AddressBook Address Addr'ss Qr Code Payment ID <font size='2'>(Optional)</font> 4.. / 8.. Paste 64 hexadecimal characters Paste ye 64 hexadecimal charact'rs Description <font size='2'>(Optional)</font> Give this entry a name or description Giv' thee entry a title o' description Add Error Blunder! Invalid address Ye address be bedridd'n Can't create entry Ye carnt creat' thee entry AddressBookTable No more results Thee results be finish'd! Payment ID: Thee Payment ID Address copied to clipboard Thee addr'ss be copi'd to ye scroll DaemonConsole command + enter (e.g help) command + ent'r (e.g. alas, I be needin' help) DaemonManagerDialog Starting local node in %1 seconds Startin' ye local node in %1 seconds Start daemon (%1) Set sail ye daemon (%1) Use custom settings Use cust'm settins fer ye plund'rin Dashboard Quick transfer Transf'rs wit' haste! SEND SEND! <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style> looking for security level and address book? go to <a href='#'>Transfer</a> tab <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style> seekin' fer security level and addr'ss book? go to <a href='#'>Transfer</a> tab DashboardTable No more results Thee results be finish'd! Date Thee date o' moons Balance Ye Balance! Amount Amount! History selected: select'd: Search Search! Date to Sort Block height Thee Block Heig't! Date Date! No history... Thar be no hist'ry... Date from Thee date fr'm HistoryTable Tx ID: Payment ID: Thee Paym'nt ID Tx key: Tx note: Destinations: Ye Destinati'ns Rings: No more results Thee results be finish'd! Sent Received Acquir'd To Address copied to clipboard Thee addr'ss be copi'd to ye scroll Blockheight Thee Blockheig't! Description Descripti'n! (%1/%2 confirmations) UNCONFIRMED UNCONFIRM'D! FAILED FAIL'D! PENDING PENDIN'! Fee Ye FEE! HistoryTableInnerColumn Copied to clipboard Copi'd to ye scroll HistoryTableMobile Tx ID: Payment ID: Thee Paym'nt ID Tx key: Tx note: Destinations: Thee Destinati'ns!: Rings: No more results Thee results be finish'd! (%1/%2 confirmations) UNCONFIRMED UNCONFIRM'D! FAILED FAIL'D! PENDING PENDIN'! InputDialog Cancel Abolish! Ok OK Keys Mnemonic seed Ye Mnemonic seed! WARNING: Do not reuse your Monero keys on another fork, UNLESS this fork has key reuse mitigations built in. Doing so will harm your privacy. G'YARRGGHHHHH: Ye best not be reusin' yer XM-ARGHHH keys on anoth'r fork, UNLESS thee fork has key reuse mit'gations built in upon thee! Doin' so will be harmin' ye privacy! Keys Export wallet Export ye treasur' wallet Spendable Wallet Ye Spendabl' Wallet! View Only Wallet View Only Wall't! Secret view key Thee secr't view key! Public view key Thee public view key! Secret spend key Thee secr't spend key! Public spend key Thee public spend key! (View Only Wallet - No mnemonic seed available) (Thee View Only Wallet - Thar be no mnemonic seed ava'lable!) LeftPanel Balance Bal'nce! Unlocked balance Ye Unlocked bal'nce! Send Send! Receive Rece've! R Prove/check K History Hist'ry View Only View Only! Testnet Testnet! Stagenet Stag'net Address book Thee Address book B H Advanced Advanc'd! D Mining Diggin' up ye booty! M Shared RingDB Shar'd RingDB Seed & Keys Y Wallet Wall't! Daemon Sign/verify Sign/ver'fy! E S G I Settings Settings! LineEdit Copy Copy! Copied to clipboard Copi'd to ye scroll! LineEditMulti Copy Copy! Copied to clipboard Copi'd to ye scroll! MiddlePanel Balance Bal'nce! Unlocked Balance Unlock'd booty! Mining Solo mining Solo min'ng! (only available for local daemons) (only availabl' fer yer local daemons) Your daemon must be synchronized before you can start mining Yer daemon must be synchroniz'd befor' ye can start min'ng! Mining with your computer helps strengthen the Monero network. The more that people mine, the harder it is for the network to be attacked, and every little bit helps.<br> <br>Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will create hashes looking for block solutions. If you find a block, you will get the associated reward. Good luck! Minin' wit' yer comput'r be helpin' put wind in thee Monero sails. Thee more that ye buckos be minin', thee hard'r it be fer thee ship to be sunk'n, an' every little rapscalli'n helps.<br> <br>Minin' also be givin' ye a small chance to happ'n upon some o' thee treasur'd XM-ARGHHH. Yer comput'r will be creatin' hash's lookin' fer thee block solut'ons. If ye dig up a block, ye shall be receivin' thee treasure. Good fortun' 'n good luck ye scurvy swine! CPU threads CPU threads! (optional) Background mining (experimental) Background pillagin' an' min'ng (experimental) Enable mining when running on battery Enable pillagin' an' min'ng when runnin' on ye battery Manage miner Manage pillagin' an' min'ng Start mining Comm'nce ye pillagin' an' min'ng! Error starting mining Thar be a blund'r startin' ye pillagin'! Couldn't start mining.<br> Couldn't start pillagin' Mining is only available on local daemons. Run a local daemon to be able to mine.<br> Min'ng an' pillagin' only be avail'ble on yer local daemons. Ye best be runnin' a local daemon to be able to pill'ge an mine.<br> Stop mining Halt pillagin' an' min'ng! Status: not mining Status: ye no be min'ng! Mining at %1 H/s Min'ng at %1 H/s Not mining Ye no be min'ng! Status: MobileHeader Unlocked Balance: Ye Unlock'd Bal'nce: Navbar Wallet Wall't! Layout Node Log Info NetworkStatusItem Synchronizing Synchroniz'n' Remote node Rem'te node Connected Ye Connect'd! Wrong version Fals' version! Disconnected Ye Disconnect'd Invalid connection status Fals' n' hogwash conn'ction status Network status Netw'rk status! NewPasswordDialog Please enter new password Ent'r ye new passw'rd! Please confirm new password C'nfirm ye new passw'rd lazy swine! Cancel Cancel! Continue Cont'nue! PasswordDialog Please enter wallet password Ent'r ye password fer ye treasur'd booty wall't! Please enter wallet password for: Ent'r treasur'd booty wall't passw'rd fer: Cancel Canc'l! Continue Cont'nue! PrivacyLevelSmall Low Weak as piss! Medium Run-o-thee-mill! High Highly Admirabl'! ProgressBar %1 blocks remaining: %1 blocks remainin': Synchronizing %1 Synchronizin' %1 QRCodeScanner QrCode Scanned QrCode Scann'd Receive WARNING: no connection to daemon WARNING: thar be no be arghhh conn'ction to thee daemon No transaction found yet... Thar No be arghh trans'ction found yet ye scabby seabass... Transaction found Alas! Ye Transact'on be found %1 transactions found %1 transact'ons found! With more Monero Wit' more XM-ARGHHH With not enough Monero Wit' not enuf XM-ARGHHH Expected Expect'd! Total received Total receiv'd Set the label of the selected address: Set thee label o' thee select'd address: Addresses Address's Help Avast ye, Help!! <p>This QR code includes the address you selected above andthe amount you entered below. Share it with others (right-click->Save) so they can more easily send you exact amounts.</p> <p>Thee QR code 'ere be includin' thee address ye select'd above and thee amount ye landlubb'r enter'd below. Share it with ye mateys (right-click->Save) so thay be more easily sendin' you exact amounts of XM-ARGHHH!</p> Create new address Create new addr'ss! Set the label of the new address: Set thee label o' thee new addr'ss: (Untitled) (Untitl'd) Advanced options Capt'ns options! QR Code <p>This QR code includes the address you selected above and the amount you entered below. Share it with others (right-click->Save) so they can more easily send you exact amounts.</p> <p>Thee QR code 'ere be includin' thee address ye select'd above and thee amount ye landlubb'r enter'd below. Share it with ye mateys (right-click->Save) so thay be more easily sendin' you exact amounts of XM-ARGHHH!</p> <p><font size='+2'>This is a simple sales tracker:</font></p><p>Let your customer scan that QR code to make a payment (if that customer has software which supports QR code scanning).</p><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using this QR code. If you input an amount, it will also check that incoming transactions total up to that amount.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p> <p><font size='+2'>T'is be argh simple sales track'r:</font></p><p>Let ye custom'r scan that QR code thar to be makin' payment (if that custom'r be havin' software which be floatin' QR code scannin').</p><p>T'is page shall automatically be scannin' thee blockchain and thee tx pool fer incomin' transact'ons usin' t'is QR code. If ye input an amount, it also be checkin' incomin' transact'ons be totalin' up to that amount prop'r.</p><p>It's up to ye wheth'r ye be acceptin' unconfirm'd transactions or nay. It be lik'ly they be confirm'd in short ord'r, alas thar still be argh possibil'ty thee may not, so fer ye larg'r values ye may want to wait fer one o' more confirm'tion(s).</p> confirmations confirm'tions! confirmation confirm'tion! Transaction ID copied to clipboard Transact'on ID copi'd to scroll Enable Enabl'! Address copied to clipboard Thee Address be copi'd to scroll Amount to receive Thee Amount o' XM-ARGHHH to be receivin' Tracking Trackin'! Tracking payments Trackin' paym'nts Save QrCode Save ye QrCode! Failed to save QrCode to Ye Fail'd to be savin' QrCode to Save As Save As! Amount Amount! RemoteNodeEdit Remote Node Hostname / IP Ye Rem'te Node Hostn'me / IP Port sea-PORT! SearchInput Search by... Explorin' about by... SEARCH SEARCH! SettingsInfo GUI version: Embedded Monero version: Wallet path: Wallet creation height: <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> Set a new restore height: Rescan wallet cache Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache? The following information will be deleted - Recipient addresses - Tx keys - Tx descriptions The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later. Cancel Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number. Wallet log path: Copy to clipboard Copied to clipboard SettingsLayout Custom decorations No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode. SettingsLog Log level Daemon log command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status') SettingsNode Local node The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage. Remote node Rem'te node Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer. To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party. Address Addr'ss Port sea-PORT! (optional) Password Password! Connect Stop local node Blockchain location Blockchain locat'on <a href='#'> (change)</a> (default) Daemon startup flags Bootstrap Address Bootstrap Port SettingsWallet Close this wallet Logs out of this wallet. Close wallet Create a view-only wallet Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending. Create wallet Create ye wall't! Show seed & keys Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future. Show seed Rescan wallet balance Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate. Rescan Error Error: Blunder! Information Informat'on Successfully rescanned spent outputs. SharedRingDB Shared RingDB Shar'd RingDB This page allows you to interact with the shared ring database. This database is meant for use by Monero wallets as well as wallets from Monero clones which reuse the Monero keys. T'is page be allowin' ye to inter'ct wit' thee shar'd ring datab'se. T'is datab'se be meant fer use by ye XM-ARGHHH wall'ts as well as wall'ts from Monero clones which be reusin' thee Monero keys. Outputs marked as spent Blackball'd outputs! Help Avast ye, succour! HELP! In order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br> In ord'r to be obscurin' which inputs in a XM-ARGHHH transact'on are bein' spent, a third party shant be abl' to dig'st which inputs in thee ring argh already be known to be spent. Bein' abl' to do so would be weakenin' thee protect'on afford'd by ring signat'res. If all but one o' thee inputs are known to be already spent, then thee input bein' actually spent becomes appar'nt, thereby nullifyin' thee effect o' thee ring signat'res, one o' thee three main lay'rs o' privacy protecti'n XM-ARGHHH uses.<br>To help ye transactions to be avoidin' those inputs, a list o' known spent ones can be us'd to avoid usin' them in new transact'ons. Such a list be maintain'd by thee Monero project and be availabl' on thee website, and ye can be importin' t'is list 'ere.<br>Alternativ'ly, ye can be scannin' thee blockchain (and thee blockchain o' the key-reusin' Monero clones) yaself usin' thee monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool an be creatin' a list o' known spent outputs.<br> This sets which outputs are known to be spent, and thus not to be used as privacy placeholders in ring signatures. T'is sets which outputs are known to be sp'nt, and thus not to be us'd as privacy placehold'rs in ring signat'res. You should only have to load a file when you want to refresh the list. Manual adding/removing is possible if needed. Ye shal' only hav' to be loadin' a file when ye want to refr'sh thee list. Manual addin'/removin' be possibl' if ye need be. Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spent Ye best be choosin' a file to load blackball'd outputs from! Path to file Path to thee file Filename with outputs to mark as spent Browse Browse! Load Load! Or manually mark a single output as spent/unspent: Or manual'y blackb'll/unblackball a single output: Paste output amount Paste output offset Mark as spent Blackball! Mark as unspent Unblackball! Rings Rings! In order to avoid nullifying the protection afforded by Monero's ring signatures, an output should not be spent with different rings on different blockchains. While this is normally not a concern, it can become one when a key-reusing Monero clone allows you to spend existing outputs. In this case, you need to ensure this existing outputs uses the same ring on both chains.<br>This will be done automatically by Monero and any key-reusing software which is not trying to actively strip you of your privacy.<br>If you are using a key-reusing Monero clone too, and this clone does not include this protection, you can still ensure your transactions are protected by spending on the clone first, then manually adding the ring on this page, which allows you to then spend your Monero safely.<br>If you do not use a key-reusing Monero clone without these safety features, then you do not need to do anything as it is all automated.<br> In ord'r to be avoidin' nullifyin' thee protection afford'd by XM-ARGHHH's ring sign'tures, an output shan't be spent with diff'rent rings on diff'rent blockchains. While t'is may norm'lly not be argh concern, it can become one when thar be a key-reusin' Monero clone allowin' you to spend existing outputs. In t'is case, ye need to ensur' t'is existin' outputs be usin' thee same ring on both chains.<br>T'is shal' be done automatica'ly by Monero an' any key-reusin' software which not be tryin' to activ'ly strip ye of ye treasur'd privacy.<br>If ye are usin' a key-reusin' Monero clone too, an' t'is clone does not be includ' t'is protection, ye can stil' ensur' ye transactions be protect'd by spendin' on thee clone first, then be manually addin' thee ring on t'is page, which be allowin' ye to then be spendin' y' XM-ARGHHH safely.<br>If ye do not be usin' a key-reusin' Monero clone without these safety featur's, then ye do not be needin' to do anythin' as it is all automat'd.<br> This records rings used by outputs spent on Monero on a key reusing chain, so that the same ring may be reused to avoid privacy issues. T'is records rings us'd by thee outputs sp'nt on XM-ARGHHH on a key reusin' chain, so thee same ring may be reus'd to avoid privacy issu's. Key image Key imag'! Paste key image Paste ye key imag' Get ring Get ring! Get Ring Get Ring! No ring found Thar be No ring locat'd! Set ring Set thee ring! Set Ring Set thee Ring! I intend to spend on key-reusing fork(s) I be intendin' to be spendin' on thee key-reusin' fork(s) I might want to spend on key-reusing fork(s) I may be wantin' to be spendin' on thee key-reusin' fork(s) Relative Relativ' Segregation height: Segregat'on height: Sign Good signature Virtuous signat're This is a good signature T'is be a virtuous signat're! Bad signature No good hornswagglin' signat're! This signature did not verify T'is signature nay verify! Message to sign Mess'ge to sign Sign This page lets you sign/verify a message (or file contents) with your address. T'is page be lettin' ye sign/verify argh mess'ge (or file contents) wit' ye addr'ss. Message Mess'ge! Message from file Path to file Path to thee file Browse Brows'! Verify message Verify thee mess'ge Message to verify Verify file Verify thee file Address Addr'ss Please choose a file to sign Ye best be choosin' a file to sign! Verify Please choose a file to verify Ye best be choosin' a file to verify! Signature Signat're Filename with message to verify Ye filename wit' ye mess'ge to verify StandardDialog Double tap to copy Doubl' tap to copy! Content copied to clipboard Content copi'd to ye scroll Cancel OK StandardDropdown Low (x1 fee) Half-pint (x1 fee) Medium (x20 fee) Mod'rate (x20 fee) High (x166 fee) Big-stiff (x166 fee) Slow (x0.25 fee) Laggard (x0.25 fee) Default (x1 fee) Run-o-thee-mill (x1 fee) Fast (x5 fee) Fleet-foot'd (x5 fee) Fastest (x41.5 fee) Breakneck (x41.5 fee) All Sent Received Acquir'd TableDropdown <b>Copy address to clipboard</b> <b>Copy ye addr'ss to ye scroll</b> <b>Send to this address</b> <b>Send ye to t'is addr'ss</b> <b>Find similar transactions</b> <b>Discov'r similar transact'ons</b> <b>Remove from address book</b> <b>Remov' from ye addr'ss journal</b> TableHeader Payment ID Paym'nt ID Date Block height Thee Block Heig't! Amount Amount! TickDelegate Default Run-o-thee-mill! High Grand! Transfer OpenAlias error OpenAlias blund'r! Amount Amount! Transaction priority Thee Transaction priority All QR Code Resolve Resolv' Automatic No valid address found at this OpenAlias address Thar be no valid addr'ss be found at t'is OpenAlias addr'ss ye bilge rat Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofed Thee Addr'ss be found, but thee DNSSEC signat'res nay can be verifi'd, so thee addr'ss may be spoof'd o' sunken No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofed Thar be No valid addr'ss be found at t'is OpenAlias addr'ss, but thee DNSSEC signat'res nay be verifi'd, so thee addr'ss may be spoof'd o' sunken Internal error Blund'r below thee decks! No address found Thar be No addr'ss found Description <font size='2'>( Optional )</font> Saved to local wallet history Stockpil'd to thee local wall't history! Send Send! Sweep Unmixable Sweep thee Unmixabl' Create tx file Constr'ct tx file Sign tx file Sign thee tx file Submit tx file Submit thee tx file Error Blunder! Information Informat'on Please choose a file Sel'ct a file ye filthy swine <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font> Normal (x1 fee) Ye Accustom'd (x1 fee) <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font> Advanced options Capt'ns options Export key images Import key images Can't load unsigned transaction: Can't be loadin' thee unsign'd transaction: Number of transactions: Number o' transact'ons: Transaction #%1 Transact'on #%1 Recipient: Thee Recipi'nt: payment ID: Paym'nt ID Amount: Fee: Ringsize: Ringsiz': Confirmation Confirmat'on Can't submit transaction: Can't be submittin' ye transact'on: Monero sent successfully XM-ARGHHH be sent succ'ssf'lly Wallet is not connected to daemon. Ye Wall't no be connect'd to thee daemon. Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI. Please upgrade or connect to another daemon Ye Connect'd daemon no be compatibl' wit thee GUI. Upgrad' or conn'ct to anoth'r daemon ye lazy seadog Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish Waitin' on ye daemon synchroniz'tion to finish ye impatient seadog! Payment ID <font size='2'>( Optional )</font> Slow (x0.25 fee) Half-pint (x0.25 fee) Fast (x5 fee) Fleet-foot'd! (x0.25 fee) Fastest (x41.5 fee) Breakneck! (x41.5 fee) 16 or 64 hexadecimal characters 16 or 64 hexadecimal charact'rs TxKey If a payment had several transactions then each must be checked and the results combined. If thar be arghh paym'nt be had sev'ral transactions then ye must be checki' each an' thee results combin'd. Address Addr'ss Prove Transaction Prove an' attest ye transact'on! Recipient's wallet address Recipi'nt's wallet addr'ss Message Mess'ge Optional message against which the signature is signed Option'l messa'ge against which thee signat're be sign'd Generate Generate! Check Transaction Check thee transact'on Signature Signat're Paste tx proof Past' tx proof Transaction ID Generate a proof of your incoming/outgoing payment by supplying the transaction ID, the recipient address and an optional message. For the case of outgoing payments, you can get a 'Spend Proof' that proves the authorship of a transaction. In this case, you don't need to specify the recipient address. Gener'te a proof o' ye incomin'/outgoin' payment by supplyin' thee transaction ID, thee recipient addr'ss and an optional message fer thee scabby sea bass. Fer thee case of outgoin' payments, ye can get a 'Spend Proof' that prov's thee authorship o' a transaction. In t'is case, ye don't be needin' to specify thee recipient addr'ss. Paste tx ID Past' tx ID Verify that funds were paid to an address by supplying the transaction ID, the recipient address, the message used for signing and the signature. For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient address. Verify that funds be paid to arghh addr'ss by supplyin' thee transaction ID, thee recipient addr'ss, the mess'ge used fer signin' and thee signat're. Fer the case wit' Spend Proof, you don't be needin' to specify thee recipient addr'ss. Check WizardConfigure We’re almost there - let’s just configure some Monero preferences We alm'st be thar - let's just be configurin' some XM-ARGHHH pref'rences Kickstart the Monero blockchain? Hastily Raise thee sails to kickstart thee Monero blockchain? It is very important to write it down as this is the only backup you will need for your wallet. It be critic'l to scribe it as t'is be thee only backup ye will be needin' fer ye treasur'd booty wall't. Scribe it down or ye be argh galley-slave! Enable disk conservation mode? Enabl' disk an' sail conservation mode?! Disk conservation mode uses substantially less disk-space, but the same amount of bandwidth as a regular Monero instance. However, storing the full blockchain is beneficial to the security of the Monero network. If you are on a device with limited disk space, then this option is appropriate for you. Ye disk conservation mode be usin' substantial'y less disk-space, but thee same amount o' bandwidth as a regular Monero instance. Howev'r, storin' thee full blockchain be beneficial to thee security of thee Monero netw'rk. If ye be on argh device wit' limit'd disk space, then t'is option be appropriat' fer ye. Allow background mining? Allow background minin' an' plund'rin? Mining secures the Monero network, and also pays a small reward for the work done. This option will let Monero mine when your computer is on mains power and is idle. It will stop mining when you continue working. Minin' be securin' thee Monero netw'rk, an' also be payin' a small reward fer thee hardw'rk done. T'is option will let ye Monero mine when ye comput'r o' ship be on mains power and be idle. It shal' stop minin' when ye continue workin'. WizardCreateViewOnlyWallet Create view only wallet Creat' view only XM-Arghh wall't WizardCreateWallet Create a new wallet Creat' a new XM-aRGHH wall't WizardCreateWalletFromDevice Create a new wallet from hardware device WizardDaemonSettings To be able to communicate with the Monero network your wallet needs to be connected to a Monero node. For best privacy it's recommended to run your own node. <br><br> If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option to connect to a remote node. Start a node automatically in background (recommended) Start sailin' a node automatical'y in thee background (recommend'd) Blockchain location Blockchain locat'on (optional) Bootstrap node (leave blank if not wanted) Bootstrap node (leave blank if ye not wantin') Connect to a remote node Conn'ct to argh remote node WizardDonation Monero development is solely supported by donations Enable auto-donations of? Enabl' auto-donations of? % of my fee added to each transaction % of me fee add'd to each transact'on For every transaction, a small transaction fee is charged. This option lets you add an additional amount, as a percentage of that fee, to your transaction to support Monero development. For instance, a 50% autodonation take a transaction fee of 0.005 XMR and add a 0.0025 XMR to support Monero development. Fer every XM-ARGHHH transact'on, a wee transaction fee be charg'd. T'is option be lettin' ye add an additional amount, as a percent'ge o' that fee, to ye transaction to supp'rt Monero developm'nt. For instanc', a 50% autodonation be takin' a transaction fee o' 0.005 XMR and addin' a 0.0025 XMR to support thee Monero development ye tight-arsed lobst'r. Allow background mining? Allow background minin' an' pillagin'? Mining secures the Monero network, and also pays a small reward for the work done. This option will let Monero mine when your computer is on mains power and is idle. It will stop mining when you continue working. Ye min'ng be securin' thee Monero network, an also be payin' a wee bounty fer thee sails rais'd. T'is option shall be lettin' XM-ARGhhh mine when ye comput'r is on mains power an' be idle. It shall stop min'ng when ye continue workin'. WizardFinish Enabled Enabl'd Disabled Disabl'd Stagenet Stag'net Mainnet Language Wallet name Wall't name Backup seed Wallet path Wall't path Daemon address Testnet Testn't Network Type Restore height New wallet details: New wall't details: Don't forget to write down your seed. You can view your seed and change your settings on settings page. Don't be forg'ttin to be recordin' down yer seed. Ye can be viewin' ye seed an' change yer settin's on thee settin's page. You’re all set up! G'yarrrghhhhh! Ye be set to sail! WizardMain A wallet with same name already exists. Please change wallet name Blast'd!! Thar be argh wall't wit' thee same name already sailin'. Change ye wall't name ye fish brain'd gob-shite! USE MONERO USE XM-ARGHHH! Create wallet Create ye wall't! Success Victory! The view only wallet has been created. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in: %1 Thee view only wall't have been surfac'd. Ye can can open it by closin' t'is current wall't, clickin' thee "Open wall't from file" option, and selectin' thee view wall't in: %1 Error Blunderin' error! Abort Abandon ship! WizardManageWalletUI Wallet name Ye Wall't name Restore from seed Restor' from ye seed! Restore from keys Restor' from ye keys! From QR Code Account address (public) Ye Account addr'ss (public) View key (private) Ye View key (privat') Spend key (private) Ye Spend key (privat') Restore height (optional) Thee Restor' height (optional) Subaddress lookahead (optional): <major>:<minor> Device name Ledger Your wallet is stored in Ye wall't be stor'd in Please choose a directory Choose argh dir'ctory ye bootless boar-pig! WizardMemoTextInput Enter your 25 (or 24) word mnemonic seed Ent'r yer 25 (or 24) word mnemonic seed! Seed copied to clipboard Ye Seed copi'd to ye scroll! This seed is <b>very</b> important to write down and keep secret. It is all you need to backup and restore your wallet. T'is seed be <b>very</b> important to scribe down an' be keepin' secret from evil pilllag'rs! Do t'is befor' settin' sail! It be all ye need to backup and restore yer wall't. WizardOptions Welcome to Monero! Welc'me to XM-ARGHHH! Please select one of the following options: Sel'ct one o' thee followin' options, ye scungy bilge rate: Create a new wallet Create argh new wall't! Restore wallet from keys or mnemonic seed Restor' ye wall't from ye keys o' ye mnemonic seed! Open a wallet from file Create a new wallet from hardware device Advanced options Mainnet Testnet Testn't Stagenet Stagen't WizardPassword Give your wallet a password Giv' yer wall't a password ye hasty-witt'd barnacle! <br>Note: this password cannot be recovered. If you forget it then the wallet will have to be restored from its 25 word mnemonic seed.<br/><br/> <b>Enter a strong password</b> (using letters, numbers, and/or symbols): <br>Att'ntion: t'is password can nev' be recover'd ye careless ye punk-alley harlot! If ye be forgettin' it then thee wall't shall have to be restor'd fr'm its 25 word mnemonic seed!<br/><br/> <b>Ent'r argh strong password</b> (using lett'rs, numbers, and/or symbols) ye lazy powd'r monkey: WizardPasswordUI Password Password! Confirm password Confirm ye password! WizardRecoveryWallet Restore wallet Restore ye wallet! WizardWelcome Welcome to Monero! Welcome to XM-ARGHHH! Please choose a language and regional format. Ye best be choosin' ye language an' region ye sail thee seas! main Error Blunderin' error! Couldn't open wallet: Couldn't open thee wall't: Unlocked balance (waiting for block) Ye Unlock'd balance (waiting for block) Unlocked balance (~%1 min) Unlock'd balance (~%1 min) Unlocked balance Unlock'd balance Waiting for daemon to start... Waitin' fer thee daemon to set sail... Waiting for daemon to stop... Waitin' fer thee daemon to reach port... Daemon failed to start Daemon fail'd to set sail! Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually. Ye best be checkin' yer wall't and daemon log fer blunders! Ye can also be tryin' to set sail %1 manually. Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Can't be creatin' ye transaction: Wrong daemon version: Can't create transaction: Can't be creat' transaction: No unmixable outputs to sweep Thar be no unmixabl' outputs to sweep ye buoyant bag o' bile! Confirmation Confirmation! Please confirm transaction: Confirm thee transaction ye spid' kissin' washoon: Payment ID: Amount: Fee: Waiting for daemon to sync Waitin' fer thee daemon to sync Daemon is synchronized (%1) Thee Daemon be synchroniz'd (%1) Wallet is synchronized Ye Wallet be synchroniz'd Daemon is synchronized Ye Daemon be synchroniz'd Address: Ringsize: Ringsiz': Number of transactions: Numb'r o' transactions: Description: Spending address index: Spendin' address index: Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) XM-ARGHHH sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Payment proof Proof o' payment Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason: Couldn't generat' a proof 'cause o' thee followin' reason: Payment proof check Paym'nt proof check Bad signature Bad signatur'! This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s). T'is address receiv'd %1 XM-ARGHHH, wit' %2 confirmation(s). Good signature Good signatur'! Wrong password Wrong passw'rd ye mindless kidney-wipe! Warning Warnin'! Error: Filesystem is read only Blunder: Filesyst'm be read only! Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data. Warnin': Thar only %1 GB availabl' on thee device. Blockchain be requirin' ~%2 GB of data. Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data. Notice: Thar only %1 GB availabl' on thee device. Blockchain be requirin' ~%2 GB of data. Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created. Notice: lmdb fold'r not be found. A new fold'r shall be creat'd. Cancel Halt! Password changed successfully Ye password be chang'd successfully! Error: Blunder! Tap again to close... Tap again to close ye... Daemon is running Daemon be sailin' Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed. Daemon shall still be sailin' in thee background when thee GUI be clos'd. Stop daemon Halt thee daemon! New version of monero-wallet-gui is available: %1<br>%2 Thar be argh new version o' thee monero-wallet-gui availabl': %1<br>%2 Daemon log HIDDEN Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2 Thee Amount be wrong: expect'd number from %1 to %2 Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1 Insufficient funds poor chum-bucket. Unlock'd balance: %1 Couldn't send the money: Couldn't send thee money: Information Informat'on Transaction saved to file: %1 This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet mined T'is address be receiv'd %1 XM-ARGHHH, but thee transaction no be yet min'd This address received nothing T'is address receiv'd nothin! Balance (syncing) Balance (syncin') Balance Please wait... Wait now ye slimy bilge-rat... Program setup wizard Monero XM-ARGHHH! send to the same destination send to thee same destination!