// Copyright (c) 2014-2018, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import "../components" as MoneroComponents import moneroComponents.Clipboard 1.0 import "../js/TxUtils.js" as TxUtils Rectangle { color: "transparent" property alias txkeyHeight: mainLayout.height Clipboard { id: clipboard } /* main layout */ ColumnLayout { id: mainLayout anchors.margins: 20 anchors.topMargin: 0 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top anchors.right: parent.right spacing: 20 // solo ColumnLayout { id: soloBox spacing: 20 MoneroComponents.Label { id: soloTitleLabel fontSize: 24 text: qsTr("Prove Transaction") + " / " + qsTr("Reserve") + translationManager.emptyString } MoneroComponents.TextPlain { Layout.fillWidth: true text: qsTr("Generate a proof of your incoming/outgoing payment by supplying the transaction ID, the recipient address and an optional message. \n" + "For the case of outgoing payments, you can get a 'Spend Proof' that proves the authorship of a transaction. In this case, you don't need to specify the recipient address.") + qsTr("\nFor reserve proofs you don't need to specify tx id or address.") + translationManager.emptyString wrapMode: Text.Wrap font.family: MoneroComponents.Style.fontRegular.name font.pixelSize: 14 color: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor } MoneroComponents.LineEdit { id: getProofTxIdLine Layout.fillWidth: true labelFontSize: 14 labelText: qsTr("Transaction ID") + translationManager.emptyString fontSize: 16 placeholderFontSize: 16 placeholderText: qsTr("Paste tx ID") + translationManager.emptyString readOnly: false copyButton: true enabled: getReserveProofAmtLine.text.length === 0 } MoneroComponents.LineEdit { id: getProofAddressLine Layout.fillWidth: true labelFontSize: 14 labelText: qsTr("Address") + translationManager.emptyString fontSize: 16 placeholderFontSize: 16 placeholderText: qsTr("Recipient's wallet address") + translationManager.emptyString; readOnly: false copyButton: true enabled: getReserveProofAmtLine.text.length === 0 } MoneroComponents.LineEdit { id: getReserveProofAmtLine Layout.fillWidth: true labelFontSize: 14 labelText: qsTr("Amount") + translationManager.emptyString fontSize: 16 placeholderFontSize: 16 placeholderText: qsTr("Paste amount of XMR (reserve proof only)") + translationManager.emptyString readOnly: false copyButton: true enabled: getProofAddressLine.text.length === 0 && getProofTxIdLine.text.length === 0 onTextChanged: { text = text.trim().replace(",", "."); const match = text.match(/^0+(\d.*)/); if (match) { const cursorPosition = cursorPosition; text = match[1]; cursorPosition = Math.max(cursorPosition, 1) - 1; } else if(text.indexOf('.') === 0) { text = '0' + text; if (text.length > 2) { cursorPosition = 1; } } error = walletManager.amountFromString(text) > appWindow.getUnlockedBalance(); } validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /^\s*(\d{1,8})?([\.,]\d{1,12})?\s*$/ } } MoneroComponents.LineEdit { id: getProofMessageLine Layout.fillWidth: true fontSize: 16 labelFontSize: 14 labelText: qsTr("Message") + translationManager.emptyString placeholderFontSize: 16 placeholderText: qsTr("Optional message against which the signature is signed") + translationManager.emptyString; readOnly: false copyButton: true } MoneroComponents.StandardButton { Layout.topMargin: 16 small: true text: qsTr("Generate") + translationManager.emptyString enabled: TxUtils.checkTxID(getProofTxIdLine.text) && (getProofAddressLine.text.length == 0 || TxUtils.checkAddress(getProofAddressLine.text, appWindow.persistentSettings.nettype)) || getReserveProofAmtLine.text.length != 0 && walletManager.amountFromString(getReserveProofAmtLine.text) < appWindow.getUnlockedBalance() && walletManager.amountFromString(getReserveProofAmtLine.text) > 0 onClicked: { console.log("getProof: Generate clicked: txid " + getProofTxIdLine.text + ", address " + getProofAddressLine.text + ", message: " + getProofMessageLine.text); middlePanel.getProofClicked(getProofTxIdLine.text, getProofAddressLine.text, getProofMessageLine.text, getReserveProofAmtLine.text) } } // underline Rectangle { height: 1 color: MoneroComponents.Style.dividerColor opacity: MoneroComponents.Style.dividerOpacity Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter anchors.bottomMargin: 3 } MoneroComponents.Label { id: soloTitleLabel2 fontSize: 24 text: qsTr("Check Transaction") + " / " + qsTr("Reserve") + translationManager.emptyString } MoneroComponents.TextPlain { text: qsTr("Verify that funds were paid to an address by supplying the transaction ID, the recipient address, the message used for signing and the signature.\n" + "For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient address.") + "\n" + qsTr("Transaction is not needed for reserve proof.") + translationManager.emptyString wrapMode: Text.Wrap Layout.fillWidth: true font.family: MoneroComponents.Style.fontRegular.name font.pixelSize: 14 color: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor } MoneroComponents.LineEdit { id: checkProofTxIdLine Layout.fillWidth: true labelFontSize: 14 labelText: qsTr("Transaction ID") + translationManager.emptyString fontSize: 16 placeholderFontSize: 16 placeholderText: qsTr("Paste tx ID") + translationManager.emptyString readOnly: false copyButton: true } MoneroComponents.LineEdit { id: checkProofAddressLine Layout.fillWidth: true labelFontSize: 14 labelText: qsTr("Address") + translationManager.emptyString fontSize: 16 placeholderFontSize: 16 placeholderText: qsTr("Recipient's wallet address") + translationManager.emptyString; readOnly: false copyButton: true } MoneroComponents.LineEdit { id: checkProofMessageLine Layout.fillWidth: true fontSize: 16 labelFontSize: 14 labelText: qsTr("Message") + translationManager.emptyString placeholderFontSize: 16 placeholderText: qsTr("Optional message against which the signature is signed") + translationManager.emptyString; readOnly: false copyButton: true } MoneroComponents.LineEdit { id: checkProofSignatureLine Layout.fillWidth: true fontSize: 16 labelFontSize: 14 labelText: qsTr("Signature") + translationManager.emptyString placeholderFontSize: 16 placeholderText: qsTr("Paste tx proof") + " / " + qsTr("reserve proof") + translationManager.emptyString; readOnly: false copyButton: true } MoneroComponents.StandardButton { Layout.topMargin: 16 small: true text: qsTr("Check") + translationManager.emptyString enabled: (TxUtils.checkTxID(checkProofTxIdLine.text) && TxUtils.checkSignature(checkProofSignatureLine.text) && ((checkProofSignatureLine.text.indexOf("SpendProofV") === 0 && checkProofAddressLine.text.length == 0) || (checkProofSignatureLine.text.indexOf("SpendProofV") !== 0 && TxUtils.checkAddress(checkProofAddressLine.text, appWindow.persistentSettings.nettype)))) || (TxUtils.checkSignature(checkProofSignatureLine.text) && checkProofSignatureLine.text.indexOf("ReserveProofV") === 0 && TxUtils.checkAddress(checkProofAddressLine.text, appWindow.persistentSettings.nettype)) onClicked: { console.log("checkProof: Check clicked: txid " + checkProofTxIdLine.text + ", address " + checkProofAddressLine.text + ", message " + checkProofMessageLine.text + ", signature " + checkProofSignatureLine.text); middlePanel.checkProofClicked(checkProofTxIdLine.text, checkProofAddressLine.text, checkProofMessageLine.text, checkProofSignatureLine.text) } } // underline Rectangle { height: 1 color: MoneroComponents.Style.dividerColor opacity: MoneroComponents.Style.dividerOpacity Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter anchors.bottomMargin: 3 } MoneroComponents.TextPlain { text: qsTr("If a payment had several transactions then each must be checked and the results combined.") + translationManager.emptyString wrapMode: Text.Wrap Layout.fillWidth: true font.family: MoneroComponents.Style.fontRegular.name font.pixelSize: 14 color: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor } } } function clearFields() { checkProofAddressLine.text = "" checkProofMessageLine.text = "" checkProofSignatureLine.text = "" checkProofTxIdLine.text = "" getProofAddressLine.text = "" getProofMessageLine.text = "" getProofTxIdLine.text = "" getReserveProofAmtLine.text = "" } function onPageCompleted() { console.log("TxKey page loaded"); } }