AddressBook: use LineEdit on descriptionLine; add tab/backtab; forceActiveFocus on addressLine; use Enter/Return key to save; cancel/delete buttons

This commit is contained in:
rating89us 2021-06-17 13:24:16 +02:00 committed by rating89us
parent b970cad48b
commit ffd31c50da
2 changed files with 35 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ ColumnLayout {
property alias error: input.error
property alias cursorPosition: input.cursorPosition
property string labelFontColor: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor
property bool labelFontBold: false
@ -91,6 +92,8 @@ ColumnLayout {
signal labelButtonClicked();
signal inputLabelLinkActivated();
signal editingFinished();
signal returnPressed();
signal enterPressed();
onActiveFocusChanged: activeFocus && input.forceActiveFocus()
@ -176,6 +179,8 @@ ColumnLayout {
fontColor: item.fontColor
mouseSelection: item.mouseSelection
onEditingFinished: item.editingFinished()
Keys.onReturnPressed: item.returnPressed()
Keys.onEnterPressed: item.enterPressed()
MoneroComponents.TextPlain {
id: placeholderLabel

View file

@ -319,6 +319,8 @@ Rectangle {
MoneroComponents.LineEditMulti {
id: addressLine
Layout.topMargin: 20
KeyNavigation.backtab: deleteButton.visible ? deleteButton: cancelButton resolveButton.visible ? resolveButton : descriptionLine
labelText: "<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> %1"
.arg(qsTr("Address")) + translationManager.emptyString
placeholderText: {
@ -340,6 +342,8 @@ Rectangle {
descriptionLine.text = parsed.tx_description;
onEnterPressed: addButton.enabled ? addButton.clicked() : ""
onReturnPressed: addButton.enabled ? addButton.clicked() : ""
MoneroComponents.InlineButton {
@ -355,6 +359,8 @@ Rectangle {
MoneroComponents.StandardButton {
id: resolveButton
KeyNavigation.backtab: addressLine descriptionLine
Layout.topMargin: 10
text: qsTr("Resolve") + translationManager.emptyString
visible: TxUtils.isValidOpenAliasAddress(addressLine.text)
@ -392,17 +398,25 @@ Rectangle {
MoneroComponents.LineEditMulti {
MoneroComponents.LineEdit {
id: descriptionLine
KeyNavigation.backtab: resolveButton.visible ? resolveButton : addressLine addButton.enabled ? addButton : cancelButton
Layout.topMargin: 20
Layout.fillWidth: true
fontSize: 16
placeholderFontSize: 16
labelText: "<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> %1"
.arg(qsTr("Description")) + translationManager.emptyString
placeholderText: qsTr("Add a name...") + translationManager.emptyString
onAccepted: addButton.enabled ? addButton.clicked() : ""
RowLayout {
Layout.topMargin: 20
MoneroComponents.StandardButton {
id: addButton
KeyNavigation.backtab: descriptionLine cancelButton
text: (root.editEntry ? qsTr("Save") : qsTr("Add")) + translationManager.emptyString
enabled: root.checkInformation(addressLine.text, appWindow.persistentSettings.nettype)
onClicked: {
@ -428,39 +442,25 @@ Rectangle {
Text {
MoneroComponents.StandardButton {
id: cancelButton
Layout.leftMargin: 20
font.pixelSize: 16
font.bold: false
color: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor
KeyNavigation.backtab: addButton deleteButton.visible ? deleteButton : addressLine
text: qsTr("Cancel") + translationManager.emptyString
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: root.showAddressBook();
primary: false
onClicked: root.showAddressBook();
Text {
MoneroComponents.StandardButton {
id: deleteButton
KeyNavigation.backtab: cancelButton addressLine
visible: root.editEntry
Layout.leftMargin: 20
font.pixelSize: 16
font.bold: false
color: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor
text: qsTr("Delete") + translationManager.emptyString
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
onClicked: {
primary: false
onClicked: {
@ -491,6 +491,7 @@ Rectangle {
addressBookEmptyLayout.visible = false
addressBookLayout.visible = false;
addContactLayout.visible = true;
function showEditAddress(address, description) {
@ -501,6 +502,8 @@ Rectangle {
addContactLayout.visible = true;
addressLine.text = address;
descriptionLine.text = description;
addressLine.cursorPosition = addressLine.text.length;
function updateFromQrCode(address, payment_id, amount, tx_description, recipient_name) {