AddressBook Add new entry Address <b>Tip tekst test</b> Payment ID <font size='2'>(Optional)</font> <b>Payment ID</b><br/><br/>A unique user name used in<br/>the address book. It is not a<br/>transfer of information sent<br/>during the transfer Description <font size='2'>(Local database)</font> <b>Tip test test</b><br/><br/>test line 2 ADD Payment ID Description AddressBookTable No more results Payment ID: BasicPanel Locked Balance: 78.9239845 Available Balance: 2324.9239845 DaemonProgress Synchronizing blocks %1/%2 Synchronizing blocks Dashboard Quick transfer SEND <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style> looking for security level and address book? go to <a href='#'>Transfer</a> tab DashboardTable No more results Date Balance Amount History selected: Filter transaction history <b>Total amount of selected payments</b> Incremental search Search transfers for a given string Type search string Date from <b>Tip tekst test</b> To FILTER Advanced filtering Type of transaction Amount from HistoryTable Tx ID: Payment ID: Tx key: Tx note: No more results Details BlockHeight: Date Amount Fee LeftPanel Balance Test tip 1<br/><br/>line 2 Unlocked balance Test tip 2<br/><br/>line 2 Send T Receive R Verify payment K History H Sign/verify S Settings MiddlePanel Balance: Unlocked Balance: NetworkStatusItem Connected Wrong version Disconnected Invalid connection status Network status PasswordDialog Please enter wallet password Cancel Ok PrivacyLevelSmall LOW MEDIUM HIGH Receive Invalid payment ID Address ReadOnly wallet address displayed here Integrated address ReadOnly wallet integrated address displayed here Payment ID 16 or 64 hexadecimal characters Generate Amount RightPanel Twitter News Help About SearchInput Search by... SEARCH Settings Click button to show seed Mnemonic seed: It is very important to write it down as this is the only backup you will need for your wallet. Show seed Daemon address Hostname / IP Port Save Manage wallet Close current wallet and open wizard Close wallet Sign Good signature This is a good signature Bad signature This signature did not verify Sign a message or file contents with your address: Either message: Message to sign SIGN Or file: SELECT Filename with message to sign Signature Verify a message or file signature from an address: Message to verify VERIFY Filename with message to verify <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style> Signing address <font size='2'> ( Type in or select from </font> <a href='#'>Address</a><font size='2'> book )</font> StandardDialog Ok Cancel TickDelegate LOW MEDIUM HIGH Transfer Amount Transaction priority or ALL LOW MEDIUM HIGH Privacy level Transaction cost <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( Type in or select from </font> <a href='#'>Address</a><font size='2'> book )</font> Payment ID <font size='2'>( Optional )</font> 16 or 64 hexadecimal characters Description <font size='2'>( An optional description that will be saved to the local address book if entered )</font> SEND SWEEP UNMIXABLE TxKey You can verify that a third party made a payment by supplying: - the recipient address, - the transaction ID, - the tx secret key supplied by the sender If a payment was made up of several transactions, each transaction must be checked, and the results added Address Recipient's wallet address Transaction ID Transaction ID here Transaction key Transaction key here CHECK WizardConfigure We’re almost there - let’s just configure some Monero preferences Kickstart the Monero blockchain? It is very important to write it down as this is the only backup you will need for your wallet. You will be asked to confirm the seed in the next screen to ensure it has copied down correctly. Enable disk conservation mode? Disk conservation mode uses substantially less disk-space, but the same amount of bandwidth as a regular Monero instance. However, storing the full blockchain is beneficial to the security of the Monero network. If you are on a device with limited disk space, then this option is appropriate for you. Allow background mining? Mining secures the Monero network, and also pays a small reward for the work done. This option will let Monero mine when your computer is on mains power and is idle. It will stop mining when you continue working. WizardCreateWallet A new wallet has been created for you This is the 25 word mnemonic for your wallet WizardDonation Monero development is solely supported by donations Enable auto-donations of? % of my fee added to each transaction For every transaction, a small transaction fee is charged. This option lets you add an additional amount, as a percentage of that fee, to your transaction to support Monero development. For instance, a 50% autodonation take a transaction fee of 0.005 XMR and add a 0.0025 XMR to support Monero development. Allow background mining? Mining secures the Monero network, and also pays a small reward for the work done. This option will let Monero mine when your computer is on mains power and is idle. It will stop mining when you continue working. WizardFinish Enabled Disabled Language Account name Seed Wallet path Daemon address Testnet Restore height An overview of your Monero configuration is below: You’re all setup! WizardMain A wallet with same name already exists. Please change wallet name USE MONERO WizardManageWalletUI This is the name of your wallet. You can change it to a different name if you’d like: Restore height Your wallet is stored in Please choose a directory WizardMemoTextInput It is very important to write it down as this is the only backup you will need for your wallet. You will be asked to confirm the seed in the next screen to ensure it has copied down correctly. WizardOptions Welcome to Monero! Please select one of the following options: This is my first time, I want to create a new account I want to recover my account from my 25 word seed I want to open a wallet from file Please setup daemon address below. Testnet WizardPassword Now that your wallet has been created, please set a password for the wallet Now that your wallet has been restored, please set a password for the wallet Note that this password cannot be recovered, and if forgotten you will need to restore your wallet from the mnemonic seed you were just given<br/><br/> Your password will be used to protect your wallet and to confirm actions, so make sure that your password is sufficiently secure. Password Confirm password WizardRecoveryWallet We're ready to recover your account Please enter your 25 word private key WizardWelcome Welcome Please choose a language and regional format. main Error Couldn't open wallet: Synchronizing blocks %1 / %2 Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Can't create transaction: No unmixable outputs to sweep Confirmation Please confirm transaction: Address: Payment ID: Amount: Fee: Mixin: Number of transactions: Description: Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2 insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1 Couldn't send the money: Information Money sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Payment check This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet mined This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmations This address received nothing Please wait... Program setup wizard Monero send to the same destination