( date, params ) {
var options = {
weekday: "short",
year: "numeric",
month: "long",
day: "numeric",
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit",
timeZone: "UTC",
timeZoneName: "short",
options = [options, params].reduce(function (r, o) {
Object.keys(o).forEach(function (k) { r[k] = o[k]; });
return r;
}, {});
return new Date( date ).toLocaleString( 'en-US', options );
function isNumeric(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
function showSeedPage() {
// Shows `Settings->Seed & keys`. Prompts a password dialog.
passwordDialog.onAcceptedCallback = function() {
if(walletPassword === passwordDialog.password){
if(currentWallet.seedLanguage == "") {
console.log("No seed language set. Using English as default");
// Load keys page
} else {
passwordDialog.showError(qsTr("Wrong password"));
passwordDialog.onRejectedCallback = function() {
if(isMobile) hideMenu();
function ago(epoch) {
// Returns '<delta> [seconds|minutes|hours|days] ago' string given an epoch
var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
var delta = now - epoch;
if(delta < 60) {
if (delta <= 1) {
return 1 + " " + qsTr("second ago")
} else {
return Math.floor(delta) + " " + qsTr("seconds ago")
} else if (delta >= 60 && delta <= 3600) {
if(delta >= 60 && delta < 120){
return 1 + " " + qsTr("minute ago")
} else {
return parseInt(Math.floor(delta / 60)) + " " + qsTr("minutes ago")
} else if (delta >= 3600 && delta <= 86400) {
if(delta >= 3600 && delta < 7200) {
return 1 + " " + qsTr("hour ago")
} else {
return parseInt(Math.floor(delta / 60 / 60)) + " " + qsTr("hours ago")
} else if (delta >= 86400){
if(delta >= 86400 && delta < 172800) {
return 1 + " " + qsTr("day ago")
} else {
var _delta = parseInt(Math.floor(delta / 24 / 60 / 60));
if(_delta === 1) {
return 1 + " " + qsTr("day ago")
} else {
return _delta + " " + qsTr("days ago")
function netTypeToString(){
// 0: mainnet, 1: testnet, 2: stagenet
var nettype = appWindow.persistentSettings.nettype;
return nettype == 1 ? qsTr("Testnet") : nettype == 2 ? qsTr("Stagenet") : qsTr("Mainnet");
function randomChoice(arr){
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
function filterNodes(nodes, port) {
if(typeof data === 'number')
port = port.toString();
return nodes.filter(function(_){return _.indexOf(port) !== -1});
function epoch(){
return Math.floor((new Date).getTime()/1000);
function roundDownToNearestThousand(_num){
return Math.floor(_num/1000.0)*1000
function qmlEach(item, properties, ignoredObjectNames, arr){
// Traverse QML object tree and return components that match
// via property names. Similar to jQuery("myclass").each(...
// item: root QML object
// properties: list of strings
// ignoredObjectNames: list of strings
if(typeof(arr) == 'undefined') arr = [];
if(item.hasOwnProperty('data') && item['data'].length > 0){
for(var i = 0; i < item['data'].length; i += 1){
arr = qmlEach(item['data'][i], properties, ignoredObjectNames, arr);
// ignore QML objects on .objectName
for(var a = 0; a < ignoredObjectNames.length; a += 1){
if(item.objectName === ignoredObjectNames[a]){
return arr;
for(var u = 0; u < properties.length; u += 1){
if(item.hasOwnProperty(properties[u])) arr.push(item);
else break;
return arr;
function capitalize(s){
if (typeof s !== 'string') return ''
return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)
function formatMoney(n, c, d, t) {
var c = isNaN(c = Math.abs(c)) ? 2 : c,
d = d == undefined ? "." : d,
t = t == undefined ? "," : t,
s = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = String(parseInt(n = Math.abs(Number(n) || 0).toFixed(c))),
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : "");