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synced 2025-03-26 09:08:47 +00:00
Slider component
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 79 additions and 60 deletions
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 as QtQuickControls
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import "../components" as MoneroComponents
ColumnLayout {
property alias from: slider.from
property alias stepSize: slider.stepSize
property alias to: slider.to
property alias value: slider.value
property alias text: label.text
signal moved()
spacing: 0
Text {
id: label
color: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor
font.pixelSize: 14
Layout.fillWidth: true
QtQuickControls.Slider {
id: slider
leftPadding: 0
snapMode: QtQuickControls.Slider.SnapAlways
background: Rectangle {
x: parent.leftPadding
y: parent.topPadding + parent.availableHeight / 2 - height / 2
implicitWidth: 200
implicitHeight: 4
width: parent.availableWidth
height: implicitHeight
radius: 2
color: MoneroComponents.Style.progressBarBackgroundColor
Rectangle {
width: parent.visualPosition * parent.width
height: parent.height
color: MoneroComponents.Style.green
radius: 2
handle: Rectangle {
x: parent.leftPadding + parent.visualPosition * (parent.availableWidth - width)
y: parent.topPadding + parent.availableHeight / 2 - height / 2
implicitWidth: 18
implicitHeight: 18
radius: 8
color: parent.pressed ? "#f0f0f0" : "#f6f6f6"
border.color: MoneroComponents.Style.grey
onMoved: parent.moved()
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
@ -101,70 +101,20 @@ Rectangle {
text: qsTr("Lock wallet on inactivity") + translationManager.emptyString
ColumnLayout {
MoneroComponents.Slider {
visible: userInActivityCheckbox.checked
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.topMargin: 6
Layout.leftMargin: 42
spacing: 0
Text {
color: MoneroComponents.Style.defaultFontColor
font.pixelSize: 14
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: {
var val = userInactivitySlider.value;
var minutes = val > 1 ? qsTr("minutes") : qsTr("minute");
qsTr("After ") + val + " " + minutes + translationManager.emptyString;
Slider {
id: userInactivitySlider
Layout.leftMargin: 35
from: 1
value: persistentSettings.lockOnUserInActivityInterval
to: 60
leftPadding: 0
stepSize: 1
snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways
background: Rectangle {
x: parent.leftPadding
y: parent.topPadding + parent.availableHeight / 2 - height / 2
implicitWidth: 200
implicitHeight: 4
width: parent.availableWidth
height: implicitHeight
radius: 2
color: MoneroComponents.Style.progressBarBackgroundColor
Rectangle {
width: parent.visualPosition * parent.width
height: parent.height
color: MoneroComponents.Style.green
radius: 2
handle: Rectangle {
x: parent.leftPadding + parent.visualPosition * (parent.availableWidth - width)
y: parent.topPadding + parent.availableHeight / 2 - height / 2
implicitWidth: 18
implicitHeight: 18
radius: 8
color: parent.pressed ? "#f0f0f0" : "#f6f6f6"
border.color: MoneroComponents.Style.grey
onMoved: persistentSettings.lockOnUserInActivityInterval = userInactivitySlider.value;
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
hoverEnabled: true
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
to: 60
value: persistentSettings.lockOnUserInActivityInterval
text: {
var minutes = value > 1 ? qsTr("minutes") : qsTr("minute");
return qsTr("After ") + value + " " + minutes + translationManager.emptyString;
onMoved: persistentSettings.lockOnUserInActivityInterval = value
//! Manage pricing
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
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