.pragma library function updateFromQrCode(address, payment_id, amount, tx_description, recipient_name, extra_parameters) { // Switch to recover from keys recoverFromSeedMode = false spendKeyLine.text = "" viewKeyLine.text = "" restoreHeight.text = "" if(typeof extra_parameters.secret_view_key != "undefined") { viewKeyLine.text = extra_parameters.secret_view_key } if(typeof extra_parameters.secret_spend_key != "undefined") { spendKeyLine.text = extra_parameters.secret_spend_key } if(typeof extra_parameters.restore_height != "undefined") { restoreHeight.text = extra_parameters.restore_height } addressLine.text = address cameraUi.qrcode_decoded.disconnect(updateFromQrCode) // Check if keys are correct checkNextButton(); } function switchPage(next) { // Android focus workaround releaseFocus(); // save settings for current page; if (next && typeof pages[currentPage].onPageClosed !== 'undefined') { if (pages[currentPage].onPageClosed(settings) !== true) { print ("Can't go to the next page"); return; }; } console.log("switchpage: currentPage: ", currentPage); // Update prev/next button positions for mobile/desktop prevButton.anchors.verticalCenter = wizard.verticalCenter nextButton.anchors.verticalCenter = wizard.verticalCenter if (currentPage > 0 || currentPage < pages.length - 1) { pages[currentPage].opacity = 0 var step_value = next ? 1 : -1 currentPage += step_value pages[currentPage].opacity = 1; var nextButtonVisible = currentPage > 1 && currentPage < pages.length - 1 nextButton.visible = nextButtonVisible if (typeof pages[currentPage].onPageOpened !== 'undefined') { pages[currentPage].onPageOpened(settings,next) } } } function createWalletPath(isIOS, folder_path,account_name){ // Store releative path on ios. if(isIOS) folder_path = ""; return folder_path + "/" + account_name + "/" + account_name } function walletPathExists(accountsDir, directory, filename, isIOS, walletManager) { if(!filename || filename === "") return false; if(!directory || directory === "") return false; if (!directory.endsWith("/") && !directory.endsWith("\\")) directory += "/" if(isIOS) var path = accountsDir + filename; else var path = directory + filename + "/" + filename; if (walletManager.walletExists(path)) return true; return false; } function isAscii(str){ for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str.charCodeAt(i) > 127) return false; } return true; } function tr(text) { return qsTr(text) + translationManager.emptyString } function usefulName(path) { // arbitrary "short enough" limit if (path.length < 32) return path return path.replace(/.*[\/\\]/, '').replace(/\.keys$/, '') } function checkSeed(seed) { console.log("Checking seed") var wordsArray = seed.split(/\s+/); return wordsArray.length === 25 || wordsArray.length === 24 } function restoreWalletCheckViewSpendAddress(walletmanager, nettype, viewkey, spendkey, addressline){ var results = []; // addressOK results[0] = walletmanager.addressValid(addressline, nettype); // viewKeyOK results[1] = walletmanager.keyValid(viewkey, addressline, true, nettype); // spendKeyOK, Spendkey is optional results[2] = walletmanager.keyValid(spendkey, addressline, false, nettype); return results; } //usage: getApproximateBlockchainHeight("March 18 2016") or getApproximateBlockchainHeight("2016-11-11") //returns estimated block height with 1 month buffer prior to requested date. function getApproximateBlockchainHeight(_date, _nettype){ // time of monero birth 2014-04-18 10:49:53 (1397818193) var moneroBirthTime = _nettype == "Mainnet" ? 1397818193 : _nettype == "Testnet" ? 1410295020 : 1518932025; // avg seconds per block in v1 var secondsPerBlockV1 = 60; // time of v2 fork 2016-03-23 15:57:38 (1458748658) var forkTime = _nettype == "Mainnet" ? 1458748658 : _nettype == "Testnet" ? 1448285909 : 1520937818; // v2 fork block var forkBlock = _nettype == "Mainnet" ? 1009827 : _nettype == "Testnet" ? 624634 : 32000; // avg seconds per block in V2 var secondsPerBlockV2 = 120; // time in UTC var requestedTime = Math.floor(new Date(_date) / 1000); var approxBlockchainHeight; var secondsPerBlock; // before monero's birth if (requestedTime < moneroBirthTime){ console.log("Calculated blockchain height: 0, requestedTime < moneroBirthTime " ); return 0; } // time between during v1 if (requestedTime > moneroBirthTime && requestedTime < forkTime){ approxBlockchainHeight = Math.floor((requestedTime - moneroBirthTime)/secondsPerBlockV1); console.log("Calculated blockchain height: " + approxBlockchainHeight ); secondsPerBlock = secondsPerBlockV1; } // time is during V2 else{ approxBlockchainHeight = Math.floor(forkBlock + (requestedTime - forkTime)/secondsPerBlockV2); console.log("Calculated blockchain height: " + approxBlockchainHeight ); secondsPerBlock = secondsPerBlockV2; } if(_nettype == "Testnet"){ // testnet got some huge rollbacks, so the estimation is way off var approximateTestnetRolledBackBlocks = 303967; if(approxBlockchainHeight > approximateTestnetRolledBackBlocks) approxBlockchainHeight -= approximateTestnetRolledBackBlocks } var blocksPerMonth = 60*60*24*30/secondsPerBlock; if(approxBlockchainHeight - blocksPerMonth > 0){ return approxBlockchainHeight - blocksPerMonth; } else{ return 0; } }