AddressBook Address पता Qr Code 4... Payment ID <font size='2'>(Optional)</font> भुगतान आईडी <font size='2'>(वैकल्पिक)</font> <b>Payment ID</b><br/><br/>A unique user name used in<br/>the address book. It is not a<br/>transfer of information sent<br/>during the transfer Paste 64 hexadecimal characters Description <font size='2'>(Optional)</font> Give this entry a name or description Add Error त्रुटि Invalid address Can't create entry AddressBookTable No more results और अधिक परिणाम नहीं हैं Payment ID: भुगतान आईडी: Address copied to clipboard BasicPanel Locked Balance: बंद धनराशि: 78.9239845 Available Balance: उपलब्ध धनराशि: 2324.9239845 DaemonConsole Close command + enter (e.g help) DaemonManagerDialog Starting local node in %1 seconds Start daemon (%1) Use custom settings Dashboard Quick transfer तत्काल स्थानांतरण SEND भेजें <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style> looking for security level and address book? go to <a href='#'>Transfer</a> tab DashboardTable No more results और अधिक परिणाम नहीं हैं Date तिथि Balance धनराशि Amount राशि History selected: Filter transaction history Type for incremental search... Date from तिथि से To तक Filter Advanced filtering Type of transaction Amount from राशि HistoryTable No more results और अधिक परिणाम नहीं हैं Payment ID: भुगतान आईडी: Tx ID: Tx key: Tx note: Destinations: Details BlockHeight: (%1/%2 confirmations) UNCONFIRMED FAILED PENDING Date तिथि Fee Amount राशि HistoryTableMobile Tx ID: Payment ID: भुगतान आईडी: Tx key: Tx note: Destinations: No more results और अधिक परिणाम नहीं हैं (%1/%2 confirmations) UNCONFIRMED FAILED PENDING Keys Mnemonic seed Double tap to copy Seed copied to clipboard Keys Keys copied to clipboard Export wallet Spendable Wallet View Only Wallet Secret view key Public view key Secret spend key Public spend key (View Only Wallet - No mnemonic seed available) LeftPanel Testnet Balance धनराशि Unlocked balance खुली धनराशि Send S Address book B History H Advanced D Mining M Prove/check Seed & Keys Y K Sign/verify I Settings E Receive प्राप्त करें View Only R MiddlePanel Balance धनराशि Unlocked Balance Mining Solo mining (only available for local daemons) Mining with your computer helps strengthen the Monero network. The more that people mine, the harder it is for the network to be attacked, and every little bit helps.<br> <br>Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will create hashes looking for block solutions. If you find a block, you will get the associated reward. Good luck! CPU threads (optional) Background mining (experimental) Enable mining when running on battery Manage miner Start mining Error starting mining Couldn't start mining.<br> Mining is only available on local daemons. Run a local daemon to be able to mine.<br> Stop mining Status: not mining Mining at %1 H/s Not mining Status: MobileHeader Unlocked Balance: NetworkStatusItem Network status नेटवर्क स्थिति Connected कनेक्ट किया गया Synchronizing Remote node Wrong version Disconnected डिस्कनेक्ट किया गया Invalid connection status NewPasswordDialog Please enter new password Please confirm new password Cancel Continue PasswordDialog Please enter wallet password for:<br> Please enter wallet password Cancel Continue PrivacyLevelSmall Low Medium High ProgressBar Establishing connection... Blocks remaining: %1 Synchronizing blocks QRCodeScanner QrCode Scanned Receive Invalid payment ID WARNING: no connection to daemon in the txpool: %1 %2 confirmations: %3 (%1) 1 confirmation: %2 (%1) No transaction found yet... Transaction found %1 transactions found with more money (%1) with not enough money (%1) Address पता ReadOnly wallet address displayed here यहाँ केवल पठनीय वॉलेट पता प्रदर्शित है Address copied to clipboard 16 hexadecimal characters Payment ID copied to clipboard Clear Integrated address एकीकृत पता Generate payment ID for integrated address Integrated address copied to clipboard Amount राशि Amount to receive Tracking help Tracking payments <p><font size='+2'>This is a simple sales tracker:</font></p><p>Click Generate to create a random payment id for a new customer</p> <p>Let your customer scan that QR code to make a payment (if that customer has software which supports QR code scanning).</p><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using this QR code. If you input an amount, it will also check that incoming transactions total up to that amount.</p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p> Save QrCode Failed to save QrCode to Save As Payment ID भुगतान आईडी Generate उत्पन्न करें RemoteNodeEdit Remote Node Hostname / IP Port SearchInput Search by... निम्न से खोजें... SEARCH खोजें Settings Manage wallet Close wallet Create view only wallet Show status (optional) Rescan wallet balance Error: Information जानकारी Blockchain location Username Password Connect Layout settings Custom decorations Log level (e.g. *:WARNING,net.p2p:DEBUG) Successfully rescanned spent outputs. Change password Local Node Remote Node Manage Daemon Show advanced Start Local Node Stop Local Node Local daemon startup flags Node login (optional) Remote node Debug info GUI version: Embedded Monero version: Wallet creation height: <a href='#'>(Click to change)</a> Save Rescan wallet cache Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache? The following information will be deleted - Recipient addresses - Tx keys - Tx descriptions The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later. Wallet log path: Wallet Name: Daemon log path: Daemon log Please choose a folder Warning Error: Filesystem is read only Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data. Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data. Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created. Cancel Error त्रुटि Wrong password Sign Good signature This is a good signature Bad signature This signature did not verify Sign a message or file contents with your address: Either message: Message to sign Sign Please choose a file to sign Select Verify Signing address Paste in or select from <a href='#'>Address book</a> Or file: Filename with message to sign Signature Verify a message or file signature from an address: Message to verify Please choose a file to verify Filename with message to verify StandardDialog Double tap to copy Content copied to clipboard Cancel OK StandardDropdown Low (x1 fee) Medium (x20 fee) High (x166 fee) Slow (x0.25 fee) Default (x1 fee) Fast (x5 fee) Fastest (x41.5 fee) All Sent Received TableDropdown <b>Copy address to clipboard</b> <b>Send to this address</b> <b>Find similar transactions</b> <b>Remove from address book</b> TableHeader Payment ID भुगतान आईडी Date तिथि Block height Amount राशि TickDelegate Default High Transfer OpenAlias error Amount राशि Transaction priority लेनदेन प्राथमिकता Transaction cost No valid address found at this OpenAlias address All Slow (x0.25 fee) Default (x1 fee) Fast (x5 fee) Fastest (x41.5 fee) Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofed No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofed Internal error No address found 16 or 64 hexadecimal characters Description <font size='2'>( Optional )</font> Saved to local wallet history Privacy level (ringsize %1) QR Code Resolve Send Show advanced options Sweep Unmixable Create tx file Sign tx file Submit tx file Error त्रुटि Information जानकारी Please choose a file Start daemon Address पता Paste in or select from <a href='#'>Address book</a> Can't load unsigned transaction: Number of transactions: Transaction #%1 Recipient: payment ID: Amount: Fee: Ringsize: Confirmation पुष्टिकरण Can't submit transaction: Money sent successfully पैसे सफलतापूर्वक भेजे गए Wallet is not connected to daemon. Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI. Please upgrade or connect to another daemon Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish Payment ID <font size='2'>( Optional )</font> भुगतान आईडी <font size='2'>( वैकल्पिक )</font> TxKey If a payment had several transactions then each must be checked and the results combined. Address पता Generate a proof of your incoming/outgoing payment by supplying the transaction ID, the recipient address and an optional message. For the case of outgoing payments, you can get a 'Spend Proof' that proves the authorship of a transaction. In this case, you don't need to specify the recipient address. Recipient's wallet address Message Optional message against which the signature is signed Generate उत्पन्न करें Verify that funds were paid to an address by supplying the transaction ID, the recipient address, the message used for signing and the signature. For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient address. Signature Paste tx proof Transaction ID Paste tx ID Check WizardConfigure We’re almost there - let’s just configure some Monero preferences हमने बस समाप्त कर लिया है - चलिए कुछ Monero प्राथमिकताएं कॉन्फ़िगर करते हैं Kickstart the Monero blockchain? Kickstart the Monero ब्लॉकचेन? It is very important to write it down as this is the only backup you will need for your wallet. Enable disk conservation mode? डिस्क संरक्षण मोड सक्षम करें? Disk conservation mode uses substantially less disk-space, but the same amount of bandwidth as a regular Monero instance. However, storing the full blockchain is beneficial to the security of the Monero network. If you are on a device with limited disk space, then this option is appropriate for you. डिस्क संरक्षण मोड काफी कम डिस्क-स्पेस प्रयोग करता है, लेकिन इसके लिए सामान्य Monero इंस्टैंस के बराबर बैंडविड्थ की आवश्यकता होती है। हालाँकि, Monero नेटवर्क की सुरक्षा के लिए पूरा ब्लॉकचेन संग्रहीत करना लाभदायक होता है। यदि आप कम डिस्क स्पेस वाली डिवाइस पर हैं तो यह विकल्प आपके लिए उपयुक्त है। Allow background mining? बैकग्रॉउंड माइनिंग की अनुमति दें? Mining secures the Monero network, and also pays a small reward for the work done. This option will let Monero mine when your computer is on mains power and is idle. It will stop mining when you continue working. माइनिंग Monero नेटवर्क को सुरक्षित बनाता है, और साथ ही किये गए कार्य के लिए छोटा पुरस्कार भी देता है। यह विकल्प Monero को तब माइन करने देता है जब आपका कंप्यूटर मेंस पॉवर पर होता है और निष्क्रिय होता है। जब आप काम करना शुरू करते हैं तो यह माइनिंग बंद कर देता है। WizardCreateViewOnlyWallet Create view only wallet WizardCreateWallet Create a new wallet WizardDaemonSettings To be able to communicate with the Monero network your wallet needs to be connected to a Monero node. For best privacy it's recommended to run your own node. <br><br> If you don't have the option to run an own node there's an option to connect to a remote node. Start a node automatically in background (recommended) Blockchain location (optional) Connect to a remote node until my own node has finished syncing Connect to a remote node WizardDonation Monero development is solely supported by donations Monero का विकास पूरी तरह से डोनेशन से समर्थित है Enable auto-donations of? ऑटो-डोनेशन सक्षम करें? % of my fee added to each transaction % मेरे शुल्क का प्रत्येक लेनदेन में जोड़ा जाता है For every transaction, a small transaction fee is charged. This option lets you add an additional amount, as a percentage of that fee, to your transaction to support Monero development. For instance, a 50% autodonation take a transaction fee of 0.005 XMR and add a 0.0025 XMR to support Monero development. प्रत्येक लेनदेन के लिए एक छोटा शुल्क लगाया जाता है। यह विकल्प आपको Monero का विकास समर्थित करने के लिए अपने लेनदेन में शुल्क के प्रतिशत के रूप में एक अतिरिक्त राशि जोड़ने की अनुमति देता है। उदाहरण के लिए, 50% ऑटो-डोनेशन 0.005 XMR का लेनदेन शुल्क लेता है और Monero के विकास को समर्थित करने के लिए 0.0025 XMR जोड़ता है। Allow background mining? बैकग्राउंड माइनिंग की अनुमति दें? Mining secures the Monero network, and also pays a small reward for the work done. This option will let Monero mine when your computer is on mains power and is idle. It will stop mining when you continue working. माइनिंग Monero नेटवर्क को सुरक्षित बनाता है, और साथ ही किये गए कार्य के लिए छोटा पुरस्कार भी देता है। यह विकल्प Monero को तब माइन करने देता है जब आपका कंप्यूटर मेंस पॉवर पर होता है और निष्क्रिय होता है। जब आप काम करना शुरू करते हैं तो यह माइनिंग बंद कर देता है। WizardFinish Enabled Disabled Language Wallet name Backup seed Wallet path Daemon address Testnet Restore height New wallet details: Don't forget to write down your seed. You can view your seed and change your settings on settings page. You’re all set up! WizardMain A wallet with same name already exists. Please change wallet name Non-ASCII characters are not allowed in wallet path or account name USE MONERO MONERO प्रयोग करें Create wallet Success The view only wallet has been created. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in: %1 Error त्रुटि Abort WizardManageWalletUI Wallet name Restore from seed Restore from keys From QR Code Account address (public) View key (private) Spend key (private) Restore height (optional) Your wallet is stored in आपका वॉलेट संग्रहीत है Please choose a directory कृपया निर्देशिका चुनें WizardMemoTextInput Enter your 25 word mnemonic seed Seed copied to clipboard This seed is <b>very</b> important to write down and keep secret. It is all you need to backup and restore your wallet. WizardOptions Welcome to Monero! Monero में आपका स्वागत है! Please select one of the following options: कृपया निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से एक का चयन करें: Create a new wallet Restore wallet from keys or mnemonic seed Open a wallet from file Testnet WizardPassword Give your wallet a password <br>Note: this password cannot be recovered. If you forget it then the wallet will have to be restored from its 25 word mnemonic seed.<br/><br/> <b>Enter a strong password</b> (using letters, numbers, and/or symbols): WizardPasswordUI Password Confirm password WizardRecoveryWallet Restore wallet WizardWelcome Welcome to Monero! Monero में आपका स्वागत है! Please choose a language and regional format. कृपया अपनी भाषा और क्षेत्रीय स्वरूप डालें। main Error त्रुटि Couldn't open wallet: वॉलेट नहीं खुल पाया: Unlocked balance (~%1 min) Unlocked balance खुली धनराशि Unlocked balance (waiting for block) Remaining blocks (local node): Waiting for daemon to start... Waiting for daemon to stop... Daemon failed to start Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually. Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Can't create transaction: लेनदेन नहीं हो सकता है: No unmixable outputs to sweep Confirmation पुष्टिकरण Please confirm transaction: Address: Payment ID: Amount: Fee: Ringsize: Payment proof Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason: Payment proof check Bad signature Good signature Wrong password Warning Error: Filesystem is read only Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data. Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data. Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created. Cancel Password changed successfully Error: Tap again to close... Daemon is running Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed. Stop daemon New version of monero-wallet-gui is available: %1<br>%2 Number of transactions: HIDDEN Description: Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2 Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1 Transaction saved to file: %1 Money sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet mined This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s). This address received nothing Balance (syncing) Balance धनराशि Please wait... Monero Couldn't send the money: पैसेनहीं भेज पाया: Information जानकारी Program setup wizard प्रोग्राम सेटअप विज़ार्ड send to the same destination समान गंतव्य पर भेजें