AccountSet the label of the selected account:Balance AllTotal balance: Copied to clipboardBerhasil disalinTotal unlocked balance: AccountsBalance: Address copied to clipboardAlamat berhasil disalinCreate new accountSet the label of the new account:AddressBookSave your most used addresses hereThis makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.Add an addressAddress bookBuku alamatAddress copied to clipboardAlamat berhasil disalinAdd addressEdit an address<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> AddressResolveMenyelesaikanNo valid address found at this OpenAlias addressTidak menemukan alamat yang sah dari alamat OpenAddress iniAddress found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAlamat ditemukan, tetapi tanda tangan DNSSEC tidak dapat disahkan, jadi adalah kemungkinan alamat ini telah dipalsukanNo valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedTidak menerima alamat yang sah dari alamat OpenAddress ini, dan juga tanda tangan DNSSEC tidak dapat disahkan, jadi adalah kemungkinan ini telah dipalsukanInternal errorKesalahan internalNo address foundTidak dapat menemukan alamat<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> DescriptionAdd a name...AddTambahSaveErrorKesalahanInvalid addressAlamat tidak diketahuiCan't create entryItem tidak dapat dibuatCancelDeleteOpenAlias errorKesalahan dengan OpenAliasContextMenuPasteDaemonManagerDialogStarting local node in %1 secondsMemulai node lokal dalam %1 detikStart daemon (%1)Mulai jurik (%1)Use custom settingsGunakan pengaturan yang dipilih oleh AndaHistoryDate fromDate toDateTanggalTransactionsSort & filterSearch...Sort byBlockheightTinggi blokAmountPageJump to page (1-%1)Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.SentTerkirimReceivedDiterimaFeeBiayaMinedYesPendingConfirmationsDescriptionDeskripsiTransaction IDID transaksiTransaction keyClick to revealAddress sent toWaiting for transaction to leave txpool.Unknown recipientAdvanced optionsOpsi lanjutanHuman readable date formatExport all historySet description:Updated description.No transaction history yet.No results.%1 transactions total, showing %2.Primary addressTransaction detailsCopied to clipboardBerhasil disalinTx ID:ID transaksi:Address:Payment ID:ID pembayaran:Integrated addressTx key:Kunci transaksi:Tx note:Catatan transaksi:Destinations:Tujuan:Rings:Cincin:Please choose a folderSuccessSuksesCSV file written to: %1Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.ErrorKesalahanError exporting transaction data.InputDialogCancelBatalkanOkOkKeysMnemonic seedSumber mnemonicKeysKunciWARNING: Do not reuse your Monero keys on another fork, UNLESS this fork has key reuse mitigations built in. Doing so will harm your privacy.PERINGATAN: Jangan menggunakan kembali kunci Monero Anda di fork lain, KECUALI fork ini memiliki mitigasi built-in yang dapat digunakan kembali. Melakukan hal tersebut akan membahayakan privasi Anda.WARNING: Copying your seed to clipboard can expose you to malicious software, which may record your seed and steal your Monero. Please write down your seed manually.Wallet restore heightBlock #Export walletEkspor dompetSpendable WalletDompet yang dapat dibelanjakanView Only WalletDompet yang hanya dapat dilihatDoneMnemonic seed protected by hardware device.(View Only Wallet - No mnemonic seed available)(View Only Wallet - No secret spend key available)(Hardware Device Wallet - No secret spend key available)Secret view keyKunci tampilan pribadi(rahasia)Public view keyKunci tampilan umumSecret spend keyKunci pembelanjaan pribadi(rahasia)Public spend keyKunci pembelanjaan umumLeftPanelSendKIRIMReceiveMenerimaRRProve/checkBuktikan/periksaKKView OnlyLihat SajaTestnetTestnet (jaringan uji)StagenetStagenetCopied to clipboardBerhasil disalinAccountSyncing...TAddress bookBuku alamatBBMerchantUTransactionsHHAdvancedTerperinciDDMiningPertambanganMMShared RingDBRingDB BersamaWalletDompetDaemonJurikSign/verifyMenandatangani/mengesahkanEESSGGIISettingsPengaturanLineEditCopyCopied to clipboardBerhasil disalinLineEditMultiCopyCopied to clipboardBerhasil disalinPasteMerchantSales<style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.Save AsMenyimpan dengan nama<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address: <a href='#'>(Change)</a>(right-click, save as)Payment URLCopied to clipboardBerhasil disalinAmount to receiveJumlah yang diterimaEnable sales trackerLeave this pageThe merchant page requires a larger windowWARNING: no connection to daemonPERINGATAN: tidak terhubung ke jurikSave QrCodeMenyimpan Kode QRFailed to save QrCode to Tidak dapat menyimpan Kode QR di MerchantTrackingListshowhideAwaiting in txpoolconfirmationskonfirmasiconfirmationkonfirmasiMiningSolo miningPertambangan sendiriYour daemon must be synchronized before you can start miningJurik Anda harus disinkronkan sebelum Anda mulai menambangCPU threadsNomor ulir CPUMining is only available on local daemons.Mining with your computer helps strengthen the Monero network. The more that people mine, the harder it is for the network to be attacked, and every little bit helps.
Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will create hashes looking for block solutions. If you find a block, you will get the associated reward. Good luck!Mining may reduce the performance of other running applications and processes.Max # of CPU threads available for mining: Use recommended # of threadsSet to use recommended # of threadsUse all threadsSet to use all threadsBackground mining (experimental)Pertambangan latar belakangEnable mining when running on batteryMengizinkan pertambangan dengan daya bateraiManage minerMengelola pertambanganStart miningMulai pertambanganError starting miningKesalahan mulai pertambanganCouldn't start mining.<br>Tidak dapat mulai pertambangan.<br>Mining is only available on local daemons. Run a local daemon to be able to mine.<br>Pertambangan hanya tersedia pada jurik lokal. Jalankan jurik lokal jika Anda ingin menambang.<br>Stop miningBerhenti pertambanganStatusMining at %1 H/sPertambangan %1 H/s (tebakan per detik)Not miningTidak pertambanganNavbarWalletDompetInterfaceNodeLogInfoNetworkStatusItemSynchronizingMenerima dan memeriksa blokRemote nodeSimpul jarak jauhConnectedTersambungMiningPertambanganWrong versionVersi salahSearching nodeDisconnectedKoneksi terputusInvalid connection statusStatus sambungan salahNetwork statusStatus jaringanSuccessfully switched to another public nodeFailed to switch public nodeSwitching to another public nodePasswordDialogPlease enter new wallet passwordwallet passwordwallet device passphrasePlease enter %1 for: Please enter %1Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.CAPSLOCKS IS ON.Please confirm new passwordUlangi kata sandi baruPlease confirm wallet device passphraseCancelBatalkanOkOkProgressBar%1 blocks remaining: %1 blok tersisa: Synchronizing %1Sinkronisasi %1QRCodeScannerQrCode ScannedKode Qr berhasil dipindaiReceiveSet the label of the selected address:Mengatur label alamat yang dipilih:AddressesAlamatSave as imageCopy to clipboardMenyalinCopied to clipboardBerhasil disalinShow on devicePlease choose a nameSet the label of the new address:Mengatur label alamat baru:Address copied to clipboardAlamat berhasil disalinCreate new addressSave QrCodeMenyimpan Kode QRFailed to save QrCode to Tidak dapat menyimpan Kode QR di RemoteNodeEditRemote Node Hostname / IPHostname/IP dari Simpul jarak jauhPortPortSettingsInfoSimple modeAdvanced modeGUI version: Versi GUI: Embedded Monero version: Versi Monero tertanam: Wallet path: Jalur dompet: <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (Klik untuk merubah)</a>Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DDRescan wallet cacheMemindai ulang cache dompetWallet restore height: Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
- Tx keys
- Tx descriptions
The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
Anda yakin ingin membangun kembali cache dompet?
Informasi berikut akan dihapus
- Alamat penerima
- Kunci Tx
- Deskripsi Tx
File cache dompet lama akan diganti namanya dan dapat dikembalikan nanti.CancelBatalkanWallet log path: Alur catatan dompet: Wallet mode: Graphics mode: Tails: persistentpersistence disabledCopy to clipboardMenyalinCopied to clipboardBerhasil disalinSettingsLayoutCustom decorationsDekorasi kustomHide balanceLock wallet on inactivityLight thememinutesminuteAfter Enable displaying balance in other currenciesPrice sourceCurrencyEnabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.Confirm and enableChange languageSettingsLogLog levelLevel catatanDaemon logCatatan jurikcommand + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')command + enter (e.g 'bantuan' atau 'status')Failed to send commandSettingsNodeLocal nodeSimpul lokalThe blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.Blockchain telah diunduh ke komputer Anda. Menyediakan keamanan yang lebih tinggi dan membutuhkan lebih banyak penyimpanan lokal.Remote nodeSimpul jarak jauhUses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Menggunakan server pihak ketiga untuk terhubung ke jaringan Monero. Kurang begitu aman, tetapi lebih mudah di sisi komputer Anda.To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.Untuk menemukan simpul jarak jauh, ketik 'simpul jarak jauh Monero ' ke mesin pencari favorit Anda. Pastikan simpul tersebut dijalankan oleh pihak ketiga yang tepercaya.AddressAlamatPortPortRemote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.Daemon username(optional)(opsional)Daemon passwordPasswordKata sandiMark as Trusted DaemonConnectHubungkanStart daemonStop daemonBerhenti jurikBlockchain locationLokasi blockchain <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (ubah)</a>(default)(default)Daemon startup flagsBendera startup jurikBootstrap AddressAlamat BootstrapBootstrap PortPort BootstrapSettingsWalletClose this walletTutup dompet iniLogs out of this wallet.Keluar dari dompet ini.Close walletTutup dompetCreate a view-only walletBuat dompet yang hanya dapat dilihatCreates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.Membuat dompet baru yang hanya dapat membaca transaksi, namun tidak dapat menginisialisasi transaksi.Create walletMembuat dompetSuccessSuksesThe view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.Show seed & keysTampilkan sumber kunciStore this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Simpan informasi ini dengan aman untuk memulihkan dompet Anda di masa mendatang.Show seedTampilkan sumberRescan wallet balanceMemindai ulang saldo dompetUse this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Gunakan fitur ini jika Anda berpikir saldo yang ditampilkan tidak akurat.RescanMemindai ulangErrorKesalahanError: Kesalahan: InformationInformasiSuccessfully rescanned spent outputs.Berhasil memindai ulang keluaran yang dibelanjakan.Change wallet passwordChange the password of your wallet.Change passwordWrong passwordKata sandi salahSharedRingDBShared RingDBRingDB bersamaThis page allows you to interact with the shared ring database. This database is meant for use by Monero wallets as well as wallets from Monero clones which reuse the Monero keys.Halaman ini memungkinkan Anda untuk berinteraksi dengan basis data cincin bersama. Basis data ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan oleh dompet Monero serta dompet dari klon Monero yang menggunakan kembali kunci Monero.HelpBantuanThis sets which outputs are known to be spent, and thus not to be used as privacy placeholders in ring signatures. Mengatur keluaran mana yang boleh dibelanjakan, dan dengan demikian tidak digunakan sebagai penampung privasi di tanda cincin.You should only have to load a file when you want to refresh the list. Manual adding/removing is possible if needed.Anda seharusnya hanya memuat file ketika Anda ingin me-refresh daftar. Penambahan/penghapusan manual dimungkinkan jika diperlukan.Path to fileAlur ke fileBrowseJelajahiLoadMemuatOr manually mark a single output as spent/unspent:Atau secara manual mem-blackball/mengurungkan blackball suatu keluaran:Paste output amountTempelkan jumlah keluaranPaste output offsetTempelkan offset keluaranOutputs marked as spentIn order to obscure which inputs in a Monero transaction are being spent, a third party should not be able to tell which inputs in a ring are already known to be spent. Being able to do so would weaken the protection afforded by ring signatures. If all but one of the inputs are known to be already spent, then the input being actually spent becomes apparent, thereby nullifying the effect of ring signatures, one of the three main layers of privacy protection Monero uses.<br>To help transactions avoid those inputs, a list of known spent ones can be used to avoid using them in new transactions. Such a list is maintained by the Monero project and is available on the website, and you can import this list here.<br>Alternatively, you can scan the blockchain (and the blockchain of key-reusing Monero clones) yourself using the monero-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs tool to create a list of known spent outputs.<br>Please choose a file from which to load outputs to mark as spentFilename with outputs to mark as spentMark as spentMark as unspentRingsCincinIn order to avoid nullifying the protection afforded by Monero's ring signatures, an output should not be spent with different rings on different blockchains. While this is normally not a concern, it can become one when a key-reusing Monero clone allows you to spend existing outputs. In this case, you need to ensure this existing outputs uses the same ring on both chains.<br>This will be done automatically by Monero and any key-reusing software which is not trying to actively strip you of your privacy.<br>If you are using a key-reusing Monero clone too, and this clone does not include this protection, you can still ensure your transactions are protected by spending on the clone first, then manually adding the ring on this page, which allows you to then spend your Monero safely.<br>If you do not use a key-reusing Monero clone without these safety features, then you do not need to do anything as it is all automated.<br>Untuk menghindari penghapusan perlindungan yang diberikan oleh tanda-tanda cincin Monero ', output tidak boleh digunakan dengan cincin yang berbeda pada blockchain yang berbeda. Meskipun ini biasanya tidak menimbulkan masalah, ini bisa menjadi satu ketika kloning Monero menggunakan kembali memungkinkan Anda untuk menghabiskan output yang ada. Dalam hal ini, Anda perlu memastikan bahwa output yang ada menggunakan cincin yang sama pada kedua rantai. <br> Ini akan dilakukan secara otomatis oleh Monero dan perangkat lunak yang menggunakan kembali kunci yang tidak mencoba untuk secara aktif menghapus privasi Anda.< Jika Anda menggunakan klone Monero yang menggunakan kembali kunci juga, dan klon ini tidak termasuk perlindungan ini, Anda masih dapat memastikan transaksi Anda dilindungi dengan membelanjakan klon terlebih dahulu, lalu tambahkan cincin secara manual di halaman ini, yang memungkinkan Anda untuk kemudian menghabiskan Monero Anda dengan aman.<br>Jika Anda tidak menggunakan klon Monero yang menggunakan ulang kunci tanpa fitur keamanan ini, maka Anda tidak perlu melakukan apa pun karena semuanya otomatis.<br>This records rings used by outputs spent on Monero on a key reusing chain, so that the same ring may be reused to avoid privacy issues.Catatan cincin ini digunakan oleh keluaran yang dihabiskan pada Monero pada sebuah rantai penggunaan kembali kunci, sehingga cincin yang sama dapat digunakan kembali untuk menghindari masalah privasi.Key imageTampilan(gambar) kunciPaste key imageTempelkan tampilan kunciGet ringDapatkan cincinGet RingDapatkan CincinNo ring foundCincin tidak ditemukanSet ringAtur cincinSet RingAtur CincinI intend to spend on key-reusing fork(s)Saya berniat untuk menghabiskan pada key-reusing fork(s)I might want to spend on key-reusing fork(s)Saya mungkin ingin menghabiskan pada key-reusing fork(s)RelativeRelatifSet segregation height:SignGood signatureTandatangan yang bagusThis is a good signatureIni adalah tandatangan yang bagusBad signatureTandatangan yang burukThis signature did not verifyTandatangan ini tidak dapat disahkanThis page lets you sign/verify a message (or file contents) with your address.Halaman ini memungkinkan Anda menandatangani/memverifikasi pesan (atau isi file) dengan alamat Anda.MessagePesanSign/verifyMenandatangani/mengesahkanModeFileSign fileSign messageEnter a message to signEnter path to fileBrowseJelajahiClick [Sign Message] to generate signatureClick [Sign File] to generate signatureClearSign MessageSign FileVerify messageVerifikasi pesanVerify fileVerifikasi fileEnter the message to verifyAddressAlamatEnter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)Enter the signature to verifyVerify FileVerify MessagePlease choose a file to signMohon memilih file untuk ditandatanganiPlease choose a file to verifyPililah arsip untuk disahkanSignatureTanda tanganStandardDialogDouble tap to copyTap dua kali untuk menyalinContent copied to clipboardContent berhasil disalinCancelMembatalkanOKOKStandardDropdownAutomaticOtomatisSlow (x0.2 fee)Lambat (biaya x0.25) {0.2 ?}Normal (x1 fee)Normal (biaya x1)Fast (x5 fee)Cepat (biaya x5)Fastest (x200 fee)Tercepat (biaya x41.5) {200 ?}TransferOpenAlias errorKesalahan dengan OpenAliasTransaction priorityKepentingan transaksiFast (x5 fee)Cepat (biaya x5)ResolveMenyelesaikan<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Mulai jurik</a><font size='2'>)</font>Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.Address is invalid.Enter an amount.Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.Slow (x0.2 fee)Lambat (biaya x0.25) {0.2 ?}Normal (x1 fee)Normal (biaya x1)Fastest (x200 fee)Tercepat (biaya x41.5) {200 ?}<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Alamat <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Buku alamat</a><font size='2'> )</font>No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressTidak menemukan alamat yang sah dari alamat OpenAddress iniAddress found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAlamat ditemukan, tetapi tanda tangan DNSSEC tidak dapat disahkan, jadi adalah kemungkinan alamat ini telah dipalsukanNo valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedTidak menerima alamat yang sah dari alamat OpenAddress ini, dan juga tanda tangan DNSSEC tidak dapat disahkan, jadi adalah kemungkinan ini telah dipalsukanInternal errorKesalahan internalNo address foundTidak dapat menemukan alamatDescription field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.Saved to local wallet historySedia dalam riwayat dompet lokalLong payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.SendMENGIRIMMonero sent successfullyMonero berhasil dikirimkanSweep UnmixableMenggabungkan transaksi yang tak dapat dicampurkanCreate tx fileMembuat arsip transaksiAllSemuaAdvanced optionsOpsi lanjutanSign tx fileMenandatangani arsip transaksiSubmit tx fileMenyerahkan arsip transaksiErrorKesalahanInformationInformasiPlease choose a file>Mohon memilih arsip<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>AutomaticOtomatisAdd descriptionAdd payment ID64 hexadecimal charactersExport key imagesEkspor tampilan kunciImport key imagesImpor tampilan kunciCan't load unsigned transaction: Tidak bisa memuat transaksi yang tidak ditandatangani:
Number of transactions: Jumlah transaksi:
Transaction #%1Transaksi #%1
Recipient: Penerima:
payment ID: ID Pembayaran:
Amount: Jumlah:
Fee: Biaya:
Ringsize: Ukuran cincin: ConfirmationKonfirmasiCan't submit transaction: Tidak bisa mengirim transaksi: Wallet is not connected to daemon.Dompet tidak dapat menghubung ke jurikConnected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonJurik yang terhubung tidak cocok dengan GUI. Silahkan meningkatkan jurik atau menghubungkan jurik yang lainWaiting on daemon synchronization to finish.Amount is more than unlocked balance.TxKeyIf a payment had several transactions then each must be checked and the results combined.Jika pembayaran termasuk beberapa transaksi, setiapnya harus diperiksa dan hasil ditambah.AddressAlamatProve TransactionBuktikan TransaksiGenerate a proof of your incoming/outgoing payment by supplying the transaction ID, the recipient address and an optional message.
For the case of outgoing payments, you can get a 'Spend Proof' that proves the authorship of a transaction. In this case, you don't need to specify the recipient address.Membuat bukti pembayaran keluar/masuk dengan memberikan ID transaksi, alamat penerima, dan pesan opsional. Untuk kasus dengan Bukti Pengeluaran, Anda tidak perlu memberi rincian alamat penerima.Recipient's wallet addressAlamat dompet penerimaMessagePesanOptional message against which the signature is signedPesan opsional yang telah ditanda tanganiGenerateMembuatCheck TransactionPeriksa TransaksiVerify that funds were paid to an address by supplying the transaction ID, the recipient address, the message used for signing and the signature.
For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient address.Verifikasi bahwa dana telah dibayarkan ke alamat dengan memberikan ID transaksi, alamat penerima, pesan yang digunakan untuk menandatangani dan tanda tangan. Untuk kasus dengan Bukti Pengeluaran, Anda tidak perlu memberi rincian alamat penerima.SignatureTanda tanganPaste tx proofTempelkan bukti txTransaction IDID transaksiPaste tx IDMenempelkan ID txCheckPeriksaUtilsWrong passwordKata sandi salahsecond agoseconds agominute agominutes agohour agohours agoday agodays agoTestnetTestnet (jaringan uji)StagenetStagenetMainnetMainnetWizardAskPasswordStrength: LowRendahMediumSedangHighTinggiGive your wallet a passwordMemilih kata sandi untuk dompet AndaThis password cannot be recovered. If you forget it then the wallet will have to be restored from your %1.25 word mnemonic seedhardware wallet<b>Enter a strong password</b> (Using letters, numbers, and/or symbols).PasswordKata sandiPassword (confirm)WizardControllerPlease choose a fileMohon memilih arsipPlease proceed to the device...Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
your input may be required.WizardCreateDevice1Choose your hardware deviceCreate a new walletMembuat dompet baruUsing a hardware device.Create a new wallet from device.Restore a wallet from device. Use this if you used your hardware wallet before.Wallet creation date as `YYYY-MM-DD` or restore heightRestore heightMengembalikan tinggi ke nilai asalAdvanced optionsOpsi lanjutanSubaddress lookahead (optional)Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.Back to menuCreate walletMembuat dompetWizardCreateWallet1Create a new walletMembuat dompet baruCreates a new wallet on this computer.Mnemonic seedSumber mnemonicThis seed is <b>very</b> important to write down and keep secret. It is all you need to backup and restore your wallet.<b>Sangat</b> penting kata-kata biji acak ini dicatat karena cuma oleh sebagai ini dompet Anda dapat dipulihkanWallet restore heightShould you restore your wallet in the future, specifying this block number will recover your wallet quicker.Back to menuWizardCreateWallet3Daemon settingsTo be able to communicate with the Monero network your wallet needs to be connected to a Monero node. For best privacy it's recommended to run your own node.WizardCreateWallet4You're all set up!New wallet details:Rincian dompet baru:Open walletWizardDaemonSettingsStart a node automatically in background (recommended)Mulai simpul secara otomatis di latar belakang (disarankan)Blockchain location (optional)DefaultDefaultBrowseJelajahiBootstrap nodeAdditionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.Connect to a remote nodeTerhubung ke simpul jarak jauhWizardHomeWelcome to Monero.Create a new walletMembuat dompet baruChoose this option if this is your first time using Monero.Create a new wallet from hardwareConnect your hardware wallet to create a new Monero wallet.Open a wallet from fileMembuka dompet dari arsipImport an existing .keys wallet file from your computer.Restore wallet from keys or mnemonic seedMengembalikan dompet dari kunci atau kata-kata biji acakEnter your private keys or 25-word mnemonic seed to restore your wallet.Change wallet modeChange languageAdvanced optionsOpsi lanjutanChange Network:Number of KDF rounds:WizardLangLanguage settingsChange the language of the Monero GUI.Language changed.CloseWizardLanguageLanguageBahasaContinueLanjutkanWizardModeBootstrapAbout the bootstrap modeThis mode will use a remote node whilst also syncing the blockchain. This is different from the first menu option (Simple mode), since it will only use the remote node until the blockchain is fully synced locally. It is a reasonable tradeoff for most people who care about privacy but also want the convenience of an automatic fallback option.Temporary use of remote nodes is useful in order to use Monero immediately (hence the name bootstrap), however be aware that when using remote nodes (including with the bootstrap setting), nodes could track your IP address, track your "restore height" and associated block request data, and send you inaccurate information to learn more about transactions you make.Remain aware of these limitations. <b>Users who prioritize privacy and decentralization must use a full node instead</b>.I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.WizardModeRemoteNodeWarningAbout the simple modeThis mode is ideal for managing small amounts of Monero. You have access to basic features for making and managing transactions. It will automatically connect to the Monero network so you can start using Monero immediately.Remote nodes are useful if you are not able/don't want to download the whole blockchain, but be advised that malicious remote nodes could compromise some privacy. They could track your IP address, track your "restore height" and associated block request data, and send you inaccurate information to learn more about transactions you make.Remain aware of these limitations. <b>Users who prioritize privacy and decentralization must use a full node instead</b>.I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.WizardModeSelectionMode selection.Please select the statement that best matches you.Simple modeEasy access to sending, receiving and basic functionality.Easy access to sending, receiving and basic functionality. The blockchain is downloaded to your computer.Advanced modeIncludes extra features like mining and message verification. The blockchain is downloaded to your computer.Back to menuWizardNavPreviousNextWizardOpenWallet1Open a wallet from fileMembuka dompet dari arsipImport an existing .keys wallet file from your computer.Recently openedMainnetMainnetTestnetTestnet (jaringan uji)StagenetStagenetBrowse filesystemBack to menuWizardRestoreWallet1Restore walletMengembalikan dompetRestore wallet from keys or mnemonic seed.Restore from seedMengembalikan dari sumberRestore from keysMengembalikan dari kunciRestore from QR CodeEnter your 25 (or 24) word mnemonic seedMasukkan 25 (atau 24) kata sumber mnemonik Anda Account address (public)Alamat rekeningView key (private)Kunci tampilan (pribadi)Spend key (private)Kunci pembayaran (pribadi)Wallet creation date as `YYYY-MM-DD` or restore heightRestore heightMengembalikan tinggi ke nilai asalBack to menuWizardRestoreWallet3Daemon settingsTo be able to communicate with the Monero network your wallet needs to be connected to a Monero node. For best privacy it's recommended to run your own node.
If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option to connect to a remote node.WizardRestoreWallet4You're all set up!New wallet details:Rincian dompet baru:WizardSummaryWallet nameNama dompetWallet pathPath untuk dompetLanguageBahasaRestore heightMengembalikan tinggi ke nilai asalDaemon addressAlamat jurikBootstrap addressNetwork TypeTipe JaringanWizardWalletInputWallet nameNama dompetWallet locationBrowseJelajahiPlease choose a directorySilahkan pilih direktorimainErrorKesalahanCouldn't open wallet: Tidak bisa membuka dompet: Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Tidak bisa membuat transaksi: Versi jurik yang salah: Can't create transaction: Tidak bisa membuat transaksi: No unmixable outputs to sweepTidak ada keluaran yang tidak dapat dicampurConfirmationKonfirmasiPlease proceed to the device...Opening wallet ...Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.Waiting for daemon to start...Menunggu jurik untuk memulaiWaiting for daemon to stop...Menunggu jurik untuk berhentiDaemon failed to startJurik tidak dapat mulaiPlease check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Tolong periksahkan log-log dompet dan jurik untuk kesalahan. Anda juga dapat mencoba untuk memulai %1 secara manualPlease confirm transaction:
Silakan memastikan transaksi:
Payment ID: ID pembayaran:
Amount: Jumlah:
Fee: Biaya: Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Jumlah salah: nomor antar %1 dan %2 diharapkanInsufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Dana tidak mencukupi. Saldo rekening yang tidak terkunci: %1Couldn't send the money: Tidak bisa mengirim uang monero: InformationInformasiTransaction saved to file: %1Transaksi disimpan dalam arsip: %1This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedAlamat ini menerima %1 monero, tetapi transaksinya belum termasuk dalam blokThis address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Alamat ini menerima %1 monero, dengan %2 konfirmasi.Primary accountLocal node is runningDo you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?Force stopKeep it runningTap again to close...Tap sekali lagi untuk menutup...New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.orgThis address received nothingAlamat ini tidak menerima apa-apaClosing wallet...Waiting for daemon to syncMenunggu jurik untuk sinkronisasiDaemon is synchronized (%1)Jurik telah tersinkron (%1)Wallet is synchronizedDompet telah tersinkronDaemon is synchronizedJurik telah tersinkronAddress: Alamat:
Ringsize: Ukuran cincin:
Number of transactions: Jumlah transaksi:
Description: Deskripsi:
Spending address index: Indeks alamat pembelanjaan: Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
your input may be required.Sending transaction ...Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Monero berhasil dikirim: %1 transaksiPayment proofBukti pembayaranCouldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
Tidak dapat mencetak bukti karena alasan berikut: Payment proof checkCek bukti pembayaranBad signatureTandatangan yang burukGood signatureTandatangan yang bagusWrong passwordKata sandi salahWarningPeringatanError: Filesystem is read onlyKesalahan: Filesystem hanya bisa dibacaWarning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Peringatan: Hanya %1 GB yang tersedia di perangkat. Blockchain membutuhkan data sebesar ~%2 GB.Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Catatan: Hanya %1 GB yang tersedia di perangkat. Blockchain membutuhkan data sebesar ~%2 GB.Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Catatan: folder lmdb tidak ditemukan. Folder yang baru akan dibuat.CancelBatalkanPassword changed successfullyKata sandi berhasil diubahError: Kesalahan: Please wait...Mohon tunggu...