diff --git a/translations/monero-core_ar.ts b/translations/monero-core_ar.ts
index 8d81f76d..d389b614 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_ar.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_ar.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:إختر تصنيف الحساب المحدد
+ Balance Allتوازن الرصيد
+ Total balance: الرصيد الاجمالي
+ Copied to clipboardتم نسخها إلى الحافظة
+ Total unlocked balance: إجمالي الرصيد غير المقفل
+ Accounts
+ Balance:
+ Address copied to clipboardتم نسخ العنوان إلى الحافظة
+ Create new account
+ Set the label of the new account:
- (Untitled)
- (بدون عنوان)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address bookدليل العناوين
+ Address copied to clipboardتم نسخ العنوان إلى الحافظة
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ Resolveحل
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address OpenAlias لا يوجد عنوان صحيح لهذا العنوان المدموج
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedالعنوان موجود, لكن توقيع ال DNSSEC لا يمكن التاكد منه, هذا العنوان OpenAlias ربما يكون مغشوش
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedالعنوان موجود, لكن توقيع ال DNSSEC لا يمكن التاكد منه, هذا العنوان OpenAlias ربما يكون مغشوش
+ Internal errorخطأ داخلي
+ No address foundلا يوجد عنوان
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ Addضيف
+ Save
+ Errorخطأ
+ Invalid addressعنوان غير صحيح
+ Can't create entry'لا يمكن إنشاء البيانات
+ Cancelإلغاء
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias errorخطأ OpenAlias
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- الأمر + زر انتر (مثال help)
+ Paste
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date from
+ Date to
+ Date
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort by
+ Blockheightطول سلسله الكتل
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ Sentمرسل
+ Receivedمستلم
+ Feeالرسوم
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ Descriptionالوصف
+ Transaction IDهويه المعامله
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced optionsخيارات متقدمه
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:
+ Updated description.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary address
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
معرف Tx:
- Address label:
+ Address:
+ Payment ID::هويه المعامله
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:مفتاح tx:
+ Tx note:ملاحظه tx:
+ Destinations:المستلم:
+ Rings:الحلقات:
+ Please choose a folder
+ Successنجاح
+ CSV file written to: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.
+ Errorخطأ
+ Error exporting transaction data.
@@ -584,37 +581,27 @@
- Balance
- الرصيد
- Unlocked balance
- الرصيد المتاح
+ Sendإرسل
+ Receiveاستلم
+ R
+ Prove/checkتحقق/تاكد
+ K
@@ -634,115 +621,118 @@
شبكه تجارب
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Account
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address bookدليل العناوين
+ B
+ Merchant
+ U
+ Transactions
+ H
+ Advancedمتطور
+ D
+ Miningالتعدين
+ M
+ Shared RingDBقاعده الحلقات المشتركه
+ Walletالمحفظه
+ Daemonالخادم
+ Sign/verifyإمضاء/تحقق
+ E
+ S
+ G
+ I
+ Settingsالإعدادات
@@ -750,12 +740,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -763,12 +753,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -781,74 +771,84 @@
+ Sales
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.
+ Save Asإحفظ علي هيئه
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)
+ Payment URL
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Amount to receiveالكميه المطلوبه
+ Enable sales tracker
+ Leave this page
+ The merchant page requires a larger window
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonتحذير: لا يوجد اتصال بخادم
+ Save QrCodeمسح رمز QR
+ Failed to save QrCode to فشل حفظ الكود في
@@ -882,19 +882,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- الرصيد
- Unlocked Balance
- الرصيد المتاح
@@ -1011,38 +998,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
التعدين متوقف
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- الرصيد المتاح
+ Walletالمحفظه
+ Interface
+ Node
+ Log
+ Info
@@ -1050,105 +1029,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Synchronizingجاري المزامنه
+ Remote nodeخادم بعيد
+ Connectedمُتصل
+ Miningالتعدين
+ Wrong versionنسخه خاطئه
+ Searching node
+ Disconnectedغير متصل
+ Invalid connection statusحالة اتصال غير صالحة
+ Network statusحاله الشبكه
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new passwordمن فضلك اكد كلمه السر الجديده
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ Cancelإلغاء
+ Okحسنا
@@ -1182,37 +1176,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
عيِّن تصنيف العنوان المحدد:
+ Addressesالعناوين
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ تم النسخ للحافظه
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a name
+ Set the label of the new address:عيّن تصنيف العنوان الجديد:
- (Untitled)
- (بدون عنوان)
+ Address copied to clipboardتم نسخ العنوان إلى الحافظة
+ Create new address
@@ -1269,33 +1273,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
مسار المحفظه:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (اضغط للتغيير)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cache إعادة مسح ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت للمحفظه
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1313,47 +1317,47 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
سيتم إعادة تسمية ملف ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت القديم ويمكن استعادته لاحقًا.
+ Cancelإلغاء
+ Wallet log path: مسار سجل المحفظه:
+ Wallet mode:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardتم النسخ للحافظه
+ Copied to clipboardتم النسخ للحافظه
@@ -1361,80 +1365,70 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Custom decorationsزخرفه مخصصه
+ Hide balance
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivity
+ Light theme
+ minutes
+ minute
+ After
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change language
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- لا توجد خيارات تخطيط بعد في وضع الهاتف المحمول.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1449,121 +1443,126 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
سجل الخادم
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')أمر + زر انتر (مثال help او status)
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeالخادم المحلي
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.يتم تخزين سلسله الكتل علي جهازك. توفر امان اكتر وتحتاج الي مساحه اكبر علي القرص.
+ Remote nodeخادم عن بعد
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.تستخدم خادم طرف تالت للإتصال بشبكه مونيرو. أمان اقل, ولكن ابسط علي جهازك.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.لإيجاد خادم عن بعد ابحث عن -monero remote node - من فضلك تأكد ان الخادم مشغل بواسطه جهه موثوق بها.
+ Addressالعنوان
+ Port المنفذ
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)(اختياري)
+ Daemon password
+ Passwordكلمه السر
+ Mark as Trusted Daemon
+ Connectاتصل
+ Start daemon
+ Stop daemonايقاف الخادم
+ Blockchain locationمكان سلسله الكتل
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a><a href='#'> (تغيير)</a>
+ (default)(افتراضي)
+ Daemon startup flagsعلامات بدء تشغيل الخادم
+ Bootstrap Addressعنوان الخادم التمهيدي
+ Bootstrap Portمنفذ الخادم التمهيدي
@@ -1571,116 +1570,116 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Close this walletاغلاق هذه المحفظه
+ Logs out of this wallet.تسجيل الخروج من هذه المحفظه.
+ Close walletاغلاق المحفظه
+ Create a view-only walletانشاء محفظه رؤيه فقط
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.
+ Create walletإنشاء محفظه
+ Successنجاح
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keysعرض كلمات الإستعاده & المفاتيح
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.قم بحفظ هذه المعلومات في مكان آمن لإستعاده محفظتك في المستقبل.
+ Show seedعرض كلمات الإستعاده
+ Rescan wallet balanceاعاده فحص رصيد المحفظه
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.استخدم هذه الميزه اذا كنت تعقد ان الرصيد المعروض غير صحيح.
+ Rescanاعاده الفحص
+ Errorخطأ
+ Error: حطأ:
+ Informationمعلومات
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.تم بنجاح إعادة مسح النواتج المستنفدة.
+ Change wallet password
+ Change the password of your wallet.
+ Change password
+ Wrong passwordكلمه السر خاطئه
@@ -1882,7 +1881,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Messageالرساله
@@ -1898,8 +1897,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ File
@@ -1919,96 +1918,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Enter path to file
+ Browseتصفح
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signature
+ Clear
+ Sign Message
+ Sign File
+ Verify messageتوثيق الرساله
+ Verify fileتوثيق الملف
+ Enter the message to verify
+ Addressالعنوان
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verify
+ Verify File
+ Verify Message
+ Please choose a file to signمن فضلك اختر ملف لتوقيعه
+ Please choose a file to verifyمن فضلك اختر ملف لتوثيقه
+ Signatureالتوقيع
@@ -2016,22 +2015,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copyانقر نقرًا مزدوجًا للنسخ
+ Content copied to clipboardتم نسخ المحتوي للحافظه
+ Cancelإلغاء
+ OKحسنا
@@ -2039,334 +2038,324 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
- منخفض ( ب1 الرسوم)
+ Automatic
+ تلقائي
- Medium (x20 fee)
- متوسط ( ب20 الرسوم)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ بطيء (ب0.25 الرسوم) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- مرتفع (ب166 الرسوم)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ عادي (1ب رسوم)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- بطيء (ب0.25 الرسوم)
- Default (x1 fee)
- عادي (ب1 الرسوم)
+ Fast (x5 fee)سريع (ب5 الرسوم)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- الأسرع (ب41.5 الرسوم)
- All
- الكل
- Sent
- مرسل
- Received
- مستلم
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ الأسرع (ب41.5 الرسوم) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorخطأ OpenAlias
+ Transaction priorityاهميه المعامله
+ Allكل الرصيد
+ Resolveحل
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>ابدأ الخادم</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ بطيء (ب0.25 الرسوم) {0.2 ?}
+ Normal (x1 fee)عادي (1ب رسوم)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ الأسرع (ب41.5 الرسوم) {200 ?}
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>سجل العناوين</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address OpenAlias لا يوجد عنوان صحيح لهذا العنوان المدموج
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedالعنوان موجود, لكن توقيع ال DNSSEC لا يمكن التاكد منه, هذا العنوان OpenAlias ربما يكون مغشوش
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedالعنوان موجود, لكن توقيع ال DNSSEC لا يمكن التاكد منه, هذا العنوان OpenAlias ربما يكون مغشوش
+ Internal errorخطأ داخلي
+ No address foundلا يوجد عنوان
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet historyحفظ علي سجل المحفظه المحلي
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Sendأرسل
+ Advanced optionsخيارات متقدمه
+ Monero sent successfullyتم ارسال مونيرو بنجاح
+ Sweep Unmixable
+ Create tx fileإنشاء ملف معامله
+ Sign tx fileتوقيع ملف معامله
+ Submit tx fileتسليم ملف معامله
+ Errorخطأ
+ Informationمعلومات
+ Please choose a fileإختر ملف من فضلك
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Automaticتلقائي
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Export key imagesتصدير صور المفتاح
+ Import key imagesاستيراد صور المفتاح
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: لا يمكن تحميل المعاملات غير الموقعه:
Number of transactions:
عدد المعاملات:
Transaction #%1
معامله #%1
payment ID:
هويه المعامله:
حجم الطوق:
+ Confirmationتوكيدات
+ Can't submit transaction: لا يمكن تسليم المعامله:
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.المحفظه غير متصله بخادم.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonالخادم المتصل بيه غير متوافق مع الواجهه الرسوميه.
- من فضلك رقي او إتصل بخادم آخر
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- بطيء (ب0.25 الرسوم)
+ Fast (x5 fee)سريع (ب5 الرسوم)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- الأسرع (ب41.5 الرسوم)
- TxKey
@@ -2456,6 +2445,70 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ كلمه السر خاطئه
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ شبكه التجارب
+ Stagenet
+ شبكه تجارب
+ Mainnet
+ شبكه مونيرو
@@ -2510,7 +2563,7 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
كلمه السر
+ Password (confirm)
@@ -2518,22 +2571,22 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Please choose a fileإختر ملف من فضلك
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2590,17 +2643,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menu
+ Create walletإنشاء محفظه
@@ -2644,14 +2697,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -2711,12 +2756,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote nodeالإتصال بخادم عن بعد
@@ -2774,22 +2819,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Change language
+ Advanced optionsخيارات متقدمه
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2797,22 +2842,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2820,12 +2865,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Languageاللغه
+ Continueاستمر
@@ -2853,12 +2898,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2886,12 +2926,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2936,19 +2971,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
+ Back to menuWizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -2986,17 +3021,12 @@ your input may be required.
شبكه تجارب
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Back to menu
@@ -3064,14 +3094,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -3164,101 +3186,85 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ Errorخطأ
+ Couldn't open wallet: لا يمكن فتح المحفظه:
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- الرصيد المتاح (بإنتظار الكتل)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- الرصيد المتاح (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- الرصيد المتاح
+ Waiting for daemon to start...بإنتظار أن يبدأ الخادم..
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...بإنتظار أن يتوقف الخادم..
+ Daemon failed to startفشل بدء الخادم
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.من فضلك تأكد من تسجيلات محفظتك وتسجيلات الخادم وابحث عن الخطأ. ممكن ايضا ان تبدأ %1 يدوياً
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: لا يمكن إنشاء معامله: نسخه الخادم خاطئه
+ Can't create transaction: لا يمكن إنشاء معامله
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepلا مخرجات غير قابلة للتجزئة للمسح
+ Confirmationالتأكيدات
+ Please confirm transaction:
من فضلك أكد المعامله:
Payment ID:
هويه المعامله:
@@ -3266,73 +3272,68 @@ Amount:
+ Waiting for daemon to syncبانتظار تزامن الخادم
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)تزامن الخادم (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedتمت مزامنه المحفظه
+ Daemon is synchronizedتمت مزامنه الخادم
+ Address: العنوان:
حجم الطوق:
Number of transactions:
@@ -3340,25 +3341,25 @@ Number of transactions:
عدد المعاملات:
Spending address index: مؤشر عنوان الإنفاق:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3366,189 +3367,172 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) تم إرسال مونيرو بنجاح: %1 معاملات
+ Payment proofدليل الدفع
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
لم نتمكن من إنشاء دليل الدفع للسبب التالي:
+ Payment proof checkتحقق من دليل الدفع
+ Bad signatureتوقيع سيء
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).هذا العنوان استلم %1 مونيرو , مع %2 تأكيدات
+ Good signatureتوقيع جيد
+ Wrong passwordكلمه السر خاطئه
+ Warningتحذير
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyحطأ : نظام الملفات فراءة فقط
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.تحذير : هناك فقط %1 جيجا مساحه خاليه علي الجهاز. سلسله الكتل تحتاج علي الاقل ~%2 جيجا من البيانات
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.تحذير : هناك فقط %1 مساحه خاليه علي الجهاز. سلسله الكتل تحتاج علي الاقل ~%2 جيجا من البيانات
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.ملاحظه : lmdb مجلد الخاصه بسلسله الكتل غير موجود سيتم انشاء مجلد جديد
+ Cancelإلغاء
+ Password changed successfullyتم تغيير كلمه السر بنجاح
+ Error: حطأ:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...اضغط مجددا للإغلاق..
- Daemon is running
- الخادم يعمل
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- .الخادم يعمل في العمل في الخلفيه حينما يتم اغلاق الواجهه الرسوميه
- Stop daemon
- ايقاف الخادم
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- سجل الخادم
- مخفي
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2الكميه خطأ: الرقم المتوقع من %1 إلي %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1لا يوجد اموال كافيه. الرصيد المتاح: %1
+ Couldn't send the money: لم يمكن ارسال الاموال:
+ Informationمعلومات
+ Transaction saved to file: %1تم حفظ المعاملات إلي ملف : %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedهذا العنوان استلم %1 مونيرو, لكن المعامله لم يتم تعدينها بعد
+ This address received nothingهذا العنوان لم يستلم شيء
- Balance (syncing)
- الرصيد (مزامنه)
- Balance
- الرصيد
+ Please wait...من فضلك إنتظر..
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_bg.ts b/translations/monero-core_bg.ts
index 8f825acb..d44072ef 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_bg.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_bg.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Избери наименование на сметката:
+ Balance AllОбщ Баланс
+ Total balance: Общ баланс:
+ Copied to clipboardКопирано в клипборда
+ Total unlocked balance: Общ отключен баланс:
+ AccountsСметки
+ Balance: Баланс:
+ Address copied to clipboardАдресът е копиран в клипборда
+ Create new accountСъздай нова сметка
+ Set the label of the new account:Наименувай новата сметка:
- (Untitled)
- (Неозаглавен)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address bookАдресна книга
+ Address copied to clipboardАдресът е копиран в клипборда
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ ResolveРазкрий
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressНе е открит валиден адрес в този OpenAlias адрес
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedАдресът е намерен, но DNSSEC подписите не могат да бъдат потвърдени, следователно този адрес може да е подправен
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedНе е открит валиден адрес в този OpenAlias, но DNSSEC подписите не могат да бъдат потвърдени, следователно този адрес може да е подправен
+ Internal errorВътрешна грешка
+ No address foundНе е открит адрес
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ AddДобави
+ Save
+ ErrorГрешка
+ Invalid addressНевалиден адрес
+ Can't create entryСъздаването на вписване е невъзможно
+ CancelОтказ
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias грешка
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- command + enter (напр. помощ)
+ Paste
+ Пейст
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date fromОт дата
+ Date toДо Дата
+ DateДата
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort by
+ BlockheightВисочина на блока
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ SentИзпратени
+ ReceivedПолучени
+ FeeТакса
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ DescriptionОписание
+ Transaction IDID на транзакцията
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced optionsНастройки за напреднали
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:Описание:
+ Updated description.Описанието е обновено.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary addressГлавен адрес
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
Tx ID:
- Address label:
- Наименование на адреса:
+ Address:Адрес:
+ Payment ID:Платежно ID:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Tx ключ:
+ Tx note:Tx бележка:
+ Destinations:Направления:
+ Rings:Пръстени:
+ Please choose a folder
+ SuccessУспех
+ CSV file written to: %1CSV файл запазен в: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.Подск.: Използвай Ексел да сортираш резултатите.
+ ErrorГрешка
+ Error exporting transaction data.Грешка при експорт на информацията относно транзакцията.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Баланс
- Unlocked balance
- Отключен баланс
+ SendИзпрати
+ ReceiveПолучи
+ R
+ Prove/checkДоказване/проверка
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboardКопирано
+ AccountСметка
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address bookАдресна книга
+ B
+ MerchantТърговец
+ U
+ Transactions
+ H
+ AdvancedЗа напреднали
+ DД
+ MiningКопаене
+ MМ
+ Shared RingDBСподелена БД за пръстени
+ WalletПортфейл
+ DaemonДемон
+ Sign/verifyПодпиши/провери
+ E
+ S
+ G
+ I
+ SettingsНастройки
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ CopyКопиране
+ Copied to clipboardКопирано в клипборда
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ CopyКопирай
+ Copied to clipboardКопирано в клипборда
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ SalesПродажби
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p><style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>Тази страница автоматично сканира блокчейна и списъка с непотвърдени транзакции за входящи транзакции посредством QR код.</p><p>От вас зависи дали ще приемете непотвърдени транзакции или ще чакате за потвърждение. За по-големи транзакции съветваме да изчакате за едно или повече потвърждения.</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.В режим на търсене за входящи транзакции, засега няма намерени.
+ Save AsЗапиши като
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)(десен бутон, запазване)
+ Payment URLURL за плащане
+ Copied to clipboardКопирано
+ Amount to receiveСума за получаване
+ Enable sales trackerАктивирай проследяване на продажбите
+ Leave this pageНапусни страницата
+ The merchant page requires a larger windowТази страница изисква по-голям прозорец
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: няма връзка с демона
+ Save QrCodeЗапиши QR код
+ Failed to save QrCode to Неуспех при записа на QR кода в
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Баланс
- Unlocked Balance
- Отключен Баланс
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Не копае
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Отключен Баланс:
+ WalletПортфейл
+ Interface
+ NodeВъзел
+ LogЛог
+ InfoИнформация
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ SynchronizingСинхронизиране
+ Remote nodeОтдалечен нод
+ ConnectedСвързан
+ MiningКопаене
+ Wrong versionГрешна версия
+ Searching nodeТърсене на сървър
+ DisconnectedНесвързан
+ Invalid connection statusНевалидно състояние на връзката
+ Network statusСъстояние на мрежата
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new passwordМоля потвърдете новата парола
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ CancelОтказ
+ OkДобре
@@ -1180,37 +1174,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Задайте етикет към избрания адрес:
+ AddressesАдреси
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Копирай в клипборда
+ Copied to clipboardКопирано в клипборда
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a nameМоля изберете име
+ Set the label of the new address:Задайте етикет за новият адрес:
- (Untitled)
- (Неозаглавен)
+ Address copied to clipboardАдресът е копиран в клипборда
+ Create new address
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Път до портфейла:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a><a href='#'> (Щракнете за да промените)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cacheСканиране на кеша на портфейла
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1311,47 +1315,47 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
Старият файл на кеша ще бъде преименуван и може да бъде възстановен по-късно.
+ CancelОтказ
+ Wallet log path: Път до лог-а на Портфейла
+ Wallet mode: Режим на портмонето:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardКопирай в клипборда
+ Copied to clipboardКопирано в клипборда
@@ -1359,80 +1363,70 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Custom decorationsУкраса по избор
+ Hide balanceСкрий баланса
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
- Активирай опция за трансфер с ID за плащане (ИЗВЪН УПОТРЕБА)
+ Lock wallet on inactivityЗаключи портмонето при неактивност
+ Light theme
+ minutesминути
+ minuteминута
+ After След
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change languageСмени езика
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- Все още няма опции за изгледа в мобилен режим
- SettingsLog
@@ -1447,121 +1441,126 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
Системен запис на Демона
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')Команда + ентер (пр.: 'help' или 'status'
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeЛокален нод
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.Блокчейнът е свален на вашия компютър. Това повишава сигурността но заема повече място на диска(ГБ!).
+ Remote nodeОтдалечен нод
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Използва сървър на трети лица за да се свърже към мрежата на Монеро. По-малко сигурно, но изисква по-малко ресурси от компютъра Ви.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.За да намерите отдалечен нод, напишете 'Monero remote node' в любимата си търсачка. Моля уверете се, че нодът се поддържа от сигурни трети лица.
+ AddressАдрес
+ PortПорт
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.Външният сървър е обновен. Нов доверен демон. Маркирайте отново, ако желаете.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)(по желание)
+ Daemon password
+ PasswordПарола
+ Mark as Trusted DaemonМаркирайте демона като Доверен
+ ConnectСвързване
+ Start daemonСтартирай клиента
+ Stop daemonСпри демона
+ Blockchain locationМестонахождение на Блокчейна
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a>> <a href='#'> (промяна)</a>
+ (default)(по подразбиране)
+ Daemon startup flagsФлагове за стартиране на Демона
+ Bootstrap AddressАдрес за първоначално стартиране (bootstrap)
+ Bootstrap PortBootstrap Порт
@@ -1569,116 +1568,116 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Close this walletЗатоври този портфейл
+ Logs out of this wallet.Излизане от този портфейл
+ Close walletЗатвори портфейла
+ Create a view-only walletСъздай портфейл само за гледане
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.Създава ново портмоне с което може да следите входящи транзакции. При изходящи транзакции е нужно да подпишете транзакцията от портмоне с пълен достъп.
+ Create walletСъздай портфейл
+ SuccessУспех
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keysПокажи семена & ключове
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Запазете тази информация на сигурно място за да можете да възстановите портфейла си в бъдеще.
+ Show seedПокажи семената
+ Rescan wallet balanceСканирай баланса на портфейла повторно
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Използвайте тази опция ако мислите, че показаният баланс не е верен.
+ RescanПовторно сканиране
+ ErrorГрешка
+ Error: Грешка:
+ InformationИнформация
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.Повторното сканиране на изходящите плащания е успешно.
+ Change wallet passwordСмени паролата на портмонето
+ Change the password of your wallet.Сменете паролата на портмонето си.
+ Change passwordСмени парола
+ Wrong passwordГрешна парола
@@ -1874,7 +1873,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ MessageСъобщение
@@ -1890,8 +1889,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ FileФайл
@@ -1911,96 +1910,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
Въведете съобщение за подпис
+ Enter path to fileВъведете местонахождението на файла
+ BrowseТърси
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signatureНатиснете [Подпиши Съобщениетo] за да генерирате подпис
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signatureНатиснете [Подпиши Файла] за да генерирате подпис
+ ClearИзчисти
+ Sign MessageПодпиши Съобщението
+ Sign FileПодпиши Файла
+ Verify messageПровери съобщение
+ Verify fileПровери файл
+ Enter the message to verifyВъведете съобщението за проверка
+ AddressАдрес
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)Въведете Монеро Адрес (пример: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verifyВъведете подписа за проверка
+ Verify FileПровери Файл
+ Verify MessageПровери Съобщение
+ Please choose a file to signМоля изберете файл за подписване
+ Please choose a file to verifyМоля изберете файл за проверка
+ SignatureПодпис
@@ -2008,22 +2007,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copyДвойно чукване за копиране
+ Content copied to clipboardСъдържанието е копирано в клипборда
+ CancelОтказ
+ OKДобре
@@ -2031,326 +2030,316 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Ниска (такса х1)
+ Automatic
+ Автоматично
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Средна (такса х20)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Бавна (такса х0.25) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Висока (такса х166)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Нормална (такса х1)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Бавна (такса х0.25)
- Default (x1 fee)
- По подразбиране (такса x1)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Бърза (такса Х5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Най-бърза (такса х41.5)
- All
- Всички
- Sent
- Изпратени
- Received
- Получени
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Най-бърза (такса х41.5) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias грешка
+ Transaction priorityПриоритет на транзакцията
+ AllВсички
+ ResolveРазкрий
+ AutomaticАвтоматично
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Бавна (такса х0.25) {0.2 ?}
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Най-бърза (такса х41.5) {200 ?}
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressНе е открит валиден адрес в този OpenAlias адрес
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedАдресът е намерен, но DNSSEC подписите не могат да бъдат потвърдени, следователно този адрес може да е подправен
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofed Не е открит валиден адрес в този OpenAlias, но DNSSEC подписите не могат да бъдат потвърдени, следователно този адрес може да е подправен
+ Internal errorВътрешна грешка
+ No address foundНе е открит адрес
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet historyЗапазено в историята на локалният портфейл
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ SendИзпрати
+ Sweep UnmixableСъбери Стотинките
+ Create tx fileСъздай tx файл
+ Sign tx fileПодпиши tx файл
+ Submit tx fileИзпрати tx файл
+ ErrorГрешка
+ InformationИнформация
+ Please choose a fileМоля изберете файл
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Старт демон</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Стойност <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Смени акаунта</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)Нормална (такса х1)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Адрес <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Адресна книга</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters64 шестнадесетични символа
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Advanced optionsНастройки за напреднали
+ Export key imagesИзнасяне на образите на ключове
+ Import key imagesВнасяне образите на ключове
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: Can't Зареди неподписана транзакция:
Number of transactions: Брой на транзакциите:
Transaction #%1Транзакция #%1
Recipient: Получател:
payment ID: платежно ID:
Amount: Сума:
Fee: Такса:
Ringsize: Размер на пръстен:
+ ConfirmationПотвърждение
+ Can't submit transaction: Не може да изпрати транзация:
+ Monero sent successfullyМонеро изратени успешно
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.Портфейлът не е свързан към демон.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonСвързаният демон не е съвместим с версията на граф. интерфейс. Моля обновете го или се свържете към друг демон
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.Изчакване синхронизацията на демона да приключи.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Бавна (такса х0.25)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Бърза (такса х5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Най-бърза (такса х41.5)
- TxKey
@@ -2440,6 +2429,70 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Грешна парола
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Тестова мрежа
+ Stagenet
+ Стейджнет
+ Mainnet
+ Главна мрежа
@@ -2494,7 +2547,7 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Password (confirm)Парола (потвърждение)
@@ -2502,22 +2555,22 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Please choose a fileМоля изберете файл
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2574,17 +2627,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.Грешка при записването на портфейла от хардуерното устройство. Моля проверете логовете на апликацията.
+ Back to menuОбратно към менюто
+ Create walletСъздай портфейл
@@ -2627,14 +2680,6 @@ your input may be required.
Обратно към менюто
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Грешка при намирането на чужди сървъри.
@@ -2694,12 +2739,12 @@ your input may be required.
Първоначален нод
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.По желание, може да определите първоначален нод за да използвате Монеро веднага.
+ Connect to a remote nodeСвържи към отдалечен нод
@@ -2757,22 +2802,22 @@ your input may be required.
Смени режима на портфейла
+ Change languageСмени езика
+ Advanced optionsНастройки за напреднали
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:Брой KDF рундове:
@@ -2780,22 +2825,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2803,12 +2848,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ LanguageЕзик
+ ContinueПродължи
@@ -2836,12 +2881,7 @@ your input may be required.
Бъдете наясно с тези ограничения. <b>За да предпазите личните си данни максималное нужно да ползвате собствен нод.</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- За по-добра връзка с мрежата може да посочите региона си:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Разбирам риска за личните ми данни при ползването на чужд нод.
@@ -2869,12 +2909,7 @@ your input may be required.
Бъдете нащрек за тези ограничения. <b>Потребителите които ценят личната си информация трябва да използват свой личен нод</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- За по-добра връзка с мрежата може да посочите региона си:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Разбирам ограниченията при ползването на чужд нод.
@@ -2919,19 +2954,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
- Смени езика
+ Back to menu
+ Обратно към менютоWizardNav
+ PreviousПредишен
+ NextСледващ
@@ -2969,17 +3004,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Browse filesystemТърсене в хард диска
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Неуспех при търсенето на чужди нодове от сървъра.
+ Back to menuОбратно към менюто
@@ -3047,14 +3077,6 @@ your input may be required.
Обратно към менюто
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Неуспех при търсенето на чужди нодове от сървъра.
@@ -3149,194 +3171,173 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ ErrorГрешка
+ Couldn't open wallet: Не можа да отвори портфейла:
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Отключен баланс (изчакване на блок)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Отключен баланс (~%1 мин)
- Unlocked balance
- Отключен баланс
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Изчакване на демона да стартира...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Изчакване на демона да спре...
+ Daemon failed to startДемонът не успя да стартира
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Моля проверете портфейла и системните записи на демона за грешки. Можете да опитате също и да стартирате %1 ръчно.
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Не може да създаде транзакция: Грешна версия на демона:
+ Can't create transaction: Не може да създаде транзакция:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepНяма налични несмесваеми заявки за събиране
+ ConfirmationПотвърждение
+ Please confirm transaction:
Моля потвърдете транзакция:
Payment ID: Платежно ID:
Amount: Сума:
Fee: Такса:
+ Waiting for daemon to syncИзчакване на демона да синхронизира
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
- Баланс (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)Демонът е синхронизиран (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedДемонът е синхронизиран
+ Daemon is synchronizedДемонът е синхронизиран
+ Address: Адрес:
Ringsize: Размер на пръстен:
Number of transactions: Брой транзакции:
Description: Описание:
Spending address index: Индекс на адреса за харчене:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3344,189 +3345,172 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Монеро изпратени успешно: %1 транзакция(и)
+ Payment proofПлатежно доказателство
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
Не може да генерира доказателство заради следната причина:
+ Payment proof checkПроверка на платежно доказателство
+ Bad signatureНеверен подпис
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Този адрес получи %1 монеро с %2 потвърждение(я).
+ Good signatureВерен подпис
+ Wrong passwordГрешна парола
+ WarningПредупреждение
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyГрешка: Файловата система е само за четене
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Предупреждение: Има само %1 ГБ свободно място на устройството. Блокчейнът заема ~%2 ГБ.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Забележка: Има само %1 ГБ свободно място на устройството. Блокчейнът заема ~%2 ГБ.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Забележка: папката lmdb не е открита. Ще бъде създадена нова папка.
+ CancelОтказ
+ Password changed successfullyПаролата сменена успешно
+ Error: Грешка:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Неуспех при намирането на чужди нодове от сървъра.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...Чукнете веднъж за да затворите...
- Daemon is running
- Демонът работи
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Демонът ще остане да работи на фонов режим, когато графичният интерфейс е затворен.
- Stop daemon
- Спри демона
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Системен запис на демона
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Сумата е грешна: очакваната цифра е от %1 до %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Недостатъчна наличност. Отключен баланс: %1
+ Couldn't send the money: Не можа да изпрати парите
+ InformationИнформация
+ Transaction saved to file: %1Транзакцията записана във файл: %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedТози адрес получи %1 монеро, но транзакцията все-още не е изкопана
+ This address received nothingТози адрес не е получил нищо
- Balance (syncing)
- Баланс (синхронизира се)
- Balance
- Баланс
+ Please wait...Моля изчакайте...
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_bn.ts b/translations/monero-core_bn.ts
index 589ee2b4..51cffe5f 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_bn.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_bn.ts
@@ -4,192 +4,187 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:
+ Balance All
+ Total balance:
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Total unlocked balance:
+ Accounts
+ Balance:
+ Address copied to clipboard
+ Create new account
+ Set the label of the new account:
- (Untitled)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address book
+ Address copied to clipboard
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ Resolve
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofed
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofed
+ Internal error
+ No address found
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ Add
+ Save
+ Error
+ Invalid address
+ Can't create entry
+ Cancel
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias error
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
+ Paste
@@ -214,13 +209,14 @@
+ Date to
+ Date
@@ -240,148 +236,149 @@
+ Sort by
+ Blockheight
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ Sent
+ Received
+ Fee
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ Description
+ Transaction ID
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced options
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:
+ Updated description.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary address
@@ -401,72 +398,72 @@
- Address label:
+ Address:
+ Payment ID:
- Tx key:
- Tx note:
+ Integrated address
- Destinations:
+ Tx key:
+ Tx note:
+ Destinations:
+ Rings:
+ Please choose a folder
+ Success
+ CSV file written to: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.
+ Error
+ Error exporting transaction data.
+ Date from
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Unlocked balance
+ Send
+ Receive
+ R
+ Prove/check
+ K
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Account
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address book
+ B
+ Merchant
+ U
+ Transactions
+ H
+ Advanced
+ D
+ Mining
+ M
+ Shared RingDB
+ Wallet
+ Daemon
+ Sign/verify
+ E
+ S
+ G
+ I
+ Settings
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ Sales
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.
+ Save As
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)
+ Payment URL
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Amount to receive
+ Enable sales tracker
+ Leave this page
+ The merchant page requires a larger window
+ WARNING: no connection to daemon
+ Save QrCode
+ Failed to save QrCode to
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Unlocked Balance
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
+ Wallet
+ Interface
+ Node
+ Log
+ Info
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Synchronizing
+ Remote node
+ Connected
+ Mining
+ Wrong version
+ Searching node
+ Disconnected
+ Invalid connection status
+ Network status
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new password
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ Cancel
+ Ok
@@ -1180,37 +1174,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Addresses
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a name
+ Set the label of the new address:
- (Untitled)
+ Address copied to clipboard
+ Create new address
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cache
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1305,47 +1309,47 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Cancel
+ Wallet log path:
+ Wallet mode:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -1353,80 +1357,70 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Custom decorations
+ Hide balance
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivity
+ Light theme
+ minutes
+ minute
+ After
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change language
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1441,121 +1435,126 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local node
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.
+ Remote node
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.
+ Address
+ Port
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)
+ Daemon password
+ Password
+ Mark as Trusted Daemon
+ Connect
+ Start daemon
+ Stop daemon
+ Blockchain location
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a>
+ (default)
+ Daemon startup flags
+ Bootstrap Address
+ Bootstrap Port
@@ -1563,116 +1562,116 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Close this wallet
+ Logs out of this wallet.
+ Close wallet
+ Create a view-only wallet
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.
+ Create wallet
+ Success
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keys
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.
+ Show seed
+ Rescan wallet balance
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.
+ Rescan
+ Error
+ Error:
+ Information
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.
+ Change wallet password
+ Change the password of your wallet.
+ Change password
+ Wrong password
@@ -1868,7 +1867,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Message
@@ -1884,8 +1883,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ File
@@ -1905,96 +1904,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Enter path to file
+ Browse
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signature
+ Clear
+ Sign Message
+ Sign File
+ Verify message
+ Verify file
+ Enter the message to verify
+ Address
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verify
+ Verify File
+ Verify Message
+ Please choose a file to sign
+ Please choose a file to verify
+ Signature
@@ -2002,22 +2001,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copy
+ Content copied to clipboard
+ Cancel
+ OK
@@ -2025,326 +2024,316 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
+ Automatic
- Medium (x20 fee)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
- High (x166 fee)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Default (x1 fee)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- All
- Sent
- Received
+ Fastest (x200 fee)Transfer
+ OpenAlias error
+ Transaction priority
+ All
+ Resolve
+ Automatic
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofed
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofed
+ Internal error
+ No address found
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet history
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Send
+ Sweep Unmixable
+ Create tx file
+ Sign tx file
+ Submit tx file
+ Error
+ Information
+ Please choose a file
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Advanced options
+ Export key images
+ Import key images
+ Can't load unsigned transaction:
Number of transactions:
Transaction #%1
payment ID:
+ Confirmation
+ Can't submit transaction:
+ Monero sent successfully
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemon
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- TxKey
@@ -2432,6 +2421,70 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
@@ -2486,7 +2539,7 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Password (confirm)
@@ -2494,22 +2547,22 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Please choose a file
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2566,17 +2619,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menu
+ Create wallet
@@ -2619,14 +2672,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -2686,12 +2731,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote node
@@ -2749,22 +2794,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Change language
+ Advanced options
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2772,22 +2817,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2795,12 +2840,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language
+ Continue
@@ -2828,12 +2873,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2861,12 +2901,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2911,19 +2946,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
+ Back to menuWizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -2961,17 +2996,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Back to menu
@@ -3039,14 +3069,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -3139,194 +3161,173 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ Error
+ Couldn't open wallet:
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
+ Waiting for daemon to start...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...
+ Daemon failed to start
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version:
+ Can't create transaction:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweep
+ Confirmation
+ Please confirm transaction:
Payment ID:
+ Waiting for daemon to sync
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronized
+ Daemon is synchronized
+ Address:
Number of transactions:
Spending address index:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3334,189 +3335,172 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s)
+ Payment proof
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
+ Payment proof check
+ Bad signature
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).
+ Good signature
+ Wrong password
+ Warning
+ Error: Filesystem is read only
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.
+ Cancel
+ Password changed successfully
+ Error:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...
- Daemon is running
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Stop daemon
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1
+ Couldn't send the money:
+ Information
+ Transaction saved to file: %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet mined
+ This address received nothing
- Balance (syncing)
- Balance
+ Please wait...
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_cat.ts b/translations/monero-core_cat.ts
index 7fc37246..b99fdd55 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_cat.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_cat.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Configureu l'etiqueta del compte seleccionat:
+ Balance AllBalanç complet
+ Total balance: Balanç total:
+ Copied to clipboardS'ha copiat al porta-retalls
+ Total unlocked balance: Balanç total desbloquejat:
+ AccountsComptes
+ Balance: Balanç:
+ Address copied to clipboardL'adreça s'ha copiat al porta-retalls
+ Create new accountCrea un compte nou
+ Set the label of the new account:Estableix l'etiqueta del compte nou:
- (Untitled)
- (Sense títol)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses hereDesa aquí les adreces més utilitzades
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.Això facilita enviar o rebre Monero i redueix els errors quan s'escriuen manualment les adreces.
+ Add an addressAfegeix una adreça
+ Address bookLlibreta d'adreces
+ Address copied to clipboardS'ha copiat l'adreça al porta-retalls
+ Add addressAfegeix una adreça
+ Edit an addressEdita una adreça
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Adreça
+ ResolveResol
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNo s'ha trobat cap adreça vàlida en aquesta adreça OpenAlias
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedL'adreça s'ha trobat, però les signatures DNSSEC no s'han pogut verificar, per tant aquesta adreça podria estar compromesa
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedNo s'ha trobat cap adreça vàlida en aquesta adreça OpenAlias, però les signatures DNSSEC no s'han pogut verificar; per tant aquesta podria estar compromesa
+ Internal errorError intern
+ No address foundNo s'ha trobat cap adreça
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Descripció
+ Add a name...Afegeix un nom...
+ AddAfegeix
+ SaveDesa
+ ErrorError
+ Invalid addressAdreça no vàlida
+ Can't create entryNo es pot crear l'entrada
+ CancelCancel·la
+ DeleteSuprimeix
+ OpenAlias errorError d'OpenAlias
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- ordre+ retorn (p. ex. help)
+ Paste
+ Enganxar
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date fromData des de
+ Date toData fins
+ DateData
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort byOrdena per
+ BlockheightAlçada de blocs
+ AmountQuantitat
+ PagePàgina
+ Jump to page (1-%1)Vés a la pàgina (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.Pàgina no vàlida. Ha de ser un número dins l'interval especificat.
+ SentS'ha enviat
+ ReceivedS'ha rebut
+ FeeComissió
+ MinedMinat
+ YesSí
+ PendingPendent
+ ConfirmationsConfirmacions
+ DescriptionDescripció
+ Transaction IDID de transacció
+ Transaction keyClau de transacció
+ Click to revealFeu clic per a revelar
+ Address sent toAdreça enviada a
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.S'està esperant que la transacció abandoni la txpool.
+ Unknown recipientDestinatari desconegut
+ Advanced optionsOpcions avançades
+ Human readable date formatFormat de data llegible per l'home
+ Export all historyExporta tot l'historial
+ Set description:Estableix la descripció:
+ Updated description.Descripció actualitzada.
+ No transaction history yet.Sense historial de transaccions.
+ No results.Cap resultat.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.%1 total de transaccions, se'n mostren %2.
+ Primary addressAdreça principal
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
ID de transacció:
- Address label:
- Etiqueta de l'adreça:
+ Address:Adreça:
+ Payment ID:ID de pagament:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Clau de transacció:
+ Tx note:Nota de transacció:
+ Destinations:Destinacions:
+ Rings:Anells:
+ Please choose a folderTrieu una carpeta
+ SuccessÈxit
+ CSV file written to: %1Fitxer CSV escrit a: 1%
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.Suggeriment: feu servir un programa de full de càlcul per a ordenar per l'alçada dels blocs.
+ ErrorError
+ Error exporting transaction data.Error a l'exportar les dades de transacció.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Saldo
- Unlocked balance
- Balanç desblocat
+ SendEnvia
+ ReceiveRep
+ RR
+ Prove/checkProva/verifica
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
Xarxa de fase
+ Copied to clipboardS'ha copiat al porta-retalls
+ AccountCompte
+ Syncing...
+ TT
+ Address bookLlibreta d'adreces
+ BB
+ MerchantComerciant
+ UU
+ TransactionsTransaccions
+ HH
+ AdvancedAvançat
+ DD
+ MiningMineria
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBRingDB compartida
+ WalletPortamonedes
+ DaemonDaemon
+ Sign/verifySignar/Verificar
+ EE
+ SS
+ GG
+ II
+ SettingsOpcions
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ CopyCopiar
+ Copied to clipboardCopiat al porta-retalls
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ CopyCopiar
+ Copied to clipboardCopiat al porta-retalls
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ SalesVendes
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p><style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>Aquesta pàgina escanejarà automàticament la cadena de blocs i el registre de transaccions per les transaccions d'entrada mitjançant el codi QR.</p><p>Vostè és responsable d'acceptar o no transaccions sense confirmar. És molt probable que les transaccions siguin confirmades en un breu espai de temps, pero també existeix la possibilitat de que això no succeixi, per tant es recomanable esperar una o més confirmacions per transaccions d'un valor elevat.</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.Escanejant transaccions d'entrada, encara no s'ha trobat cap.
+ Save AsDesa com
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)(clic-dret, desar com)
+ Payment URLURL de pagament
+ Copied to clipboardCopiat al porta-retalls
+ Amount to receiveQuantitat a rebre
+ Enable sales trackerHabilitar el seguiment de vendes
+ Leave this pageAbandonar aquesta pàgina
+ The merchant page requires a larger windowLa pàgina del comerciant requereix una finestra més gran
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonADVERTÈNCIA: Sense connexió al daemon
+ Save QrCodeDesa codi QR
+ Failed to save QrCode to Error al desar el codi QR a
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Balanç
- Unlocked Balance
- Balanç desbloquejat
@@ -1011,38 +998,30 @@ Minar també li ofereix una petita possibilitat d'aconseguir Monero. El seu
No s'està minant
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Balanç desbloquejat:
+ WalletPortamonedes
+ InterfaceInterfície
+ NodeNode
+ LogRegistre
+ InfoInformació
@@ -1050,105 +1029,120 @@ Minar també li ofereix una petita possibilitat d'aconseguir Monero. El seu
+ SynchronizingSincronitzant
+ Remote nodeNode remot
+ ConnectedConnectat
+ MiningMineria
+ Wrong versionVersió incorrecta
+ Searching nodeCercant node
+ DisconnectedDesconectat
+ Invalid connection statusEstat de conexió incorrecta
+ Network statusEstat de la xarxa
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet passwordIntroduïu una contrasenya nova per a la cartera
+ wallet passwordcontrasenya de cartera
+ wallet device passphrasefrase de pas de l'aparell de cartera
+ Please enter %1 for: Introduïu %1 per a:
+ Please enter %1Introduïu %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.Advertència: introduir la contrasenya en un servidor és un risc de seguretat, ja que pot ser interceptada per programari maliciós. És preferible introduir la contrasenya a través d'un dispositiu.
+ CAPSLOCKS IS ON.Bloqueig de majúscules activat.
+ Please confirm new passwordConfirmeu la contrasenya nova
+ Please confirm wallet device passphraseConfirmeu la frase de pas de l'aparell de cartera
+ CancelCancel·lar
+ OkD'acord
@@ -1177,20 +1171,15 @@ Minar també li ofereix una petita possibilitat d'aconseguir Monero. El seu
+ AddressesAdreces
+ Set the label of the new address:Estableixi l'etiquetage de la nova adreça:
- (Untitled)
- (Sense títol)
- Copied to clipboard
@@ -1207,15 +1196,30 @@ Minar també li ofereix una petita possibilitat d'aconseguir Monero. El seu
Establir l'etiquetatge de les adreces seleccionades:
+ Address copied to clipboardAdreça copiada al porta-retalls
+ Create new addressCrear una nova adreça
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copiar al porta-retalls
+ Show on device
+ Save QrCode
@@ -1269,34 +1273,34 @@ Minar també li ofereix una petita possibilitat d'aconseguir Monero. El seu
Ruta del portamonedes:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (Cliqui per canviar)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):Establiu una alçada de restauració nova.
Podeu introduir una alçada de bloc o una data (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DDL'alçada de restauració introduïda és incorrecte. Ha de ser un número o data en format YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cacheReescanejar la memòria cau del portamonedes
+ Wallet restore height: Altura de recuperació de la cartera:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1315,47 +1319,47 @@ L'antic arxiu de la memòria cau del portamonedes serà renombrat i es podr
+ CancelCancel·lar
+ Wallet log path: Ruta de registre del portamonedes:
+ Wallet mode: Mode portamonedes:
+ Graphics mode: Mode gràfic:
+ Tails: Cues:
+ persistentpersistent
+ persistence disabledpersistència inhabilitada
+ Copy to clipboardCopiar al porta-retalls
+ Copied to clipboardCopiat al porta-retalls
@@ -1363,80 +1367,70 @@ L'antic arxiu de la memòria cau del portamonedes serà renombrat i es podr
+ Custom decorationsDecoracions personalitzades
+ Hide balanceOcultar el balanç
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
- Habilitar transferencies amb ID de pagament (OBSOLET)
+ Lock wallet on inactivityBloquejar el portamonedes per inactivitat
+ Light themeTemàtica clara
+ minutesminuts
+ minuteminut
+ After Després
+ Enable displaying balance in other currenciesHabilitar mostrar el balanç en altres monedes
+ Price sourceProveïdor de preus
+ CurrencyMoneda
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.Habilitar la conversió de preu exposa la seva adreça IP al proveïdor de preus seleccionat.
+ Confirm and enableConfirmat y habilitat
+ Change languageCanvi d'idioma
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- Encara no hi ha opcions de diseny en mode mòbil.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1451,121 +1445,126 @@ L'antic arxiu de la memòria cau del portamonedes serà renombrat i es podr
Registre del daemon
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')commandament + enter (p. ex. 'ajuda' o 'estat')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeNode local
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.La blockchain es descarregarà al seu ordinador. Proporciona una major seguretat i requereix més emmagatzematge local.
+ Remote nodeNode remot
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Fa servir un servidor de tercers per connectar-se a la xarxa de Monero. És menys segur, però més sencill per al seu ordinador.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.Per trobar un node remot, escriviu 'Monero node remot' al seu motor de recerca predilecte. Assegureu-vos que el node és gestionat per un tercer de confiança.
+ AddressAdreça
+ PortPort
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.Node remot actualitzat. S'ha reiniciat el daemon de confiança. Torni a marcar si ho desitja.
+ Daemon usernameNom d'usuari del dimoni
+ (optional)(opcional)
+ Daemon passwordContrasenya del dimoni
+ PasswordContrasenya
+ Mark as Trusted DaemonMarcar com a daemon de confiança
+ ConnectConnectar
+ Start daemonIniciar daemon
+ Stop daemonAtura el dimoni
+ Blockchain locationUbicació de la blockchain
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (canvi)</a>
+ (default)(per defecte)
+ Daemon startup flagsMarcadors d'inici del daemon
+ Bootstrap AddressAdreça d'arrencada
+ Bootstrap PortPort d'arrencada
@@ -1573,42 +1572,42 @@ L'antic arxiu de la memòria cau del portamonedes serà renombrat i es podr
+ Close this walletTanca aquest portamonedes
+ Logs out of this wallet.Tancar sessió en aquest portamonedes.
+ Close walletTancar portamonedes
+ Create a view-only walletCrear portamonedes només de lectura
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.Crea un nou portamonedes que només pot veure i iniciar transaccions, però es necessita un portamonedes de despeses per signar les transaccions abans d'enviar-les.
+ Create walletCrear portamonedes
+ SuccessÈxit
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
@@ -1617,74 +1616,74 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
Pot canviar la contrasenya en la configuració del portamonedes.
+ Show seed & keysMostra llavor i claus
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Emmagatzemi aquesta informació de manera segura per poder recuperar el portamonedes més endavant.
+ Show seedMostra llavor
+ Rescan wallet balanceReescanejar el balanç del portamonedes
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Faci servir aquesta funció si creu que el saldo mostrat no és correcte.
+ RescanReescanejar
+ ErrorError
+ Error: Error:
+ InformationInformació
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.Reescanejats amb èxit el llistat de despeses enviades.
+ Change wallet passwordCanviar la contrasenya del portamonedes
+ Change the password of your wallet.Canviar la contrasenya del seu portamonedes.
+ Change passwordCanviar contrasenya
+ Wrong passwordContrasenya incorrecta
@@ -1880,7 +1879,7 @@ Pot canviar la contrasenya en la configuració del portamonedes.
+ MessageMissatge
@@ -1896,8 +1895,8 @@ Pot canviar la contrasenya en la configuració del portamonedes.
+ FileArxiu
@@ -1917,96 +1916,96 @@ Pot canviar la contrasenya en la configuració del portamonedes.
Introduïu un missatge per signar
+ Enter path to fileIntroduïu la ruta a l'arxiu
+ BrowseNavegar
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signaturePremi [Signar Missatge] per generar la signatura
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signaturePremi [Signar Arxiu] per generar la signatura
+ ClearEsborrar
+ Sign MessageSignar Missatge
+ Sign FileSignar Arxiu
+ Verify messageVerificar missatge
+ Verify fileVerificar arxiu
+ Enter the message to verifyIntroduïu el missatge per verificar
+ AddressAdreça
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)Introduïu l'Adreça Monero (exemple: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verifyIntroduïu la signatura per verificar
+ Verify FileVerificar Arxiu
+ Verify MessageVerificar Missatge
+ Please choose a file to signTriï un arxiu per signar
+ SignatureSignatura
+ Please choose a file to verifyTrieu un fitxer per a verificar
@@ -2014,22 +2013,22 @@ Pot canviar la contrasenya en la configuració del portamonedes.
+ Double tap to copyPremi dues vegades per copiar
+ Content copied to clipboardContingut copiat al porta-retalls
+ CancelCancel·lar
+ OKD'acord
@@ -2037,331 +2036,321 @@ Pot canviar la contrasenya en la configuració del portamonedes.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Baixa (comissió x1)
+ Automatic
+ Automàtic
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Mitja (comissió x20)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Lenta (comissió x0.25) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Alta (comissió x166)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Normal (comissió x1)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Lenta (comissió x0.25)
- Default (x1 fee)
- Per defecte (comissió x1)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Ràpida (comissió x5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Més ràpida (comissió x41.5)
- All
- Tot
- Sent
- Enviat
- Received
- Rebut
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Més ràpida (comissió x41.5) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorError d'OpenAlias
+ Transaction priorityPrioritat de transacció
+ AllTot
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ AutomaticAutomàtic
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Lenta (comissió x0.25) {0.2 ?}
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Més ràpida (comissió x41.5) {200 ?}
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNo s'ha trobat cap adreça vàlida en aquesta addreça OpenAlias
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAdreça trobada, però les signatures DNSSEC no s'han pogut verificar, per tant aquesta adreça ha pogut ser compromesa
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedNo s'ha trobat cap adreça vàlida en aquesta addreça OpenAlias, però les signatures DNSSEC no s'han pogut verificar, per tant pot haver sigut compromesa
+ Internal errorError intern
+ No address foundAdreça no trobada
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet historyDesat a l'historial del portamonedes local
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ SendEnviar
+ Sweep UnmixableEscrombrar no-mesclables
+ Create tx fileCrear arxiu de transacció
+ Sign tx fileSignar fitxer de transacció
+ Submit tx fileEnviar fitxer de transacció
+ ErrorError
+ InformationInformació
+ Please choose a fileTriar un fitxer
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Iniciar daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Quantitat <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Canviar compte</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)Normal (comissió x1)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font>><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Adreça <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Llibreta d'adreces</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Add descriptionAfegir descripció
+ Add payment IDAfegir ID de pagament
+ 64 hexadecimal characters64 caràcters hexadecimales
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
- Vostè pot habilitar les transferències amb ID de pagament a través de la pàgina de configuració.
+ Advanced optionsOpcions avançades
+ Export key imagesExportar imatges de clau
+ Import key imagesImportar imatges de clau
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: No es pot carregar la transacció no signada:
Number of transactions:
Número de transaccions:
Transaction #%1
Transacció #%1
payment ID:
ID de pagament:
Tamany d'anell:
+ ConfirmationConfirmació
+ Can't submit transaction: No es pot enviar la transacció:
+ Monero sent successfullyMonero enviats amb èxit
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.El portamonedes no està conectat al daemon.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonEl daemon connectat no és comptible amb la GUI.
Actualitzi o connecti a un altre daemon
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.Esperant a que daemon finalitzi la sincronització.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
- El portamonedes és de només lectura i no és possible realitzar enviaments.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.La quantitat es superior al balanç desbloquejat.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- La informació de la transacció és incorrecta.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Lenta (comissió x0.25)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Ràpida (comissió x5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Més ràpida (comissió x41.5)
+ ResolveResoldre
@@ -2454,6 +2443,70 @@ Per al cas dels pagaments de sortida, podeu obtenir una "Prova de Despesa&q
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Contrasenya incorrecta
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Xarxa de proves
+ Stagenet
+ Xarxa de fase
+ Mainnet
+ Xarxa principal
@@ -2508,7 +2561,7 @@ Per al cas dels pagaments de sortida, podeu obtenir una "Prova de Despesa&q
+ Password (confirm)Contrasenya (confirmació)
@@ -2516,22 +2569,22 @@ Per al cas dels pagaments de sortida, podeu obtenir una "Prova de Despesa&q
+ Please choose a fileTrieu un fitxer
+ Please proceed to the device...Procediu amb el dispositiu...
+ Creating wallet from device...Crear un portamonedes desde el dispositiu...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2591,17 +2644,17 @@ potser se us requereix la participació.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.Error al escriure el portamonedes desde el dispositiu de hardware. Comproveu els registres de l'aplicació.
+ Back to menuTornar al menú
+ Create walletCrear portamonedes
@@ -2644,14 +2697,6 @@ potser se us requereix la participació.
Tornar al menú
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- No s'han pogut obtenir nodes remots del servidor de tercers.
@@ -2711,12 +2756,12 @@ potser se us requereix la participació.
Node d'arrencada
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.Addicionalment, vostè pot especificar un node d'arrencada per fer servir Monero de forma immediata.
+ Connect to a remote nodeConnectar a un node remot
@@ -2774,22 +2819,22 @@ potser se us requereix la participació.
Canviar node de portamonedes
+ Change languageCanviar idioma
+ Advanced optionsOpcions avançades
+ Change Network:Canvia la xarxa:
+ Number of KDF rounds:Número de rondes KDF:
@@ -2797,22 +2842,22 @@ potser se us requereix la participació.
+ Language settingsConfiguració d'idiomes
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.Canviar l'idioma de la GUI de Monero.
+ Language changed.Idioma canviat.
+ CloseTancar
@@ -2820,12 +2865,12 @@ potser se us requereix la participació.
+ LanguageLlengua
+ ContinueContinua
@@ -2853,12 +2898,7 @@ potser se us requereix la participació.
Sigui conscient d'aquestes imitacions. <b>Els usuaris que prioritzin la privacitat i descentralització haurien d'utilitzar un node complet</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Per un millor rendiment del node hauria d'especificar la seva regió:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Entenc les implicacions de privacitat que té fer servir un servidor de tercers.
@@ -2886,12 +2926,7 @@ potser se us requereix la participació.
Sigui conscient d'aquestes imitacions. <b>Els usuaris que prioritzin la privacitat i descentralització haurien d'utilitzar un node complet</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Per un millor rendiment del node hauria d'especificar la seva regió:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Entenc les implicacions de privacitat que té fer servir un servidor de tercers.
@@ -2936,19 +2971,19 @@ potser se us requereix la participació.
- Change language
- Canviar l'idioma
+ Back to menu
+ Tornar al menúWizardNav
+ PreviousAnterior
+ NextSegüent
@@ -2986,17 +3021,12 @@ potser se us requereix la participació.
Xarxa de fase
+ Browse filesystemNavegar pel sistema d'arxius
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- No s'han pogut obtenir nodes remots del servidor de tercers.
+ Back to menuTornar al menú
@@ -3064,14 +3094,6 @@ potser se us requereix la participació.
Tornar al menú
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- No s'han pogut obtenir nodes remots del servidor de tercers.
@@ -3166,113 +3188,102 @@ Si vostè no disposa de la opció de executar el seu propi node, hi ha la opció
+ ErrorError
+ Couldn't open wallet: No s'ha pogut obrir el portamonedes:
+ Please proceed to the device...Procedeixi al dispositiu...
+ Opening wallet ...Obrint portamonedes ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.Reparant incompatibilitats amb la memòria cau del portamonedes. Resincronitzant portamonedes.
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Balanç desbloquejat (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- Balanç desbloquejat
+ Waiting for daemon to syncEsperant a la sincronització del daemon
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)Daemon sincronitzat (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedPortamonedes sincronitzat
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Esperant l'inici del daemon...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Esperant a que el daemon s'aturi...
+ Daemon is synchronizedDaemon sincronitzat
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: No s'ha pogut crear la transacció: Versió de daemon incorrecta:
+ Can't create transaction: No es pot crear la transacció:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepNo hi ha sortides no-mesclables per escombrar
+ Address: Adreça:
Tamany d'anell:
Number of transactions:
@@ -3281,35 +3292,35 @@ Number of transactions:
Número de transaccions:
+ ConfirmationConfirmació
+ Please confirm transaction:
Confirmar transacció:
Payment ID:
ID de pagament:
@@ -3318,87 +3329,71 @@ Amount:
+ Payment proofComprovant de pagament
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
No s'ha pogut generar un comprovant per la següent raó:
+ Payment proof checkRevisar comprovant de pagament
+ Bad signatureSignatura incorrecta
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Aquesta adreça ha rebut %1 monero, amb %2 confirmacion(s).
+ Closing wallet...S'està tancant la cartera...
- Balance (#%1%2)
- Balanç (#%1%2)
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Balanç desbloquejat (esperant bloc)
+ Daemon failed to startEl daemon ha fallat al arrencar
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Comprovi si hi ha errors al portamonedes i als registres del daemon. També pots provar d'iniciar %1 manualment.
Spending address index:
Índex d'adreça de despeses:
+ Creating transaction...S'està creant la transacció...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3409,157 +3404,146 @@ Reviseu la cartera de maquinari –
potser se us requereix la participació.
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Quantitat errònea: s'espera un número de %1 a %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Fons insuficients. Balanç desbloquejat %1
+ Sending transaction ...Enviant transacció ...
+ Couldn't send the money: No s'han pogut enviar els diners:
+ InformationInformació
+ Transaction saved to file: %1Transacció guardada al fitxer: %1
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Monero ha enviat amb èxit: %1 transaccions
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedAquesta adreça ha rebut %1 monero, però la transacció encara no ha estat minada
+ This address received nothingAquesta adreça no ha rebut res
+ Good signatureSignatura correcta
- Balance (syncing)
- Balanç (sincronitzant)
+ Primary account
- Balance
- Balanç
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Wrong passwordContrasenya incorrecta
+ WarningAdvertència
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyError: El sistema d'arxius és només de lectura
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Advertència: Hi ha només %1 GB disponible al dispositiu. La blockchain requereix ~%2 GB de dades.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Nota: Hi ha %1 GB disponible al dispositiu. La blockchain requereix ~%2 GB de dades.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Nota: no s'ha trobat la carpeta lmdb. Es crearà una nova carpeta.
+ CancelCancel·lar
+ Password changed successfullyContrasenya canviada amb èxit
+ Error: Error:
+ Please wait...Esperi si us plau...
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- No s'han pogut obtenir nodes remots del servidor de tercers.
+ Tap again to close...Premi de nou per tancar...
- Daemon is running
- Daemon s'està executant
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- El daemon seguirà actiu en un segon pla quan la GUI es tanqui.
- Stop daemon
- Aturar daemon
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- Hi ha disponible la nova versió v.%1 de Monero. <br><br>Baixada:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Hi ha una versió nova de Monero disponible. Visiteu getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Registre del dimoni
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_cs.ts b/translations/monero-core_cs.ts
index 35efbc99..0505f201 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_cs.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_cs.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Pojmenujte vybraný účet:
+ Balance AllZůstatky
+ Total balance:
+ Copied to clipboardZkopírováno do schránky
+ Total unlocked balance:
+ AccountsÚčty
+ Balance:
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresa zkopírována do schránky
+ Create new account
+ Set the label of the new account:
- (Untitled)
- (Nepojmenované)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address bookAdresář
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresa zkopírována do schránky
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ ResolveVyřešit
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNenalezena validní adresa na odpovídající OpenAlias adrese
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAdresa nalezena, avšak DNSSEC podpis nesouhlasí, což může znamenat, že adresa je povržená
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedNenalezena validní adresa na odpovídající OpenAlias adrese, ani nebyl ověřen DNSSEC podpis, což může znamenat, že adresa je povržená
+ Internal errorInterní chyba
+ No address foundAdresa nenalezena
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ AddPřidat
+ Save
+ ErrorChyba
+ Invalid addressNeplatná adresa
+ Can't create entryNelze vytvořit záznam
+ CancelZrušit
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias errorChyba OpenAlias
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- příkaz + Enter (např. help)
+ Paste
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date from
+ Date to
+ DateDatum
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort by
+ BlockheightDélka blockchainu
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ Sent
+ Poslat
+ ReceivedPřijaté
+ FeePoplatek
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ DescriptionPopisek
+ Transaction IDID transakce
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced optionsPokročilé možnosti
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:
+ Updated description.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary address
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
Tx ID:
- Address label:
+ Address:
+ Payment ID:ID platby:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Tx klíč:
+ Tx note:Tx poznámka:
+ Destinations:Cíle:
+ Rings:Kruhy:
+ Please choose a folder
+ SuccessÚspěch
+ CSV file written to: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.
+ ErrorChyba
+ Error exporting transaction data.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Zůstatek
- Unlocked balance
- Neblokovaný zůstatek
+ SendOdeslat
+ ReceivePřijmout
+ RR
+ Prove/checkProkázat/zkontrolovat
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
Pouze k prohlížení
+ Copied to clipboardZkopírováno do schránky
+ Account
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address bookAdresář
+ BB
+ Merchant
+ U
+ Transactions
+ HH
+ AdvancedPokročilé
+ DD
+ MiningTěžení
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBDatabáze sdílených kruhů
+ WalletPeněženka
+ DaemonDémon
+ Sign/verifyPodepsat/Ověřit
+ EE
+ SS
+ GG
+ II
+ SettingsNastavení
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboardZkopírováno do schránky
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboardZkopírováno do schránky
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ Sales
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.
+ Save AsUložit jako
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)
+ Payment URL
+ Copied to clipboardZkopírováno do schránky
+ Amount to receiveČástka k přijetí
+ Enable sales tracker
+ Leave this page
+ The merchant page requires a larger window
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonVAROVÁNÍ: žádné spojení s démonem
+ Save QrCodeUložit QR kód
+ Failed to save QrCode to Chyba uložení QR kódu do
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Zůstatek
- Unlocked Balance
- Neblokovaný zůstatek
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Těžba neaktivní
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Neblokovaná částka:
+ WalletPeněženka
+ Interface
+ Node
+ Log
+ Info
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ SynchronizingSynchronizuji
+ Remote nodeVzdálený uzel
+ ConnectedPřipojeno
+ MiningTěžení
+ Wrong versionŠpatná verze
+ Searching node
+ DisconnectedOdpojeno
+ Invalid connection statusNeplatný stav připojení
+ Network statusStav síťového připojení
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new passwordProsím, potvrďte nové heslo
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ CancelZrušit
+ OkOK
@@ -1175,20 +1169,15 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ AddressesAdresy
+ Set the label of the new address:Nastavit štítek pro novou adresu:
- (Untitled)
- (Nepojmenované)
- Copied to clipboard
@@ -1205,15 +1194,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Nastavit štítek pro vybranou adresu:
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresa zkopírována do schránky
+ Create new address
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Zkopírovat do schránky
+ Show on device
+ Save QrCode
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Cesta k peněžence:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (Klikněte pro změnu)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cachePřeskenovat cache paměť peněženky
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1312,47 +1316,47 @@ Starý soubor s cache pamětí bude přejmenován a může být následně obnov
+ CancelZrušit
+ Wallet log path: Cesta k logu peněženky:
+ Wallet mode:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardZkopírovat do schránky
+ Copied to clipboardZkopírováno do schránky
@@ -1360,80 +1364,70 @@ Starý soubor s cache pamětí bude přejmenován a může být následně obnov
+ Custom decorationsVlastní dekorace
+ Hide balance
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivity
+ Light theme
+ minutes
+ minute
+ After
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change language
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- V mobilním zobrazení zatím nejsou dostupné možnosti úpravy vzhledu.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1448,121 +1442,126 @@ Starý soubor s cache pamětí bude přejmenován a může být následně obnov
Log démona
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')příkaz + enter (např. 'help' nebo 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeLokální uzel
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.Blockchain je stažen do vaše počítače. Poskytuje lepší zabezpečení a vyžaduje více místa na disku.
+ Remote nodeVzdálený uzel
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Využívá vzdálený server třetí strany pro připojení do síté Monero. Méně bezpečné, ale zároveň s mešími požadavky na váš počítač.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.Pro nalezení vzdáleného uzlu, zadejte 'Monero remote node' ve vašem oblíbeném vyhledávačí. Ověřte si, prosím, že vzdálený uzel provozuje důvěryhodná třetí strana.
+ AddressAdresa
+ PortPort
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)(nepovinné)
+ Daemon password
+ PasswordHeslo
+ Mark as Trusted Daemon
+ ConnectPřipojit
+ Start daemon
+ Stop daemonZastavit démona
+ Blockchain locationUmístění blockchain
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (změna)</a>
+ (default)(výchozí)
+ Daemon startup flagsParametry startu démona
+ Bootstrap AddressAdresa vzdáleného uzlu
+ Bootstrap PortPort vzdáleného uzlu
@@ -1570,116 +1569,116 @@ Starý soubor s cache pamětí bude přejmenován a může být následně obnov
+ Close this walletZavřít tuto peněženku
+ Logs out of this wallet.Odhlásit se z této peněženky
+ Close walletZavřít peněženku
+ Create a view-only walletVytvořít peněženku pouze pro prohlížení
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.
+ Create walletVytvořit peněženku
+ SuccessÚspěch
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keysZobrazit klíče seed
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Důkladně a bepzpečně uložte tyto informace pro možnost obnovení penéženky v případě ztráty přístupu k této peněžence.
+ Show seedZobrazit seed
+ Rescan wallet balancePřeskenovat zůstatek peněženky
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Tuto funkci použijte pokud máte pochybnosti o zobrazovaných zůstatcích.
+ RescanPřeskenovat
+ ErrorChyba
+ Error: Chyba:
+ InformationInformace
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.Úspěšně preskenovány utracené mince.
+ Change wallet password
+ Change the password of your wallet.
+ Change password
+ Wrong passwordŠpatné heslo
@@ -1881,7 +1880,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ MessageZpráva
@@ -1897,8 +1896,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ File
@@ -1918,96 +1917,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Enter path to file
+ BrowseProcházet
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signature
+ Clear
+ Sign Message
+ Sign File
+ Verify messageOvěřit zprávu
+ Verify fileOvěřit soubor
+ Enter the message to verify
+ AddressAdresa
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verify
+ Verify File
+ Verify Message
+ Please choose a file to signProsím zvolte soubor k podpisu
+ Please choose a file to verifyProsím zvolte soubor k ověření
+ SignaturePodpis
@@ -2015,22 +2014,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copyZkopírovat dvojitým klepnutím
+ Content copied to clipboardObsah zkopítován do schránky
+ CancelZrušit
@@ -2038,334 +2037,324 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Nízký (x1 poplatek)
+ Automatic
+ Automaticky
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Střední (x20 poplatek)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Pomalý (x0.25 poplatek) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Vysoký (x166 poplatek)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Normální (x1 poplatek)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Pomalý (x0.25 poplatek)
- Default (x1 fee)
- Výchozí (x1 poplatek)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Rychlý (x5 poplatek)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Nejrychlejší (x41.5 poplatek)
- All
- Všechny
- Sent
- Poslat
- Received
- Přijaté
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Nejrychlejší (x41.5 poplatek) {200 ?}Transfer
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start démona</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ OpenAlias errorChyba OpenAlias
+ Transaction priorityPriorita transakce
+ AllVše
+ ResolveVyřešit
+ Normal (x1 fee)Normální (x1 poplatek)
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Pomalý (x0.25 poplatek) {0.2 ?}
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Nejrychlejší (x41.5 poplatek) {200 ?}
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Adresa <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Adresář</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNenalezena validní adresa na odpovídající OpenAlias adrese
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAdresa nalezena, avšak DNSSEC podpis nesouhlasí, což může znamenat, že adresa je povržená
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedNenalezena validní adresa na odpovídající OpenAlias adrese, ani nebyl ověřen DNSSEC podpis, což může znamenat, že adresa je povržená
+ Internal errorInterní chyba
+ No address foundAdresa nenalezena
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet historyUloženo v historii lokální peněženky
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ SendOdeslat
+ Advanced optionsPokročilé možnosti
+ Monero sent successfullyMonero úspěšně odesláno
+ Sweep UnmixableNemixovatelné výstupy
+ Create tx fileVytvořit tx soubor
+ Sign tx filePodepsat tx soubor
+ Submit tx fileOdeslat tx soubor
+ ErrorChyba
+ InformationInformace
+ Please choose a fileProsím vyberte soubor
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ AutomaticAutomaticky
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Export key imagesExportovat key image
+ Import key imagesImportovat key image
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: Nelze nahrát nepodepsanou transakci:
Number of transactions:
Počet transakcí:
Transaction #%1
Transakce #%1
payment ID:
ID platby:
Počet podpisovatelů:
+ ConfirmationPotvrzení
+ Can't submit transaction: Nelze odeslat transakci:
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.Peněženka není připojená k démonovi.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonDémon, ke kterému jsme připojeni, není kompatibilní s grafickým rozhraním.
Prosím, aktualizujte jej nebo se připojte k jinému démonovi
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Pomalý (x0.25 poplatek)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Rychlý (x5 poplatek)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Nejrychlejší (x41.5 poplatek)
- TxKey
@@ -2455,6 +2444,70 @@ V případě odchozích plateb můžete získat doklad o výdajích, který dokl
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Špatné heslo
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Testovací síť
+ Stagenet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
+ Hlavní síť
@@ -2509,7 +2562,7 @@ V případě odchozích plateb můžete získat doklad o výdajích, který dokl
+ Password (confirm)
@@ -2517,22 +2570,22 @@ V případě odchozích plateb můžete získat doklad o výdajích, který dokl
+ Please choose a fileProsím vyberte soubor
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2589,17 +2642,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menu
+ Create walletVytvořit peněženku
@@ -2642,14 +2695,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -2709,12 +2754,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote nodePřipojit ke vzdálenému uzlu
@@ -2772,22 +2817,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Change language
+ Advanced optionsPokročilé možnosti
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2795,22 +2840,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2818,12 +2863,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ LanguageJazyk
+ ContinuePokračovat
@@ -2851,12 +2896,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2884,12 +2924,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2934,19 +2969,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
+ Back to menuWizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -2984,17 +3019,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Back to menu
@@ -3062,14 +3092,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -3162,114 +3184,92 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ ErrorChyba
+ Couldn't open wallet: Nemohu otevřít peněženku:
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Neblokovaný zůstatek (čekajících na blok)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Neblokovaný zůstatek (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- Neblokovaný zůstatek
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Čekám na nastartování démona...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Čekám na zastavení démona...
+ Daemon failed to startDémona se nepodařilo nastartovat
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Prosím, zkontrolujte případné chyby v log peněženky a démona. Taktéž se můžete pokusit nastartovat %1 manuálně.
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Nelze vytvořit transakci: Špatná verze démona:
+ Can't create transaction: Nelze vytvořit transakci:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepNemixovatelné výstupy ve sweep
+ ConfirmationPotvrzení
+ Please confirm transaction:
Prosím, potvrďte transakci:
Payment ID:
ID platby:
@@ -3278,73 +3278,68 @@ Amount:
+ Waiting for daemon to syncČekám na dokončení synchronizace démona
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)Démon je synchronizovaný (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedPeněženka je synchonizovaná
+ Daemon is synchronizedDémon je synchronizovaný
+ Address: Adresa:
Počet podpisovatelů:
Number of transactions:
@@ -3353,19 +3348,19 @@ Number of transactions:
Počet transakcí:
Spending address index:
Index výdajů:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3373,184 +3368,173 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Monero úspěšně odesláno: %1 transakce
+ Payment proofDůkaz platby
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
Nemohu vygenerovat důkaz z následujícího důvodu:
+ Payment proof checkZkontrolovat důkaz platby
+ Bad signatureŠpatný podpis
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Tato adresa obdržela %1 monero a %2 potvrzení.
+ Good signatureSprávný podpis
+ Wrong passwordŠpatné heslo
+ WarningVarování
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyChyba: Souborový systém je v módu pouze pro čtení
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Varování: na diskovém oddílu zbývá pouze %1 GB místa. Blockchain potřebuje ~%2 GB místa.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Poznámka: na diskovém oddílu zbývá pouze %1 GB místa. Blockchain potřebuje ~%2 GB místa.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Poznánka: lmdb adresář nenalezen. Vytvořím nový.
+ CancelZrušit
+ Password changed successfullyHeslo úspěšně změněno
+ Error: Chyba:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...Klepnutím znovu zavřete...
- Daemon is running
- Démon běží
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Démon zůstane běžet v pozadí i po zavření grafického rozhraní.
- Stop daemon
- Zastavit démona
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Log démona
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Částka není správně: předpokládaná částka má být mezi %1 až %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Nedostatečné finanční prostředky. Neblokovaný zůstatek: %1
+ Couldn't send the money: Částku nelze odeslat:
+ InformationInformace
+ Transaction saved to file: %1Transakce uložena do souboru: %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedTato adresa obdžela %1 monero, ale transakce jestě není potvrzená vytěžením
+ This address received nothingTato adresa zatím nic neobdržela
- Balance (syncing)
- Zůstatek (synchronizuji)
- Balance
- Zůstatek
+ Please wait...Prosím čekejte...
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_da.ts b/translations/monero-core_da.ts
index b9da0564..e7f67195 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_da.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_da.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Vælg etiket af den valgte konto:
+ Balance All
+ Total balance:
+ Copied to clipboardKopieret til udklipsholderen
+ Total unlocked balance: Total ulåste balance:
+ AccountsKontoer
+ Balance:
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresse kopieret til udklipsholderen
+ Create new accountOpret ny konto
+ Set the label of the new account:Vælg etiketten til den nye konto:
- (Untitled)
- (Ikke-navngivet)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses hereGem dine mest brugte adresser her
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.Dette gør det nemmere at sende og modtage Monero og reducerer fejl når adressen skrives ind manuelt.
+ Add an addressTilføj en adresse
+ Address bookAdresse bog
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresse kopieret til udklipsholderen
+ Add addressTilføj adresse
+ Edit an addressRediger en adresse
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ ResolveBestem
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressIngen gyldig adresse fundet på denne OpenAlias adresse
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAdresse fundet, men DNSSEC signaturen kunne ikke blive verificeret, så denne adresse kan være misvisende
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedingen gyldig adresse fundet på denne OpenAlias adresse, men DNSSEC signaturen kunne ikke blive verificeret, så denne adresse kan være misvisende
+ Internal errorIndre fejl
+ No address foundIngen adresse fundet
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...Tilføj et navn...
+ AddTilføj
+ SaveGem
+ ErrorFejl
+ Invalid addressUgyldig adresse
+ Can't create entryKan ikke oprette indtastning
+ CancelAfbryd
+ DeleteSlet
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias fejl
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- command + enter (f.eks. help)
+ Paste
+ Indsæt
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date from
+ Date to
+ DateDato
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort bySorter efter
+ BlockheightBlokhøjde
+ AmountBeløb
+ PageSide
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.Invalid side. Skal være et nummer inden for en bestemt rækkevidde.
+ SentSendt
+ ReceivedModtaget
+ FeeGebyr
+ Mined
+ YesJa
+ PendingAfventende
+ ConfirmationsBekræftelser
+ DescriptionBeskrivelse
+ Transaction IDTransaktion ID
+ Transaction keyTransaktion nøgle
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent toAdresse sent til
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.Venter på transaktion forlader txpool.
+ Unknown recipientUkendt modtager
+ Advanced optionsAvancerede indstillinger
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all historyEksporter historik
+ Set description:Sæt beskrivelse:
+ Updated description.Opdateret beskrivelse.
+ No transaction history yet.Ingen transaktion historik endnu.
+ No results.Ingen resultater.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary addressPrimære adresse
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
Tx ID:
- Address label:
- Adresse etiket:
+ Address:Adresse:
+ Payment ID:Betalings ID:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Tx nøgle:
+ Tx note:Tx note:
+ Destinations:Destinationer:
+ Rings:Ringe:
+ Please choose a folderVælg venligst en folder
+ SuccessSucces
+ CSV file written to: %1CSV fil skrevet til: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.Tip: Brug din favorit regneark software til at sortere blokhøjde.
+ ErrorFejl
+ Error exporting transaction data.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Saldo
- Unlocked balance
- Ulåst saldo
+ SendSend
+ ReceiveModtag
+ RR
+ Prove/checkBevis/check
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboardKopieret til udklipsholderen
+ AccountKonto
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address bookAdresse bog
+ BB
+ MerchantForhandler
+ U
+ TransactionsTransaktioner
+ HH
+ AdvancedAvanceret
+ DD
+ MiningMiner
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBDelt RingDB
+ WalletTegnebog
+ DaemonDaemon
+ Sign/verifySigner/verificer
+ EE
+ SS
+ GG
+ II
+ SettingsIndstillinger
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ CopyKopiér
+ Copied to clipboardKopieret til udklipsholderen
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ CopyKopiér
+ Copied to clipboardKopieret til udklipsholderen
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ Sales
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.
+ Save AsGem som
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)(højreklik, gem som)
+ Payment URL
+ Copied to clipboardKopieret til udklipsholderen
+ Amount to receiveBeløb at modtage
+ Enable sales tracker
+ Leave this pageForlad denne side
+ The merchant page requires a larger window
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonADVARSEL: ingen forbindelse til daemon
+ Save QrCodeGem QrKode
+ Failed to save QrCode to Fejl ved gemning af QrKode til
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Saldo
- Unlocked Balance
- Oplåst Saldo
@@ -1011,38 +998,30 @@ Mining giver dig også en lille chance for at tjene nogen Monero. Din computer v
Miner ikke
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Oplåst Saldo:
+ WalletTegnebog
+ Interface
+ Node
+ Log
+ Info
@@ -1050,105 +1029,120 @@ Mining giver dig også en lille chance for at tjene nogen Monero. Din computer v
+ SynchronizingSynkroniserer
+ Remote nodeRemote node
+ ConnectedForbundet
+ MiningMiner
+ Wrong versionForkert version
+ Searching node
+ DisconnectedFrakoblet
+ Invalid connection statusUgyldig forbindelses status
+ Network statusNetværk status
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new passwordVenligst bekræft nye kodeord
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ CancelAfbryd
+ OkOk
@@ -1182,37 +1176,47 @@ Mining giver dig også en lille chance for at tjene nogen Monero. Din computer v
Indstil etiketten for den valgte adresse:
+ AddressesAdresser
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Kopier til udklipsholder
+ Copied to clipboardKopieret til udklipsholderen
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a nameVenligst vælg et navn
+ Set the label of the new address:Indstil etiketten for den nye adresse:
- (Untitled)
- (Ikke-navngivet)
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresse kopieret til udklipsholderen
+ Create new addressOpret ny adresse
@@ -1269,33 +1273,33 @@ Mining giver dig også en lille chance for at tjene nogen Monero. Din computer v
Tegnebogs sti:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (Klik for at skifte)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cacheSkan tegnebogs cache igen
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1313,47 +1317,47 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
Den gamle tegnebogs cache fil ville blive omdøbt og kan blive gendannet senere.
+ CancelAfbryd
+ Wallet log path: Tegnebogs log sti:
+ Wallet mode:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardKopier til udklipsholder
+ Copied to clipboardKopieret til udklipsholderen
@@ -1361,80 +1365,70 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Custom decorationsBrugerdefinerede dekorationer
+ Hide balanceSkjul balance
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivity
+ Light themeLyst tema
+ minutesminutter
+ minuteminut
+ After
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price sourcePris kilde
+ CurrencyValuta
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enableBekræft og slå til
+ Change languageVælg sprog
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- Ingen layout indstillinger eksisterer ikke endnu for mobil versionen.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1449,121 +1443,126 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
Daemon log
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeLokal node
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.Blockchainen er downloadet til din computer. Dette giver højere sikkerhed og kræver mere lokal diskplads.
+ Remote nodeRemote node
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Bruger en tredjeparts server til at forbinde til Monero netværket. Mindre sikker, men nemmere for din computer.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.For at finde en ekstern Node, skriv 'Monero remote node' ind i din yndlings søgemaskine. Venligst tjek at noden bliver kørt af en sikker tredjepart.
+ AddressAdresse
+ PortPort
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)(valgfri)
+ Daemon password
+ PasswordKodeord
+ Mark as Trusted Daemon
+ ConnectForbind
+ Start daemon
+ Stop daemonStop daemon
+ Blockchain locationBlockchain lokation
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (skift)</a>
+ (default)(standard)
+ Daemon startup flagsDaemon startup flag
+ Bootstrap AddressBootstrap Adresse
+ Bootstrap PortBootstrap Port
@@ -1571,116 +1570,116 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Close this walletLuk denne tegnebog
+ Logs out of this wallet.Logger ud fra denne tegnebog.
+ Close walletLuk tegnebog
+ Create a view-only walletOpret en se-kun tegnebog
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.
+ Create walletOpret tegnebog
+ SuccessSucces
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keysVis seed & nøgler
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Gem dette information sikkert for at genoprette din tegnebog i fremtiden.
+ Show seedVis seed
+ Rescan wallet balanceSkan tegnebogs saldo igen
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Brug denne funktion hvis du tænker at beløbet i saldoen ikke er korrekt.
+ RescanSkan igen
+ ErrorFejl
+ Error: Fejl:
+ InformationInformation
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.
+ Change wallet password
+ Change the password of your wallet.Ændrer kodeordet til din tegnebog.
+ Change passwordÆndrer kodeord
+ Wrong passwordForkert kodeord
@@ -1876,7 +1875,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ MessageBesked
@@ -1892,8 +1891,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ FileFil
@@ -1913,96 +1912,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Enter path to file
+ BrowseGennemse
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signature
+ Clear
+ Sign Message
+ Sign File
+ Verify messageVerificer besked
+ Verify fileVerificer fil
+ Enter the message to verify
+ AddressAdresse
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verify
+ Verify File
+ Verify Message
+ Please choose a file to signVælg venligst en fil at signere
+ Please choose a file to verifyVælg venligst en fil at verificere
+ SignatureSignatur
@@ -2010,22 +2009,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copyDobbeltklik for at kopiere
+ Content copied to clipboardIndhold kopieret til udklipsholderen
+ CancelAfbryd
@@ -2033,327 +2032,317 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Lav (x1 gebyr)
+ Automatic
+ Automatisk
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Medium (x20 gebyr)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Langsom (x0,25 gebyr) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Høj (x166 gebyr)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Normal (x1 gebyr)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Langsom (x0,25 gebyr)
- Default (x1 fee)
- Standard (x1 gebyr)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Hurtig (x5 gebyr)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Hurtigste (x41,5 gebyr)
- All
- Alle
- Sent
- Sendt
- Received
- Modtaget
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Hurtigste (x41,5 fee) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias fejl
+ Transaction priorityTransaktion prioritet
+ AllAlle
+ ResolveBestem
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Langsom (x0,25 gebyr) {0.2 ?}
+ Normal (x1 fee)Normal (x1 gebyr)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Hurtigste (x41,5 fee) {200 ?}
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Adresse <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Adresse bog</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressIngen gyldig adresse fundet på denne OpenAlias adresse
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAdresse fundet, men DNSSEC signaturen kunne ikke blive verificeret, så denne adresse kan være misvisende
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedingen gyldig adresse fundet på denne OpenAlias adresse, men DNSSEC signaturen kunne ikke blive verificeret, så denne adresse kan være misvisende
+ Internal errorIndre fejl
+ No address foundIngen adresse fundet
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet historyGemt til lokal tegnebogs historik
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ SendSend
+ Advanced optionsAvancerede indstillinger
+ Monero sent successfullyMonero sendt med succes
+ Sweep UnmixableSweep kan ikke blandes
+ Create tx fileOpret tx fil
+ Sign tx fileSigner tx fil
+ Submit tx fileIndsend tx fil
+ ErrorFejl
+ InformationInformation
+ Please choose a fileVælg venligst en fil
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ AutomaticAutomatisk
+ Add descriptionTilføj beskrivelse
+ Add payment IDTilføj transaktion ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters64 hexadecimal tegn
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Export key imagesEksporter nøgle billeder
+ Import key imagesImporter nøgle billeder
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: Kan ikke loade usignerede transaktioner:
Number of transactions: Nummer af transaktioner:
Transaction #%1Transaktion %1
Recipient: Modtager:
payment ID: Betalings ID:
Amount: Beløb:
Fee: Gebyr:
Ringsize: Ringstørrelse:
+ ConfirmationBekræftelser
+ Can't submit transaction: Kan ikke indsende transaktion:
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.Tengebog er ikke forbundet til daemonen.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonForbundne daemon er ikke kompatibel med GUI.
Venligst opgrader eller forbind til en anden daemon
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Tranaktion information er forkert.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Langsom (x0,25 gebyr)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Hurtig (x5 gebyr)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Hurtigste (x41,5 fee)
- TxKey
@@ -2443,6 +2432,70 @@ For the case of outgoing payments, you can get a 'Spend Proof' that pr
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Forkert kodeord
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
+ Mainnet
@@ -2497,7 +2550,7 @@ For the case of outgoing payments, you can get a 'Spend Proof' that pr
+ Password (confirm)Kodeord (bekræft)
@@ -2505,22 +2558,22 @@ For the case of outgoing payments, you can get a 'Spend Proof' that pr
+ Please choose a fileVælg venligst en fil
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...Opretter tegnebog fra enhed...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2577,17 +2630,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menuTilbage til meny
+ Create walletOpret tegnebog
@@ -2630,14 +2683,6 @@ your input may be required.
Tilbage til menuen
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -2697,12 +2742,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote nodeForbind til en remote node
@@ -2760,22 +2805,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Change languageVælg sprog
+ Advanced optionsAvancerede indstillinger
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2783,22 +2828,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settingsSprog indstillinger
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.Ændrer sproget af Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.Sprog ændret.
+ CloseLuk
@@ -2806,12 +2851,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ LanguageSprog
+ ContinueFortsæt
@@ -2839,12 +2884,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2872,12 +2912,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2922,19 +2957,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
- Vælg sprog
+ Back to menu
+ WizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -2972,17 +3007,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Back to menu
@@ -3050,14 +3080,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -3150,199 +3172,178 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ ErrorFejl
+ Couldn't open wallet: Kunne ikke åbne tegnebog:
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Oplåst saldo (venter på blok)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Oplåst saldo (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- Oplåst saldo
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Venter på at daemonen starter...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Venter på daemonen stopper...
+ Daemon failed to startDaemonen fejlede i at starte
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Tjek din tegnebog og daemon for fejl. Du kan også prøve at starte %1 manuelt.
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Kan ikke oprette transaktion. Forkert daemon version:
+ Can't create transaction: Kan ikke oprette transaktion:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepKan ikke blande outputs til sweep
+ ConfirmationBekræftelse
+ Please confirm transaction:
Vælg bekæft transaktion:
Payment ID: Betalings ID:
Amount: Beløb:
Fee: Gebyr:
+ Payment proofBetalings bevis
+ Waiting for daemon to syncVenter på daemonen synkroniserer
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)Daemon er synkroniseret (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedTegnebog er synkroniseret
+ Daemon is synchronizedDaemon er synkroniseret
+ Address: Adresse:
Ringsize: Ringstørrelse:
Number of transactions: Antal af transaktioner:
Description: Beskrivelse:
Spending address index: Brugs adresse indeks:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3350,184 +3351,167 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Monero sendt med succes: %1 transkation(er)
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
Kunne ikke generer et bevis på grund af følgende:
+ Payment proof checkBetalings bevis check
+ Bad signatureDårlig signatur
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Denne adresse modtog %1 monero, med %2 bekræftelse(r).
+ Good signatureGod signatur
+ Wrong passwordForkert kodeord
+ WarningAdvarsel
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyFejl: Filsystem er kun læseligt
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Advarsel: Der er kun %1 GB ledigt på din enhed. Blockchainen kræver ~%2 GB data.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Note: Der er %1 GB ledigt på denne enhed. Blockchainen kræver ~%2 GB af data.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Note: lmdb mappe ikke fundet. En ny mappe ville blive oprettet.
+ CancelAfbryd
+ Password changed successfullyKodeord skiftet med succes
+ Error: Fejl:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...Tryk igen for at lukke...
- Daemon is running
- Daemonen kører
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Daemonen ville stadig køre i baggrunden når GUI'en er lukket.
- Stop daemon
- Stop daemon
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Daemon log
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Beløb er forkert: Forventede nummer fra %1 til %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Utilstrækkelig saldo. Oplåst saldo: %1
+ Couldn't send the money: Kunne ikke sende penge:
+ InformationInformation
+ Transaction saved to file: %1Transaktion gemt til fil: %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedDenne adresse modtog %1 monero, men transaktionen er ikke minet endnu
+ This address received nothingDenne adresse modtog ingenting
- Balance (syncing)
- Saldo (synkroniserer)
- Balance
- Saldo
+ Please wait...Vent venligst...
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_de.ts b/translations/monero-core_de.ts
index 373ece28..3072b356 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_de.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_de.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Setze eine Beschreibung für das ausgewählte Konto:
+ Balance AllGesamtguthaben
+ Total balance: Gesamtguthaben:
+ Copied to clipboardIn die Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Total unlocked balance: momentan verfügbar:
+ AccountsKonten
+ Balance: Guthaben:
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresse in Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Create new accountNeues Konto anlegen
+ Set the label of the new account:Vergebe eine Beschreibung für das neue Konto:
- (Untitled)
- (Unbenannt)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses hereSpeichere hier deine meistgebrauchten Adressen
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.Dies erleichtert das Senden oder Empfangen von Monero und reduziert Fehler bei der manuellen Adresseingabe.
+ Add an addressEine Adresse hinzufügen
+ Address bookAdressbuch
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresse in Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Add addressAdresse hinzufügen
+ Edit an addressEine Adresse bearbeiten
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Adresse
+ ResolveAuflösen
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressEs wurde keine gültige Adresse unter dieser OpenAlias-Adresse gefunden
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedDie Adresse wurde zwar gefunden, doch die DNSSEC-Signaturen konnten nicht verifiziert werden. Möglicherweise wurde diese Adresse manipuliert.
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedUnter dieser OpenAlias-Adresse konnte weder eine gültige Adresse gefunden noch die DNSSEC-Signaturen verifiziert werden. Möglicherweise wurde diese Adresse manipuliert.
+ Internal errorInterner Fehler
+ No address foundKeine Adresse gefunden
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Beschreibung
+ Add a name...Füge einen Namen hinzu...
+ AddHinzufügen
+ SaveSpeichern
+ ErrorFehler
+ Invalid addressUngültige Adresse
+ Can't create entryEintrag kann nicht erstellt werden
+ CancelAbbrechen
+ DeleteLöschen
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias-Fehler
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- Befehl + Eingabe (z.B. help)
+ Paste
+ Einfügen
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date fromDatum von
+ Date toDatum bis
+ DateDatum
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort bySortieren nach
+ BlockheightBlockhöhe
+ AmountBetrag
+ PageSeite
+ Jump to page (1-%1)Springe zu Seite (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.Ungültige Seite. Die Zahl muss innerhalb des angegebenen Bereichs liegen.
+ SentVersandt
+ ReceivedErhalten
+ FeeGebühr
+ MinedGemint
+ YesJa
+ PendingAusstehend
+ ConfirmationsBestätigungen
+ DescriptionBeschreibung
+ Transaction IDTransaktions-ID
+ Transaction keyTransaktionsschlüssel
+ Click to revealzum Anzeigen klicken
+ Address sent toEmpfängeradresse
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.Wartet darauf, dass die Transaktion den Transaktions-Pool verlässt.
+ Unknown recipientUnbekannter Empfänger
+ Advanced optionsErweiterte Optionen
+ Human readable date formatFür Menschen lesbares Datumsformat
+ Export all historyGesamten Verlauf exportieren
+ Set description:Beschreibung vergeben:
+ Updated description.Beschreibung aktualisiert.
+ No transaction history yet.Noch kein Transaktionsverlauf.
+ No results.Keine Ergebnisse.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.%1 Transaktionen insgesamt, davon angezeigt %2.
+ Primary addressHauptadresse
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
- Address label:
- Adressenbeschreibung:
+ Address:Adresse:
+ Payment ID:Zahlungs-ID:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Transaktionsschlüssel:
+ Tx note:Transaktionsnotiz:
+ Destinations:Ziele:
+ Rings:Ringe:
+ Please choose a folderBitte wähle einen Ordner
+ SuccessErfolg
+ CSV file written to: %1CSV-Datei gespeichert unter: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.Tipp: Nutze deine bevorzugte Tabellenkalkulationssoftware, um nach der Blockhöhe zu sortieren.
+ ErrorFehler
+ Error exporting transaction data.Fehler beim Exportieren der Transaktionsdaten.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Guthaben
- Unlocked balance
- Entsperrtes Guthaben
+ SendSenden
+ ReceiveEmpfangen
+ RR
+ Prove/checkBeweisen/Prüfen
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboardIn Zwischenablage kopiert
+ AccountKonto
+ Syncing...
+ TT
+ Address bookAdressbuch
+ BB
+ MerchantHändler
+ UU
+ TransactionsTransaktionen
+ HH
+ AdvancedErweitert
+ DD
+ MiningMining
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBGeteilte Ringdatenbank
+ WalletWallet
+ DaemonHintergrunddienst
+ Sign/verifySignieren/Verifizieren
+ GG
+ II
+ SettingsEinstellungen
+ EE
+ SS
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ CopyKopieren
+ Copied to clipboardIn Zwischenablage kopiert
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ CopyKopieren
+ Copied to clipboardIn Zwischenablage kopiert
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ SalesAngebote
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p><style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>Diese Seite scannt die Blockchain und den Transaktions-Pool automatisch nach einkommenden Transaktionen mit Hilfe des QR-Codes.</p><p>Du entscheidest, ob du unbestätigte Transaktionen annehmen möchtest oder nicht. Für gewöhnlich werden diese nach kurzer Zeit bestätigt – es kann jedoch auch vorkommen, dass sie nicht bestätigt werden. Bei größeren Beträgen möchtest du eventuell eine oder mehrere Bestätigungen abwarten.</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.Überwache eingehende Transaktionen – bisher keine gefunden.
+ Save AsSpeichern unter
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)(Rechtsklick, speichern unter)
+ Payment URLZahlungs-URL
+ Copied to clipboardIn Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Amount to receiveZu erhaltender Betrag
+ Enable sales trackeraktiviere Bezahlungsverfolgung
+ Leave this pageDiese Seite verlassen
+ The merchant page requires a larger windowDie Händlerseite benötigt ein größeres Fenster
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonWARNUNG: Keine Verbindung zum Hintergrunddienst
+ Save QrCodeQR-Code speichern
+ Failed to save QrCode to Fehler beim Speichern des QR-Codes nach
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Guthaben
- Unlocked Balance
- Entsperrtes Guthaben
@@ -1011,38 +998,30 @@ Das Mining bietet dir die Möglichkeit, Monero zu verdienen. Dein Computer errec
Kein Mining
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Verfügbares Guthaben:
+ WalletWallet
+ InterfaceOberfläche
+ NodeNode
+ LogLog
+ InfoInfo
@@ -1050,105 +1029,120 @@ Das Mining bietet dir die Möglichkeit, Monero zu verdienen. Dein Computer errec
+ Network statusNetzwerkstatus
+ ConnectedVerbunden
+ SynchronizingSynchronisiere
+ Remote nodeDrittanbieter-Node
+ MiningMining
+ Wrong versionFalsche Version
+ Searching nodeSucht Node
+ DisconnectedGetrennt
+ Invalid connection statusUngültiger Verbindungsstatus
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet passwordBitte gib ein neues Wallet-Passwort ein
+ wallet passwordWallet Passwort
+ wallet device passphrasePassphrase der Hardware-Wallet
+ Please enter %1 for: Bitte gebe %1 ein für:
+ Please enter %1Bitte gebe %1 ein
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.Warnung: Die Eingabe der Passphrase auf dem Host ist ein Sicherheitsrisiko, da es von Malware erfasst werden kann. Es wird empfohlen, die Passphrase auf dem Gerät (Device) einzugeben.
+ Please confirm new passwordBitte neues Passwort bestätigen
+ Please confirm wallet device passphraseBitte bestätige die Passphrase der Hardware-Wallet
+ CancelAbbrechen
+ OkOK
@@ -1182,37 +1176,47 @@ Das Mining bietet dir die Möglichkeit, Monero zu verdienen. Dein Computer errec
Setze die Beschreibung der gewählten Adresse:
+ AddressesAdressen
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ In Zwischenablage kopieren
+ Copied to clipboardIn Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a nameBitte wähle einen Namen
+ Set the label of the new address:Setze den Namen der neuen Adresse:
- (Untitled)
- (Unbenannt)
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresse in Zwischenablage kopiert
+ Create new addressNeue Adresse generieren
@@ -1269,34 +1273,34 @@ Das Mining bietet dir die Möglichkeit, Monero zu verdienen. Dein Computer errec
Pfad zur Wallet:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (Zum Ändern klicken)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):Neue Wiederherstellungshöhe setzen.
Du kannst eine Blockhöhe oder ein Datum (JJJJ-MM-TT) eingeben:
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DDUngültige Wiederherstellungshöhe angegeben. Es muss eine Zahl oder ein Datum im Format JJJJ-MM-TT sein
+ Rescan wallet cacheWallet-Cache erneut scannen
+ Wallet restore height: Wiederherstellungshöhe der Wallet:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1315,47 +1319,47 @@ Die alte Wallet-Cache-Datei wird umbenannt und kann später wiederhergestellt we
+ CancelAbbrechen
+ Wallet log path: Wallet-Log-Pfad:
+ Wallet mode: Wallet-Modus:
+ Graphics mode: Grafikmodus:
+ Tails:
+ persistentpersistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardIn Zwischenablage kopieren
+ Copied to clipboardIn Zwischenablage kopiert
@@ -1363,80 +1367,70 @@ Die alte Wallet-Cache-Datei wird umbenannt und kann später wiederhergestellt we
+ Custom decorationsBenutzerdefinierte Dekorationen
+ Hide balanceGuthaben ausblenden
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
- Überweisung mit Zahlungs-ID aktivieren (VERALTET)
+ Lock wallet on inactivityWallet bei Inaktivität sperren
+ Light themeHelles Design
+ minutesMinuten
+ minuteMinute
+ After nach
+ Enable displaying balance in other currenciesAnzeigen des Saldo in anderen Währungen einschalten
+ Price sourcePreis-Quelle
+ CurrencyWährung
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.Das Einschalten der Preisumrechnung enthüllt Ihre IP Adresse der ausgewählten Preis-Quelle.
+ Confirm and enableBestätigen und einschalten
+ Change languageSprache ändern
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- Im mobilen Modus gibt es noch keine Layout-Optionen.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1451,121 +1445,126 @@ Die alte Wallet-Cache-Datei wird umbenannt und kann später wiederhergestellt we
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')Befehl + Eingabe (z.B. 'help' oder 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeLokaler Node
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.Die Blockchain wird auf deinen Computer heruntergeladen. Dies bietet eine höhere Sicherheit, benötigt aber mehr lokalen Speicherplatz.
+ Remote nodeDrittanbieter-Node
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Verwendet einen Server eines Drittanbieters, um eine Verbindung mit dem Monero-Netzwerk herzustellen. Das ist weniger sicher, aber auch weniger fordernd für deinen Computer.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.Tippe in deine bevorzugte Suchmaschine 'Monero remote node' ein, um einen Drittanbieter-Node zu finden. Stelle sicher, dass der Node von einem vertrauenswürdigen Drittanbieter ausgeführt wird.
+ AddressAdresse
+ PortPort
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.Der Drittanbieter-Node wurde aktualisiert und das Vertrauen in den Hintergrund-Dienst wurde zurückgesetzt. Wähle ihn bei Bedarf erneut aus.
+ Daemon usernameBenutzername des Hintergrunddienstes
+ (optional)(optional)
+ Daemon passwordDaemon Passwort
+ PasswordPasswort
+ Mark as Trusted DaemonAls vertrautem Hintergrunddienst markieren
+ ConnectVerbinden
+ Start daemonHintergrunddienst starten
+ Stop daemonHintergrunddienst stoppen
+ Blockchain locationSpeicherort der Blockchain
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (ändern)</a>
+ (default)(Standard)
+ Daemon startup flagsStartparameter für Hintergrunddienst
+ Bootstrap AddressBootstrap-Adresse
+ Bootstrap PortBootstrap-Port
@@ -1573,43 +1572,43 @@ Die alte Wallet-Cache-Datei wird umbenannt und kann später wiederhergestellt we
+ Close this walletDiese Wallet schließen
+ Logs out of this wallet.Aus dieser Wallet ausloggen.
+ Close walletSchließe Wallet
+ Create a view-only walletView-Only-Wallet erstellen
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.Erstellt eine Wallet, die nur Transaktionen ansehen und initiieren kann, jedoch eine vollwertige Wallet benötigt, um Transaktionen vor dem Absenden zu signieren.
+ Create walletErstelle Wallet
+ Successseems goodErfolg
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
@@ -1618,74 +1617,74 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
auswählst. Du kannst das Passwort dann in den Wallet-Einstellungen ändern.
+ Show seed & keysZeige Seed & Schlüssel
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Bewahre diese Informationen sicher auf, um Deine Wallet in Zukunft wiederherzustellen.
+ Show seedZeige Seed
+ Rescan wallet balanceWallet-Guthaben erneut scannen
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Benutze diese Funktion wenn du denkst, dass das angezeigte Guthaben nicht richtig ist.
+ RescanErneut scannen
+ ErrorFehler
+ Error: Fehler:
+ InformationInformation
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.Erfolgreich verbrauchte Outputs erneut gescannt.
+ Change wallet passwordWallet-Passwort ändern
+ Change the password of your wallet.Ändere das Passwort für deine Wallet.
+ Change passwordPasswort ändern
+ Wrong passwordFalsches Passwort
@@ -1881,7 +1880,7 @@ auswählst. Du kannst das Passwort dann in den Wallet-Einstellungen ändern.
+ MessageNachricht
@@ -1897,8 +1896,8 @@ auswählst. Du kannst das Passwort dann in den Wallet-Einstellungen ändern.
+ FileDatei
@@ -1918,96 +1917,96 @@ auswählst. Du kannst das Passwort dann in den Wallet-Einstellungen ändern.Gebe eine Nachricht zum Signieren ein
+ Enter path to fileGebe den Pfad zur Datei an
+ BrowseDurchsuchen
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signatureKlicke [Nachricht signieren], um eine Signatur zu generieren
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signatureKlicke [Datei signieren], um eine Signatur zu generieren
+ Clearleeren
+ Sign MessageNachricht signieren
+ Sign FileDatei signieren
+ Verify messageNachricht verifizieren
+ Verify fileDatei verifizieren
+ Enter the message to verifyGebe die zu verifizierende Nachricht ein
+ AddressAdresse
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)Gebe die Monero-Adresse ein (Beispiel: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verifyGebe die verifizierende Signatur an
+ Verify FileVerifiziere Datei
+ Verify MessageVerifiziere Nachricht
+ Please choose a file to signBitte wähle eine zu signierende Datei aus
+ Please choose a file to verifyBitte wähle eine zu verifizierende Datei aus
+ SignatureSignatur
@@ -2015,22 +2014,22 @@ auswählst. Du kannst das Passwort dann in den Wallet-Einstellungen ändern.
+ Double tap to copyDoppelklicken zum kopieren
+ Content copied to clipboardInhalt wurde in Zwischenablage kopiert
+ CancelAbbrechen
@@ -2038,60 +2037,35 @@ auswählst. Du kannst das Passwort dann in den Wallet-Einstellungen ändern.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Niedrig (1-fache Gebühr)
+ Automatic
+ Automatisch
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Mittel (20-fache Gebühr)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Langsam (0,25-fache Gebühr) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Hoch (166-fache Gebühr)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Normal (1-fache Gebühr)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Langsam (0,25-fache Gebühr)
- Default (x1 fee)
- Standard (1-fache Gebühr)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Schnell (5-fache Gebühr)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Schnellste (41,5-fache Gebühr)
- All
- Alle
- Sent
- Versendet
- Received
- Erhalten
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Schnellste (41,5-fache Gebühr) {200 ?}Transfer
+ Transaction priorityTransaktionspriorität
@@ -2101,266 +2075,281 @@ auswählst. Du kannst das Passwort dann in den Wallet-Einstellungen ändern.
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias-Fehler
+ AllAlles
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Langsam (0,25-fache Gebühr)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Schnell (5-fache Gebühr)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Schnellste (41,5-fache Gebühr)
+ ResolveAuflösen
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Starte Hintergrunddienst</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Betrag <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Konto wechseln</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)Normal (1-fache Gebühr)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Adresse <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Adressbuch</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressEs wurde keine gültige Adresse unter dieser OpenAlias-Adresse gefunden
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedDie Adresse wurde zwar gefunden, doch die DNSSEC-Signaturen konnten nicht verifiziert werden. Möglicherweise wurde diese Adresse manipuliert.
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedUnter dieser OpenAlias-Adresse konnte weder eine gültige Adresse gefunden noch die DNSSEC-Signaturen verifiziert werden. Möglicherweise wurde diese Adresse manipuliert.
+ Internal errorInterner Fehler
+ No address foundKeine Adresse gefunden
+ 64 hexadecimal characters64 Hexadezimalzeichen
+ Saved to local wallet historyWird in die lokale Wallet-Historie gespeichert
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
- Du kannst Überweisungen mit Zahlungs-ID in den Einstellungen aktivieren.
+ SendSenden
+ Sweep Unmixableverschleierungsunfähige Kleinstbeträge zusammenführen
+ Create tx fileErstelle Transaktionsdatei
+ ErrorFehler
+ InformationInformationen
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.Wartet auf Synchronisierung des Hintergrunddienstes
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
- View-Only-Wallet: Das Senden ist nicht möglich.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.Der Betrag ist größer als das entsperrte Guthaben.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Die Transaktionsinformationen sind falsch.
+ Please choose a fileBitte wähle eine Datei aus
+ Advanced optionsErweiterte Optionen
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: Unsignierte Transaktion kann nicht geladen werden:
+ ConfirmationBestätigung
+ Can't submit transaction: Transaktion kann nicht gesendet werden:
+ AutomaticAutomatisch
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Langsam (0,25-fache Gebühr) {0.2 ?}
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Schnellste (41,5-fache Gebühr) {200 ?}
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Add descriptionBeschreibung hinzufügen
+ Add payment IDZahlungs-ID hinzufügen
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Sign tx fileTransaktionsdatei signieren
+ Submit tx fileTransaktionsdatei absenden
+ Export key imagesExportiere Schlüsselbilder
+ Import key imagesImportiere Schlüsselbilder
Number of transactions:
Anzahl an Transaktionen:
Transaction #%1
Transaktion #%1
payment ID:
+ Monero sent successfullyMonero erfolgreich gesendet
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.Wallet ist nicht mit dem Hintergrunddienst verbunden.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonDer verbundene Hintergrunddienst ist nicht mit der GUI kompatibel.
@@ -2456,6 +2445,70 @@ Für einen reinen Sendenachweis muss die Empfängeradresse nicht angegeben werde
Wenn eine Zahlung aus mehreren Transaktionen bestand, muss jede einzeln überprüft und die Ergebnisse kombiniert werden.
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Falsches Passwort
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
+ Mainnet
@@ -2510,7 +2563,7 @@ Für einen reinen Sendenachweis muss die Empfängeradresse nicht angegeben werde
+ Password (confirm)Passwort (bestätigen)
@@ -2518,22 +2571,22 @@ Für einen reinen Sendenachweis muss die Empfängeradresse nicht angegeben werde
+ Please choose a fileBitte wähle eine Datei aus
+ Please proceed to the device...Bitte fahre am Hardwaregerät fort...
+ Creating wallet from device...Wallet wird vom Hardwaregerät erstellt...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2595,17 +2648,17 @@ deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.Fehler bei Erstellung der Wallet vom Gerät. Bitte prüfe die Logs der Anwendung.
+ Back to menuZurück zum Menü
+ Create walletErstelle Wallet
@@ -2648,14 +2701,6 @@ deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
Zurück zum Menü
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Drittanbieter-Nodes konnten nicht vom externen Server geladen werden.
@@ -2715,12 +2760,12 @@ deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.Zusätzlich kannst du eine Bootstrap-Node einstellen, um Monero sofort zu nutzen.
+ Connect to a remote nodeMit einem Drittanbieter-Node verbinden
@@ -2778,22 +2823,22 @@ deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
Walletmodus ändern
+ Change languageSprache ändern
+ Advanced optionsErweiterte Optionen
+ Change Network:Netzwerk ändern:
+ Number of KDF rounds:Iterationstiefe der Schlüsselableitung:
@@ -2801,22 +2846,22 @@ deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
+ Language settingsSpracheinstellungen
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.Ändere die Sprache der Benutzeroberfläche von Monero.
+ Language changed.Sprache geändert.
+ CloseSchließen
@@ -2824,12 +2869,12 @@ deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
+ LanguageSprache
+ ContinueWeiter
@@ -2857,12 +2902,7 @@ deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
Sei dir dieser Einschränkungen bewusst. <b>Nutzer, denen Datenschutz und Privatsphäre wichtig ist, müssen stattdessen einen eigenen Full-Node betreiben.</b>
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Für die Optimierung von Node-Verbindungen kannst du deinen Standort angeben:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Ich bin mir über die Einschränkung meiner Privatsphäre beim Verwenden von Drittanbieter-Servern bewusst.
@@ -2890,12 +2930,7 @@ deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
Sei dir dieser Einschränkungen bewusst. <b>Nutzer, denen Datenschutz und Privatsphäre wichtig ist, müssen stattdessen einen eigenen Full-Node betreiben</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Für die Optimierung von Node-Verbindungen kannst du deinen Standort angeben:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Ich bin mir über die Einschränkung meiner Privatsphäre beim Verwenden von Drittanbieter-Servern bewusst.
@@ -2940,19 +2975,19 @@ deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
- Change language
- Sprache ändern
+ Back to menu
+ Zurück zum MenüWizardNav
+ PreviousZurück
+ NextWeiter
@@ -2990,17 +3025,12 @@ deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
+ Browse filesystemDateisystem durchsuchen
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Drittanbieter-Nodes konnten nicht vom externen Server geladen werden.
+ Back to menuZurück zum Menü
@@ -3068,14 +3098,6 @@ deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
Zurück zum Menü
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Drittanbieter-Nodes konnten nicht vom externen Server geladen werden.
@@ -3170,193 +3192,176 @@ Wenn du keinen eigenen Node betreiben kannst, gibt es die Möglichkeit, sich mit
+ ErrorFehler
+ Couldn't open wallet: Wallet konnte nicht geöffnet werden:
+ Waiting for daemon to syncWarte auf Synchronisation des Hintergrunddienstes
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)Hintergrunddienst ist synchronisiert (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedWallet ist synchronisiert
+ Daemon is synchronizedHintergrunddienst ist synchronisiert
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Transaktion konnte nicht erstellt werden: Falsche Version des Hintergrunddienstes:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepKeine verschleierungsunfähigen Kleinstbeträge zum zusammenführen
+ Address: Adresse:
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Betrag ist falsch: Zahl muss zwischen %1 und %2 liegen
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedDiese Adresse hat %1 Monero empfangen, aber die Transaktion wurde noch nicht bestätigt
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ Tap again to close...Drücke erneut zum schließen...
- Daemon is running
- Hintergrunddienst läuft
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Der Hintergrunddienst wird weiter im Hintergrund laufen, wenn die GUI geschlossen wird.
- Stop daemon
- Hintergrunddienst stoppen
+ This address received nothingDiese Adresse hat nichts empfangen
+ Can't create transaction: Transaktion konnte nicht erstellt werden:
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Entsperrtes Guthaben (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- Entsperrtes Guthaben
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Entsperrtes Guthaben (warte auf Block)
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Warte bis der Hintergrunddienst gestartet wurde…
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Warte bis der Hintergrunddienst beendet wurde…
+ Daemon failed to startHintergrunddienst konnte nicht gestartet werden
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Bitte überprüfe deinen Wallet- und Hintergrunddienst-Log auf Fehler. Du kannst auch versuchen, %1 manuell zu starten.
+ ConfirmationBestätigung
+ Please confirm transaction:
Bitte bestätige Transaktion:
+ Closing wallet...Wallet wird geschlossen...
- Balance (#%1%2)
- Guthaben (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...Bitte fahre am Hardwaregerät fort...
+ Opening wallet ...Wallet wird geöffnet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.Inkompatibler Wallet-Cache wird repariert. Wallet wird neu synchronisiert.
Payment ID:
@@ -3365,22 +3370,22 @@ Amount:
Number of transactions:
@@ -3388,26 +3393,26 @@ Number of transactions:
Anzahl der Transaktionen:
Spending address index:
Indizes der beteiligten Adressen:
+ Creating transaction...Transaktion wird erstellt...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3418,151 +3423,130 @@ Bitte überprüfe deine Hardware-Wallet –
deine Eingabe könnte erforderlich sein.
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Guthaben reicht nicht aus. Entsperrtes Guthaben: %1
+ Sending transaction ...Sende Transaktion ...
+ Couldn't send the money: Konnte Geld nicht versenden:
+ InformationInformation
+ Transaction saved to file: %1Transaktion wurde in Datei gespeichert: %1
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Monero erfolgreich gesendet: %1 Transaktion(en)
+ Payment proofZahlungsnachweis
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
Nachweis konnte aus folgendem Grund nicht generiert werden:
+ Payment proof checkZahlungsnachweis überprüfen
+ Bad signatureUngültige Signatur
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Diese Adresse hat %1 Monero erhalten, mit %2 Bestätigung(en).
+ Good signatureGültige Signatur
- Balance (syncing)
- Guthaben (synchronisierend)
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- Balance
- Guthaben
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Wrong passwordFalsches Passwort
+ WarningWarnung
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyFehler: Dateisystem ist schreibgeschützt
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Warnung: Es sind nur %1 GB Speicherplatz auf diesem Laufwerk verfügbar, die Blockchain benötigt ~%2 GB Speicherplatz.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Info: Es sind %1 GB Speicherplatz auf diesem Laufwerk verfügbar. Die Blockchain benötigt ~%2 GB Speicherplatz.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Info: lmdb-Ordner wurde nicht gefunden. Ein neuer Ordner wird erstellt.
+ CancelAbbrechen
+ Password changed successfullyPasswort erfolgreich geändert
+ Error: Fehler:
+ Please wait...Bitte warten…
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Drittanbieter-Nodes konnten nicht vom externen Server geladen werden.
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- Neue Version von Monero v.%1 ist verfügbar.<br><br>Herunterladen:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Neue Version von Monero ist verfügbar. Besuchen Sie getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Hintergrunddienst-Log
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_el.ts b/translations/monero-core_el.ts
index 45317adf..fc2b2ca5 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_el.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_el.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Ορίστε την ετικέτα του επιλεγμένου λογαριασμού:
+ Balance AllΙσορροπία Όλα
+ Total balance: Συνολικό υπόλοιπο:
+ Copied to clipboardΑντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
+ Total unlocked balance: Σύνολο ξεκλείδωτου υπολοίπου:
+ AccountsΛογαριασμοί
+ Balance: υπόλοιπο:
+ Address copied to clipboardΗ διεύθυνση αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
+ Create new accountΔημιουργία νέου λογαριασμού
+ Set the label of the new account:Ορίστε την ετικέτα του νέου λογαριασμού:
- (Untitled)
- (Χωρίς τίτλο)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses hereΑποθηκεύστε τις πιο χρησιμοποιούμενες διευθύνσεις εδώ
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.Αυτό διευκολύνει την αποστολή ή λήψη του Monero και μειώνει τα σφάλματα κατά τη μη αυτόματη πληκτρολόγηση διευθύνσεων.
+ Add an addressΠροσθέστε μια διεύθυνση
+ Address bookΒιβλίο διευθύνσεων
+ Address copied to clipboardΗ διεύθυνση αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
+ Add addressΠροσθήκη διεύθυνσης
+ Edit an addressΕπεξεργαστείτε μια διεύθυνση
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Διεύθυνση
+ ResolveΑποφασίζω
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressΔεν υπάρχει έγκυρη διεύθυνση σε αυτή τη διεύθυνση OpenAlias
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedΗ διεύθυνση βρέθηκε, αλλά δεν ήταν δυνατή η επαλήθευση των υπογραφών DNSSEC, επομένως η διεύθυνση αυτή μπορεί να παραπλανηθεί
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedΔεν βρέθηκε έγκυρη διεύθυνση σε αυτή τη διεύθυνση OpenAlias, αλλά δεν ήταν δυνατή η επαλήθευση των υπογραφών DNSSEC, επομένως μπορεί να παραπλανηθεί
+ Internal errorΕσωτερικό σφάλμα
+ No address foundΔεν βρέθηκε διεύθυνση
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Περιγραφή
+ Add a name...Προσθέστε ένα όνομα...
+ AddΠροσθέτω
+ SaveΑποθηκεύσετε
+ ErrorΛάθος
+ Invalid addressΜη έγκυρη διεύθυνση
+ Can't create entryΔεν είναι δυνατή η δημιουργία εισόδου
+ CancelΜαταίωση
+ DeleteΔιαγράφω
+ OpenAlias errorΣφάλμα OpenAlias
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- εντολή + είσοδος (π.χ. βοήθεια)
+ Paste
@@ -214,13 +209,14 @@
+ Date to
+ Date
@@ -240,148 +236,149 @@
+ Sort byΤαξινόμηση κατά
+ BlockheightΎψος μπλοκ
+ AmountΠοσό
+ PageΣελίδα
+ Jump to page (1-%1)Μετάβαση στη σελίδα (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.Μη έγκυρη σελίδα. Πρέπει να είναι ένας αριθμός εντός της καθορισμένης περιοχής.
+ SentΑπεσταλμένα
+ ReceivedΛήψη
+ FeeΤέλη
+ MinedΕξόρυξη
+ YesΝαί
+ Pendingεκκρεμή
+ ConfirmationsΕπιβεβαιώσεις
+ DescriptionΠεριγραφή
+ Transaction IDΤαυτότητα συναλλαγής
+ Transaction keyΚλειδί συναλλαγής
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent toΗ διεύθυνση αποστέλλεται στο
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.Αναμονή της συναλλαγής για έξοδο από το txpool.
+ Unknown recipientΆγνωστος αποδέκτης
+ Advanced optionsΠροχωρημένες επιλογές
+ Human readable date formatΜορφή ημερομηνίας αναγνώσιμη από τον άνθρωπο
+ Export all historyΕξαγωγή ολόκληρου του ιστορικού
+ Set description:Περιγραφή περιγραφής:
+ Updated description.Ενημερωμένη περιγραφή.
+ No transaction history yet.Δεν υπάρχει ακόμα ιστορικό συναλλαγών.
+ No results.Χωρίς αποτέλεσμα.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.Σύνολο %1 συναλλαγών, εμφανίζοντας %2.
+ Primary addressΚύρια ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ
@@ -401,72 +398,72 @@
Αναγνωριστικό Tx:
- Address label:
- Ετικέτα διεύθυνσης:
+ Address:Διεύθυνση:
+ Payment ID:Αναγνωριστικό πληρωμής:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Πλήκτρο Tx:
+ Tx note:Σημείωση Tx:
+ Destinations:Προορισμοί:
+ Rings:Δαχτυλίδια:
+ Please choose a folderΕπιλέξτε ένα φάκελο
+ SuccessΕπιτυχία
+ CSV file written to: %1Το αρχείο CSV γράφτηκε στο: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.Συμβουλή: Χρησιμοποιήστε το αγαπημένο σας λογισμικό υπολογιστικού φύλλου για να ταξινομήσετε το ύψος του μπλοκ.
+ ErrorΛάθος
+ Error exporting transaction data.Σφάλμα εξαγωγής δεδομένων συναλλαγής.
+ Date fromΗμερομηνία από
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Unlocked balance
+ Send
+ Receive
+ R
+ Prove/check
+ K
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboardΑντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
+ Account
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address bookΒιβλίο διευθύνσεων
+ B
+ Merchant
+ U
+ TransactionsΣυναλλαγές
+ H
+ Advanced
+ D
+ Mining
+ M
+ Shared RingDB
+ Wallet
+ Daemon
+ Sign/verify
+ E
+ S
+ G
+ I
+ Settings
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboardΑντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboardΑντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ Sales
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.
+ Save As
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)
+ Payment URL
+ Copied to clipboardΑντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
+ Amount to receive
+ Enable sales tracker
+ Leave this page
+ The merchant page requires a larger window
+ WARNING: no connection to daemon
+ Save QrCode
+ Failed to save QrCode to
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Unlocked Balance
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
+ Wallet
+ Interface
+ Node
+ Log
+ Info
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Synchronizing
+ Remote node
+ Connected
+ Mining
+ Wrong version
+ Searching node
+ Disconnected
+ Invalid connection status
+ Network status
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new password
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ CancelΜαταίωση
+ Ok
@@ -1180,37 +1174,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Addresses
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboardΑντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a name
+ Set the label of the new address:
- (Untitled)
- (Χωρίς τίτλο)
+ Address copied to clipboardΗ διεύθυνση αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
+ Create new address
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cache
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1305,47 +1309,47 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ CancelΜαταίωση
+ Wallet log path:
+ Wallet mode:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboardΑντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο
@@ -1353,80 +1357,70 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Custom decorations
+ Hide balance
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivity
+ Light theme
+ minutes
+ minute
+ After
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change language
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1441,121 +1435,126 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local node
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.
+ Remote node
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.
+ Address
+ Port
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)
+ Daemon password
+ Password
+ Mark as Trusted Daemon
+ Connect
+ Start daemon
+ Stop daemon
+ Blockchain location
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a>
+ (default)
+ Daemon startup flags
+ Bootstrap Address
+ Bootstrap Port
@@ -1563,116 +1562,116 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Close this wallet
+ Logs out of this wallet.
+ Close wallet
+ Create a view-only wallet
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.
+ Create wallet
+ SuccessΕπιτυχία
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keys
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.
+ Show seed
+ Rescan wallet balance
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.
+ Rescan
+ ErrorΛάθος
+ Error:
+ Information
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.
+ Change wallet password
+ Change the password of your wallet.
+ Change password
+ Wrong password
@@ -1868,7 +1867,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Message
@@ -1884,8 +1883,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ File
@@ -1905,96 +1904,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Enter path to file
+ Browse
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signature
+ Clear
+ Sign Message
+ Sign File
+ Verify message
+ Verify file
+ Enter the message to verify
+ Address
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verify
+ Verify File
+ Verify Message
+ Please choose a file to sign
+ Please choose a file to verify
+ Signature
@@ -2002,22 +2001,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copy
+ Content copied to clipboard
+ CancelΜαταίωση
+ OK
@@ -2025,326 +2024,316 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
+ Automatic
- Medium (x20 fee)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
- High (x166 fee)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Default (x1 fee)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
- All
- Sent
- Απεσταλμένα
- Received
- Λήψη
- Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorΣφάλμα OpenAlias
+ Transaction priority
+ All
+ ResolveΑποφασίζω
+ Automatic
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressΔεν υπάρχει έγκυρη διεύθυνση σε αυτή τη διεύθυνση OpenAlias
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedΗ διεύθυνση βρέθηκε, αλλά δεν ήταν δυνατή η επαλήθευση των υπογραφών DNSSEC, επομένως η διεύθυνση αυτή μπορεί να παραπλανηθεί
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedΔεν βρέθηκε έγκυρη διεύθυνση σε αυτή τη διεύθυνση OpenAlias, αλλά δεν ήταν δυνατή η επαλήθευση των υπογραφών DNSSEC, επομένως μπορεί να παραπλανηθεί
+ Internal errorΕσωτερικό σφάλμα
+ No address foundΔεν βρέθηκε διεύθυνση
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet history
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Send
+ Sweep Unmixable
+ Create tx file
+ Sign tx file
+ Submit tx file
+ ErrorΛάθος
+ Information
+ Please choose a file
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Advanced optionsΠροχωρημένες επιλογές
+ Export key images
+ Import key images
+ Can't load unsigned transaction:
Number of transactions:
Transaction #%1
payment ID:
+ Confirmation
+ Can't submit transaction:
+ Monero sent successfully
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemon
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- TxKey
@@ -2432,6 +2421,70 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
@@ -2486,7 +2539,7 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Password (confirm)
@@ -2494,22 +2547,22 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Please choose a file
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2566,17 +2619,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menu
+ Create wallet
@@ -2619,14 +2672,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -2686,12 +2731,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote node
@@ -2749,22 +2794,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Change language
+ Advanced optionsΠροχωρημένες επιλογές
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2772,22 +2817,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2795,12 +2840,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language
+ Continue
@@ -2828,12 +2873,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2861,12 +2901,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2911,19 +2946,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
+ Back to menuWizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -2961,17 +2996,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Back to menu
@@ -3039,14 +3069,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -3139,194 +3161,173 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ ErrorΛάθος
+ Couldn't open wallet:
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
+ Waiting for daemon to start...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...
+ Daemon failed to start
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version:
+ Can't create transaction:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweep
+ Confirmation
+ Please confirm transaction:
Payment ID:
+ Waiting for daemon to sync
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronized
+ Daemon is synchronized
+ Address:
Number of transactions:
Spending address index:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3334,189 +3335,172 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s)
+ Payment proof
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
+ Payment proof check
+ Bad signature
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).
+ Good signature
+ Wrong password
+ Warning
+ Error: Filesystem is read only
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.
+ CancelΜαταίωση
+ Password changed successfully
+ Error:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...
- Daemon is running
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Stop daemon
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1
+ Couldn't send the money:
+ Information
+ Transaction saved to file: %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet mined
+ This address received nothing
- Balance (syncing)
- Balance
+ Please wait...Παρακαλώ περιμένετε...
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_eo.ts b/translations/monero-core_eo.ts
index ae7a1e05..844bc7dc 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_eo.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_eo.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Agordi la etikedon de la elektita konto:
+ Balance AllĈiuj saldoj
+ Total balance: Suma saldo:
+ Copied to clipboardKopiiĝis en la poŝon
+ Total unlocked balance: Suma neŝlosita saldo:
+ AccountsKontoj
+ Balance: Saldo:
+ Address copied to clipboardLa adreso kopiiĝis en la poŝon
+ Create new accountKrei novan konton
+ Set the label of the new account:Agordi la etikedo de la nova konto:
- (Untitled)
- (Sentitola)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address bookAdresaro
+ Address copied to clipboardLa adreso kopiiĝis en la poŝon
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ ResolveSolvi
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNeniu valida Adreso troviĝis je ĉi tiu OpenAlias adreso
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedLa adreso troviĝis, sed la DNSSEC-subskriboj ne povis esti kontrolitaj, do la adreso eble estas mistifikita
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedNeniu valida Adreso troviĝis je ĉi tiu OpenAlias adreso, sed la DNSSEC subskriboj ne povis esti kontrolitaj, do la adreso eble estas mistifikita
+ Internal errorInterna eraro
+ No address foundNeniu adreso trovita
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ AddAldoni
+ Save
+ ErrorEraro
+ Invalid addressNevalida adreso
+ Can't create entryNe sukcesas krei enigon
+ CancelNuligi
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias eraro
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- komando + eniga klavo (ekz. helpu)
+ Paste
+ Alglui
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date fromDato ekde
+ Date toDato ĝis
+ DateDato
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort by
+ BlockheightBlokalteco
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ SentSendita
+ ReceivedRicevita
+ FeeKosto
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ DescriptionPriskribo
+ Transaction IDTransakcio-ID
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced optionsSpertaj agordoj
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:Agordi la priskribon:
+ Updated description.La preskribo ĝisdatiĝis.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary addressUnua adreso
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
Tr ID:
- Address label:
- Adresa etikedo:
+ Address:Adreso:
+ Payment ID:Paga-ID:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Tr ŝlosilo:
+ Tx note:Tr noto:
+ Destinations:Destinoj:
+ Rings:Ringoj:
+ Please choose a folder
+ SuccessSukcese
+ CSV file written to: %1CSV dosiero skribiĝis al: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.Konsilo: Uzu vian plej ŝatatan kalkultabelilon por ordigi je blokalteco.
+ ErrorEraro
+ Error exporting transaction data.Malsukcesis la eksportado de transakciaj datumoj.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Saldo
- Unlocked balance
- Disponebla saldo
+ SendSendu
+ ReceiveRicevi
+ RR
+ Prove/checkPruvi/Kontroli
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboardKopiiĝis en la poŝon
+ AccountKonto
+ Syncing...
+ TT
+ Address bookAdresaro
+ BB
+ MerchantKomercisto
+ UU
+ Transactions
+ HH
+ AdvancedSpertaĵoj
+ DD
+ MiningMinado
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBKomuna ringdatumbazo
+ WalletMonujo
+ DaemonDemono
+ Sign/verifySubskribi/kontroli
+ GG
+ II
+ SettingsAgordoj
+ EE
+ SA
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ CopyKopii
+ Copied to clipboardKopiiĝis en la poŝon
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ CopyKopii
+ Copied to clipboardKopiiĝis en la poŝon
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ SalesVendoj
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p><style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>Tiu paĝo aŭtomate skanos la blokĉenon kaj la transkaciujon je envenaj transakcioj, uzante la QR-kodon.</p><p>Dependas de vi, ĉu vi akceptas nekonfirmitajn transakciojn, aŭ ne. Ili plej verŝajne konfirmiĝos rapide, tamen ekzistas ebleco ke ne, do vi pli bone atendu unu aŭ du konfirmoj, kaze de grandaj sumoj.</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.Nun gvatante envenantajn transakciojn, ankoraŭ neniu troviĝis.
+ Save AsKonservi Kiel
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)(dekstro-klako, konservi kiel)
+ Payment URLPaga URL
+ Copied to clipboardKopiiĝis en la poŝon
+ Amount to receiveRicevenda kvanto
+ Enable sales trackerEbligi la vendospurilon
+ Leave this pageForlasi tiun paĝon
+ The merchant page requires a larger windowLa komercisto postulas pli grandan fenestron
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonAVERTO: neniu konekto kun la demono
+ Save QrCodeKonservi la QR-kodon
+ Failed to save QrCode to Malsukcesis konservi la QR-kodon
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Saldo
- Unlocked Balance
- Disponebla saldo
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Ne minante
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Disponebla Saldo:
+ WalletMonujo
+ Interface
+ NodeNodo
+ LogProtokolo
+ InfoInformoj
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Network statusRetstatuso
+ ConnectedKonektita
+ SynchronizingSinkroniĝante
+ Remote nodeFora nodo
+ MiningMinado
+ Wrong versionMalĝusta versio
+ Searching nodeSerĉante nodon
+ DisconnectedMalkonektita
+ Invalid connection statusMalĝusta retstatuso
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new passwordBonvolu konfirmi la novan pasvorton
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ CancelNuligi
+ OkOK
@@ -1180,37 +1174,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Agordi la etikedon de la selektita adreso:
+ AddressesAdresoj
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Kopii en la poŝon
+ Copied to clipboardKopiiĝis en la poŝon
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a nameBonvolu elekti nomon
+ Set the label of the new address:Agordi la etikedon de la nova adreso:
- (Untitled)
- (Sentitola)
+ Address copied to clipboardLa adreso kopiiĝis en la poŝon
+ Create new address
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Vojo al monujo:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (Alklaku por ŝanĝi)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cacheReskani la monuj-kaŝmemoron
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1312,47 +1316,47 @@ La malnova monuj-kaŝmemoro renomiĝos kaj restaŭreblos poste.
+ CancelNuligi
+ Wallet log path: Vojo al la monujprotokolo:
+ Wallet mode: Monuj-moduso:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardKopii en la poŝon
+ Copied to clipboardKopiiĝis en la poŝon
@@ -1360,80 +1364,70 @@ La malnova monuj-kaŝmemoro renomiĝos kaj restaŭreblos poste.
+ Custom decorationsPropraj dekoracioj
+ Hide balanceKaŝi la saldon
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
- Allasi la transferon kun paga-ID (MALAKTUALA)
+ Lock wallet on inactivityŜlosi la monujon kiam neuzite
+ Light theme
+ minutesminutoj
+ minuteminuto
+ After Post
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change language
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- Ankoraŭ neniu dekoropcioj en la mobila moduso.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1448,121 +1442,126 @@ La malnova monuj-kaŝmemoro renomiĝos kaj restaŭreblos poste.
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')komando + eniga klavo (ekz. 'help' aŭ 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeLoka nodo
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.La blokĉeno elŝutiĝis al via komputilo. Provizas pli grandan sekurecon kaj postulas pli da spaco.
+ Remote nodeFora nodo
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Uzas triulan servilon por konektiĝi kun la Monero-reto. Malpli sekura, sed malpli streĉa por via komputilo.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.Por trovi foran nodon, tajpu 'Monero remote node' en vian plej ŝatatan serĉilon. Bonvolu certiĝi ke fidata triulo funkciigas la nodon.
+ AddressAdreso
+ PortPordo
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.Fora nodo aktualas. Fidata demono reagordiĝis. Denove marku, se dezirite.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)(opcia)
+ Daemon password
+ PasswordPasvorto
+ Mark as Trusted DaemonMarki kiel fidata demono
+ ConnectKonekti
+ Start daemonStartigi la demonon
+ Stop daemonHaltigi demonon
+ Blockchain locationPozicio de la blokĉeno
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (ŝanĝi)</a>
+ (default)(defaŭlta)
+ Daemon startup flagsOpcioj por la demonstarto
+ Bootstrap AddressEkadreso
+ Bootstrap PortEka pordo
@@ -1570,116 +1569,116 @@ La malnova monuj-kaŝmemoro renomiĝos kaj restaŭreblos poste.
+ Close this walletMalfermi tiun monujon
+ Logs out of this wallet.Elsaluti de tiu monujo.
+ Close walletFermi monujon
+ Create a view-only walletKrei nurvidan monujon
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.Kreas novan monujon kiu nur povas vidi kaj starti transakciojn, sed postulas elspezmonujon por subskribi la transakciojn antaŭ la sendo.
+ Create walletKrei monujon
+ SuccessSukcese
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keysMontri semon kaj ŝlosilojn
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Sekure kopiu tiun informon por retrovi vian monujon en la estonteco.
+ Show seedMontri semon
+ Rescan wallet balanceReskani la saldon de la monujo
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Uzu tiun funkcion se vi pensas ke la montrita saldo ne kongruas.
+ RescanReskani
+ ErrorEraro
+ Error: Eraro:
+ InformationInformo
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.Sukcese reskanis la espezitajn elirojn.
+ Change wallet passwordŜanĝi la monujpasvorton
+ Change the password of your wallet.Ŝanĝi la pasvorton de via monujo.
+ Change passwordŜanĝi la pasvorton
+ Wrong passwordMalĝusta pasvorto
@@ -1875,7 +1874,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ MessageMesaĝo
@@ -1891,8 +1890,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ FileDosiero
@@ -1912,96 +1911,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
Entajpi subskribendan mesâgon
+ Enter path to fileEntajpi la vojon al la dosiero
+ BrowseFoliumi
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signatureAlklaku [Subskribi Mesâgon] por generi la subskribon
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signatureAlklaku [Subskribi Dosieron] por generi subskribon
+ ClearViŝi
+ Sign MessageSubskribi Mesaĝon
+ Sign FileSubskribi Dosieron
+ Verify messageKontroli mesaĝon
+ Verify fileKontroli dosieron
+ Enter the message to verifyEntajpu la kontrolendan mesaĝon
+ AddressAdreso
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)Entajpu la Monero-adreson (ekz. 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verifyEntajpu la kontrolendan subskribon
+ Verify FileKontroli la dosieron
+ Verify MessageKontroli la mesaĝon
+ Please choose a file to signBonvolu elekti subskribendan dosieron
+ Please choose a file to verifyBonvolu elekti kontrolendan dosieron
+ SignatureSubskribo
@@ -2009,22 +2008,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copyDuoble klaku por kopii
+ Content copied to clipboardEnhavo kopiita en la poŝon
+ CancelNuligi
@@ -2032,319 +2031,309 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Malalta (x1 kosto)
+ Automatic
+ Aŭtomata
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Meza (x20 kosto)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Malrapida (x0.25 kosto) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Alta (x166 kosto)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Normala (x1 kosto)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Malrapida (x0.25 kosto)
- Default (x1 fee)
- Antaŭsupoza (x1 kosto)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Rapida (x5 kosto)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Plej rapida (x41.5 fee)
- All
- Sent
- Sendita
- Received
- Ricevita
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Plej rapida (x41.5 fee) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias eraro
+ Transaction priorityPrioritato de transakcio
+ AllĈiuj
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Malrapida (x0.25 kosto)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Rapida (x5 kosto)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Plej rapida (x41.5 fee)
+ ResolveSolvi
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Lanĉi demonon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Kvanto<font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Ŝanĝi konton</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Malrapida (x0.25 kosto) {0.2 ?}
+ Normal (x1 fee)Normala (x1 kosto)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Plej rapida (x41.5 fee) {200 ?}
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Adreso <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Adresaro</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNeniu valida Adreso troviĝis je ĉi tiu OpenAlias adreso
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedLa adreso troviĝis, sed la DNSSEC-subskriboj ne povis esti kontrolitaj, do la adreso eble estas mistifikita
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedNeniu valida Adreso troviĝis je ĉi tiu OpenAlias adreso, sed la DNSSEC subskriboj ne povis esti kontrolitaj, do la adreso eble estas mistifikita
+ Internal errorInterna eraro
+ No address foundNeniu adreso trovita
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Add description
+ 64 hexadecimal characters64 deksesumaj signoj
+ Saved to local wallet historyKonservita en la loka monujhistorio
+ Add payment ID
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ SendSendi
+ Export key imagesEksporti la ŝlosilbilojn
+ Import key imagesImporti la ŝlosilbildojn
Number of transactions:
Kvanto de transakcioj:
Transaction #%1
Transakcio #%1
payment ID:
+ Monero sent successfullySukcese sendis Moneron
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.Atendante la finon de la demonsinkronizado.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
+ AutomaticAŭtomata
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Sweep UnmixableBalai Nemikseblaĵojn
+ Create tx fileKreu=i tr dosieron
+ Sign tx fileSubskribi tr dosieron
+ Submit tx fileSendi tr dosieron
+ ErrorEraro
+ InformationInformo
+ Please choose a fileBonvolu elekti dosieron
+ Advanced optionsSpertaj agordoj
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: Ne eblas ŝargi nesubskribitan transakcion:
+ ConfirmationKonfirmo
+ Can't submit transaction: Ne eblas sendi transakcion:
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonLa konektita demono ne kongruas kun la GUI.
@@ -2356,7 +2345,7 @@ Bonvolu plibonigi aŭ konekti al alia demono
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.La monujo ne estas konektita kun la demono
@@ -2449,6 +2438,70 @@ Kaze de Elspezpruvo, vi ne bezonas precizi la ricevantan adreson.
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Malĝusta pasvorto
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Testreto
+ Stagenet
+ Scenejreto
+ Mainnet
+ Ĉefa reto
@@ -2503,7 +2556,7 @@ Kaze de Elspezpruvo, vi ne bezonas precizi la ricevantan adreson.
+ Password (confirm)Pasvorto (konfirmi)
@@ -2511,22 +2564,22 @@ Kaze de Elspezpruvo, vi ne bezonas precizi la ricevantan adreson.
+ Please choose a fileBonvolu elekti dosieron
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2583,17 +2636,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.Eraro dum la skribado de la monujo el la aparato. Kontrolu la protokolon de la aplikaĵo.
+ Back to menuReen al menuo
+ Create walletKrei monujon
@@ -2636,14 +2689,6 @@ your input may be required.
Reen al menuo
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Malsukcesis venigi forajn nodojn el triula servilo.
@@ -2703,12 +2748,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.Vi aldone povas precizigi eknodon por uzi Moneron tuj.
+ Connect to a remote nodeKonektiĝi kun fora nodo
@@ -2766,22 +2811,22 @@ your input may be required.
Ŝanĝi la moduson de la monujo
+ Change languageŜanĝi lingvon
+ Advanced optionsSpertaj agordoj
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:Kvanto de KDF raŭndoj:
@@ -2789,22 +2834,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2812,12 +2857,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ LanguageLingvo
+ ContinueDaŭrigi
@@ -2845,12 +2890,7 @@ your input may be required.
Restu konscia pri tiuj limoj. <b>Uzantoj kiuj prioritatigas privatecon kaj malcentralecon devas uzi kompletan nodon anstataŭe</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Por pli bona noda rendimento, vi povas indiki vian regionon:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Mi komprenas la privatecajn konsekvencojn de la uzado de triula servilo.
@@ -2878,12 +2918,7 @@ your input may be required.
Bonvolu konscii pri tiuj limoj. <b>Uzantoj kiuj prioritatigas privatecon kaj malcentralecon devas uzi kompletan nodon anstataŭe</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Por pli bona noda rendimento, vi povas indiki vian regionon:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Mi komprenas la privatecajn konsekvencojn de la uzado de triula servilo.
@@ -2928,19 +2963,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
- Elekti lingvon
+ Back to menu
+ Reen al menuoWizardNav
+ PreviousAntaŭa
+ NextSekva
@@ -2978,17 +3013,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Browse filesystemFoliumi dosierojn
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Malsukcesis venigi forajn nodojn de la triula servilo.
+ Back to menuReen al menuo
@@ -3056,14 +3086,6 @@ your input may be required.
Reen al menuo
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Malsukcesis venigi la forajn nodojn de la triula servilo.
@@ -3158,143 +3180,116 @@ Se vi ne havas eblecon funkciigi vian propra nodon, estas opcio konektiĝi kun f
+ ErrorEraro
+ Couldn't open wallet: Ne sukcesis malfermi monujon:
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Ne sukcesas krei transakcion: Malĝusta demonversio:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepNe malmikseblaj eligoj por balai
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Kvanto malĝustas: oni postulas nombron de %1 al %2
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedTiu ĉi adreso ricevis %1 moneron; sed la transakcio ankoraŭ ne estas minata
+ This address received nothingTiu ĉi adreso ricevis nenion
+ Can't create transaction: Ne sukcesas krei transakcion:
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
- Saldo (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Disponebla saldo (atendante blokon)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Disponebla saldo (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- Disponebla saldo
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Atendante komencon de la demono
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Atendante halton de la demono
+ Daemon failed to startDemono ne sukcesis lanĉi
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Bonvolu kontroli la taglibrojn de viaj monujo kaj demonlogo por eraroj. Vi ankaŭ povas provi komenci %1 permane.
+ Please confirm transaction:
Bonvolu konfirmi la transakcion:
Payment ID:
@@ -3303,22 +3298,22 @@ Amount:
Number of transactions:
@@ -3327,26 +3322,26 @@ Number of transactions:
Nombro de transakcioj:
Spending address index:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3354,201 +3349,190 @@ your input may be required.
+ ConfirmationKonfirmo
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Payment proofPagopruvo
+ Payment proof checkKontrolo de pagopruvo
+ Bad signatureMalbona subskribo
+ Good signatureBona subskribo
+ Wrong passwordMalĝusta pasvorto
+ WarningAverto
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyEraro: dosiersistemo estas nurlegebla
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Averto: estas nur %1 GigaBajto da disponebla spaco sur la aparato. La blokĉeno postulas ~%2 Gigabajtojn da spaco.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Noto: estas nur %1 GigaBajto da disponebla spaco sur la aparato. La blokĉeno postulas ~%2 Gigabajtojn da spaco.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Noto: lmdb-dosierujo ne troviĝis. Nova dosierujo kreiĝos.
+ CancelNuligi
+ Password changed successfullySukcese ŝanĝis pasvorton
+ Error: Eraro:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Malsukcesis venigi forajn nodojn de triula servilo.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...Denove klaku por fermi...
- Daemon is running
- Demono funkcias
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- La demono funkciantos en la fono kiam vi fermos la GUI.
- Stop daemon
- Haltigi demonon
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Nesufiĉe da mono. Disponebla saldo: %1
+ Waiting for daemon to syncAtendante sinkroniziĝon de la demono
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)Demono sinkronizas (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedMonujo sinkronizas
+ Daemon is synchronizedDemono sinkronizas
+ Address: Adreso:
+ Couldn't send the money: Ne sukcesis sendi la monon:
+ InformationInformo
+ Transaction saved to file: %1La transakcio estas konservita en la dosiero %1
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Sukcese sendis Moneron: %1 transakcio(j)
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
Ne sukcesis generi pruvon, pro la jena kialo:
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Tiu adreso ricevis %1 monerojn, kun %2 konfirmo(j)
- Balance (syncing)
- Saldo (Sinkroniĝante)
- Balance
- Saldo
+ Please wait...Bonvolu atendi...
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Demontaglibro
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_es.ts b/translations/monero-core_es.ts
index 8f97d336..d08e0188 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_es.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_es.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Defina la etiqueta de la cuenta seleccionada:
+ Balance AllBalance Total
+ Total balance: Balance Total:
+ Copied to clipboardCopiado al portapapeles
+ Total unlocked balance: Total del balance desbloqueado:
+ AccountsCuentas
+ Balance: Saldo:
+ Address copied to clipboardDirección copiada al portapapeles
+ Create new accountCrear una nueva cuenta
+ Set the label of the new account:Establezca la etiqueta de la nueva cuenta:
- (Untitled)
- (Sin título)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses hereGuarda tu dirección mas usada aqui
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.Al hacer esto es mas fácil enviar y recibir Monero, reduciendo errores al escribir manualmente la dirección.
+ Add an addressAgrega una dirección
+ Address bookLibreta de direcciones
+ Address copied to clipboardDirección copiada al porta papeles
+ Add addressAgrega una dirección
+ Edit an addressEdita una dirección
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ ResolveResolver
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNo se ha encontrado ninguna dirección válida en esta dirección OpenAlias
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedDirección encontrada, pero las firmas DNSSEC no han podido ser verificadas, por lo que la dirección puede haber sido falsificada
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedNo se encontró una dirección válida en esta dirección de OpenAlias y las firmas DNSSEC no han sido verificadas, por lo que la dirección puede haber sido falsificada
+ Internal errorError interno
+ No address foundNo se ha encontrado ninguna dirección
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...Agrega un nombre...
+ AddAñadir
+ SaveGuardar
+ ErrorError
+ Invalid addressDirección inválida
+ Can't create entryNo se puede crear la entrada
+ CancelCancelar
+ DeleteBorrar
+ OpenAlias errorError de OpenAlias
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- comando + Intro (e.g., help)
+ Paste
+ Pegar
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date fromFecha desde
+ Date toFecha hasta
+ DateFecha
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort byOrdenar por
+ BlockheightAltura de bloque
+ AmountCantidad
+ PagePagina
+ Jump to page (1-%1)Ir a pagina (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.Pagina invalida. Debe ser un número dentro de rango.
+ SentEnviado
+ ReceivedRecibido
+ FeeComisión
+ MinedMinado
+ YesSi
+ PendingPendiente
+ ConfirmationsConfirmaciones
+ DescriptionDescripción
+ Transaction IDID de Transacción
+ Transaction keyLlave de transacción
+ Click to reveal
+ Haga clic para revelar
+ Address sent toDirección de destino
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.Esperando a que la transacción deje la "txpool".
+ Unknown recipientReceptor desconocido
+ Advanced optionsOpciones avanzadas
+ Human readable date formatFormato de fecha de fácil lectura para humanos
+ Export all historyExportar todo el historial
+ Set description:Establecer descripción:
+ Updated description.Descripción actualizada.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary addressDirección principal
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
ID de transacción:
- Address label:
- Etiqueta de la dirección:
+ Address:Dirección:
+ Payment ID:ID de pago:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Clave de transacción:
+ Tx note:Nota de transacción:
+ Destinations:Destinos:
+ Rings:Firmas circulares:
+ Please choose a folder
+ SuccessÉxito
+ CSV file written to: %1Archivo CSV escrito en: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.Consejo: Usa tu software favorito de hojas de cálculo para ordenar la altura del bloque.
+ ErrorError
+ Error exporting transaction data.Error al exportar la información de la transacción.
@@ -583,37 +580,27 @@
- Balance
- Balance
- Unlocked balance
- Balance desbloqueado
+ SendEnviar
+ ReceiveRecibir
+ RR
+ Prove/checkProbar/verificar
+ KK
@@ -634,115 +621,118 @@
Red de fase
+ Copied to clipboardCopiado en el portapapeles
+ AccountCuenta
+ Syncing...
+ TT
+ Address bookLibreta de direcciones
+ BB
+ MerchantComerciante
+ UU
+ TransactionsTraducciones
+ HH
+ AdvancedAvanzado
+ DD
+ MiningMinería
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBRingDB compartido
+ WalletMonedero
+ DaemonDaemon
+ Sign/verifyFirmar/verificar
+ EE
+ SS
+ GG
+ II
+ SettingsOpciones
@@ -750,12 +740,12 @@
+ CopyCopiar
+ Copied to clipboardCopiado al portapapeles
@@ -763,12 +753,12 @@
+ CopyCopiar
+ Copied to clipboardCopiado al portapapeles
@@ -781,74 +771,84 @@
+ SalesVentas
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p><style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>Esta página escaneará automáticamente la cadena de bloques y el registro de transacciones en busca de transacciones entrantes utilizando el código QR.</p><p>Depende de usted aceptar o no transacciones no confirmadas. Estas transacciones serán probablemente confirmadas en breve, pero existe la posibilidad de que esto no ocurra, de modo que para transacciones de un valor elevado se recomienda esperar al menos una o más confirmaciones.</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.Escaneando transacciones entrantes. No se ha encontrado ninguna aún.
+ Save AsGuardar como
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)(clic-derecho, guardar como)
+ Payment URLURL de pago
+ Copied to clipboardCopiado en el portapapeles
+ Amount to receiveCantidad a recibir
+ Enable sales tracker Habilitar rastreador de ventas
+ Leave this pageAbandonar la página
+ The merchant page requires a larger windowLa página del comerciante requiere una ventana más grande
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonADVERTENCIA: Sin conexión al daemon
+ Save QrCodeGuardar código QR
+ Failed to save QrCode to Fallo al guardar el código QR
@@ -882,19 +882,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Balance
- Unlocked Balance
- Balance desbloqueado
@@ -1011,38 +998,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
No está minando
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Balance desbloqueado:
+ WalletMonedero
+ Interface
+ NodeNodo
+ LogRegistro
+ InfoInformación
@@ -1050,105 +1029,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ SynchronizingSincronizando
+ Remote nodeNodo remoto
+ ConnectedConectado
+ MiningMinería
+ Wrong versionVersión incorrecta
+ Searching nodeBuscando nodo
+ DisconnectedDesconectado
+ Invalid connection statusEstado de conexión incorrecto
+ Network statusEstado de la red
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new passwordConfirmar nueva contraseña
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ CancelCancelar
+ OkOK
@@ -1182,37 +1176,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Establece la etiqueta de la dirección seleccionada:
+ AddressesDirecciones
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copiar al portapapeles
+ Copied to clipboardCopiado al portapapeles
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a nameEscoja un nombre
+ Set the label of the new address:Establece la etiqueta de la dirección nueva:
- (Untitled)
- (Sin título)
+ Address copied to clipboardDirección copiada al portapapeles
+ Create new addressCrear nueva dirección
@@ -1269,33 +1273,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Dirección de monedero:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (Clic para cambiar)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cacheRe-explorar caché del monedero
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1314,47 +1318,47 @@ El archivo de caché anterior del monedero será renombrado y puede ser posterio
+ CancelCancelar
+ Wallet log path: Dirección de registro del monedero:
+ Wallet mode: Modo monedero:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardCopiar al portapapeles
+ Copied to clipboardCopiado al portapapeles
@@ -1362,81 +1366,70 @@ El archivo de caché anterior del monedero será renombrado y puede ser posterio
+ Custom decorationsDecoraciones personalizadas
+ Hide balanceOcultar saldo
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
- Habilitar transferencia con ID de pago (OBSOLETO)
+ Lock wallet on inactivityBloquear monedero si se detecta inactividad
+ Light theme
+ minutesminutos
+ minuteminuto
+ After Después
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change languageCambiar el lenguaje
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- Yet can be "todavía",but "aún" is a synonym of that word and is shorter.
- Sin opciones de diseño aún para el modo móvil.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1451,122 +1444,127 @@ El archivo de caché anterior del monedero será renombrado y puede ser posterio
Registro del daemon
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')comando + Intro (e.g. help' o 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeNodo local
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.La blockchain se está descargando a tu computadora. Provee mayor seguridad y requiere más almacenamiento local.
+ Remote nodeNodo remoto
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Easier is "fácil" but it sounds different using the literal translation, so "sencillo" it's a good synonym to use here.Utiliza un servidor de un tercero para conectarse a la red de Monero. Es menos seguro, pero más sencillo para tu computadora.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.Para encontrar un nodo remoto, escribe 'nodo remoto Monero' en tu motor de búsqueda favorito. Por favor asegúrate de que el nodo se ejecute por un tercero confiable.
+ AddressDirección
+ PortPuerto
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.Nodo remoto actualizado. El daemon de confianza se ha reiniciado. Marcar otra vez si se desea.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)(opcional)
+ Daemon password
+ PasswordContraseña
+ Mark as Trusted DaemonMarcar como daemon de confianza
+ ConnectConectar
+ Start daemonIniciar daemon
+ Stop daemonParar daemon
+ Blockchain locationUbicación de la blockchain
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (cambio)</a>
+ (default)(por defecto)
+ Daemon startup flagsMarcadores de inicio del daemon
+ Bootstrap AddressDirección del bootstrap
+ Bootstrap PortPuerto del bootstrap
@@ -1574,42 +1572,42 @@ El archivo de caché anterior del monedero será renombrado y puede ser posterio
+ Close this walletCerrar este monedero
+ Logs out of this wallet.Cerrar sesión en este monedero.
+ Close walletCerrar monedero
+ Create a view-only walletCrear un monedero de sólo visualización
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.Crea un nuevo monedero que sólo puede ver e iniciar transacciones, pero requiere un monedero de gasto para firmar transacciones antes de enviarlas.
+ Create walletCrear monedero
+ SuccessÉxito
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
@@ -1618,74 +1616,74 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
Puedes cambiar la contraseña en las opciones del monedero.
+ Show seed & keysMostrar semilla y claves
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Guarda esta información de forma segura para recuperar tu monedero en el futuro.
+ Show seedMostrar semilla
+ Rescan wallet balanceRe-explorar balance del monedero
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Usa esta característica si piensas que el balance mostrado no es preciso.
+ RescanRe-explorar
+ ErrorError
+ Error: Error:
+ InformationInformación
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.Re-exploración exitosa de salidas gastadas.
+ Change wallet passwordCambiar contraseña del monedero
+ Change the password of your wallet.Cambia la contraseña de tu monedero.
+ Change passwordCambiar contraseña
+ Wrong passwordContraseña incorrecta
@@ -1885,7 +1883,7 @@ Puedes cambiar la contraseña en las opciones del monedero.
+ MessageMensaje
@@ -1901,8 +1899,8 @@ Puedes cambiar la contraseña en las opciones del monedero.
+ FileArchivo
@@ -1922,96 +1920,96 @@ Puedes cambiar la contraseña en las opciones del monedero.
Escribir un mensaje para firmar
+ Enter path to fileIntroducir ruta al archivo
+ BrowseNavegar
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signatureHaga clic en [Firmar mensaje] para generar la firma
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signatureHaga clic en [Firmar archivo] para generar la firma
+ ClearBorrar
+ Sign MessageFirmar mensaje
+ Sign FileFirmar archivo
+ Verify messageVerificar mensaje
+ Verify fileVerificar archivo
+ Enter the message to verifyIntroduzca el mensaje a verificar
+ AddressDirección
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)Introduzca la dirección Monero (ejemplo: 44AAFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verifyIntroduzca la firma a verificar
+ Verify FileVerificar archivo
+ Verify MessageVerificar mensaje
+ Please choose a file to signEscoja un archivo a firmar
+ SignatureFirma
+ Please choose a file to verifyEscoja un archivo a verificar
@@ -2019,22 +2017,22 @@ Puedes cambiar la contraseña en las opciones del monedero.
+ Double tap to copyToca dos veces para copiar
+ Content copied to clipboardContenido copiado al portapapeles
+ CancelCancelar
+ OKIt had the number "0"OK
@@ -2043,305 +2041,305 @@ Puedes cambiar la contraseña en las opciones del monedero.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Baja (comisión por 1)
+ Automatic
+ Automático
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Media (comisión por 20)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Lento (comisión por 0,25) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Alta (comisión por 166)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Normal (comisión por 1)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Lenta (comisión por 0,25)
- Default (x1 fee)
- Por defecto (comisión por 1)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Rápida (comisión por 5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- La más rápida (comisión por 41,5)
- All
- Todas
- Sent
- Enviado
- Received
- Recibido
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Lo más rápido (comisión por 41,5) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorError de OpenAlias
+ Transaction priorityPrioridad de transacción
+ AllToda
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Cantidad <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Cambiar cuenta</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ AutomaticAutomático
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNo se ha encontrado una dirección OpenAlias válida
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedDirección encontrada, pero las firmas DNSSEC no han podido ser verificadas, por lo que la dirección puede haber sido suplantada
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedDirección no válida y las firmas DNSSEC no han podido ser verificadas, por lo que la dirección puede haber sido suplantada
+ Internal errorError interno
+ No address foundDirección no encontrada
+ 64 hexadecimal characters64 caracteres hexadecimales
+ Saved to local wallet historyGuardado en el historial del monedero
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ SendEnviar
+ Sweep UnmixableBarrer no-mezclables
+ Create tx fileCrear archivo de transacción
+ Sign tx fileFirmar archivo de transacción
+ Submit tx fileEnviar archivo de transacción
+ Export key imagesExportar imágenes de clave
+ Import key imagesImportar imágenes de clave
+ ErrorError
+ InformationInformación
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.Esperando a que el daemon complete la sincronización.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
+ Please choose a fileEscoja un archivo
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Iniciar daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Lento (comisión por 0,25) {0.2 ?}
+ Normal (x1 fee)Normal (comisión por 1)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Lo más rápido (comisión por 41,5) {200 ?}
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Dirección <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Libreta de direcciones</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Advanced optionsOpciones avanzadas
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: No se puede cargar la transacción no firmada:
Number of transactions:
Número de transacciones:
Transaction #%1
Transacción #%1
payment ID:
ID de pago:
Tamaño de la firma circular:
+ ConfirmationConfirmación
+ Can't submit transaction: No se puede enviar la transacción:
+ Monero sent successfullyMonero enviado con exito
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonDeamon contectado no es compatible con la GUI.
Actualiza o conectate a otro deamon
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.El monedero no está conectado al daemon.
@@ -2351,23 +2349,13 @@ Actualiza o conectate a otro deamon
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Lento (comisión por 0,25)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Rápido (comisión por 5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Lo más rápido (comisión por 41,5)
+ ResolveResolver
@@ -2460,6 +2448,70 @@ Para el caso de pagos salientes, puedes obtener una "Prueba de pago" q
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Contraseña incorrecta
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Red de pruebas
+ Stagenet
+ Red de fase
+ Mainnet
+ Red principal
@@ -2514,7 +2566,7 @@ Para el caso de pagos salientes, puedes obtener una "Prueba de pago" q
+ Password (confirm)Contraseña (confirmar)
@@ -2522,22 +2574,22 @@ Para el caso de pagos salientes, puedes obtener una "Prueba de pago" q
+ Please choose a fileEscoja un archivo
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2594,17 +2646,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.Error al copiar el monedero desde el dispositivo hardware. Revisar los registros de la aplicación.
+ Back to menuVolver al menu
+ Create walletCrear monedero
@@ -2647,14 +2699,6 @@ your input may be required.
Volver al menu
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Fallo en recuperar nodos remotos desde servidores de terceros.
@@ -2714,12 +2758,12 @@ your input may be required.
Nodo Bootstrap
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.Adicionalmente puedes especificar el nodo bootstrap para utilizar Monero de manera inmediata.
+ Connect to a remote nodeConectar a un nodo remoto
@@ -2777,22 +2821,22 @@ your input may be required.
Cambiar el modo del monedero
+ Change languageCambiar el lenguaje
+ Advanced optionsOpciones avanzadas
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:Número de rondas KDF:
@@ -2800,22 +2844,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settingsConfiguración del lenguaje
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.Cambia el lenguaje del GUI de Monero.
+ Language changed.Lenguaje cambiado.
+ CloseCerrar
@@ -2823,12 +2867,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ LanguageIdioma
+ ContinueContinuar
@@ -2856,12 +2900,7 @@ your input may be required.
Se consciente de estas limitaciones. <b>Los usuarios que prioricen en privacidad y descentralización deben utilizar en cambio un nodo completo</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Para mejorar el rendimiento del nodo puedes especificar tu región:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Entiendo las implicaciones de utilizar un servidor de terceros.
@@ -2889,12 +2928,7 @@ your input may be required.
Se consciente de estas limitaciones. <b>Los usuarios que prioricen en privacidad y descentralización deben utilizar en cambio un nodo completo</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Para mejorar el rendimiento del nodo puedes especificar tu región:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Entiendo las implicaciones de utilizar un servidor de terceros.
@@ -2939,19 +2973,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
- Cambiar el lenguaje
+ Back to menu
+ Volver al menuWizardNav
+ PreviousAnterior
+ NextSiguiente
@@ -2986,20 +3020,15 @@ your input may be required.
+ Red de fase
+ Browse filesystemNavegar el sistema de archivos
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Fallo en recuperar nodos remotos desde servidores de terceros.
+ Back to menuVolver al menu
@@ -3067,14 +3096,6 @@ your input may be required.
Volver al menu
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Fallo en recuperar nodos remotos desde servidores de terceros.
@@ -3169,82 +3190,71 @@ Si no tienes la opción de ejecutar tu propio nodo, hay una opción de conectars
+ ErrorError
+ Couldn't open wallet: No se pudo abrir el monedero:
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Balance desbloqueado (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- Balance desbloqueado
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Esperando a que el daemon se inicie...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Esperando a que el daemon se detenga...
+ Daemon is synchronizedDaemon sincronizado
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: No se pudo crear la transacción: Versión del daemon incorrecta:
+ Can't create transaction: No se puede crear la transacción:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepNo hay salidas no-mezclables que barrer
+ Address: Dirección:
Tamaño de la firma circular:
Number of transactions:
@@ -3253,42 +3263,42 @@ Number of transactions:
Número de transacciones:
Spending address index:
Índice de dirección de gasto:
+ ConfirmationConfirmación
+ Please confirm transaction:
Confirme la transacción:
Payment ID:
ID de pago:
@@ -3297,104 +3307,88 @@ Amount:
+ Payment proofPrueba de pago
+ Payment proof checkVerificación de la prueba de pago
+ Bad signatureFirma incorrecta
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Esta dirección recibió %1 monero, con %2 confirmacion(es).
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
- Balance (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Balance desbloqueado (esperando bloque)
+ Waiting for daemon to syncEsperando al daemon sincronizar
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)Daemon sincronizado.(%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedMonedero sincronizado
+ Daemon failed to startEl daemon falló al iniciarse
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Compruebe si hay errores en los registros de su monedero y del daemon. También puede probar a arrancar %1 manualmente.
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3402,164 +3396,153 @@ your input may be required.
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Cantidad errónea: se espera un número entre %1 y %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Fondos insuficientes. Balance desbloqueado: %1
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Couldn't send the money: No se pudo enviar el dinero:
+ InformationInformación
+ Transaction saved to file: %1Transacción guardada al archivo: %1
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Monero enviado con exito: %1 transacción(es)
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
No se pudo generar una prueba por las siguientes razones:
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedEsta dirección recibió %1 monero, pero la transacción no ha sido minada todavía
+ This address received nothingEsta dirección no ha recibido nada
+ Good signatureFirma correcta
- Balance (syncing)
- Balance (sincronizando)
+ Primary account
- Balance
- Balance
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Wrong passwordContraseña incorrecta
+ WarningAviso
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyError: el sistema de archivos es de sólo lectura
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Advertencia: Sólo hay %1 GB disponibles en el dispositivo. La cadena de bloques requiere ~%2 GB de datos.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Nota: Hay %1 GB disponibles en el dispositivo. La cadena de bloques requiere ~%2 GB de datos.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Nota: Carpeta lmdb no encontrada. Se va a crear una nueva carpeta.
+ CancelCancelar
+ Password changed successfullyContraseña cambiada de forma exitosa
+ Error: Error:
+ Please wait...Espere...
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Fallo en recuperar nodos remotos desde servidores de terceros.
+ Tap again to close...Pulse otra vez para cerrar...
- Daemon is running
- El daemon se está ejecutando
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- El daemon seguirá corriendo en segundo plano cuando la GUI sea cerrada.
- Stop daemon
- Parar daemon
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Registro del daemon
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_fa.ts b/translations/monero-core_fa.ts
index c19449cb..7719619d 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_fa.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_fa.ts
@@ -4,192 +4,187 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:تنظیم برچسب برای حساب انتخاب شده:
+ Balance Allتمام موجودی
+ Total balance:
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Total unlocked balance: کل موجودی آزاد:
+ Accountsحساب ها
+ Balance: موجودی:
+ Address copied to clipboardنشانی به کلیپ بورد کپی شد
+ Create new accountایجاد حساب جدید
+ Set the label of the new account:تنظیم برچسب برای حساب جدید:
- (Untitled)
- (بدون عنوان)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address book
+ Address copied to clipboardنشانی به کلیپ بورد کپی شد
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ Resolveرفع کردن
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressهیچ نشانی معتبر در این آدرس OpenAlias یافت نشد
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedنشانی پیدا شد، اما امضاهای DNSSEC تأیید نشد، این نشانی ممکن است جعلی باشد
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedهیچ نشانی معتبری در این آدرس OpenAlias یافت نشد، اما امضاهای DNSSEC تأیید نشد، بنابراین این ممکن است جعلی باشد
+ Internal errorخطای داخلی
+ No address foundنشانی یافت نشد
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ Addاضافه
+ Save
+ Errorخطا
+ Invalid addressنشانی نامعتبر
+ Can't create entry
+ Cancel
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias errorخطای OpenAlias
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
+ Paste
@@ -214,13 +209,14 @@
+ Date toتاریخ به
+ Dateتاریخ
@@ -240,148 +236,149 @@
+ Sort by
+ Blockheight
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ Sent
+ Receivedدریافت شده
+ Fee
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ Description
+ Transaction ID
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced options
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:
+ Updated description.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary address
@@ -401,72 +398,72 @@
شناسه Tx:
- Address label:
- برچسب نشانی:
+ Address:نشانی:
+ Payment ID:شناسه پرداخت:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:کلید Tx:
+ Tx note:یاداشت Tx:
+ Destinations:
+ Rings:
+ Please choose a folder
+ Successموفق
+ CSV file written to: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.
+ Errorخطا
+ Error exporting transaction data.خطا در استخراج داده های معامله
+ Date fromتاریخ از
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Unlocked balance
+ Send
+ Receive
+ R
+ Prove/check
+ K
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Account
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address book
+ B
+ Merchant
+ U
+ Transactions
+ H
+ Advanced
+ D
+ Mining
+ M
+ Shared RingDB
+ Wallet
+ Daemon
+ Sign/verify
+ E
+ S
+ G
+ I
+ Settings
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ Sales
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.
+ Save As
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)
+ Payment URL
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Amount to receive
+ Enable sales tracker
+ Leave this page
+ The merchant page requires a larger window
+ WARNING: no connection to daemon
+ Save QrCode
+ Failed to save QrCode to
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Unlocked Balance
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
+ Wallet
+ Interface
+ Node
+ Log
+ Info
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Synchronizing
+ Remote node
+ Connected
+ Mining
+ Wrong version
+ Searching node
+ Disconnected
+ Invalid connection status
+ Network status
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new password
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ Cancel
+ Ok
@@ -1180,37 +1174,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Addresses
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a name
+ Set the label of the new address:
- (Untitled)
- (بدون عنوان)
+ Address copied to clipboardنشانی به کلیپ بورد کپی شد
+ Create new address
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cache
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1305,47 +1309,47 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Cancel
+ Wallet log path:
+ Wallet mode:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -1353,80 +1357,70 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Custom decorations
+ Hide balance
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivity
+ Light theme
+ minutes
+ minute
+ After
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change language
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1441,121 +1435,126 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local node
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.
+ Remote node
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.
+ Addressنشانی
+ Port
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)
+ Daemon password
+ Password
+ Mark as Trusted Daemon
+ Connect
+ Start daemon
+ Stop daemon
+ Blockchain location
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a>
+ (default)
+ Daemon startup flags
+ Bootstrap Address
+ Bootstrap Port
@@ -1563,116 +1562,116 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Close this wallet
+ Logs out of this wallet.
+ Close wallet
+ Create a view-only wallet
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.
+ Create wallet
+ Successموفق
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keys
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.
+ Show seed
+ Rescan wallet balance
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.
+ Rescan
+ Errorخطا
+ Error:
+ Information
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.
+ Change wallet password
+ Change the password of your wallet.
+ Change password
+ Wrong password
@@ -1868,7 +1867,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Message
@@ -1884,8 +1883,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ File
@@ -1905,96 +1904,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Enter path to file
+ Browse
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signature
+ Clear
+ Sign Message
+ Sign File
+ Verify message
+ Verify file
+ Enter the message to verify
+ Addressنشانی
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verify
+ Verify File
+ Verify Message
+ Please choose a file to sign
+ Please choose a file to verify
+ Signature
@@ -2002,22 +2001,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copy
+ Content copied to clipboard
+ Cancel
+ OK
@@ -2025,326 +2024,316 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
+ Automatic
- Medium (x20 fee)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
- High (x166 fee)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Default (x1 fee)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
- All
- Sent
- Received
- دریافت شده
- Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorخطای OpenAlias
+ Transaction priority
+ All
+ Resolveرفع کردن
+ Automatic
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressهیچ نشانی معتبر در این آدرس OpenAlias یافت نشد
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedنشانی پیدا شد، اما امضاهای DNSSEC تأیید نشد، این نشانی ممکن است جعلی باشد
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedهیچ نشانی معتبری در این آدرس OpenAlias یافت نشد، اما امضاهای DNSSEC تأیید نشد، بنابراین این ممکن است جعلی باشد
+ Internal errorخطای داخلی
+ No address foundنشانی یافت نشد
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet history
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Send
+ Sweep Unmixable
+ Create tx file
+ Sign tx file
+ Submit tx file
+ Errorخطا
+ Information
+ Please choose a file
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Advanced options
+ Export key images
+ Import key images
+ Can't load unsigned transaction:
Number of transactions:
Transaction #%1
payment ID:
+ Confirmation
+ Can't submit transaction:
+ Monero sent successfully
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemon
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- TxKey
@@ -2432,6 +2421,70 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
@@ -2486,7 +2539,7 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Password (confirm)
@@ -2494,22 +2547,22 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Please choose a file
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2566,17 +2619,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menu
+ Create wallet
@@ -2619,14 +2672,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -2686,12 +2731,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote node
@@ -2749,22 +2794,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Change language
+ Advanced options
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2772,22 +2817,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2795,12 +2840,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language
+ Continue
@@ -2828,12 +2873,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2861,12 +2901,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2911,19 +2946,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
+ Back to menuWizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -2961,17 +2996,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Back to menu
@@ -3039,14 +3069,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -3139,194 +3161,173 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ Errorخطا
+ Couldn't open wallet:
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
+ Waiting for daemon to start...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...
+ Daemon failed to start
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version:
+ Can't create transaction:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweep
+ Confirmation
+ Please confirm transaction:
Payment ID:
+ Waiting for daemon to sync
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronized
+ Daemon is synchronized
+ Address:
Number of transactions:
Spending address index:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3334,189 +3335,172 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s)
+ Payment proof
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
+ Payment proof check
+ Bad signature
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).
+ Good signature
+ Wrong password
+ Warning
+ Error: Filesystem is read only
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.
+ Cancel
+ Password changed successfully
+ Error:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...
- Daemon is running
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Stop daemon
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1
+ Couldn't send the money:
+ Information
+ Transaction saved to file: %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet mined
+ This address received nothing
- Balance (syncing)
- Balance
+ Please wait...لطفا صبر کنید...
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_fi.ts b/translations/monero-core_fi.ts
index 06453db4..0ebd9572 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_fi.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_fi.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Nimeä valittu tili:
+ Balance AllLuoton kokonaismäärä
+ Total balance: Luoton kokonaismäärä:
+ Copied to clipboardKopioitu leikepöydälle
+ Total unlocked balance: Lukitsematon kokonaissaldo:
+ AccountsTilit
+ Balance: Saldo:
+ Address copied to clipboardOsoite kopioitu leikepöydälle
+ Create new accountLuo uusi tili
+ Set the label of the new account:Nimeä uusi tili:
- (Untitled)
- (Ei otsikkoa)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses hereTallenna useimmiten käyttämäsi osoitteet tänne
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.Tämä tekee Moneron lähettämisestä tai vastaanottamisesta helpompaa ja auttaa vähentämään virheitä kirjoitettaessa osoitteita käsin
+ Add an addressLisää osoite
+ Address bookOsoitekirja
+ Address copied to clipboardOsoite kopioitu leikepöydälle
+ Add addressLisää osoite
+ Edit an addressMuokkaa osoitetta
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Osoite
+ ResolveRatkaise
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressEi validia osoitetta tässä OpenAlias-osoitteessa
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedOsoite löytyi, mutta DNSSEC-allekirjoituksia ei voitu varmistaa, joten tämä osoite voi olla spoofattu
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedEi validia osoitettu tässä OpenAlias-osoitteessa, mutta DNSSEC-allekirjoituksia ei voitu varmistaa, joten tämä osoite voi olla spoofattu
+ Internal errorSisäinen virhe
+ No address foundOsoitetta ei löytynyt
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Kuvaus
+ Add a name...Lisää nimi...
+ AddLisää
+ SaveTallenna
+ ErrorVirhe
+ Invalid addressVäärä osoite
+ Can't create entryLuonti ei onnistunut
+ CancelPeruuta
+ DeletePoista
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias virhe
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- komento + enter (esim. help)
+ Paste
+ Liitä
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date fromAlkaen (pvm)
+ Date toPäättyen (pvm)
+ DatePäivämäärä
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort byJärjestä (minkä mukaan)
+ BlockheightLohkokorkeus
+ AmountSumma
+ PageSivu
+ Jump to page (1-%1)Mene sivulle (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.Sivua ei löydy. Sivunnumeron täytyy kuulua esitetylle välille.
+ SentLähetetty
+ ReceivedVastaanotettu
+ FeeKulut
+ MinedLouhittu
+ YesKyllä
+ PendingVireillä
+ ConfirmationsVahvistukset
+ DescriptionKuvaus
+ Transaction IDSiirto-ID
+ Transaction keySiirtoavain
+ Click to revealKlikkaa näyttääksesi
+ Address sent toOsoite lähetetty
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.Odottaa siirron lähtemistä siirtojonosta.
+ Unknown recipientTuntematon vastaanottaja
+ Advanced optionsLisäasetukset
+ Human readable date formatIhmissilmin luettava päivämäärä
+ Export all historyLataa kaikki historia
+ Set description:Aseta kuvaus:
+ Updated description.Päivitetty kuvaus.
+ No transaction history yet.Ei siirtoja.
+ No results.Ei tuloksia.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.%1 siirtoa yhteensä, näytetään %2.
+ Primary addressEnsisijainen osoite
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
Tx ID:
- Address label:
- Osoitteen nimi:
+ Address:Osoite:
+ Payment ID:Maksu-ID:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Tx avain:
+ Tx note:Tx merkintä:
+ Destinations:Kohteet:
+ Rings:Renkaat:
+ Please choose a folderValitse kansio
+ SuccessOnnistui
+ CSV file written to: %1Kirjoitettiin CSV-tiedostoon: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.Vihje: Käytä taulukkolaskinohjelmaa järjestääksesi lohkokorkeuden mukaan.
+ ErrorVirhe
+ Error exporting transaction data.Virhe vietäessä siirtodataa.
@@ -504,7 +501,7 @@
Wallet restore height
+ Lompakon palautuskorkeus
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Saldo
- Unlocked balance
- Lukitsematon saldo
+ SendLähetä
+ ReceiveVastaanota
+ RR
+ Prove/checkTodista/tarkista
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboardKopioitu leikepöydälle
+ AccountTili
+ Syncing...
+ TT
+ Address bookOsoitekirja
+ BB
+ MerchantKauppias
+ UU
+ TransactionsSiirrot
+ HH
+ AdvancedLisää
+ DD
+ MiningLouhinta
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBJaettu RingDB
+ WalletWallet
+ DaemonDaemon
+ Sign/verifyAllekirjoita/varmista
+ EE
+ SS
+ GG
+ II
+ SettingsAsetukset
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ CopyKopioi
+ Copied to clipboardKopioitu leikepöydälle
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ CopyKopioi
+ Copied to clipboardKopioitu leikepöydälle
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ SalesMyynti
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p><style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>Tämä sivu skannaa automaattisesti lohkoketjua ja tx poolia saapuville transaktioille käyttäen QR-koodia.</p><p>Se on sinusta kiinni, hyväksytkö vahvistamattomat transaktiot vai et. On todennäköistä, että ne vahvistetaan pian, mutta on silti mahdollista, että ei. Joten suurimmille summille sinun kannattanee odottaa yksi tai useampi vahvistus.</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.Tarkkaillaan sisääntulevia siirtoja, ei vielä löydetty.
+ Save AsTallenna nimellä
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)(oikea klikkaus, tallenna)
+ Payment URLMaksu-URL
+ Copied to clipboardKopioitu leikepöydälle
+ Amount to receiveVastaanotettava määrä
+ Enable sales trackerSalli myynnin seuranta
+ Leave this pagePoistu tältä sivulta
+ The merchant page requires a larger windowKauppiaan sivu vaatii suurempaa selainikkunaa
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonVAROITUS: Ei yhteyttä daemoniin
+ Save QrCodeTallenna QR-koodi
+ Failed to save QrCode to QR-koodin tallennus epäonnistui kohteeseen
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Saldo
- Unlocked Balance
- Lukitsematon Saldo
@@ -1011,38 +998,30 @@ Louhimalla voit myös ansaita hieman Moneroa. Tietokoneesi luo louhiessa tiivist
Ei louhi
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Lukitsematon Saldo:
+ WalletWallet
+ InterfaceRajapinta
+ NodeNoodi
+ LogLogi
+ InfoInfo
@@ -1050,105 +1029,120 @@ Louhimalla voit myös ansaita hieman Moneroa. Tietokoneesi luo louhiessa tiivist
+ SynchronizingSynkronoi
+ Remote nodeEtäverkkosolmu
+ ConnectedYhdistetty
+ MiningLouhinta
+ Wrong versionVäärä versio
+ Searching nodeEtsitään noodia
+ DisconnectedEi yhdistetty
+ Invalid connection statusVäärä yhteysstatus
+ Network statusVerkkostatus
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet passwordSyötä uusi lompakon salasana
+ wallet passwordlompakon salasana
+ wallet device passphraselompakko-laitteen salalause
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.Varoitus: salasanan kirjoitus tietokoneella on tietoturvariski, koska haittaohjelmat voivat kaapata sen. On suositeltavaa kirjoittaa salasana rautalompakolla.
+ Please confirm new passwordVahvista uusi salasana
+ Please confirm wallet device passphraseVarmista lompakko-laitteen salalause
+ CancelPeruuta
+ OkOk
@@ -1182,37 +1176,47 @@ Louhimalla voit myös ansaita hieman Moneroa. Tietokoneesi luo louhiessa tiivist
Aseta nimi valitulle osoitteelle:
+ AddressesOsoitteet
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Kopioi leikepöydälle
+ Copied to clipboardKopioitu leikepöydälle
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a nameAseta nimi
+ Set the label of the new address:Aseta nimi uudelle osoitteelle:
- (Untitled)
- (Ei otsikkoa)
+ Address copied to clipboardOsoite kopioitu leikepöydälle
+ Create new addressLuo uusi osoite
@@ -1269,34 +1273,34 @@ Louhimalla voit myös ansaita hieman Moneroa. Tietokoneesi luo louhiessa tiivist
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a><a href='#'> (Klikkaa muokataksesi)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):Aseta uusi palautuskorkeus.
Voit antaa joko lohkokorkeuden tai päivämäärän (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DDVirhe palautuskorkeudessa. Täytyy olla numero tai päivämäärä muotoa YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cacheUudellenskannaa lompakkovälimuisti
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1315,47 +1319,47 @@ Vanha lompakkovälimuistitiedosto nimetään uudelleen ja voidaan palauttaa myö
+ CancelPeruuta
+ Wallet log path: Lompakon lokipolku:
+ Wallet mode: Lompakon tila:
+ Graphics mode: Grafiikkatila:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardKopioi leikepöydälle
+ Copied to clipboardKopioitu leikepöydälle
@@ -1363,80 +1367,70 @@ Vanha lompakkovälimuistitiedosto nimetään uudelleen ja voidaan palauttaa myö
+ Custom decorationsOma koristelu
+ Hide balancePiilota saldo
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
- Salli siirto maksun ID:llä (VANHENTUNUT TOIMINTO)
+ Lock wallet on inactivityLukitse lompakko jos se on epäaktiivinen
+ Light themeValoisa teema
+ minutesminuutit
+ minuteminuutti
+ After Jälkeen
+ Enable displaying balance in other currenciesSalli saldon näyttäminen muissa valuutoissa
+ Price sourceHinnan lähde
+ CurrencyValuutta
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.Ottaessasi käyttöön hinnan muuntamisen, paljastuu IP-osoitteesi valitulle hinnan lähteelle.
+ Confirm and enableHyväksy ja ota käyttöön
+ Change languageVaihda kieltä
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- Näkymävalintoja ei vielä saatavilla mobiilikäytössä
- SettingsLog
@@ -1451,121 +1445,126 @@ Vanha lompakkovälimuistitiedosto nimetään uudelleen ja voidaan palauttaa myö
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')komento + enter (esim. 'help' tai 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodePaikallinen verkkosolmu
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.Lohkoketju on ladataan tietokoneelle. Lisää turvallisuutta ja vaatii enemmän levytilaa.
+ Remote nodeEtäverkkosolmu
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Käyttää kolmannen osapuolen palvelinta Monero-verkkoon yhdistämiseksi. Vähemmän turvallinen mutta helpompi tietokoneelle.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.Etäverkkosolmun löytämiseksi kirjoita 'Monero remote node' valitsemaasi hakukoneeseen. Varmista, että luotettava taho operoi solmua.
+ AddressOsoite
+ PortPortti
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.Etäverkkosolmu päivitetty. Luotettu daemon on resesoitu. Merkitse uudelleen, jos haluat.
+ Daemon usernameDaemonin käyttäjänimi
+ (optional)(valinnainen)
+ Daemon passwordDaemonin salasana
+ PasswordSalasana
+ Mark as Trusted DaemonMerkitse Tunnetuksi Daemoniksi
+ ConnectYhdistä
+ Start daemonKäytnnistä daemon
+ Stop daemonPysäytä daemon
+ Blockchain locationLohkoketjun sijainti
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a><a href='#'> (vaihda)</a>
+ (default)(oletus)
+ Daemon startup flagsDaemonin käynnistysliput
+ Bootstrap AddressBootstrap-osoite
+ Bootstrap PortBootstrap-portti
@@ -1573,42 +1572,42 @@ Vanha lompakkovälimuistitiedosto nimetään uudelleen ja voidaan palauttaa myö
+ Close this walletSulje tämä lompakko
+ Logs out of this wallet.Kirjautuu ulos tästä lompakosta.
+ Close walletSulje lompakko
+ Create a view-only walletLuo vain katseltava lompakko
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.Luo uuden lompakon, joka voi ainoastaan katsoa ja aloittaa transaktioita, mutta vaatii kulutettavan lompakon transaktioiden allekirjoittamiseen ennen lähetystä.
+ Create walletLuo lompakko
+ SuccessOnnistui
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
@@ -1617,74 +1616,74 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
Voit vaihtaa salasanan lompakon asetuksista.
+ Show seed & keysNäytä seed & keys
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Säilytä tätä tietoa palauttaaksesi lompakko turvallisesti tulevaisuudessa.
+ Show seedNäytä seed
+ Rescan wallet balanceSkannaa uudelleen lompakon saldo
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Käytä tätä ominaisuutta jos epäilet että näkyvä saldo ei ole oikea.
+ RescanUudelleenskannaa
+ ErrorVirhe
+ Error: Virhe:
+ InformationTietoa
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.Käytettyjen outputtien uudelleenskannaus onnistui.
+ Change wallet passwordVaihda lompakon salasana
+ Change the password of your wallet.Vaihda lompakkosi salasana.
+ Change passwordVaihda salasana
+ Wrong passwordVäärä salasana
@@ -1880,7 +1879,7 @@ Voit vaihtaa salasanan lompakon asetuksista.
+ MessageViesti
@@ -1896,8 +1895,8 @@ Voit vaihtaa salasanan lompakon asetuksista.
+ FileTiedosto
@@ -1917,96 +1916,96 @@ Voit vaihtaa salasanan lompakon asetuksista.
Syötä allekirjoitettava viesti
+ Enter path to fileSyötä polku tiedostolle
+ BrowseSelaa
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signatureKlikkaa [Allekirjoita viesti] generoidaksesi allekirjoituksen
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signatureKlikkaa [Allekirjoita tiedosto] generoidaksesi allekirjoituksen
+ ClearTyhjennä
+ Sign MessageAllekirjoita viesti
+ Sign FileAllekirjoita tiedosto
+ Verify messageVarmista viesti
+ Verify fileVarmista tiedosto
+ Enter the message to verifySyötä viesti varmistaaksesi
+ AddressOsoite
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)Syötä Monero-osoite (esimerkiksi: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verifySyötä allekirjoitus varmistaaksesi
+ Verify FileVarmista tiedosto
+ Verify MessageVarmista viesti
+ Please choose a file to signValitse allekirjoitettava tiedosto
+ Please choose a file to verifyValitse varmistettava tiedosto
+ SignatureAllekirjoitus
@@ -2014,22 +2013,22 @@ Voit vaihtaa salasanan lompakon asetuksista.
+ Double tap to copyTuplatäppää kopioidaksesi
+ Content copied to clipboardSisältö kopioitu leikepöydälle
+ CancelPeruuta
@@ -2037,326 +2036,316 @@ Voit vaihtaa salasanan lompakon asetuksista.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Pieni (x1 kulu)
+ Automatic
+ Automaattinen
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Keskikokoinen (x20 kulu)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Hidas (x0.25 kulu) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Korkea (x166 kulu)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Normaali (x1 kulu)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Hidas (x0.25 kulu)
- Default (x1 fee)
- Vakio (x1 kulu)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Nopea (x5 kulu)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Nopein (x41.5 kulu)
- All
- Kaikki
- Sent
- Lähetetty
- Received
- Vastaanotettu
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Nopein (x41.5 kulu) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias virhe
+ Transaction prioritySiirron prioriteetti
+ AllKaikki
+ ResolveRatkaise
+ AutomaticAutomaattinen
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Hidas (x0.25 kulu) {0.2 ?}
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Nopein (x41.5 kulu) {200 ?}
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressEi validia osoitetta tässä OpenAlias-osoitteessa
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedOsoite löytyi, mutta DNSSEC-allekirjoituksia ei voitu varmistaa, joten tämä osoite voi olla spoofattu
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedEi validia osoitettu tässä OpenAlias-osoitteessa, mutta DNSSEC-allekirjoituksia ei voitu varmistaa, joten tämä osoite voi olla spoofattu
+ Internal errorSisäinen virhe
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet historyTallennettu paikallisen lompakon historiaan
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ SendLähetä
+ Sweep UnmixablePyyhkäise miksaantumattomat
+ Create tx fileLuo tx tiedosto
+ Sign tx fileAllekirjoita tx tiedosto
+ Submit tx fileAnna tx tiedosto
+ ErrorVirhe
+ InformationTietoa
+ Please choose a fileValitse tiedosto
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Käynnistä daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Määrä <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Vaihda tiliä</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)Normaali (x1 kulu)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Osoite <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Osoitekirja</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ No address foundOsoitetta ei löytynyt
+ Add descriptionSyötä kuvaus
+ Add payment IDSyötä maksun ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters64 heksadesimaalin merkit
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
- Voit ottaa käyttöön siirrot maksu ID:iden kanssa asetukset-sivulta.
+ Advanced optionsLisäasetukset
+ Export key imagesVie avainkuvat
+ Import key imagesTuo avainkuvat
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: Allekirjoittamattoman siirron lataus ei onnistu:
Number of transactions: Siirtojen määrä:
Transaction #%1Siirto #%1
Recipient: Vastaanottaja:
payment ID: maksu-ID:
Amount: Määrä:
Fee: Fee:
Ringsize: Rengaskoko:
+ ConfirmationVahvistukset
+ Can't submit transaction: Siirto ei onnistu:
+ Monero sent successfullyMonero lähetetty
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.Lompakko ei yhteydessä daemoniin.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonYhdistetty daemon ei ole yhteensopiva GUI:n kanssa. Päivitä tai yhdistä toiseen daemoniin
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.Odotetaan, että daemonin synkronointi on valmis.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
- Lompakko on vain katseltava -lompakko. Lähetykset eivät ole mahdollisia.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.Määrä on enemmän kuin käytettävä saldo.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Transaktion informaatio on väärin.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Hidas (x0.25 kulu)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Nopea (x5 kulu)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Nopein (x41.5 kulu)
- TxKey
@@ -2445,6 +2434,70 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Väärä salasana
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Testiverkko
+ Stagenet
+ Stageverkko
+ Mainnet
+ Pääverkko
@@ -2499,7 +2552,7 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Password (confirm)Salasana (varmista)
@@ -2507,22 +2560,22 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Please choose a fileValitse tiedosto
+ Please proceed to the device...Siirry laitteeseesi...
+ Creating wallet from device...Luodaan lompakkoa laitteesta...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2582,17 +2635,17 @@ se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.Virhe kirjottaessa lompakkoa laitelompakosta. Tarkista ohjelman logitiedostot.
+ Back to menuTakaisin valikkoon
+ Create walletLuo lompakko
@@ -2635,14 +2688,6 @@ se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
Takaisin valikkoon
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Etäsolmun hakeminen kolmannen osapuolen palvelimelta epäonnistui.
@@ -2702,12 +2747,12 @@ se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
Esilataa solmu
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.Vaihtoehtoisesti, voit määrittää bootstrap solmun käyttääksesi Moneroa heti.
+ Connect to a remote nodeYhdistä etäverkkosolmuun
@@ -2765,22 +2810,22 @@ se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
Vaihda lompakon tilaa
+ Change languageVaihda kieltä
+ Advanced optionsLisäasetukset
+ Change Network:Vaihda verkkoa:
+ Number of KDF rounds:KDF-kierrosten määrä:
@@ -2788,22 +2833,22 @@ se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
+ Language settingsKieliasetukset
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.Vaihda Monero GUI:n kieli.
+ Language changed.Kieli vaihdettu.
+ CloseSulje
@@ -2811,12 +2856,12 @@ se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
+ LanguageKieli
+ ContinueJatka
@@ -2844,12 +2889,7 @@ se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
Pysy tietoisena näistä rajoituksista. <b>Käyttäjät, jotka priorisoivat yksityisyyttä ja hajautusta, tulee käyttää kokonaista solmua</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Parantaaksesi solmun suorituskykyä voit valita alueesi:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Ymmärrän vaikutukset yksityisyyteeni käyttäessäni kolmannen osapuolen palvelinta.
@@ -2877,12 +2917,7 @@ se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
Pysy tietoisena näistä rajoituksista. <b>Käyttäjät, jotka priorisoivat yksityisyyttä ja hajautusta, tulee käyttää kokonaista solmua</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Parantaaksesi solmun suorituskykyä voit valita alueesi:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server. Ymmärrän vaikutukset yksityisyyteeni käyttäessäni kolmannen osapuolen palvelinta.
@@ -2927,19 +2962,19 @@ se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
- Change language
- Vaihda kieli
+ Back to menu
+ Takaisin valikkoonWizardNav
+ PreviousEdellinen
+ NextSeuraava
@@ -2977,17 +3012,12 @@ se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
+ Browse filesystemSelaa tiedostojärjestelmää
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Etäsolmun hakeminen kolmannen osapuolen palvelimelta epäonnistui.
+ Back to menuTakaisin valikkoon
@@ -3055,14 +3085,6 @@ se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
Takaisin valikkoon
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Etäsolmun hakeminen kolmannen osapuolen palvelimelta epäonnistui.
@@ -3157,384 +3179,349 @@ Jos sinulla ei ole mahdollisuutta käyttää omaa solmua, sinulla on mahdollisuu
+ ErrorVirhe
+ Couldn't open wallet: Lompakkoa ei voitu avata:
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Lukitsematon saldo (odottaa lohkoa)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Lukitsematon saldo (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- Lukitsematon saldo
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Odotetaan daemonin käynnistymistä...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Odotetaan daemonin pysähtymistä...
+ Daemon failed to startDaemon ei käynnistynyt
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Etsi lompakkosi ja daemonin lokitiedostoista virheitä. Voi myös yrittää käynnistää %1 manuaalisesti.
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Siirron luonti ei onnistunut: Väärä daemon-versio:
+ Can't create transaction: Siirron luonti ei onnistu:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepEi pyyhkäistäviä sekoittumattomia lähtöjä
+ ConfirmationVahvistus
+ Please confirm transaction:
Vahvista siirto:
Payment ID: Maksu-ID:
Amount: Määrä:
Fee: Kulu:
+ Waiting for daemon to syncOdotetaan daemonin synkronisointia
+ Closing wallet...Suljetaan lompakkoa...
- Balance (#%1%2)
- Saldo (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...Jatka laitteeseesi...
+ Opening wallet ...Avataan lompakkoa ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)Daemon on synkronisoitu (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedLompakko on synkronisoitu
+ Daemon is synchronizedDaemon on synkronisoitu
+ Address: Osoite:
Ringsize: Rengaskoko:
Number of transactions: Siirtojen määrä:
Description: Kuvaus:
Spending address index: Kulutetun osoitteen indeksi:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
your input may be required.
+Tarkista laitelompakkosi –
+se saattaa vaatia sinulta toimintoja.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Monero lähetetty onnistuneesti: %1 siirto(a)
+ Payment proofMaksutodiste
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
Todisteen luonti ei onnistunut syystä:
+ Payment proof checkMaksutodisteen tarkistus
+ Bad signatureVirheellinen allekirjoitus
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Tämä osoite vastaanotti %1 monero, vahvistusten määrä: %2
+ Good signatureHyvä allekirjoitus
+ Wrong passwordVäärä salasana
+ WarningVaroitus
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyVirhe: Tiedostojärjestelmä on vain-luku
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Varoitus: Laitteella on vain %1 GB tilaa. Lohkoketju vaatii ~%2 GB.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Huom: Laitteella on vain %1 GB tilaa. Lohkoketju vaatii ~%2 GB.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Huom: lmdb-kansiota ei löydy. Uusi kansio luodaan.
+ CancelPeruuta
+ Password changed successfullySalasanan vaihto onnistui
+ Error: Virhe:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...Sulje painamalla uudestaan...
- Daemon is running
- Daemon käynnissä
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Daemon on edelleen käynnissä GUI:n sulkemisen jälkeen.
- Stop daemon
- Pysäytä daemon
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Daemon-loki
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Määrä on väärä: odotetaan numeroa väliltä %1 ja %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Varat eivät riitä. Lukitsematon saldo: %1
+ Couldn't send the money: Rahan lähetys ei onnistunut:
+ InformationTieto
+ Transaction saved to file: %1Siirto tallennettu tiedostoon: %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedTämä osoite vastaanotti %1 monero, mutta siirtoa ei ole vielä louhittu
+ This address received nothingTämä osoite ei vastaanottanut mitään
- Balance (syncing)
- Saldo (synkronisoi)
- Balance
- Saldo
+ Please wait...Odota...
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_fr.ts b/translations/monero-core_fr.ts
index 06218c84..51fd9bad 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_fr.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_fr.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Définir l'étiquette du compte sélectionné :
+ Balance AllTous les soldes
+ Total balance: Solde total :
+ Copied to clipboardCopié dans le presse-papier
+ Total unlocked balance: Solde total déverrouillé :
+ AccountsComptes
+ Balance: Solde :
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresse copiée dans le presse-papier
+ Create new accountCréer un nouveau compte
+ Set the label of the new account:Définir l'étiquette du nouveau compte :
- (Untitled)
- (Sans titre)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses hereEnregistrez vos adresses les plus utilisées ici
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.Cela facilite l'envoie et la réception de Monero et réduit les erreurs de saisie manuelle des adresses.
+ Add an addressAjouter une adresse
+ Address bookCarnet d'adresses
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresse copiée dans le presse-papier
+ Add addressAjouter une adresse
+ Edit an addressModifier une adresse
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Adresse
+ ResolveRésoudre
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressPas d'adresse valide trouvée à cette adresse OpenAlias
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAdresse trouvée, mais les signatures DNSSEC n'ont pas pu être vérifiées, donc cette adresse pourrait avoir été usurpée
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedPas d'adresse valide trouvée à cette adresse OpenAlias, mais les signatures DNSSEC n'ont pas pu être vérifiées, donc cela pourrait avoir été falsifié
+ Internal errorErreur interne
+ No address foundPas d'adresse trouvée
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...Ajouter un nom...
+ AddAjouter
+ SaveEnregistrer
+ ErrorErreur
+ Invalid addressAdresse invalide
+ Can't create entryImpossible de créer l'entrée
+ CancelAnnuler
+ DeleteSupprimer
+ OpenAlias errorErreur OpenAlias
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- commande + entrée (e.g. help)
+ Paste
+ Coller
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date fromDepuis
+ Date toJusqu'au
+ DateDate
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort byTrier par
+ BlockheightHauteur de bloc
+ AmountMontant
+ PagePage
+ Jump to page (1-%1)Aller à la page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.Page invalide. Doit être un nombre dans la plage indiquée.
+ SentEnvoyé
+ ReceivedReçu
+ FeeFrais
+ MinedMiné
+ YesOui
+ PendingEn attente
+ ConfirmationsConfirmations
+ DescriptionDescription
+ Transaction IDID de transaction
+ Transaction keyClé de transaction
+ Click to revealCliquer pour révéler
+ Address sent toEnvoyé à l'adresse
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.En attente de la sortie du pool de la transaction.
+ Unknown recipientDestinataire inconnu
+ Advanced optionsOptions avancées
+ Human readable date formatFormat de date lisible
+ Export all historyExporter tout l'historique
+ Set description:Définir une description :
+ Updated description.Description mise à jour.
+ No transaction history yet.Pas d'historique de transaction pour le moment.
+ No results.Pas de résultat.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.%1 transactions au total, %2 affichées.
+ Primary addressAdresse primaire
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
ID de transaction :
- Address label:
- Étiquette d'adresse :
+ Address:Adresse :
+ Payment ID:ID de paiement :
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Clé de transaction :
+ Tx note:Note de transaction :
+ Destinations:Destinations :
+ Rings:Cercles :
+ Please choose a folderMerci de choisir un répertoire
+ SuccessSuccès
+ CSV file written to: %1Fichier CSV écrit à : %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.Astuce : Utilisez votre tableur préféré pour trier selon la hauteur de bloc.
+ ErrorErreur
+ Error exporting transaction data.Erreur d'exportation des données de transaction.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Solde
- Unlocked balance
- Solde débloqué
+ SendEnvoyer
+ ReceiveRecevoir
+ RR
+ Prove/checkProuver/Vérifier
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboardCopié dans le presse-papier
+ AccountCompte
+ Syncing...
+ TT
+ Address bookCarnet d'adresses
+ BB
+ MerchantCommerçant
+ UU
+ TransactionsTransactions
+ HH
+ AdvancedAvancé
+ DD
+ MiningMine
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBBDD partagée de cercles
+ WalletPortefeuille
+ DaemonDémon
+ Sign/verifySigner/vérifier
+ EE
+ SS
+ GG
+ II
+ SettingsRéglages
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ CopyCopier
+ Copied to clipboardCopié dans le presse-papier
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ CopyCopier
+ Copied to clipboardCopié dans le presse-papier
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ SalesVentes
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p><style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>Cette page va automatiquement scanner la chaîne de bloc et le pool de transactions à la recherche de transactions entrantes utilisant le QR code.</p><p>Vous pouvez choisir si vous acceptez les transactions non confirmées ou pas. Il est probable qu’elles seront confirmées rapidement, mais il reste possible qu'elles ne le soient pas. Ainsi, pour des montants importants il peut être préférable d'attendre une ou plusieurs confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.En cours de surveillance de transactions entrantes, aucune encore trouvée.
+ Save AsEnregistrer sous
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)(clique-droit, enregistrer-sous)
+ Payment URLURL de paiement
+ Copied to clipboardCopié dans le presse-papier
+ Amount to receiveMontant à recevoir
+ Enable sales trackerActiver le suivit des ventes
+ Leave this pageQuitter cette page
+ The merchant page requires a larger windowLa vue commerçant nécessite une fenêtre plus grande
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonATTENTION : non connecté au démon
+ Save QrCodeEnregistrer le QR code
+ Failed to save QrCode to Impossible d'enregistrer le QR code vers
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Solde
- Unlocked Balance
- Solde Débloqué
@@ -1011,38 +998,30 @@ L'extraction minière vous offre également une petite chance de gagner que
Pas d'extraction minière
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Solde débloqué :
+ WalletPortefeuille
+ InterfaceInterface
+ NodeNœud
+ LogJournal
+ InfoInfo
@@ -1050,105 +1029,120 @@ L'extraction minière vous offre également une petite chance de gagner que
+ SynchronizingSynchronisation
+ Remote nodeDémon distant
+ ConnectedConnecté
+ MiningMine
+ Wrong versionMauvaise version
+ Searching nodeRecherche de nœud
+ DisconnectedDéconnecté
+ Invalid connection statusÉtat de connexion invalide
+ Network statusÉtat du réseau
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet passwordEntrer le mot de passe du nouveau portefeuille
+ wallet passwordmot de passe du portefeuille
+ wallet device passphrasemot de passe du portefeuille matériel
+ Please enter %1 for: Veuillez entrer %1 pour :
+ Please enter %1Veuillez entrer %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.Attention : la saisie d'un mot de passe sur un ordinateur est un risque de sécurité car il peut être capturé par un programme malveillant. Il est recommandé de favoriser la saisie d'un mot de passe sur le périphérique.
+ Please confirm new passwordVeuillez confirmer votre nouveau mot de passe
+ Please confirm wallet device passphraseVeuillez confirmer le mot de passe du portefeuille matériel
+ CancelAnnuler
+ OkOk
@@ -1182,37 +1176,47 @@ L'extraction minière vous offre également une petite chance de gagner que
Étiqueter l'adresse sélectionnée :
+ AddressesAdresses
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copier dans le presse-papiers
+ Copied to clipboardCopié dans le presse-papier
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a nameVeuillez choisir un nom
+ Set the label of the new address:Étiqueter cette nouvelle adresse :
- (Untitled)
- (Sans titre)
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresse copiée dans le presse-papier
+ Create new addressCréer une nouvelle adresse
@@ -1269,34 +1273,34 @@ L'extraction minière vous offre également une petite chance de gagner que
Chemin du portefeuille :
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (Cliquer pour changer)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):Définir une nouvelle hauteur de restauration.
Vous pouvez entrer une hauteur de bloc ou une date (AAAA-MM-JJ) :
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DDHauteur de restauration invalide. Doit être un nombre ou un date au format AAAA-MM-JJ
+ Rescan wallet cacheRescanner le cache du portefeuille
+ Wallet restore height: Hauteur de restauration du portefeuille :
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1315,47 +1319,47 @@ L'ancien fichier du cache du portefeuille sera renommé et pourra être res
+ CancelAnnuler
+ Wallet log path: Chemin des journaux du portefeuille :
+ Wallet mode: Mode portefeuille :
+ Graphics mode: Mode graphique :
+ Tails: Tails :
+ persistentpersistance
+ persistence disabledpersistance désactivée
+ Copy to clipboardCopier dans le presse-papiers
+ Copied to clipboardCopié dans le presse-papier
@@ -1363,80 +1367,70 @@ L'ancien fichier du cache du portefeuille sera renommé et pourra être res
+ Custom decorationsDécor personnalisé
+ Hide balanceMasquer le solde
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
- Activer le transfert avec ID de paiement (OBSOLÈTE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivityVerrouiller le portefeuille lorsque inactif
+ Light themeThème clair
+ minutesminutes
+ minuteminute
+ After Après
+ Enable displaying balance in other currenciesActiver l'affichage du solde dans d'autres devises
+ Price sourceSource de prix
+ CurrencyDevise
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.Activer la conversion des prix expose votre adresse IP à la source de prix sélectionnée.
+ Confirm and enableConfirmer et activer
+ Change languageChanger la langue
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- Aucune option d'agencement n'est disponible pour le moment en mode mobile.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1451,121 +1445,126 @@ L'ancien fichier du cache du portefeuille sera renommé et pourra être res
Journal du démon
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')commande + Entrée (p.e. 'help' ou 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeNœud local
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.La chaîne de blocs est téléchargée sur votre ordinateur. Assure une sécurité accrue et nécessite plus d'espace de stockage.
+ Remote nodeDémon distant
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Utilise un serveur tiers pour se connecter au réseau Monero. Moins sécurisé, mais utilise moins les ressources de votre ordinateur.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.Pour trouver un nœud distant, taper 'nœud distant Monero' ou 'Monero remote node' dans votre moteur de recherche préféré. Merci de vous assurer que le nœud distant est exécuté par un tiers de confiance.
+ AddressAdresse
+ PortPort
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.Nœud distant mis à jour. Le démon de confiance a été réinitialisé. Marquer à nouveau, si désiré.
+ Daemon usernameNom d'utilisateur du démon
+ (optional)(facultatif)
+ Daemon passwordMot de passe du démon
+ PasswordMot de passe
+ Mark as Trusted DaemonMarquer en tant que démon de confiance
+ ConnectConnecter
+ Start daemonDémarrer le démon
+ Stop daemonArrêter démon
+ Blockchain locationEmplacement de la chaîne de blocs
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (modifier)</a>
+ (default)(par défaut)
+ Daemon startup flagsOptions de démarrage du démon
+ Bootstrap AddressAdresse d'amorçage
+ Bootstrap PortPort d'amorçage
@@ -1573,42 +1572,42 @@ L'ancien fichier du cache du portefeuille sera renommé et pourra être res
+ Close this walletFermer ce portefeuille
+ Logs out of this wallet.Déconnexion de ce portefeuille.
+ Close walletFermer le portefeuille
+ Create a view-only walletCréer un portefeuille d'audit
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.Crée un nouveau portefeuille pouvant seulement voir et initier les transactions, mais nécessite un portefeuille de dépense pour signer les transactions avant de les envoyer.
+ Create walletCréer un portefeuille
+ SuccessSuccès
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
@@ -1617,74 +1616,74 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
Vous pouvez changer le mot de passe dans les réglages du portefeuille.
+ Show seed & keysVoir la phrase mnémonique & les clefs
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Conservez ces informations en toute sécurité pour récupérer votre portefeuille ultérieurement.
+ Show seedVoir la phrase mnémonique
+ Rescan wallet balanceRescanner le solde du portefeuille
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Utilisez cette fonction si vous pensez que le solde affiché n'est pas correct.
+ RescanRescanner
+ ErrorErreur
+ Error: Erreur :
+ InformationInformation
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.Sorties dépensées rescannées avec succès.
+ Change wallet passwordChanger le mot de passe du portefeuille
+ Change the password of your wallet.Changer le mot de passe de votre portefeuille.
+ Change passwordChanger le mot de passe
+ Wrong passwordMot de passe incorrect
@@ -1880,7 +1879,7 @@ Vous pouvez changer le mot de passe dans les réglages du portefeuille.
+ MessageMessage
@@ -1896,8 +1895,8 @@ Vous pouvez changer le mot de passe dans les réglages du portefeuille.
+ FileFichier
@@ -1917,96 +1916,96 @@ Vous pouvez changer le mot de passe dans les réglages du portefeuille.Entrer un message à signer
+ Enter path to fileEntrer le chemin du fichier
+ BrowseNaviguer
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signatureCliquer sur [Signer le message] pour générer pour la signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signatureCliquez sur [Signer le Fichier] pour générer la signature
+ ClearEffacer
+ Sign MessageSigner le message
+ Sign FileSigner le fichier
+ Verify messageVérifier le message
+ Verify fileVérifier le fichier
+ Enter the message to verifyEntrez le message à vérifier
+ AddressAdresse
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)Entrez l'adresse Monero (exemple: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verifyEntrez la signature à vérifier
+ Verify FileVérifiez le fichier
+ Verify MessageVérifiez le message
+ Please choose a file to signVeuillez choisir un fichier à signer
+ Please choose a file to verifyVeuillez choisir un fichier à vérifier
+ SignatureSignature
@@ -2014,22 +2013,22 @@ Vous pouvez changer le mot de passe dans les réglages du portefeuille.
+ Double tap to copyDouble tapez pour copier
+ Content copied to clipboardLe contenu a été copié
+ CancelAnnuler
@@ -2037,329 +2036,319 @@ Vous pouvez changer le mot de passe dans les réglages du portefeuille.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Bas (frais x1)
+ Automatic
+ Automatique
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Moyen (frais x20)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Lent (frais x0.25) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Haut (frais x166)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Normal (x1 frais)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Lent (frais x0.25)
- Default (x1 fee)
- Par défaut (frais x1)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Rapide (frais x5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Très rapide (frais x41.5)
- All
- Tout
- Sent
- Envoyé
- Received
- Reçu
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Très rapide (frais x41.5) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorErreur OpenAlias
+ Transaction priorityPriorité de transaction
+ AllTout
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Lent (frais x0.25)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Rapide (frais x5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Très rapide (frais x41.5)
+ ResolveRésoudre
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Lancer le démon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Lent (frais x0.25) {0.2 ?}
+ Normal (x1 fee)Normal (x1 frais)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Très rapide (frais x41.5) {200 ?}
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Adresse <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Carnet d'adresses</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressPas d'adresse valide trouvée à cette adresse OpenAlias
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAdresse trouvée, mais les signatures DNSSEC n'ont pas pu être vérifiées, donc cette adresse pourrait avoir été falsifiée
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedPas d'adresse valide trouvée à cette adresse OpenAlias, mais les signatures DNSSEC n'ont pas pu être vérifiées, donc ceci pourrait avoir été falsifié
+ Internal errorErreur interne
+ No address foundPas d'adresse trouvée
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet historyEnregistré dans l'historique du portefeuille local
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ SendEnvoyer
+ Advanced optionsOptions avancées
+ Monero sent successfullyMonero envoyé avec succès
+ Sweep UnmixableNon Mélangeables
+ Create tx fileCréer fichier tx
+ Sign tx fileSigner fichier tx
+ Submit tx fileSoumettre fichier tx
+ ErrorErreur
+ InformationInformation
+ Please choose a fileVeuillez choisir un fichier
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Montant <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Changer de compte</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ AutomaticAutomatique
+ Add descriptionAjouter une description
+ Add payment IDAjouter un ID de paiement
+ 64 hexadecimal characters64 caractères hexadécimaux
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
- Vous pouvez activer les transferts avec ID de paiement sur la page des paramètres.
+ Export key imagesExporter les images de clef
+ Import key imagesImporter les images de clef
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: Impossible de charger une transaction non signée :
Number of transactions:
Nombre de transactions :
Transaction #%1
Transaction #%1
Destinataire :
payment ID:
identifiant de paiement :
Montant :
Frais :
Taille du cercle :
+ ConfirmationConfirmation
+ Can't submit transaction: Impossible de soumettre la transaction :
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.Le portefeuille n'est pas connecté au démon.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonLe démon connecté n'est pas compatible avec l'interface graphique.
Veuillez mettre à jour ou vous connecter à un autre démon
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.En attente de la synchronisation du démon pour terminer.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
- Le portefeuille est en lecture seule et les envois ne sont pas possibles.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.Montant supérieur au solde débloqué.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Informations de transaction incorrectes.
@@ -2454,6 +2443,70 @@ Pour le cas d'une preuve de dépense, il n'est pas nécessaire de spé
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Mot de passe incorrect
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
+ Mainnet
@@ -2508,7 +2561,7 @@ Pour le cas d'une preuve de dépense, il n'est pas nécessaire de spé
Mot de passe
+ Password (confirm)Mot de passe (confirmer)
@@ -2516,22 +2569,22 @@ Pour le cas d'une preuve de dépense, il n'est pas nécessaire de spé
+ Please choose a fileVeuillez choisir un fichier
+ Please proceed to the device...Merci de continuer sur le périphérique...
+ Creating wallet from device...Création du portefeuille depuis le périphérique...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2591,17 +2644,17 @@ votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.Erreur d'écriture du portefeuille à partir du périphérique matériel. Consultez les journaux de l'application.
+ Back to menuRetour au menu
+ Create walletCréer un portefeuille
@@ -2644,14 +2697,6 @@ votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
Retour au menu
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Échec de récupération des nœuds distants depuis un serveur tiers.
@@ -2711,12 +2756,12 @@ votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
Nœud d'amorçage
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.En outre, vous pouvez spécifier un nœud d'amorçage pour utiliser Monero immédiatement.
+ Connect to a remote nodeSe connecter à un démon distant
@@ -2774,22 +2819,22 @@ votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
Changer le mode du portefeuille
+ Change languageChanger la langue
+ Advanced optionsOptions avancées
+ Change Network:Changer le réseau :
+ Number of KDF rounds:Nombre de tours KDF :
@@ -2797,22 +2842,22 @@ votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
+ Language settingsRéglages de la langue
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.Changer la langue de la GUI Monero.
+ Language changed.Langue modifiée.
+ CloseFermer
@@ -2820,12 +2865,12 @@ votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
+ LanguageLangue
+ ContinueContinuer
@@ -2853,12 +2898,7 @@ votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
Restez conscients de ces limitations. <b>Les utilisateurs qui priorisent la confidentialité et la décentralisation doivent utiliser un nœud complet à la place </b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Pour des performances de nœud accrues, vous pouvez indiquer votre région :
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Je comprend les implications de confidentialité de l'utilisation d'un serveur tiers.
@@ -2886,12 +2926,7 @@ votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
Restez conscients de ces limitations. <b>Les utilisateurs qui priorisent la confidentialité et la décentralisation doivent utiliser un nœud complet à la place </b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- Pour des performances de nœud accrues, vous pouvez indiquer votre région :
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Je comprend les implications de confidentialité quant à l'utilisation d'un serveur tiers.
@@ -2936,19 +2971,19 @@ votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
- Change language
- Changer la langue
+ Back to menu
+ Retour au menuWizardNav
+ PreviousPrécédent
+ NextSuivant
@@ -2986,17 +3021,12 @@ votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
+ Browse filesystemParcourir le système de fichier
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Échec de récupération de nœuds distants depuis un serveur tiers.
+ Back to menuRetour au menu
@@ -3064,14 +3094,6 @@ votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
Retour au menu
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Échec de récupération des nœuds distants depuis un serveur tiers.
@@ -3166,101 +3188,85 @@ Si vous n'avez pas la possibilité d'exécuter votre propre nœud, vou
+ ErrorErreur
+ Couldn't open wallet: Impossible d'ouvrir le portefeuille :
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Solde débloqué (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- Solde débloqué
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Solde débloqué (attente de bloc)
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Attente du démarrage du démon...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Attente de l'arrêt du démon...
+ Daemon failed to startÉchec du lancement du démon
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Veuillez vérifier les erreurs dans les journaux du portefeuille et du démon. Vous pouvez aussi essayer de lancer %1 manuellement.
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Impossible de créer la transaction : mauvaise version de démon :
+ Can't create transaction: Impossible de créer la transaction :
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepAucune sortie non mélangeable à balayer
+ ConfirmationConfirmation
+ Please confirm transaction:
Veuillez confirmer la transaction :
Payment ID:
ID de paiement :
@@ -3269,73 +3275,68 @@ Amount:
Montant :
Frais :
+ Waiting for daemon to syncAttente de la synchronisation du démon
+ Closing wallet...Fermeture du portefeuille...
- Balance (#%1%2)
- Solde (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...Merci de continuer sur le périphérique...
+ Opening wallet ...Ouverture du portefeuille ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.Réparation d'un cache de portefeuille incompatible. Resynchronisation du portefeuille.
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)Démon synchronisé (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedLe portefeuille est synchronisé
+ Daemon is synchronizedLe démon est synchronisé
+ Address: Adresse :
Taille du cercle :
Number of transactions:
@@ -3344,26 +3345,26 @@ Number of transactions:
Nombre de transactions :
Description :
Spending address index:
Indice d'adresse de dépense :
+ Creating transaction...Création de la transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3374,190 +3375,173 @@ Veuillez vérifier votre portefeuille matériel -
votre contribution peut être nécessaire.
+ Sending transaction ...Envoi de la transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Monero envoyé avec succès : %1 transaction(s)
+ Payment proofPreuve de Paiement
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
Impossible de générer une preuve pour la raison suivante :
+ Payment proof checkVérification de preuve de paiement
+ Bad signatureMauvaise signature
+ Good signatureSignature correcte
+ Wrong passwordMot de passe incorrect
+ WarningAttention
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyErreur : Système de fichiers en lecture seule
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Attention : Il y a seulement %1 GB disponibles sur le périphérique. La chaîne de blocs a besoin de ~%2 GB.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Note : Il y a %1 GB disponibles sur le appareil. La chaîne de blocs a besoin de ~%2 GB.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Note : dossier lmdb introuvable. Un nouveau répertoire va être créé.
+ CancelAnnuler
+ Password changed successfullyMot de passe modifié avec succès
+ Error: Erreur :
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Échec de récupération de nœuds distant depuis un serveur tiers.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...Tapez encore pour fermer...
- Daemon is running
- Le démon fonctionne
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Le démon fonctionnera toujours en arrière plan après fermeture de l'interface graphique.
- Stop daemon
- Arrêter démon
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- Une nouvelle version de Monero v.%1 est disponible.<br><br>Téléchargement :<br>%2<br><br>Hachage SHA256 :<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Une nouvelle version de Monero est disponible. Visitez getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Journal du démon
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Cette adresse a reçu %1 monero, avec %2 confirmation(s).
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Montant erroné : nombre entre %1 et %2 attendu
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1fonds insuffisants. Solde débloqué : %1
+ Couldn't send the money: Impossible d'envoyer l'argent :
+ InformationInformation
+ Transaction saved to file: %1Transaction enregistrée dans le fichier : %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedCette adresse a reçu %1 monero, mais la transaction n'a pas encore été incluse dans un bloc
+ This address received nothingCette adresse n'a rien reçu
- Balance (syncing)
- Solde (synchronisation en cours)
- Balance
- Solde
+ Please wait...Veuillez patienter…
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_ga.ts b/translations/monero-core_ga.ts
index b11d80e4..4f5349a4 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_ga.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_ga.ts
@@ -4,192 +4,187 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:
+ Balance All
+ Total balance:
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Total unlocked balance:
+ Accounts
+ Balance:
+ Address copied to clipboard
+ Create new account
+ Set the label of the new account:
- (Untitled)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address book
+ Address copied to clipboard
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ Resolve
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofed
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofed
+ Internal error
+ No address found
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ Add
+ Save
+ Error
+ Invalid address
+ Can't create entry
+ Cancel
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias error
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
+ Paste
@@ -214,13 +209,14 @@
+ Date to
+ Date
@@ -240,148 +236,149 @@
+ Sort by
+ Blockheight
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ Sent
+ Received
+ Fee
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ Description
+ Transaction ID
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced options
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:
+ Updated description.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary address
@@ -401,72 +398,72 @@
- Address label:
+ Address:
+ Payment ID:
- Tx key:
- Tx note:
+ Integrated address
- Destinations:
+ Tx key:
+ Tx note:
+ Destinations:
+ Rings:
+ Please choose a folder
+ Success
+ CSV file written to: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.
+ Error
+ Error exporting transaction data.
+ Date from
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Unlocked balance
+ Send
+ Receive
+ R
+ Prove/check
+ K
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Account
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address book
+ B
+ Merchant
+ U
+ Transactions
+ H
+ Advanced
+ D
+ Mining
+ M
+ Shared RingDB
+ Wallet
+ Daemon
+ Sign/verify
+ E
+ S
+ G
+ I
+ Settings
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ Sales
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.
+ Save As
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)
+ Payment URL
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Amount to receive
+ Enable sales tracker
+ Leave this page
+ The merchant page requires a larger window
+ WARNING: no connection to daemon
+ Save QrCode
+ Failed to save QrCode to
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Unlocked Balance
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
+ Wallet
+ Interface
+ Node
+ Log
+ Info
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Synchronizing
+ Remote node
+ Connected
+ Mining
+ Wrong version
+ Searching node
+ Disconnected
+ Invalid connection status
+ Network status
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new password
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ Cancel
+ Ok
@@ -1180,37 +1174,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Addresses
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a name
+ Set the label of the new address:
- (Untitled)
+ Address copied to clipboard
+ Create new address
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cache
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1305,47 +1309,47 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Cancel
+ Wallet log path:
+ Wallet mode:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -1353,80 +1357,70 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Custom decorations
+ Hide balance
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivity
+ Light theme
+ minutes
+ minute
+ After
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change language
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1441,121 +1435,126 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local node
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.
+ Remote node
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.
+ Address
+ Port
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)
+ Daemon password
+ Password
+ Mark as Trusted Daemon
+ Connect
+ Start daemon
+ Stop daemon
+ Blockchain location
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a>
+ (default)
+ Daemon startup flags
+ Bootstrap Address
+ Bootstrap Port
@@ -1563,116 +1562,116 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Close this wallet
+ Logs out of this wallet.
+ Close wallet
+ Create a view-only wallet
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.
+ Create wallet
+ Success
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keys
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.
+ Show seed
+ Rescan wallet balance
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.
+ Rescan
+ Error
+ Error:
+ Information
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.
+ Change wallet password
+ Change the password of your wallet.
+ Change password
+ Wrong password
@@ -1868,7 +1867,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Message
@@ -1884,8 +1883,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ File
@@ -1905,96 +1904,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Enter path to file
+ Browse
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signature
+ Clear
+ Sign Message
+ Sign File
+ Verify message
+ Verify file
+ Enter the message to verify
+ Address
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verify
+ Verify File
+ Verify Message
+ Please choose a file to sign
+ Please choose a file to verify
+ Signature
@@ -2002,22 +2001,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copy
+ Content copied to clipboard
+ Cancel
+ OK
@@ -2025,326 +2024,316 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
+ Automatic
- Medium (x20 fee)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
- High (x166 fee)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Default (x1 fee)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- All
- Sent
- Received
+ Fastest (x200 fee)Transfer
+ OpenAlias error
+ Transaction priority
+ All
+ Resolve
+ Automatic
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofed
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofed
+ Internal error
+ No address found
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet history
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Send
+ Sweep Unmixable
+ Create tx file
+ Sign tx file
+ Submit tx file
+ Error
+ Information
+ Please choose a file
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Advanced options
+ Export key images
+ Import key images
+ Can't load unsigned transaction:
Number of transactions:
Transaction #%1
payment ID:
+ Confirmation
+ Can't submit transaction:
+ Monero sent successfully
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemon
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- TxKey
@@ -2432,6 +2421,70 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
@@ -2486,7 +2539,7 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Password (confirm)
@@ -2494,22 +2547,22 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Please choose a file
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2566,17 +2619,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menu
+ Create wallet
@@ -2619,14 +2672,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -2686,12 +2731,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote node
@@ -2749,22 +2794,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Change language
+ Advanced options
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2772,22 +2817,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2795,12 +2840,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language
+ Continue
@@ -2828,12 +2873,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2861,12 +2901,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2911,19 +2946,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
+ Back to menuWizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -2961,17 +2996,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Back to menu
@@ -3039,14 +3069,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -3139,194 +3161,173 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ Error
+ Couldn't open wallet:
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
+ Waiting for daemon to start...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...
+ Daemon failed to start
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version:
+ Can't create transaction:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweep
+ Confirmation
+ Please confirm transaction:
Payment ID:
+ Waiting for daemon to sync
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronized
+ Daemon is synchronized
+ Address:
Number of transactions:
Spending address index:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3334,189 +3335,172 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s)
+ Payment proof
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
+ Payment proof check
+ Bad signature
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).
+ Good signature
+ Wrong password
+ Warning
+ Error: Filesystem is read only
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.
+ Cancel
+ Password changed successfully
+ Error:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...
- Daemon is running
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Stop daemon
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1
+ Couldn't send the money:
+ Information
+ Transaction saved to file: %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet mined
+ This address received nothing
- Balance (syncing)
- Balance
+ Please wait...
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_he.ts b/translations/monero-core_he.ts
index f592617c..92aa0e99 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_he.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_he.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:
+ Balance All
+ Total balance:
+ Copied to clipboardהועתק ללוח
+ Total unlocked balance:
+ Accounts
+ Balance:
+ Address copied to clipboardהכתובת הועתקה ללוח
+ Create new account
+ Set the label of the new account:
- (Untitled)
- (ללא כותרת)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address bookספר כתובות
+ Address copied to clipboardהכתובת הועתקה ללוח
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ Resolveלפתור
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressלא נמצאה כתובת חוקית עבור שם זה
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedכתובת נמצאה, אך לא ניתן לוודא את החתימה. ייתכן שכתובת זו אינה נכונה/זדונית
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedלא נמצאה כתובת חוקית עבור שם זה
+ Internal errorשגיאה פנימית
+ No address foundלא נמצאה כתובת
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ Addהוסף
+ Save
+ Errorשגיאה
+ Invalid addressכתובת לא תקנית
+ Can't create entryלא ניתן ליצור רשומה
+ Cancel
+ ביטול
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias errorשגיאה בתרגום שם
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- פקודה + אנטר (למשל help)
+ Paste
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date from
+ Date to
+ Date
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort by
+ Blockheightמספר בלוק
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ Sentנשלח
+ Receivedהתקבל
+ Feeעמלה
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ Descriptionתיאור
+ Transaction IDמזהה העברה
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced optionsאפשרויות מתקדמות
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:
+ Updated description.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary address
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
מזהה העברה:
- Address label:
+ Address:
+ Payment ID:מזהה תשלום:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:מפתח העברה:
+ Tx note:הערות העברה:
+ Destinations:יעדים:
+ Rings:טבעות
+ Please choose a folder
+ Successהצלחה
+ CSV file written to: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.
+ Errorשגיאה
+ Error exporting transaction data.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- יתרה
- Unlocked balance
- יתרה זמינה
+ Sendשלח
+ Receiveקבל
+ Rק
+ Prove/checkהוכח/בדוק
+ Kב
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboardהועתק ללוח
+ Account
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address bookספר כתובות
+ Bס
+ Merchant
+ U
+ Transactions
+ Hט
+ Advancedמתקדם
+ Dמ
+ Miningכרייה
+ Mכ
+ Shared RingDBמסד נתוני טבעת
+ Walletארנק
+ Daemonדימון
+ Sign/verifyחתום/וודא
+ Eה
+ Sש
+ G
+ Iא
+ Settingsהגדרות
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboardהועתק ללוח
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboardהועתק ללוח
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ Sales
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.
+ Save Asשמור בשם
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)
+ Payment URL
+ Copied to clipboardהועתק ללוח
+ Amount to receiveסכום לקבלה
+ Enable sales tracker
+ Leave this page
+ The merchant page requires a larger window
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonאזהרה: אין חיבור לדימון
+ Save QrCodeQRשמור קוד
+ Failed to save QrCode to QRנכשל בשמירת קוד
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- יתרה
- Unlocked Balance
- יתרה זמינה
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
לא כורה
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- יתרה ניתנת לשימוש:
+ Walletארנק
+ Interface
+ Node
+ Log
+ Info
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Synchronizingמסתנכרן
+ Remote nodeצומת מרוחקת
+ Connectedמחובר
+ Miningכרייה
+ Wrong versionגרסה שגויה
+ Searching node
+ Disconnectedמנותק
+ Invalid connection statusסטטוס חיבור לא תקין
+ Network statusסטטוס רשת
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new passwordאנא אשר סיסמה חדשה
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ Cancelביטול
+ Okאישור
@@ -1180,37 +1174,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
הגדר תווית לכתובת שבחרת:
+ Addressesכתובות
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ העתק ללוח
+ Copied to clipboardהועתק ללוח
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a name
+ Set the label of the new address:הגדר תווית לכתובת החדשה:
- (Untitled)
- (ללא כותרת)
+ Address copied to clipboardהכתובת הועתקה ללוח
+ Create new address
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
נתיב הארנק:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (לחץ בכדי לערוך)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cacheסרוק מחדש את מטמון הארנק
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1311,47 +1315,47 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
שמו של קובץ המטמון הישן של הארנק ישתנה וניתן יהיה לשחזרו מאוחר יותר.
+ Cancelביטול
+ Wallet log path: נתיב ליומן הארנק:
+ Wallet mode:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardהעתק ללוח
+ Copied to clipboardהועתק ללוח
@@ -1359,80 +1363,70 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Custom decorationsקישוטים מותאמים אישית
+ Hide balance
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivity
+ Light theme
+ minutes
+ minute
+ After
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change language
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1447,121 +1441,126 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
יומן הדימון
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeצומת מקומית
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.הורדת הבלוקצ'יין למחשב. רמת אבטחה גבוהה יותר, אך מצריך הרבה יותר מקום פנוי.
+ Remote nodeצומת מרוחקת
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.שימוש בשרת של גוף שלישי בכדי להתחבר לרשת של מונרו. פחות מאובטח אבל מצריך מפחות משאבים מהמחשב שלך.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.
+ Addressכתובת
+ Portפורט
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)(לא חובה)
+ Daemon password
+ Passwordסיסמה
+ Mark as Trusted Daemon
+ Connectהתחבר
+ Start daemon
+ Stop daemonעצור דימון
+ Blockchain locationמיקום בלוקצ'יין
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (החלף)</a>
+ (default)(ברירת מחדל)
+ Daemon startup flags
+ Bootstrap Address
+ Bootstrap Port
@@ -1569,116 +1568,116 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Close this walletסגור ארנק זה
+ Logs out of this wallet.רישומי יומן של ארנק זה.
+ Close walletסגור ארנק
+ Create a view-only walletצור ארנק לצפייה בלבד
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.
+ Create walletצור ארנק
+ Successהצלחה
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keys
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.שמור מפתחות אלה במקום בטוח על מנת לשחזר את הארנק בעתיד.
+ Show seed
+ Rescan wallet balanceסרוק מחדש את יתרת הארנק
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.השתמש בתכונה זו אם אתה חושב שהיתרה המוצגת אינה מדויקת.
+ Rescanסרוק מחדש
+ Errorשגיאה
+ Error: שגיאה:
+ Informationמידע
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.
+ Change wallet password
+ Change the password of your wallet.
+ Change password
+ Wrong passwordסיסמה שגויה
@@ -1874,7 +1873,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Messageהודעה
@@ -1890,8 +1889,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ File
@@ -1911,96 +1910,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Enter path to file
+ Browseדפדף
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signature
+ Clear
+ Sign Message
+ Sign File
+ Verify messageוודא הודעה
+ Verify fileוודא קובץ
+ Enter the message to verify
+ Addressכתובת
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verify
+ Verify File
+ Verify Message
+ Please choose a file to signאנא בחר קובץ לחתום
+ Please choose a file to verifyאנא בחר קובץ לוודא
+ Signatureחתימה
@@ -2008,22 +2007,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copyלחץ פעמיים כדי להעתיק
+ Content copied to clipboardהתוכן הועתק ללוח
+ Cancelביטול
+ OKאישור
@@ -2031,309 +2030,309 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
- נמוך (עמלה x1)
+ Automatic
+ אוטומטי
- Medium (x20 fee)
- בינוני (עמלה x20)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ איטי (עמלה x0.25) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- גבוה (עמלה x166)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ נורמלי (x1 עמלה)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- איטי (עמלה x0.25)
- Default (x1 fee)
- ברירת מחדל (עמלה x1)
+ Fast (x5 fee)מהיר (עמלה x5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- הכי מהיר (עמלה x41.5)
- All
- הכל
- Sent
- נשלח
- Received
- התקבל
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ הכי מהיר (עמלה x41.5) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorשגיאה בתרגום שם
+ Transaction priorityעדיפות העברה
+ Allהכל
+ Resolveלפתור
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)נורמלי (x1 עמלה)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressלא נמצאה כתובת חוקית עבור שם זה
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedכתובת נמצאה, אך לא ניתן לוודא את החתימה. ייתכן שכתובת זו אינה נכונה/זדונית
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedלא נמצאה כתובת חוקית עבור שם זה
+ Internal errorשגיאה פנימית
+ No address foundלא נמצאה כתובת
+ 64 hexadecimal characters
+ Saved to local wallet historyנשמר בהיסטוריית הארנק
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Sendשלח
+ Advanced optionsאפשרויות מתקדמות
+ Export key images
+ Import key images
+ Monero sent successfullyמונרו נשלח בהצלחה
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
+ Sweep Unmixableאיחוד יתרות שאינן ניתנות לשימוש
+ Create tx fileצור קובץ העברה
+ Sign tx fileחתום על קובץ ההעברה
+ Submit tx fileשלח קובץ העברה
+ Errorשגיאה
+ Informationמידע
+ Please choose a fileאנא בחר קובץ
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Automaticאוטומטי
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ איטי (עמלה x0.25) {0.2 ?}
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ הכי מהיר (עמלה x41.5) {200 ?}
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: לא ניתן לטעון עסקאות לא חתומות:
Number of transactions:
מספר עסקאות:
Transaction #%1
העברה #%1
נמען (מקבל):
payment ID:
מזהה תשלום:
גודל הטבעת:
+ Confirmationאישור
+ Can't submit transaction: העברה נכשלה:
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.הארנק אינו מחובר לדימון.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemon
@@ -2344,20 +2343,10 @@ Please upgrade or connect to another daemon
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- איטי (עמלה x0.25)
+ Fast (x5 fee)מהיר (עמלה x5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- הכי מהיר (עמלה x41.5)
- TxKey
@@ -2445,6 +2434,70 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ סיסמה שגויה
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
+ Mainnet
@@ -2499,7 +2552,7 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Password (confirm)
@@ -2507,22 +2560,22 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Please choose a fileאנא בחר קובץ
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2579,17 +2632,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menu
+ Create walletצור ארנק
@@ -2632,14 +2685,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -2699,12 +2744,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote nodeהתחבר לצומת מרוחקת
@@ -2762,22 +2807,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Change language
+ Advanced optionsאפשרויות מתקדמות
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2785,22 +2830,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2808,12 +2853,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Languageשפה
+ Continueהמשך
@@ -2841,12 +2886,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2874,12 +2914,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2924,19 +2959,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
+ Back to menuWizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -2974,17 +3009,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Back to menu
@@ -3052,14 +3082,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -3152,113 +3174,97 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ Errorשגיאה
+ Couldn't open wallet: לא ניתן לפתוח ארנק:
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- יתרה זמינה (ממתין לבלוק)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- יתרה זמינה (~%1 דקות)
- Unlocked balance
- יתרה זמינה
+ Waiting for daemon to start...ממתין שהדימון יתחיל...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...ממתין שהדימון יעצור...
+ Daemon failed to startהדימון לא התחיל
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.אנא בדוק את הארנק שלך ואת יומן הדימון עבור שגיאות. באפשרותך גם להתחיל %1 באופן ידני.
+ Daemon is synchronizedדימון מסונכרן
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: לא ניתן לבצע העברה: גרסת דימון שגויה:
+ Can't create transaction: לא ניתן לבצע העברה:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepלא קיימות יתרות שאינן ניתנות לשימוש
+ Address: כתובת:
Number of transactions:
@@ -3267,52 +3273,47 @@ Number of transactions:
מספר ההעברות:
Spending address index:
אינדקס כתובת ההוצאה:
+ Confirmationאישור
+ Please confirm transaction:
אנא אשר העברה:
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
Payment ID:
מזהה תשלום:
@@ -3321,12 +3322,12 @@ Amount:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3334,213 +3335,196 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Payment proofהוכחת תשלום
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
+ Payment proof checkבדיקת הוכחת תשלום
+ Bad signatureחתימה שגויה
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).כתובת זו קיבלה %1 מונרו, עם %2 אישורים.
+ Good signatureחתימה נכונה
+ Wrong passwordסיסמה שגויה
+ Warningאזהרה
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyשגיאה: מערכת הקבצים היא לקריאה בלבד
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.אזהרה: נותרו רק %1 GB על ההתקן. בלוקצ'יין דורש ~%2 GB של מידע.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.שים לב: נותרו רק %1 GB על ההתקן. בלוקצ'יין דורש ~%2 GB של מידע.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.תיקייה חדשה תיווצר במקומה. .לא נמצאה lmdb שים לב: תיקיית
+ Cancelביטול
+ Password changed successfullyהסיסמא הוחלפה בהצלחה
+ Error: שגיאה:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...לחץ שוב כדי לסגור...
- Daemon is running
- דימון פועל
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- הדימון ימשיך לרוץ ברקע לאחר סגירת התוכנה
- Stop daemon
- עצור דימון
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- יומן הדימון
- מוסתר
+ Waiting for daemon to syncממתין לסינכרון הדימון
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)הדימון מסונכרן (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedהארנק מסונכרן
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2סכום שגוי: טווח הערכים הוא %1 עד %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1יתרה אינה מספיקה. יתרה זמינה: %1
+ Couldn't send the money: שליחת הכסף נכשלה:
+ Informationמידע
+ Transaction saved to file: %1העברה נשמרה לקובץ: %1
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) In hebrew, when a signle transation was done, the correct way to write it will be "העברה אחת", but I used the plural way instead, its common to see it in software even though its not correct.מונרו שלח בהצלחה: %1 העברות
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedכתובת זו קיבלה %1 מונרו, אך ההעברה טרם אושרה ע"י הרשת
+ This address received nothingכתובת זו לא קיבלה כלום
- Balance (syncing)
- יתרה (סנכרון מתבצע)
- Balance
- יתרה
+ Please wait...אנא המתן...
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_hi.ts b/translations/monero-core_hi.ts
index a1d43be5..bfc43572 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_hi.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_hi.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:चयनित खाते का नामांकन करें:
+ Balance Allशेष सभी
+ Total balance: कुल शेष:
+ Copied to clipboardक्लिपबोर्ड पर नकल
+ Total unlocked balance: कुल खुला शेष:
+ Accountsखाते
+ Balance: शेष:
+ Address copied to clipboardपता क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी किया गया
+ Create new accountनया खाता बनाएँ
+ Set the label of the new account:नये खाते का नामांकन करें:
- (Untitled)
- (बेनाम)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses hereयहां अपने सबसे अधिक उपयोग किए जाने वाले पते सहेजें
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.इससे मोनरो को भेजना या प्राप्त करना आसान हो जाता है और मैन्युअल रूप से पतों में टाइप करते समय त्रुटियों को कम करता है।
+ Add an addressपता जोड़ें
+ Address bookपता पुस्तिका
+ Address copied to clipboardपता क्लिपबोर्ड में कॉपी
+ Add addressपता जोड़ें
+ Edit an addressपता संपादित करें
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ Resolveसंकल्प
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressइस खुला-उपनाम पते पर कोई मान्य पता नहीं मिला
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedपता मिला, लेकिन DNSSEC हस्ताक्षर सत्यापित नहीं किए जा सके, इसलिए यह पता ख़राब हो सकता है
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedइस खुला-उपनाम पते पर कोई मान्य पता नहीं मिला, लेकिन DNSSEC हस्ताक्षर सत्यापित नहीं किए जा सके, इसलिए इसे रद्द किया जा सकता है
+ Internal errorआंतरिक त्रुटि
+ No address foundकोई पता नहीं मिला
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...एक नाम जोड़ें ...
+ Addजोड़ें
+ Saveसहेजें
+ Errorत्रुटि
+ Invalid addressअवैध पता
+ Can't create entryप्रविष्टि नहीं बना सकते
+ Cancelरद्द करें
+ Deleteमिटाएँ
+ OpenAlias errorखुला-उपनाम त्रुटि
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- कमांड + दर्ज करें (उदा। सहायता)
+ Paste
+ चिपकाएं
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date fromतिथि से
+ Date toतिथि तक
+ Dateतिथि
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort byसे क्रमबद्ध करें
+ Blockheightखंड ऊंचाई
+ Amountराशि
+ Pageपृष्ठ
+ Jump to page (1-%1)पृष्ठ पर जाएं (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.अमान्य पृष्ठ। संख्या निर्दिष्ट सीमा के भीतर होनी चाहिए।
+ Sentभेज दिया
+ Receivedप्राप्त किया
+ Feeशुल्क
+ Minedखनन
+ Yesहाँ
+ Pendingबाक़ी
+ Confirmationsपुष्टिकरण
+ Descriptionविवरण
+ Transaction IDलेनदेन की पहचान
+ Transaction keyलेन-देन कुंजी
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent toको पता भेजा गया
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.Txpool छोड़ने के लिए लेनदेन की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है।
+ Unknown recipientअनजान प्रापक
+ Advanced optionsउन्नत विकल्प
+ Human readable date formatमानव पठनीय दिनांक स्वरूप
+ Export all historyसभी इतिहास निर्यात करें
+ Set description:विवरण समुच्चय करें:
+ Updated description.अद्यतन विवरण।.
+ No transaction history yet.अभी तक कोई लेन-देन इतिहास नहीं।
+ No results.कोई परिणाम नहीं।
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.%1 लेनदेन कुल, %2 दिखा रहा है।
+ Primary addressप्राथमिक पता
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
लेनदेन आईडी:
- Address label:
- पता नामांकन:
+ Address:पता:
+ Payment ID:भुगतान आईडी:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:लेनदेन कुंजी:
+ Tx note:लेनदेन टिप्पणी:
+ Destinations:गन्तव्य:
+ Rings:छल्ले:
+ Please choose a folder
+ Successसफलता
+ CSV file written to: %1CSV फ़ाइल यहाँ: %1 लिखी गई
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.युक्ति: खंड-ऊंचाई पर क्रमबद्ध करने के लिए अपने पसंदीदा स्प्रेडशीट सॉफ़्टवेयर का उपयोग करें।.
+ Errorत्रुटि
+ Error exporting transaction data.लेन-देन डेटा निर्यात करने में त्रुटि।.
@@ -586,151 +583,144 @@
- Balance
- धनराशि
- Unlocked balance
- खुली धनराशि
- Stagenetस्टेजनेट
+ Copied to clipboardक्लिपबोर्ड पर नकल
+ Accountखाता
+ Syncing...
+ Tटी
+ Sendभेजें
+ Sएस
+ Address bookपता पुस्तिका
+ Bबी
+ Merchantव्यापारी
+ Uयू
+ Hएच
+ Advancedउन्नत
+ Dडी
+ Miningखनन
+ Mएम
+ Prove/checkसिद्ध/जांच
+ Shared RingDBसाझा रिंगडीबी
+ Walletबटुआ
+ Daemonडीमन
+ Kके
+ Transactionsलेन-देन
+ Gजी
+ Sign/verifyसाइन/सत्यापित
+ Iआई
+ Settingsसेटिंग्स
+ Eई
+ Receiveप्राप्त करें
@@ -740,7 +730,7 @@
केवल देखने योग्य
+ Rआर
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ Copyकॉपी
+ Copied to clipboardक्लिपबोर्ड पर नकल
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ Copyकॉपी
+ Copied to clipboardक्लिपबोर्ड पर नकल
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ Salesबिक्री
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p><style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>यह पृष्ठ स्वचालित रूप से QR कोड का उपयोग करके ब्लॉकचेन और आने वाले लेनदेन के लिए tx पूल को स्कैन करेगा।</p><p>यह आप पर निर्भर है कि अपुष्ट लेनदेन को स्वीकार करना है या नहीं। यह संभावना है कि उन्हें संक्षिप्त क्रम में पुष्टि की जाएगी, लेकिन अभी भी एक संभावना है कि वे नहीं कर सकते हैं, इसलिए बड़े मूल्यों के लिए आप एक या अधिक पुष्टि के लिए इंतजार करना चाहते हैं।</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.लेनदेन की निगरानी हो रही है, अभी तक कोई नहीं मिली।.
+ Save Asसेव एस
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)(दाहिना क्लिक,सेव एस )
+ Payment URLभुगतान यूआरएल
+ Copied to clipboardक्लिपबोर्ड पर नकल
+ Amount to receiveप्राप्त करने के लिए राशि
+ Enable sales trackerबिक्री ट्रैकर सक्षम करें
+ Leave this pageइस पृष्ठ को छोड़ो
+ The merchant page requires a larger windowव्यापारी पृष्ठ को बड़ी विंडो की आवश्यकता होती है
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonचेतावनी: डीमन से संपर्क नहीं
+ Save QrCodeQrकोड सेव करें
+ Failed to save QrCode to Qrकोड सेव करने में असफल
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- धनराशि
- Unlocked Balance
- खुला बकाया
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
खनन नहीं हो रहा
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- खुला बकाया:
+ Walletबटुआ
+ Interface
+ Nodeनोड
+ Logलोग
+ Infoसूचना
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Network statusनेटवर्क स्थिति
+ Connectedकनेक्ट किया गया
+ Synchronizingतुल्यकालन
+ Remote nodeरिमोट नोड
+ Miningखनन
+ Wrong versionगलत संस्करण
+ Searching nodeनोड की खोज की जा रही है
+ Disconnectedडिस्कनेक्ट किया गया
+ Invalid connection statusअमान्य संपर्क स्थिति
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new passwordकृपया नए कूटशब्द की पुष्टि करें
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ Cancelरद्द
+ Okठीक
@@ -1180,37 +1174,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
चयनित पते का लेबल सेट करें:
+ Addressesपतों
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी करें
+ Copied to clipboardक्लिपबोर्ड पर नकल की गयी
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a nameकृपया एक नाम चुनें
+ Set the label of the new address:नए पते का लेबल सेट करें:
- (Untitled)
- (शीर्षकहीन)
+ Address copied to clipboardक्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी किया गया पता
+ Create new addressनया पता बनाएँ
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
बटुआ पथ:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (बदलने के लिए क्लिक करें)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cacheरीस्कन वॉलेट कैश
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1312,47 +1316,47 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Cancelरद्द करें
+ Wallet log path: वॉलेट लॉग पथ:
+ Wallet mode: वॉलेट मोड:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardक्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी करें
+ Copied to clipboardक्लिपबोर्ड पर नकल की गयी
@@ -1360,80 +1364,70 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Custom decorationsकस्टम सजावट
+ Hide balanceशेष राशि छिपाएँ
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
- भुगतान आईडी के साथ स्थानांतरण सक्षम करें (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivityनिष्क्रियता पर लॉक वॉलेट
+ Light theme
+ minutesमिनट
+ minuteमिनट
+ After के बाद
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change languageभाषा बदलें
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- मोबाइल मोड में अभी तक कोई लेआउट विकल्प मौजूद नहीं हैं।
- SettingsLog
@@ -1448,121 +1442,126 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
डीमन लॉग
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')कमांड + एंटर (उदा। 'सहायता' या 'स्थिति')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeस्थानीय नोड
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.ब्लॉकचेन आपके कंप्यूटर पर डाउनलोड किया जाता है। उच्च सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है और अधिक स्थानीय भंडारण की आवश्यकता होती है।
+ Remote nodeरिमोट नोड
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Monero नेटवर्क से कनेक्ट करने के लिए एक तृतीय-पक्ष सर्वर का उपयोग करता है। कम सुरक्षित, लेकिन आपके कंप्यूटर पर आसान है।
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.एक दूरस्थ नोड खोजने के लिए, अपने पसंदीदा खोज इंजन में 'मोनोरो रिमोट नोड' टाइप करें। कृपया सुनिश्चित करें कि नोड एक विश्वसनीय तृतीय-पक्ष द्वारा चलाया जाता है।
+ Addressपता
+ Portपोर्ट
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.रिमोट नोड अपडेट किया गया। विश्वसनीय डेमॉन को रीसेट कर दिया गया है। यदि वांछित है, तो फिर से चिह्नित करें।
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)(वैकल्पिक)
+ Daemon password
+ Passwordपासवर्ड
+ Mark as Trusted Daemonऐसे चिह्नित करें विश्वसनीय डीमन
+ Connectसे जुड़ें
+ Start daemonडीमन प्रारंभ करे
+ Stop daemon
+ Blockchain locationब्लॉकचेन स्थान
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (बदलें)</a>
+ (default)(सुनिश्चित)
+ Daemon startup flagsडीमन प्रारंभ फ्लेगस
+ Bootstrap Addressबूटस्ट्रैप का पता
+ Bootstrap Portबूटस्ट्रैप पोर्ट
@@ -1570,42 +1569,42 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Close this walletइस बटुए को बंद करें
+ Logs out of this wallet.इस वॉलेट से लॉग आउट होता है।
+ Close walletबटुआ बंद करो
+ Create a view-only walletकेवल देखने के लिए बटुआ बनाएँ
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.एक नया बटुआ बनाता है जो केवल लेन-देन को देख और आरंभ कर सकता है, लेकिन भेजने से पहले लेनदेन पर हस्ताक्षर करने के लिए एक खर्च करने योग्य बटुए की आवश्यकता होती है।
+ Create walletबटुआ बनाएँ
+ Successसफलता
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
@@ -1614,74 +1613,74 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
आप वॉलेट सेटिंग्स में पासवर्ड बदल सकते हैं।
+ Show seed & keysबीज और चाबियाँ दिखाएँ
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.भविष्य में अपने बटुए को पुनर्प्राप्त करने के लिए इस जानकारी को सुरक्षित रूप से संग्रहीत करें।
+ Show seedबीज दिखाओ
+ Rescan wallet balanceरीस्कन वॉलेट बैलेंस
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.इस सुविधा का उपयोग करें यदि आपको लगता है कि दिखाया गया शेष सटीक नहीं है।
+ Rescanरीस्कन
+ Errorत्रुटि
+ Error: त्रुटि:
+ Informationजानकारी
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.सफलतापूर्वक खर्च किए गए आउटपुट को बचाया।
+ Change wallet passwordवॉलेट पासवर्ड बदलें
+ Change the password of your wallet.अपने वॉलेट का पासवर्ड बदलें।
+ Change passwordपासवर्ड बदलें
+ Wrong passwordगलत पासवर्ड
@@ -1877,7 +1876,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Messageसंदेश
@@ -1893,8 +1892,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Fileफ़ाइल
@@ -1914,96 +1913,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
हस्ताक्षर करने के लिए एक संदेश दर्ज करें
+ Enter path to fileफ़ाइल करने के लिए पथ दर्ज करें
+ Browseविचरण
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signatureहस्ताक्षर बनाने के लिए [संदेश पर हस्ताक्षर] पर क्लिक करें
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signatureहस्ताक्षर बनाने के लिए [फ़ाइल पर हस्ताक्षर] पर क्लिक करें
+ Clearसाफ़
+ Sign Messageसंदेश पर हस्ताक्षर करें
+ Sign Fileफ़ाइल पर हस्ताक्षर करें
+ Verify messageसंदेश सत्यापित करें
+ Verify fileफ़ाइल सत्यापित करें
+ Enter the message to verifyसत्यापित करने के लिए संदेश दर्ज करें
+ Addressपता
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)मोनरो पता दर्ज करें (उदाहरण: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ ...)
+ Enter the signature to verifyसत्यापित करने के लिए हस्ताक्षर दर्ज करें
+ Verify Fileफ़ाइल सत्यापित करें
+ Verify Messageसंदेश सत्यापित करें
+ Please choose a file to signकृपया हस्ताक्षर करने के लिए एक फ़ाइल चुनें
+ Signatureहस्ताक्षर
+ Please choose a file to verifyकृपया सत्यापित करने के लिए एक फ़ाइल चुनें
@@ -2011,22 +2010,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copyनकल करने के लिए दो बार थपथपाना
+ Content copied to clipboardसामग्री क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी की गई
+ Cancelरद्द करें
+ OKठीक
@@ -2034,65 +2033,40 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
- कम (X1 शुल्क)
+ Automatic
- Medium (x20 fee)
- मध्यम (x20 शुल्क)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ धीमे (x0.25 शुल्क) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- उच्च (x166 शुल्क)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- धीमे (x0.25 शुल्क)
- Default (x1 fee)
- तयशुदा (x1 शुल्क)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
- All
- Sent
- भेज दिया
- Received
- प्राप्त किया
- Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorखुला-उपनाम त्रुटि
+ Transaction priorityलेनदेन प्राथमिकता
@@ -2102,259 +2076,274 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address'OpenAlias' shouldn't be translatedइस खुला-उपनाम पते पर कोई मान्य पता नहीं मिला
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ All
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- धीमे (x0.25 शुल्क)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedपता मिला, लेकिन DNSSEC हस्ताक्षर सत्यापित नहीं किए जा सके, इसलिए यह पता ख़राब हो सकता है
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedइस खुला-उपनाम पते पर कोई मान्य पता नहीं मिला, लेकिन DNSSEC हस्ताक्षर सत्यापित नहीं किए जा सके, इसलिए इसे रद्द किया जा सकता है
+ Internal errorआंतरिक त्रुटि
+ No address foundकोई पता नहीं मिला
+ Saved to local wallet history
+ Advanced optionsउन्नत विकल्प
+ Monero sent successfully
+ Resolveसंकल्प
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ धीमे (x0.25 शुल्क) {0.2 ?}
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Sendभेजें
+ Sweep Unmixable
+ Create tx file
+ Sign tx file
+ Submit tx file
+ Errorत्रुटि
+ Informationजानकारी
+ Please choose a file
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Automatic
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Export key images
+ Import key images
+ Can't load unsigned transaction:
Number of transactions:
Transaction #%1
payment ID:
+ Confirmationपुष्टिकरण
+ Can't submit transaction:
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemon
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- TxKey
@@ -2442,6 +2431,70 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ गलत पासवर्ड
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ टेस्टनेट
+ Stagenet
+ स्टेजनेट
+ Mainnet
+ मुख्य नेट
@@ -2496,7 +2549,7 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Password (confirm)
@@ -2504,22 +2557,22 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Please choose a file
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2576,17 +2629,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menu
+ Create walletबटुआ बनाएँ
@@ -2629,14 +2682,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -2696,12 +2741,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote node
@@ -2759,22 +2804,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Change languageभाषा बदलें
+ Advanced optionsउन्नत विकल्प
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2782,22 +2827,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2805,12 +2850,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language
+ Continue
@@ -2838,12 +2883,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2871,12 +2911,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2921,19 +2956,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
- भाषा बदलें
+ Back to menu
+ WizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -2963,25 +2998,20 @@ your input may be required.
+ टेस्टनेटStagenet
+ स्टेजनेट
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Back to menu
@@ -3049,14 +3079,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -3149,179 +3171,158 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ Errorत्रुटि
+ Couldn't open wallet: वॉलेट नहीं खुल पाया:
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- खुली धनराशि
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
+ Waiting for daemon to start...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...
+ Daemon failed to start
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.
+ Daemon is synchronized
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version:
+ Can't create transaction: लेनदेन नहीं हो सकता है:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweep
+ Address:
Number of transactions:
Spending address index:
+ Confirmationपुष्टिकरण
+ Please confirm transaction:
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
Payment ID:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3329,204 +3330,187 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Payment proof
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
+ Payment proof check
+ Bad signatureखराब हस्ताक्षर
+ Good signatureअच्छा हस्ताक्षर
+ Wrong passwordगलत पासवर्ड
+ Warning
+ Error: Filesystem is read only
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.
+ Cancel
+ Password changed successfully
+ Error: त्रुटि:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...
- Daemon is running
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Stop daemon
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- डीमन लॉग
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1
+ Transaction saved to file: %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet mined
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).
+ This address received nothing
- Balance (syncing)
- Balance
- धनराशि
+ Please wait...कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें...
+ Couldn't send the money: पैसेनहीं भेज पाया:
+ Waiting for daemon to syncकार्यकर्ता के समकालीन बनने का इंतजार
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)कार्यकर्ता समकालीन हो गया (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedबटुआ समकालीन हो गया
+ Informationजानकारी
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) मोनेरो को सफलतापूर्वक भेजा गया: %1 लेन-देन
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_hr.ts b/translations/monero-core_hr.ts
index 4e5157eb..cf006a1a 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_hr.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_hr.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:
+ Balance All
+ Total balance:
+ Copied to clipboardKopirano u međuspremnik
+ Total unlocked balance:
+ Accounts
+ Balance:
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresa je kopirana u međuspremnik
+ Create new account
+ Set the label of the new account:
- (Untitled)
- (Neimenovano)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address bookImenik
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresa je kopirana u međuspremnik
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ ResolveRiješi
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNije pronađena važeća adresa na toj OpenAlias adresi
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAdresa pronađena ali DNSSEC potpisi nisu ovjereni. Adresa može biti krivotvorena
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedVažeća adresa nije pronađena na ovoj OpenAlias adresi i DNSSEC potpisi nisu ovjereni. Ovo može biti krivotvorina
+ Internal errorUnutarnja greška
+ No address foundAdresa nije pronađena
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ AddDodaj
+ Save
+ ErrorGreška
+ Invalid addressNevažeća adresa
+ Can't create entryKreiranje unosa nije moguće
+ CancelOtkaži
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias greška
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- command + enter (npr. help)
+ Paste
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date from
+ Date to
+ DateDatum
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort by
+ BlockheightVisina bloka
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ SentPoslano
+ ReceivedPrimljeno
+ FeeProvizija
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ DescriptionOpis
+ Transaction IDIdentifikacija transakcije
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced optionsNapredne postavke
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:
+ Updated description.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary address
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
Identifikacija transakcije:
- Address label:
+ Address:
+ Payment ID:Identifikacija uplate:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Transakcijski ključ:
+ Tx note:Transakcijska napomena:
+ Destinations:Destinacije:
+ Rings:Prstenovi:
+ Please choose a folder
+ SuccessUspjeh
+ CSV file written to: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.
+ ErrorGreška
+ Error exporting transaction data.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Stanje
- Unlocked balance
- Otključano stanje
+ SendSlanje
+ ReceivePrimanje
+ RR
+ Prove/checkDokaži/provjeri
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
Fazna mreža
+ Copied to clipboardKopirano u međuspremnik
+ Account
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address bookImenik
+ BB
+ Merchant
+ U
+ Transactions
+ HH
+ AdvancedNapredno
+ DD
+ MiningRudarenje
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBZajednička baza podataka prstenova
+ WalletNovčanik
+ DaemonDaemon
+ Sign/verifyPotpiši/ovjeri
+ EE
+ SS
+ G
+ II
+ SettingsPostavke
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboardKopirano u međuspremnik
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboardKopirano u međuspremnik
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ Sales
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.
+ Save AsPohrani kao
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)
+ Payment URL
+ Copied to clipboardKopirano u međuspremnik
+ Amount to receiveŽeljeni iznos
+ Enable sales tracker
+ Leave this page
+ The merchant page requires a larger window
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonUPOZORENJE: nemoguće uspostaviti vezu sa daemonom
+ Save QrCodePohrani QR kod
+ Failed to save QrCode to Neuspješno pohranjivanje QR koda u
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Stanje
- Unlocked Balance
- Otključano stanje
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Ne rudarim
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Otključano stanje:
+ WalletNovčanik
+ Interface
+ Node
+ Log
+ Info
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ SynchronizingSinkronizacija
+ Remote nodeUdaljeni čvor
+ ConnectedSpojen
+ MiningRudarenje
+ Wrong versionPogrešna verzija
+ Searching node
+ DisconnectedIsključen
+ Invalid connection statusNevažeći status veze
+ Network statusMrežni status
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new passwordPotvrdite novu zaporku
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ CancelOtkaži
+ OkU redu
@@ -1180,37 +1174,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Stavi oznaku označene adrese:
+ AddressesAdrese
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboardKopirano u međuspremnik
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a name
+ Set the label of the new address:Stavi oznaku nove adrese:
- (Untitled)
- (Neimenovano)
+ Address copied to clipboardAdresa je kopirana u međuspremnik
+ Create new address
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cache
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1305,47 +1309,47 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ CancelOtkaži
+ Wallet log path:
+ Wallet mode:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboardKopirano u međuspremnik
@@ -1353,80 +1357,70 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Custom decorations
+ Hide balance
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivity
+ Light theme
+ minutes
+ minute
+ After
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change language
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1441,121 +1435,126 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
Dnevnik daemona
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local node
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.
+ Remote nodeUdaljeni čvor
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.
+ AddressAdresa
+ PortPort
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)(neobavezno)
+ Daemon password
+ PasswordZaporka
+ Mark as Trusted Daemon
+ Connect
+ Start daemon
+ Stop daemonZaustavite daemona
+ Blockchain locationLokacija lanca blokova
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a>
+ (default)
+ Daemon startup flags
+ Bootstrap Address
+ Bootstrap Port
@@ -1563,116 +1562,116 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Close this wallet
+ Logs out of this wallet.
+ Close wallet
+ Create a view-only wallet
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.
+ Create walletKreiraj novčanik
+ SuccessUspjeh
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keys
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.
+ Show seed
+ Rescan wallet balance
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.
+ Rescan
+ ErrorGreška
+ Error: Greška:
+ InformationInformacije
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.
+ Change wallet password
+ Change the password of your wallet.
+ Change password
+ Wrong passwordNeispravna zaporka
@@ -1868,7 +1867,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ MessagePoruka
@@ -1884,8 +1883,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ File
@@ -1905,96 +1904,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Enter path to file
+ BrowsePretraži
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signature
+ Clear
+ Sign Message
+ Sign File
+ Verify messageOvjeri poruku
+ Verify fileOvjeri datoteku
+ Enter the message to verify
+ AddressAdresa
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verify
+ Verify File
+ Verify Message
+ Please choose a file to signOdaberite datoteku za potpisivanje
+ SignaturePotpis
+ Please choose a file to verifyOdaberite datoteku za ovjeru
@@ -2002,22 +2001,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copyDvostruki dodir za kopiranje
+ Content copied to clipboardSadržaj je kopiran u međuspremnik
+ CancelOtkaži
@@ -2025,331 +2024,321 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Nizak (provizija x1)
+ Automatic
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Srednji (provizija x20)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Spori (provizija x0.25) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Visok (provizija x166)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Normalno (x1 provizija)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Spori (provizija x0.25)
- Default (x1 fee)
- Standardni (provizija x1)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Brzi (provizija x5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Najbrži (provizija x41.5)
- All
- Sve
- Sent
- Poslano
- Received
- Primljeno
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Najbrži (provizija x41.5) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias greška
+ Transaction priorityPrioritet transakcije
+ AllSve
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Automatic
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Spori (provizija x0.25) {0.2 ?}
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Najbrži (provizija x41.5) {200 ?}
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNije pronađena važeća adresa na toj OpenAlias adresi
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAdresa pronađena ali DNSSEC potpisi nisu ovjereni. Adresa može biti krivotvorena
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedVažeća adresa nije pronađena na ovoj OpenAlias adresi i DNSSEC potpisi nisu ovjereni. Ovo može biti krivotvorina
+ Internal errorUnutarnja greška
+ No address foundAdresa nije pronađena
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet historyPohranjeno u povijest lokalnog novčanika
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ SendPošalji
+ Sweep UnmixablePobriši Unmixable
+ Create tx fileKreiraj transakcijsku datoteku
+ Sign tx filePotpiši transakcijsku datoteku
+ Submit tx filePošalji transakcijsku datoteku
+ ErrorGreška
+ InformationInformacije
+ Please choose a fileOdaberite datoteku
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Pokreni daemona</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)Normalno (x1 provizija)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Advanced optionsNapredne postavke
+ Export key images
+ Import key images
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: Nemoguće učitati nepotpisanu transakciju:
Number of transactions:
Broj transakcija:
Transaction #%1
Transakcija #%1
payment ID:
Identifikacija uplate:
+ ConfirmationPotvrda
+ Can't submit transaction: Nemoguće podnijeti transakciju:
+ Monero sent successfullyMonero je uspješno poslan
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.Novčanik nije povezan sa daemonom.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonPovezani daemon nije kompatibilan sa grafičkim sučeljem.
Nadogradite ga ili se spojite na drugi daemon.
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Spori (provizija x0.25)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Brzi (provizija x5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Najbrži (provizija x41.5)
+ ResolveRiješi
@@ -2442,6 +2431,70 @@ U slučaju "dokaza potrošnje", adresa primatelja ne mora se navesti.<
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Neispravna zaporka
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Testna mreža
+ Stagenet
+ Fazna mreža
+ Mainnet
+ Glavna mreža
@@ -2496,7 +2549,7 @@ U slučaju "dokaza potrošnje", adresa primatelja ne mora se navesti.<
+ Password (confirm)
@@ -2504,22 +2557,22 @@ U slučaju "dokaza potrošnje", adresa primatelja ne mora se navesti.<
+ Please choose a fileOdaberite datoteku
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2576,17 +2629,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menu
+ Create walletKreiraj novčanik
@@ -2629,14 +2682,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -2696,12 +2741,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote nodeSpoji se na udaljeni čvor
@@ -2759,22 +2804,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Change language
+ Advanced optionsNapredne postavke
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2782,22 +2827,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2805,12 +2850,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ LanguageJezik
+ ContinueNastavi
@@ -2838,12 +2883,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2871,12 +2911,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2921,19 +2956,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
+ Back to menuWizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -2971,17 +3006,12 @@ your input may be required.
Fazna mreža
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Back to menu
@@ -3049,14 +3079,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -3149,82 +3171,71 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ ErrorGreška
+ Couldn't open wallet: Nemoguće je otvoriti novčanik:
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Otključano stanje (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- Otključano stanje
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Čekam da se daemon pokrene...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Čekam da se daemon zaustavi...
+ Daemon is synchronizedDaemon je sinkroniziran
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Nemoguće kreirati transakciju: kriva verzija daemona:
+ Can't create transaction: Nemoguće kreirati transakciju:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepNema unmixable izlaza za čišćenje
+ Address: Adresa:
Broj prstenova:
Number of transactions:
@@ -3233,42 +3244,42 @@ Number of transactions:
Broj transakcija:
Spending address index:
Indeks adrese platitelja:
+ ConfirmationPotvrda
+ Please confirm transaction:
Potvrdite transakciju:
Payment ID:
Identifikacija uplate:
@@ -3277,111 +3288,95 @@ Amount:
+ Payment proofDokaz o plaćanju
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
Nemoguće generirati dokaz o plaćanju:
+ Payment proof checkProvjera dokaza o plaćanju
+ Bad signatureNeispravan potpis
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Ova adresa je primila %1 monero sa %2 potvrde.
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Otključano stanje (čekam blok)
+ Waiting for daemon to syncČekanje da se daemon sinkronizira
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)Daemon je sinkroniziran (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedNovčanik je sinkroniziran
+ Daemon failed to startNeuspješno pokretanje daemona
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Provjerite dnevnik vašeg novčanika i daemona za greške. Možete također probati pokrenuti %1 ručno.
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3389,157 +3384,146 @@ your input may be required.
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Iznos je netočan: očekivani iznos između %1 i %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Nedovoljno sredstava. Otključani iznos: %1
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Couldn't send the money: Nemoguće poslati novac:
+ InformationInformacije
+ Transaction saved to file: %1Transakcija pohranjena u datoteku: %1
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Monero poslan uspješno: %1 transakcija
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedOva adresa je primila %1 monero ali transakcija još nije izrudarena
+ This address received nothingOva adresa nije primila ništa
+ Good signatureIspravan potpis
- Balance (syncing)
- Stanje (sinkronizacija)
+ Primary account
- Balance
- Stanje
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Wrong passwordNeispravna zaporka
+ WarningUpozorenje
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyGreška: pristup datoteci samo za čitanje
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Upozorenje: Samo %1 GB je dostupno na uređaju. Lancu blokova je potrebno ~%2 GB praznog prostora.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Opaska: %1 GB je dostupno na uređaju. Lancu blokova je potrebno ~%2 GB praznog prostora.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Opaska: lmdb mapa nije pronađena. Kreirat će se nova mapa.
+ CancelOtkaži
+ Password changed successfullyZaporka uspješno promjenjena
+ Error: Greška:
+ Please wait...Molimo pričekajte...
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Tap again to close...Dodirnite ponovo da biste zatvorili...
- Daemon is running
- Daemon je pokrenut
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Daemon će nastaviti raditi u pozadini nakon što se korisničko sučelje zatvori.
- Stop daemon
- Zaustavite daemona
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Dnevnik daemona
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_hu.ts b/translations/monero-core_hu.ts
index 3294a04e..e0c2df0c 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_hu.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_hu.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Címke beállítása a választott fiókhoz:
+ Balance AllFiókok összesített egyenlege
+ Total balance: Egyenleg összesen:
+ Copied to clipboardVágólapra másolva
+ Total unlocked balance: Elérhető egyenleg:
+ AccountsFiókok
+ Balance: Egyenleg:
+ Address copied to clipboardA cím vágólapra másolva
+ Create new accountÚj fiók létrehozása
+ Set the label of the new account:Címke megadása az új fiókhoz:
- (Untitled)
- (névtelen)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address bookCímjegyzék
+ Address copied to clipboard
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ ResolveFeloldás
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNem található érvényes cím az OpenAlias címen
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedA cím megtalálható, de a DNSSEC aláírás érvénytelen. A cím valószínűleg hamis
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedNem található érvényes cím az OpenAlias címen, a DNSSEC aláírás érvénytelen. Valószínűleg hamis
+ Internal errorBelső hiba
+ No address foundNem található cím
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ AddHozzáadás
+ Save
+ ErrorHiba!
+ Invalid addressÉrvénytelen cím
+ Can't create entryA bejegyzést nem lehet létrehozni
+ CancelMégsem
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias hiba
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- parancs + enter (pl: help)
+ Paste
+ Beillesztés
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date fromDátum -tól
+ Date toDátum -ig
+ DateDátum
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort by
+ BlockheightBlokklánc magasság
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ SentElküldött
+ ReceivedFogadott
+ FeeDíj
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ DescriptionLeírás
+ Transaction IDTranzakció azonosító
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced optionsHaladó beállítások
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:Megjegyzés:
+ Updated description.Frissített megjegyzés.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary addressElsődleges cím
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
Tx azonosító:
- Address label:
- Címhez tartozó címke:
+ Address:Cím:
+ Payment ID:Fizetési azonosító:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Tx kulcs:
+ Tx note:Tx megjegyzés:
+ Destinations:Címek:
+ Rings:Gyűrűk:
+ Please choose a folder
+ SuccessKész
+ CSV file written to: %1CSV fájl írása: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.Tipp: Használd a kedvenc táblázatkezelődet a blokkmagasság szerinti rendezéshez.
+ ErrorHiba
+ Error exporting transaction data.Hiba történt a tranzakciós adatok exportálásakor.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Egyenleg
- Unlocked balance
- Elérhető egyenleg
+ SendKüldés
+ ReceiveFogadás
+ RR
+ Prove/checkBizonyítás/ellenőrzés
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboardVágólapra másolva
+ AccountFiók
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address bookCímjegyzék
+ BB
+ MerchantKereskedő
+ U
+ Transactions
+ HH
+ AdvancedHaladó
+ DD
+ MiningBányászat
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBMegosztott gyűrűadatbázis
+ WalletTárca
+ DaemonDaemon
+ Sign/verifyAláírás/aláírás ellenőrzése
+ EE
+ SS
+ GG
+ II
+ SettingsBeállítások
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ CopyMásolás
+ Copied to clipboardVágólapra másolva
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ CopyMásolás
+ Copied to clipboardVágólapra másolva
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ SalesEladások
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p><style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>Ez az oldal a QR-kód segítségével automatikusan átvizsgálja a blokkláncot és a tx pool-t bejövő tranzakciók után kutatva.</p><p>Rajtad múlik, hogy elfogadod-e a (még) meg nem erősített tranzakciókat. Valószínűleg egy-két blokkon belül megerősítésre kerülnek, azonban van rá egy kis esély, hogy mégsem kerülnek a blokkláncba. Nagyobb összegnél érdemes megvárni egy-két blokknyi megerősítést.</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.Bejövő tranzakciók figyelése: egyenlőre egy sincs.
+ Save AsMentés másként
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)(jobb-klikk, mentés másként)
+ Payment URLFizetési URL
+ Copied to clipboardVágólapra másolva
+ Amount to receiveIgényelt összeg
+ Enable sales trackerEladás követés engedélyezése
+ Leave this pageOldal elhagyása
+ The merchant page requires a larger windowAz ablak nagyítása szükséges
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonHIBA: nincs kapcsolat a daemon-nal
+ Save QrCodeQr-kód mentése
+ Failed to save QrCode to Nem sikerült menteni a qr-kódot ehhez
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Egyenleg
- Unlocked Balance
- Elérhető egyenleg
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Nem bányászik
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Elérhető egyenleg:
+ WalletTárca
+ Interface
+ Nodecsomópont
+ LogNapló
+ InfoInfo
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ SynchronizingSzinkronizálás
+ Remote nodeTávoli csomópont
+ ConnectedCsatlakozva
+ MiningBányászat
+ Wrong versionRossz verzió
+ Searching nodeCsomópont keresése
+ DisconnectedNincs csatlakozva
+ Invalid connection statusÉrvénytelen kapcsolat
+ Network statusHálózat állapota
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new passwordErősítsd meg a jelszót
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ CancelMégsem
+ OkOk
@@ -1180,37 +1174,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Címke hozzáadása a kijelölt címhez:
+ AddressesCímek
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Másolás vágólapra
+ Copied to clipboardVágólapra másolva
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a nameKérlek válassz egy nevet
+ Set the label of the new address:Címke hozzáadása az új címhez:
- (Untitled)
- (névtelen)
+ Address copied to clipboardCím vágólapra másolva
+ Create new address
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Tárca helye:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a><a href='#'> (Kattints a beállításhoz)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cacheTárca gyorsítótárának újraolvasása
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1311,47 +1315,47 @@ Az alábbi információk törlődnek
A régi gyorsítótár fájlja át lesz nevezve és bármikor visszaállítható
+ CancelMégsem
+ Wallet log path: Tárca napló helye:
+ Wallet mode: Tárca mód:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardMásolás vágólapra
+ Copied to clipboardVágólapra másolva
@@ -1359,80 +1363,70 @@ A régi gyorsítótár fájlja át lesz nevezve és bármikor visszaállítható
+ Custom decorationsEgyedi dekoráció
+ Hide balanceEgyenleg elrejtése
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
- Utalások indítása fizetési azonosítóval (ELAVULT)
+ Lock wallet on inactivityTárca zárolása ha nem használod
+ Light theme
+ minutesperc
+ minuteperc
+ After Után
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change languageNyelv választása
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- Nincs mobilos elrendezés
- SettingsLog
@@ -1447,121 +1441,126 @@ A régi gyorsítótár fájlja át lesz nevezve és bármikor visszaállítható
Daemon napló
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')parancs + enter (pl.: 'help' vagy 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeHelyi csomópont
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.A blokklánc letöltődik a számítógépre. Biztonságosabb, de több tárhelyet igényel.
+ Remote nodeTávoli csomópont
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Távoli szerver használata a hálózat eléréséhez. Kevésbé biztonságos, de kisebb gépigényű.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.Távoli szerver használatához írd be a kedvenc keresődbe, hogy 'Monero remote node'. Bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy a szerver megbízható!
+ AddressCím
+ PortPort
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.Távoli csomópont frissítve. Daemon megbízhatósága visszaállítva. Jelöld újra ha szeretnéd.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)(opcionális)
+ Daemon password
+ PasswordJelszó
+ Mark as Trusted DaemonDaemon jelölése megbízhatóként
+ ConnectCsatlakozás
+ Start daemonDaemon indítása
+ Stop daemonDaemon leállítása
+ Blockchain locationBlokklánc helye
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a><a href='#'> (change)</a>
+ (default)(alapértelmezett)
+ Daemon startup flagsDaemon indítási beállítások
+ Bootstrap AddressBootstrap cím
+ Bootstrap PortBootstrap port
@@ -1569,116 +1568,116 @@ A régi gyorsítótár fájlja át lesz nevezve és bármikor visszaállítható
+ Close this walletZárja be ezt a tárcát
+ Logs out of this wallet.Kijelentkezés ebből a tárcából
+ Close walletTárca bezárása
+ Create a view-only walletFigyelőtárca létrehozása
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.Olyan tárca létrehozása ami csak figyelni és kezdeményezni tud tranzakciókat, de a tranzakció véglegesítéséhez (aláírásához) szükséges egy elkölthető tárca is.
+ Create walletTárca létrehozása
+ SuccessKész
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keysMag és kulcsok mutatása
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Tárold ezt az információt bizalmasan, hogy a jövőben vissza tudd állítani a tárcád!
+ Show seedMAG mutatása
+ Rescan wallet balanceTárca egyenlegének újraolvasása
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Ezt az opciót akkor használd, ha a megjelenített egyenleg nem pontos.
+ RescanÚjraolvasás
+ ErrorHiba!
+ Error: Hiba:
+ InformationInformáció
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.Kimenetek sikeresen újraolvasva.
+ Change wallet passwordTárca jelszavának megváltoztatása
+ Change the password of your wallet.Változtasd meg a tárcád jelszavát.
+ Change passwordJelszó megváltoztatása
+ Wrong passwordHibás jelszó
@@ -1874,7 +1873,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ MessageÜzenet
@@ -1890,8 +1889,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ FileFájl
@@ -1911,96 +1910,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
Írj be egy üzenetet az aláíráshoz
+ Enter path to fileFájl útvonalának beállítása
+ BrowseMegnyitás
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signatureKlikkelj [Üzenet aláírása] az aláírás létrehozásához
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signatureKlikkelj [Fájl aláírása] az aláírás létrehozásához
+ ClearTörlés
+ Sign MessageÜzenet aláírása
+ Sign FileFájl aláírása
+ Verify messageÜzenet ellenőrzése
+ Verify fileFájl ellenőrzése
+ Enter the message to verifyÍrd be az üzenetet a hitelesítéshez
+ AddressCím
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)Írd be a Monero címet (Pl: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verifyIlleszd be az aláírást az ellenőrzéshez
+ Verify FileFájl ellenőrzése
+ Verify MessageÜzenet ellenőrzése
+ Please choose a file to signVálaszd ki az aláírandó fájlt
+ Please choose a file to verifyVálaszd ki a fájlt az ellenőrzéshez
+ SignatureAláírás
@@ -2008,22 +2007,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copyKattints duplán a másoláshoz
+ Content copied to clipboardTartalom vágólapra másolva
+ CancelMégsem
@@ -2031,327 +2030,317 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Alacsony (x1 díj)
+ Automatic
+ Automatikus
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Közepes (x20 díj)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Lassú (x0,25 díj) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Magas (x166 díj)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Normál (x1 díj)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Lassú (x0,25 díj)
- Default (x1 fee)
- Alapértelmezett (x1 díj)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Gyors (x5 díj)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Leggyorsabb (x41,5 díj)
- All
- Összes
- Sent
- Elküldött
- Received
- Fogadott
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Leggyorsabb (x41,5 díj) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorOpenAlias hiba!
+ Transaction priorityTranzakció prioritása
+ AllMind
+ ResolveFeloldás
+ AutomaticAutomatikus
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Lassú (x0,25 díj) {0.2 ?}
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Leggyorsabb (x41,5 díj) {200 ?}
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNem található érvényes cím az OpenAlias címen
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedA cím megtalálható, de a DNSSEC aláírás érvénytelen. A cím valószínűleg hamis
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedNem található érvényes cím az OpenAlias címen, a DNSSEC aláírás érvénytelen. Valószínűleg hamis
+ Internal errorBelső hiba!
+ No address foundNem található cím
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet historyHelyi előzményekbe mentve
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ SendKüldés
+ Sweep UnmixableÖsszesöprés
+ Create tx fileTx fájl létrehozása
+ Sign tx fileTx fájl aláírása
+ Submit tx fileTx fájl beküldése
+ ErrorHiba!
+ InformationInformáció
+ Please choose a fileVálassz egy fájlt
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Daemon indítása</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)Normál (x1 díj)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Címtár</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters64 hexadecimális karakter
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Advanced optionsHaladó beállítások
+ Export key imagesKulcsképek exportálása
+ Import key imagesKulcsképek importálása
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: Nem lehet betölteni az aláíratlan tranzakciót:
Number of transactions: Tranzakciók száma:
Transaction #%1Tranzakció #%1
Recipient: Kedvezményezett:
payment ID: Fizetési azonosító:
Amount: Összeg:
Fee: Díj:
Ringsize: Gyűrűméret:
+ ConfirmationMegerősítés
+ Can't submit transaction: Nem lehet beküldeni a tranzakciót:
+ Monero sent successfullyMonero sikeresen elküldve
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.A tárca nem csatlakozik a daemon-hoz
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonA csatlakoztatott daemon nem kompatibilis a grafikus felülettel (GUI).
Frissítsd a daemont vagy csatlakozz egy másikhoz
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.A daemon szinkronizál. Kis türelmet.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Lassú (x0,25 díj)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Gyors (x5 díj)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Leggyorsabb (x41,5 díj)
- TxKey
@@ -2441,6 +2430,70 @@ Egyszerű költési bizonylat esetén nem kell megadni a kedvezményezett címé
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Hibás jelszó
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
+ Mainnet
@@ -2495,7 +2548,7 @@ Egyszerű költési bizonylat esetén nem kell megadni a kedvezményezett címé
+ Password (confirm)Jelszó (megerősítés)
@@ -2503,22 +2556,22 @@ Egyszerű költési bizonylat esetén nem kell megadni a kedvezményezett címé
+ Please choose a fileVálassz egy fájlt
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2575,17 +2628,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.Hiba a tárca harveres írása közben. Nézd meg a naplót!
+ Back to menuVissza a menübe
+ Create walletTárca létrehozása
@@ -2628,14 +2681,6 @@ your input may be required.
Vissza a menübe
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Hiba a csomópontlista lekérésekor.
@@ -2695,12 +2740,12 @@ your input may be required.
Bootstrap csomópont
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.Továbbá használhatsz bootstrap csomópontot a Monero azonnali használatához.
+ Connect to a remote nodeCsatlakozás távoli csomóponthoz
@@ -2758,22 +2803,22 @@ your input may be required.
Tárca mód megváltoztatása
+ Change languageNyelv választása
+ Advanced optionsHaladó beállítások
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:KDF körök száma:
@@ -2781,22 +2826,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2804,12 +2849,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ LanguageNyelv
+ ContinueFolytatás
@@ -2837,12 +2882,7 @@ your input may be required.
Légy erre figyelemmel. <b>Azoknak a felhasználóknak ajánlott teljes, helyi csomópontot futtatni akiknek az anonimitás az elsődleges szempont</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- A csomópont hatékonyabb működéséért megadhatod a régiódat:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Megértettem az anonimitást érintő hátrányokat miközben 3. fél által üzemeltetett csomópontot használok.
@@ -2870,12 +2910,7 @@ your input may be required.
Légy erre figyelemmel. <b>Azoknak a felhasználóknak ajánlott teljes, helyi csomópontot futtatni akiknek az anonimitás az elsődleges szempont</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
- A csomópont hatékonyabb működéséért megadhatod a régiódat:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.Megértettem az anonimitást érintő hátrányokat miközben 3. fél által üzemeltetett csomópontot használok.
@@ -2920,19 +2955,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
- Nyelv választása
+ Back to menu
+ Vissza a menübeWizardNav
+ PreviousElőző
+ NextKövetkező
@@ -2970,17 +3005,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Browse filesystemFájlok böngészése
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Hiba a csomópontlista lekérésekor.
+ Back to menuVissza a menübe
@@ -3048,14 +3078,6 @@ your input may be required.
Vissza a menübe
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Hiba a csomópontlista lekérésekor.
@@ -3150,195 +3172,174 @@ Ha nem tudsz saját csomópontot futtatni, csatlakozhatsz egy távolihoz.
+ ErrorHiba!
+ Couldn't open wallet: A tárcát nem lehet megnyitni:
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Elérhető egyenleg (blokkra vár)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Elérhető egyenleg (~%1 perc)
- Unlocked balance
- Elérhető egyenleg
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Daemon indítása...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Daemon leállítása...
+ Daemon failed to startA daemon nem indult el
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Kérlek ellenőrizd a tárcád és a daemon naplóit, vagy próbáld meg manuálisan %1 indítani!
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Nem lehet tranzakciót indítani: rossz daemon verzió:
+ Can't create transaction: A tranzakciót nem lehet létrehozni:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepNincsenek összesöpörhető kimenetek.
+ ConfirmationMegerősítés
+ Please confirm transaction:
Erősítsd meg a tranzakciót:
Payment ID: Fizetési azonosító:
Amount: Összeg:
Fee: Díj:
+ Waiting for daemon to syncA daemon szinkronizál...
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
- Egyenleg (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)A daemon szinkronizálva (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedA tárca szinkronizálva
+ Daemon is synchronizedA daemon szinkronizálva
+ Address: Cím:
Ringsize: Gyűrűméret:
Number of transactions: Tranzakció sorszáma:
Description: Leírás:
Spending address index:
Költő cím indexe:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3346,190 +3347,173 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Monero sikeresen elküldve: %1 tranzakció(k)
+ Payment proofFizetési bizonyíték
+ Payment proof checkFizetési bizonyíték ellenőrzése
+ Bad signatureÉrvénytelen aláírás
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Erre a címre %1 monero érkezett, %2 megerősítéssel.
+ Good signatureÉrvényes aláírás
+ Wrong passwordHibás jelszó
+ WarningFigyelem
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyHiba: A fájlrendszer csak olvasható
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Figyelem: %1 GB szabad hely van az eszközön. A blokkláncnak még ~%2 GB szabad tárhely kell.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Megjegyzés: %1 GB szabad hely van az eszközön. A blokkláncnak még ~%2 GB szabad tárhely kell.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Megjegyzés: lmdb mappa nem található. Új mappa lesz létrehozva.
+ CancelMégsem
+ Password changed successfullyA jelszó sikeresen megváltoztatva
+ Error: Hiba:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Hiba a csomópontlista lekérésekor.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...Kattints mégegyszer a bezáráshoz...
- Daemon is running
- A daemon fut
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- A grafikus felület bezárása után a daemon a háttérben fut tovább.
- Stop daemon
- Daemon leállítása
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Daemon napló
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Rossz összeg: a helyes szám %1 és %2 között
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Nincs fedezet. Elérhető egyenleg: %1
+ Couldn't send the money: Az összeget nem lehetett elküldeni:
+ InformationInformáció
+ Transaction saved to file: %1Tranzakció fájlba mentése: %1
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
Nem sikerült a bizonyítékot létrehozni mert:
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedErre a címre %1 monero érkezett, de a tranzakció még nincs blokkba foglalva
+ This address received nothingErre a címre még nem érkezett semmi
- Balance (syncing)
- Egyenleg (szinkronizálás)
- Balance
- Egyenleg
+ Please wait...Kérlek várj...
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_id.ts b/translations/monero-core_id.ts
index 12414bd8..af483ebd 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_id.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_id.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:
+ Balance All
+ Total balance:
+ Copied to clipboardBerhasil disalin
+ Total unlocked balance:
+ Accounts
+ Balance:
+ Address copied to clipboardAlamat berhasil disalin
+ Create new account
+ Set the label of the new account:
- (Untitled)
- (Tanpa judul)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address bookBuku alamat
+ Address copied to clipboardAlamat berhasil disalin
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ ResolveMenyelesaikan
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressTidak menemukan alamat yang sah dari alamat OpenAddress ini
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAlamat ditemukan, tetapi tanda tangan DNSSEC tidak dapat disahkan, jadi adalah kemungkinan alamat ini telah dipalsukan
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedTidak menerima alamat yang sah dari alamat OpenAddress ini, dan juga tanda tangan DNSSEC tidak dapat disahkan, jadi adalah kemungkinan ini telah dipalsukan
+ Internal errorKesalahan internal
+ No address foundTidak dapat menemukan alamat
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ AddTambah
+ Save
+ ErrorKesalahan
+ Invalid addressAlamat tidak diketahui
+ Can't create entryItem tidak dapat dibuat
+ Cancel
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias errorKesalahan dengan OpenAlias
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- command + enter (contoh: bantuan)
+ Paste
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date from
+ Date to
+ DateTanggal
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort by
+ BlockheightTinggi blok
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ SentTerkirim
+ ReceivedDiterima
+ FeeBiaya
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ DescriptionDeskripsi
+ Transaction IDID transaksi
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced optionsOpsi lanjutan
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:
+ Updated description.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary address
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
ID transaksi:
- Address label:
+ Address:
+ Payment ID:ID pembayaran:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Kunci transaksi:
+ Tx note:Catatan transaksi:
+ Destinations:Tujuan:
+ Rings:Cincin:
+ Please choose a folder
+ SuccessSukses
+ CSV file written to: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.
+ ErrorKesalahan
+ Error exporting transaction data.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Saldo Rekening
- Unlocked balance
- Saldo rekening yang tidak terkunci
+ ReceiveMenerima
+ RR
+ Prove/checkBuktikan/periksa
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboardBerhasil disalin
+ Account
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address bookBuku alamat
+ BB
+ Merchant
+ U
+ Transactions
+ HH
+ AdvancedTerperinci
+ DD
+ MiningPertambangan
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBRingDB Bersama
+ WalletDompet
+ DaemonJurik
+ Sign/verifyMenandatangani/mengesahkan
+ EE
+ SS
+ GG
+ II
+ SettingsPengaturan
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboardBerhasil disalin
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboardBerhasil disalin
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ Sales
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.
+ Save AsMenyimpan dengan nama
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)
+ Payment URL
+ Copied to clipboardBerhasil disalin
+ Amount to receiveJumlah yang diterima
+ Enable sales tracker
+ Leave this page
+ The merchant page requires a larger window
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonPERINGATAN: tidak terhubung ke jurik
+ Save QrCodeMenyimpan Kode QR
+ Failed to save QrCode to Tidak dapat menyimpan Kode QR di
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Saldo Rekening
- Unlocked Balance
- Saldo rekening yang tidak terkunci
@@ -1009,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Tidak pertambangan
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Saldo rekening yang tidak terkunci:
+ WalletDompet
+ Interface
+ Node
+ Log
+ Info
@@ -1048,105 +1027,120 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ SynchronizingMenerima dan memeriksa blok
+ Remote nodeSimpul jarak jauh
+ ConnectedTersambung
+ MiningPertambangan
+ Wrong versionVersi salah
+ Searching node
+ DisconnectedKoneksi terputus
+ Invalid connection statusStatus sambungan salah
+ Network statusStatus jaringan
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet password
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new passwordUlangi kata sandi baru
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ CancelBatalkan
+ OkOk
@@ -1180,37 +1174,47 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Mengatur label alamat yang dipilih:
+ AddressesAlamat
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Menyalin
+ Copied to clipboardBerhasil disalin
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a name
+ Set the label of the new address:Mengatur label alamat baru:
- (Untitled)
- (Tanpa judul)
+ Address copied to clipboardAlamat berhasil disalin
+ Create new address
@@ -1267,33 +1271,33 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
Jalur dompet:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a> <a href='#'> (Klik untuk merubah)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cacheMemindai ulang cache dompet
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1311,47 +1315,47 @@ Informasi berikut akan dihapus
File cache dompet lama akan diganti namanya dan dapat dikembalikan nanti.
+ CancelBatalkan
+ Wallet log path: Alur catatan dompet:
+ Wallet mode:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboardMenyalin
+ Copied to clipboardBerhasil disalin
@@ -1359,80 +1363,70 @@ File cache dompet lama akan diganti namanya dan dapat dikembalikan nanti.
+ Custom decorationsDekorasi kustom
+ Hide balance
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivity
+ Light theme
+ minutes
+ minute
+ After
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change language
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- Belum ada opsi tata letak pada mode mobile.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1447,121 +1441,126 @@ File cache dompet lama akan diganti namanya dan dapat dikembalikan nanti.Catatan jurik
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')command + enter (e.g 'bantuan' atau 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeSimpul lokal
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.Blockchain telah diunduh ke komputer Anda. Menyediakan keamanan yang lebih tinggi dan membutuhkan lebih banyak penyimpanan lokal.
+ Remote nodeSimpul jarak jauh
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Menggunakan server pihak ketiga untuk terhubung ke jaringan Monero. Kurang begitu aman, tetapi lebih mudah di sisi komputer Anda.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.Untuk menemukan simpul jarak jauh, ketik 'simpul jarak jauh Monero ' ke mesin pencari favorit Anda. Pastikan simpul tersebut dijalankan oleh pihak ketiga yang tepercaya.
+ AddressAlamat
+ PortPort
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)(opsional)
+ Daemon password
+ PasswordKata sandi
+ Mark as Trusted Daemon
+ ConnectHubungkan
+ Start daemon
+ Stop daemonBerhenti jurik
+ Blockchain locationLokasi blockchain
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (ubah)</a>
+ (default)(default)
+ Daemon startup flagsBendera startup jurik
+ Bootstrap AddressAlamat Bootstrap
+ Bootstrap PortPort Bootstrap
@@ -1569,116 +1568,116 @@ File cache dompet lama akan diganti namanya dan dapat dikembalikan nanti.
+ Close this walletTutup dompet ini
+ Logs out of this wallet.Keluar dari dompet ini.
+ Close walletTutup dompet
+ Create a view-only walletBuat dompet yang hanya dapat dilihat
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.Membuat dompet baru yang hanya dapat membaca transaksi, namun tidak dapat menginisialisasi transaksi.
+ Create walletMembuat dompet
+ SuccessSukses
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keysTampilkan sumber kunci
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Simpan informasi ini dengan aman untuk memulihkan dompet Anda di masa mendatang.
+ Show seedTampilkan sumber
+ Rescan wallet balanceMemindai ulang saldo dompet
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Gunakan fitur ini jika Anda berpikir saldo yang ditampilkan tidak akurat.
+ RescanMemindai ulang
+ ErrorKesalahan
+ Error: Kesalahan:
+ InformationInformasi
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.Berhasil memindai ulang keluaran yang dibelanjakan.
+ Change wallet password
+ Change the password of your wallet.
+ Change password
+ Wrong passwordKata sandi salah
@@ -1874,7 +1873,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ MessagePesan
@@ -1890,8 +1889,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ File
@@ -1911,96 +1910,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Enter path to file
+ BrowseJelajahi
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signature
+ Clear
+ Sign Message
+ Sign File
+ Verify messageVerifikasi pesan
+ Verify fileVerifikasi file
+ Enter the message to verify
+ AddressAlamat
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verify
+ Verify File
+ Verify Message
+ Please choose a file to signMohon memilih file untuk ditandatangani
+ Please choose a file to verifyPililah arsip untuk disahkan
+ SignatureTanda tangan
@@ -2008,22 +2007,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copyTap dua kali untuk menyalin
+ Content copied to clipboardContent berhasil disalin
+ CancelMembatalkan
@@ -2031,321 +2030,311 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
- Rendah (Biaya x1)
+ Automatic
+ Otomatis
- Medium (x20 fee)
- Sedang (Biaya x20)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Lambat (biaya x0.25) {0.2 ?}
- High (x166 fee)
- Tinggi (Biaya x166)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ Normal (biaya x1)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Lambat (biaya x0.25)
- Default (x1 fee)
- Default (biaya x1)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Cepat (biaya x5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Tercepat (biaya x41.5)
- All
- Semua
- Sent
- Terkirim
- Received
- Diterima
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Tercepat (biaya x41.5) {200 ?}Transfer
+ OpenAlias errorKesalahan dengan OpenAlias
+ Transaction priorityKepentingan transaksi
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Lambat (biaya x0.25)
+ Fast (x5 fee)Cepat (biaya x5)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- Tercepat (biaya x41.5)
+ ResolveMenyelesaikan
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Mulai jurik</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Lambat (biaya x0.25) {0.2 ?}
+ Normal (x1 fee)Normal (biaya x1)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ Tercepat (biaya x41.5) {200 ?}
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font><style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Alamat <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Buku alamat</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressTidak menemukan alamat yang sah dari alamat OpenAddress ini
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedAlamat ditemukan, tetapi tanda tangan DNSSEC tidak dapat disahkan, jadi adalah kemungkinan alamat ini telah dipalsukan
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedTidak menerima alamat yang sah dari alamat OpenAddress ini, dan juga tanda tangan DNSSEC tidak dapat disahkan, jadi adalah kemungkinan ini telah dipalsukan
+ Internal errorKesalahan internal
+ No address foundTidak dapat menemukan alamat
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet historySedia dalam riwayat dompet lokal
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Monero sent successfullyMonero berhasil dikirimkan
+ Sweep UnmixableMenggabungkan transaksi yang tak dapat dicampurkan
+ Create tx fileMembuat arsip transaksi
+ AllSemua
+ Advanced optionsOpsi lanjutan
+ Sign tx fileMenandatangani arsip transaksi
+ Submit tx fileMenyerahkan arsip transaksi
+ ErrorKesalahan
+ InformationInformasi
+ Please choose a file>Mohon memilih arsip
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ AutomaticOtomatis
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Export key imagesEkspor tampilan kunci
+ Import key imagesImpor tampilan kunci
+ Can't load unsigned transaction: Tidak bisa memuat transaksi yang tidak ditandatangani:
Number of transactions: Jumlah transaksi:
Transaction #%1Transaksi #%1
Recipient: Penerima:
payment ID: ID Pembayaran:
Amount: Jumlah:
Fee: Biaya:
Ringsize: Ukuran cincin:
+ ConfirmationKonfirmasi
+ Can't submit transaction: Tidak bisa mengirim transaksi:
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.Dompet tidak dapat menghubung ke jurik
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemonJurik yang terhubung tidak cocok dengan GUI. Silahkan meningkatkan jurik atau menghubungkan jurik yang lain
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
@@ -2438,6 +2427,70 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Utils
+ Wrong password
+ Kata sandi salah
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Testnet (jaringan uji)
+ Stagenet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
+ Mainnet
@@ -2492,7 +2545,7 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
Kata sandi
+ Password (confirm)
@@ -2500,22 +2553,22 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Please choose a fileMohon memilih arsip
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -2572,17 +2625,17 @@ your input may be required.
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menu
+ Create walletMembuat dompet
@@ -2625,14 +2678,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -2692,12 +2737,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote nodeTerhubung ke simpul jarak jauh
@@ -2755,22 +2800,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Change language
+ Advanced optionsOpsi lanjutan
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2778,22 +2823,22 @@ your input may be required.
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
@@ -2801,12 +2846,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ LanguageBahasa
+ ContinueLanjutkan
@@ -2834,12 +2879,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2867,12 +2907,7 @@ your input may be required.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -2917,19 +2952,19 @@ your input may be required.
- Change language
+ Back to menuWizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -2967,17 +3002,12 @@ your input may be required.
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Back to menu
@@ -3045,14 +3075,6 @@ your input may be required.
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
@@ -3145,261 +3167,254 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ ErrorKesalahan
+ Couldn't open wallet: Tidak bisa membuka dompet:
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version: Tidak bisa membuat transaksi: Versi jurik yang salah:
+ Can't create transaction: Tidak bisa membuat transaksi:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweepTidak ada keluaran yang tidak dapat dicampur
+ ConfirmationKonfirmasi
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Saldo rekening yang tidak terkunci (sedang menunggu blok)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
+ Repairing incompatible wallet cache. Resyncing wallet.
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Saldo rekening yang tidak terkunci (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
- Saldo rekening yang tidak terkunci
+ Waiting for daemon to start...Menunggu jurik untuk memulai
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...Menunggu jurik untuk berhenti
+ Daemon failed to startJurik tidak dapat mulai
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.Tolong periksahkan log-log dompet dan jurik untuk kesalahan. Anda juga dapat mencoba untuk memulai %1 secara manual
+ Please confirm transaction:
Silakan memastikan transaksi:
Payment ID: ID pembayaran:
Amount: Jumlah:
Fee: Biaya:
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2Jumlah salah: nomor antar %1 dan %2 diharapkan
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1Dana tidak mencukupi. Saldo rekening yang tidak terkunci: %1
+ Couldn't send the money: Tidak bisa mengirim uang monero:
+ InformationInformasi
+ Transaction saved to file: %1Transaksi disimpan dalam arsip: %1
+ This address received %1 monero, but the transaction is not yet minedAlamat ini menerima %1 monero, tetapi transaksinya belum termasuk dalam blok
+ This address received %1 monero, with %2 confirmation(s).Alamat ini menerima %1 monero, dengan %2 konfirmasi.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ Tap again to close...Tap sekali lagi untuk menutup...
- Daemon is running
- Jurik telah dimulai
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Jurik akan menjalankan di latar belakang kapan GUI tertutup.
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Stop daemon
- Berhenti jurik
+ This address received nothingAlamat ini tidak menerima apa-apa
+ Closing wallet...
- Balance (#%1%2)
+ Waiting for daemon to syncMenunggu jurik untuk sinkronisasi
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)Jurik telah tersinkron (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronizedDompet telah tersinkron
+ Daemon is synchronizedJurik telah tersinkron
+ Address: Alamat:
Ringsize: Ukuran cincin:
Number of transactions: Jumlah transaksi:
Description: Deskripsi:
Spending address index: Indeks alamat pembelanjaan:
+ Creating transaction...
Please check your hardware wallet –
@@ -3407,124 +3422,93 @@ your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s) Monero berhasil dikirim: %1 transaksi
+ Payment proofBukti pembayaran
+ Couldn't generate a proof because of the following reason:
Tidak dapat mencetak bukti karena alasan berikut:
+ Payment proof checkCek bukti pembayaran
+ Bad signatureTandatangan yang buruk
+ Good signatureTandatangan yang bagus
- Balance (syncing)
- Saldo rekening (sedang menerima dan memeriksa blok)
- Balance
- Saldo Rekening
+ Wrong passwordKata sandi salah
+ WarningPeringatan
+ Error: Filesystem is read onlyKesalahan: Filesystem hanya bisa dibaca
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Peringatan: Hanya %1 GB yang tersedia di perangkat. Blockchain membutuhkan data sebesar ~%2 GB.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.Catatan: Hanya %1 GB yang tersedia di perangkat. Blockchain membutuhkan data sebesar ~%2 GB.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.Catatan: folder lmdb tidak ditemukan. Folder yang baru akan dibuat.
+ CancelBatalkan
+ Password changed successfullyKata sandi berhasil diubah
+ Error: Kesalahan:
+ Please wait...Mohon tunggu...
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
- Catatan daemon
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_is.ts b/translations/monero-core_is.ts
index 2563db5e..0147f84f 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_is.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_is.ts
@@ -4,28 +4,28 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:
+ Balance All
+ Total balance:
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Total unlocked balance:
@@ -35,161 +35,156 @@
+ Balance:
+ Address copied to clipboard
+ Create new account
+ Set the label of the new account:
- (Untitled)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses here
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.
+ Add an address
+ Address book
+ Address copied to clipboard
+ Add address
+ Edit an address
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address
+ Resolve
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofed
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofed
+ Internal error
+ No address found
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description
+ Add a name...
+ Add
+ Save
+ Error
+ Invalid address
+ Can't create entry
+ Cancel
+ Delete
+ OpenAlias error
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
+ Paste
@@ -214,381 +209,265 @@
+ Date to
+ Date
+ Transactions
+ Sort & filter
+ Search...
+ Sort by
+ Blockheight
+ Amount
+ Page
+ Jump to page (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.
+ Sent
+ Received
+ Fee
+ Mined
+ Yes
+ Pending
+ Confirmations
+ Description
+ Transaction ID
+ Transaction key
+ Click to reveal
+ Address sent to
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.
+ Unknown recipient
+ Advanced options
+ Human readable date format
+ Export all history
+ Set description:
+ Updated description.
+ No transaction history yet.
+ No results.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.
+ Primary address
+ Transaction details
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Tx ID:
- Address label:
+ Address:
+ Payment ID:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:
+ Tx note:
+ Destinations:
+ Rings:
+ Please choose a folder
+ Success
+ CSV file written to: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.
+ Error
+ Error exporting transaction data.
+ Date from
- HistoryTable
- Tx ID:
- Address label:
- Address:
- Payment ID:
- Tx key:
- Tx note:
- Destinations:
- Rings:
- No more results
- Sent
- Received
- Copied to clipboard
- To
- Address copied to clipboard
- Transaction ID
- Blockheight
- Description
- None
- Primary address
- (%1/%2 confirmations)
- Fee
@@ -621,63 +500,78 @@
+ Wallet restore height
+ Block #
+ Keys
+ Export wallet
+ Spendable Wallet
+ View Only Wallet
+ Done
+ Mnemonic seed protected by hardware device.
+ (View Only Wallet - No mnemonic seed available)
+ (View Only Wallet - No secret spend key available)
+ (Hardware Device Wallet - No secret spend key available)
+ Secret view key
+ Public view key
+ Secret spend key
+ Public spend key
@@ -685,175 +579,158 @@
- Balance
- Unlocked balance
+ Send
+ Receive
+ R
+ Prove/check
+ K
+ View Only
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Account
+ Syncing...
+ T
+ Address book
+ B
+ Merchant
+ U
+ Transactions
+ H
+ Advanced
+ D
+ Mining
+ M
+ Shared RingDB
- Seed & Keys
- Y
+ Wallet
+ Daemon
+ Sign/verify
+ E
+ S
+ G
+ I
+ Settings
@@ -861,12 +738,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -874,12 +751,12 @@
+ Copy
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -892,74 +769,84 @@
+ Sales
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.
+ Save As
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)
+ Payment URL
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Amount to receive
+ Enable sales tracker
+ Leave this page
+ The merchant page requires a larger window
+ WARNING: no connection to daemon
+ Save QrCode
+ Failed to save QrCode to
@@ -993,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Unlocked Balance
@@ -1122,38 +996,30 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
+ Wallet
+ Interface
+ Node
+ Log
+ Info
@@ -1161,137 +1027,121 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Synchronizing
+ Remote node
+ Connected
+ Mining
+ Wrong version
+ Searching node
+ Disconnected
+ Invalid connection status
+ Network status
- NewPasswordDialog
- Please enter new password
+ Successfully switched to another public node
- Please confirm new password
+ Failed to switch public node
- Cancel
- Continue
- PassphraseDialog
- Please enter wallet device passphrase for:
- Please enter wallet device passphrase
- Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
- Please re-enter
- Cancel
- Continue
+ Switching to another public nodePasswordDialog
- Please enter wallet password
+ Please enter new wallet password
- Please enter wallet password for:
+ wallet password
+ wallet device passphrase
+ Please enter %1 for:
+ Please enter %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.
+ Please confirm new password
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrase
+ Cancel
- Change wallet
- Continue
+ Ok
@@ -1319,52 +1169,62 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Set the label of the selected address:
+ Addresses
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboard
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a name
+ Set the label of the new address:
- (Untitled)
+ Address copied to clipboard
+ Create new address
+ Save QrCode
+ Failed to save QrCode to
@@ -1385,59 +1245,59 @@ Mining also gives you a small chance to earn some Monero. Your computer will cre
+ Simple mode
+ Advanced mode
+ GUI version:
+ Embedded Monero version:
+ Wallet path:
- Wallet creation height:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DD
+ Rescan wallet cache
+ Wallet restore height:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1449,32 +1309,47 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Cancel
+ Wallet log path:
+ Wallet mode:
+ Graphics mode:
+ Tails:
+ persistent
+ persistence disabled
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copied to clipboard
@@ -1482,80 +1357,70 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Custom decorations
+ Hide balance
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
+ Lock wallet on inactivity
+ Light theme
+ minutes
+ minute
+ After
+ Enable displaying balance in other currencies
+ Price source
+ Currency
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.
+ Confirm and enable
+ Change language
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1570,111 +1435,126 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local node
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.
+ Remote node
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.
+ Address
+ Port
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.
+ Daemon username
+ (optional)
+ Daemon password
+ Password
+ Mark as Trusted Daemon
+ Connect
- Stop local node
+ Start daemon
+ Stop daemon
+ Blockchain location
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a>
+ (default)
+ Daemon startup flags
+ Bootstrap Address
+ Bootstrap Port
@@ -1682,116 +1562,116 @@ The old wallet cache file will be renamed and can be restored later.
+ Close this wallet
+ Logs out of this wallet.
+ Close wallet
+ Create a view-only wallet
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.
+ Create wallet
+ Success
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Show seed & keys
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.
+ Show seed
+ Rescan wallet balance
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.
+ Rescan
+ Error
+ Error:
+ Information
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.
+ Change wallet password
+ Change the password of your wallet.
+ Change password
+ Wrong password
@@ -1987,7 +1867,7 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Message
@@ -2003,8 +1883,8 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ File
@@ -2024,96 +1904,96 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Enter path to file
+ Browse
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signature
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signature
+ Clear
+ Sign Message
+ Sign File
+ Verify message
+ Verify file
+ Enter the message to verify
+ Address
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verify
+ Verify File
+ Verify Message
+ Please choose a file to sign
+ Please choose a file to verify
+ Signature
@@ -2121,22 +2001,22 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
+ Double tap to copy
+ Content copied to clipboard
+ Cancel
+ OK
@@ -2144,349 +2024,316 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
- Low (x1 fee)
+ Automatic
- Medium (x20 fee)
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
- High (x166 fee)
+ Normal (x1 fee)
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
- Default (x1 fee)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- All
- Sent
- Received
- TableDropdown
- <b>Copy address to clipboard</b>
- <b>Send to this address</b>
- <b>Find similar transactions</b>
- <b>Remove from address book</b>
+ Fastest (x200 fee)Transfer
+ OpenAlias error
+ Transaction priority
+ All
+ Resolve
+ Automatic
+ Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible. Unless key images are imported, the balance reflects only incoming but not outgoing transactions.
+ Address is invalid.
+ Enter an amount.
+ Spendable funds: %1 XMR. Please wait ~%2 minutes for your whole balance to become spendable.
+ Slow (x0.2 fee)
+ Fastest (x200 fee)
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofed
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofed
+ Internal error
+ No address found
+ Description field contents match long payment ID format. Please don't paste long payment ID into description field, your funds might be lost.
+ Saved to local wallet history
+ Long payment IDs are obsolete. Long payment IDs were not encrypted on the blockchain and would harm your privacy. If the party you're sending to still requires a long payment ID, please notify them.
+ Send
+ Sweep Unmixable
+ Create tx file
+ Sign tx file
+ Submit tx file
+ Error
+ Information
+ Please choose a file
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style><font size='2'> (</font><a href='#'>Start daemon</a><font size='2'>)</font>
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Amount <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Change account</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Normal (x1 fee)
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address <font size='2'> ( </font> <a href='#'>Address book</a><font size='2'> )</font>
+ Add description
+ Add payment ID
+ 64 hexadecimal characters
- You can enable transfers with payment ID on the settings page.
+ Advanced options
+ Export key images
+ Import key images
+ Can't load unsigned transaction:
Number of transactions:
Transaction #%1
payment ID:
+ Confirmation
+ Can't submit transaction:
+ Monero sent successfully
+ Wallet is not connected to daemon.
+ Connected daemon is not compatible with GUI.
Please upgrade or connect to another daemon
+ Waiting on daemon synchronization to finish.
- Wallet is view-only and sends are not possible.
+ Amount is more than unlocked balance.
- Transaction information is incorrect.
- Slow (x0.25 fee)
+ Fast (x5 fee)
- Fastest (x41.5 fee)
- TxKey
@@ -2582,58 +2429,58 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ second ago
+ seconds ago
+ minute ago
+ minutes ago
+ hour ago
+ hours ago
+ day ago
+ days ago
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Mainnet
@@ -2668,7 +2515,17 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
- This password cannot be recovered. If you forget it then the wallet will have to be restored from its 25 word mnemonic seed.
+ This password cannot be recovered. If you forget it then the wallet will have to be restored from your %1.
+ 25 word mnemonic seed
+ hardware wallet
@@ -2677,12 +2534,12 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Password
+ Password (confirm)
@@ -2690,81 +2547,89 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Please choose a file
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Creating wallet from device...
+Please check your hardware wallet –
+your input may be required.
+ WizardCreateDevice1
+ Choose your hardware device
+ Create a new wallet
+ Using a hardware device.
+ Create a new wallet from device.
+ Restore a wallet from device. Use this if you used your hardware wallet before.
+ Wallet creation date as `YYYY-MM-DD` or restore height
+ Restore height
+ Advanced options
+ Subaddress lookahead (optional)
+ Error writing wallet from hardware device. Check application logs.
+ Back to menu
+ Create wallet
@@ -2772,48 +2637,50 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Create a new wallet
+ Creates a new wallet on this computer.
+ Mnemonic seed
+ This seed is <b>very</b> important to write down and keep secret. It is all you need to backup and restore your wallet.
- Back to menu
+ Wallet restore height
- WizardCreateWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Should you restore your wallet in the future, specifying this block number will recover your wallet quicker.
+ Back to menuWizardCreateWallet3
+ Daemon settings
+ To be able to communicate with the Monero network your wallet needs to be connected to a Monero node. For best privacy it's recommended to run your own node.
@@ -2821,17 +2688,17 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ You're all set up!
+ New wallet details:
+ Open wallet
@@ -2864,12 +2731,12 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Additionally, you may specify a bootstrap node to use Monero immediately.
+ Connect to a remote node
@@ -2877,52 +2744,52 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Welcome to Monero.
+ Create a new wallet
+ Choose this option if this is your first time using Monero.
+ Create a new wallet from hardware
+ Connect your hardware wallet to create a new Monero wallet.
+ Open a wallet from file
+ Import an existing .keys wallet file from your computer.
+ Restore wallet from keys or mnemonic seed
+ Enter your private keys or 25-word mnemonic seed to restore your wallet.
+ Change wallet mode
@@ -2932,12 +2799,17 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Advanced options
+ Change Network:
+ Number of KDF rounds:
@@ -2945,55 +2817,63 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Language settings
+ Change the language of the Monero GUI.
+ Language changed.
+ Close
+ WizardLanguage
+ Language
+ Continue
+ About the bootstrap mode
+ This mode will use a remote node whilst also syncing the blockchain. This is different from the first menu option (Simple mode), since it will only use the remote node until the blockchain is fully synced locally. It is a reasonable tradeoff for most people who care about privacy but also want the convenience of an automatic fallback option.
- Temporary use of remote nodes is useful in order to use Monero immediately (hence the name <i>bootstrap</i>), however be aware that when using remote nodes (including with the bootstrap setting), nodes could track your IP address, track your "restore height" and associated block request data, and send you inaccurate information to learn more about transactions you make.
+ Temporary use of remote nodes is useful in order to use Monero immediately (hence the name bootstrap), however be aware that when using remote nodes (including with the bootstrap setting), nodes could track your IP address, track your "restore height" and associated block request data, and send you inaccurate information to learn more about transactions you make.
+ Remain aware of these limitations. <b>Users who prioritize privacy and decentralization must use a full node instead</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -3001,32 +2881,27 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ About the simple mode
+ This mode is ideal for managing small amounts of Monero. You have access to basic features for making and managing transactions. It will automatically connect to the Monero network so you can start using Monero immediately.
+ Remote nodes are useful if you are not able/don't want to download the whole blockchain, but be advised that malicious remote nodes could compromise some privacy. They could track your IP address, track your "restore height" and associated block request data, and send you inaccurate information to learn more about transactions you make.
+ Remain aware of these limitations. <b>Users who prioritize privacy and decentralization must use a full node instead</b>.
- For enhanced node performance you may specify your region:
+ I understand the privacy implications of using a third-party server.
@@ -3034,56 +2909,56 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Mode selection.
+ Please select the statement that best matches you.
+ Simple mode
+ Easy access to sending, receiving and basic functionality.
+ Easy access to sending, receiving and basic functionality. The blockchain is downloaded to your computer.
+ Advanced mode
+ Includes extra features like mining and message verification. The blockchain is downloaded to your computer.
- Change language
+ Back to menuWizardNav
+ Previous
+ Next
@@ -3091,47 +2966,42 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Open a wallet from file
+ Import an existing .keys wallet file from your computer.
+ Recently opened
+ Mainnet
+ Testnet
+ Stagenet
+ Browse filesystem
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
- Back to menu
@@ -3139,83 +3009,75 @@ For the case with Spend Proof, you don't need to specify the recipient addr
+ Restore wallet
+ Restore wallet from keys or mnemonic seed.
+ Restore from seed
+ Restore from keys
- From QR Code
+ Restore from QR Code
+ Enter your 25 (or 24) word mnemonic seed
+ Account address (public)
+ View key (private)
+ Spend key (private)
+ Wallet creation date as `YYYY-MM-DD` or restore height
+ Restore height
+ Back to menu
- WizardRestoreWallet2
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Daemon settings
+ To be able to communicate with the Monero network your wallet needs to be connected to a Monero node. For best privacy it's recommended to run your own node.
If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option to connect to a remote node.
@@ -3225,12 +3087,12 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ You're all set up!
+ New wallet details:
@@ -3239,7 +3101,6 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
- Wallet name
@@ -3254,22 +3115,22 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ Restore height
+ Daemon address
+ Bootstrap address
+ Network Type
@@ -3300,128 +3161,112 @@ If you don't have the option to run your own node, there's an option t
+ Error
+ Couldn't open wallet:
- Unlocked balance (waiting for block)
- Unlocked balance (~%1 min)
- Unlocked balance
+ Waiting for daemon to start...
+ Waiting for daemon to stop...
+ Daemon failed to start
+ Please check your wallet and daemon log for errors. You can also try to start %1 manually.
+ Can't create transaction: Wrong daemon version:
+ Can't create transaction:
+ No unmixable outputs to sweep
+ Confirmation
+ Please confirm transaction:
+ Closing wallet...
Payment ID:
+ Waiting for daemon to sync
- Balance (#%1%2)
+ Please proceed to the device...
+ Opening wallet ...
@@ -3432,57 +3277,70 @@ Fee:
+ Daemon is synchronized (%1)
+ Wallet is synchronized
+ Daemon is synchronized
+ Address:
Number of transactions:
Spending address index:
+ Creating transaction...
+Please check your hardware wallet –
+your input may be required.
+ Sending transaction ...
+ Monero sent successfully: %1 transaction(s)
@@ -3520,120 +3378,114 @@ Spending address index:
+ Wrong password
+ Warning
+ Error: Filesystem is read only
+ Warning: There's only %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: There's %1 GB available on the device. Blockchain requires ~%2 GB of data.
+ Note: lmdb folder not found. A new folder will be created.
+ Cancel
+ Password changed successfully
+ Error:
- Failed to fetch remote nodes from third-party server.
+ Primary account
+ Local node is running
+ Do you want to stop local node or keep it running in the background?
+ Force stop
+ Keep it running
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
+ New version of Monero v%1 is available. Check out getmonero.org
+ Tap again to close...
- Daemon is running
- Daemon will still be running in background when GUI is closed.
- Stop daemon
- New version of Monero v.%1 is available.<br><br>Download:<br>%2<br><br>SHA256 Hash:<br>%3
- New version of Monero is available. Check out getmonero.org
- Daemon log
+ Amount is wrong: expected number from %1 to %2
+ Insufficient funds. Unlocked balance: %1
+ Couldn't send the money:
+ Information
+ Transaction saved to file: %1
@@ -3648,18 +3500,7 @@ Spending address index:
- Balance (syncing)
- Balance
+ Please wait...
diff --git a/translations/monero-core_it.ts b/translations/monero-core_it.ts
index 9c87e671..396a0329 100644
--- a/translations/monero-core_it.ts
+++ b/translations/monero-core_it.ts
@@ -4,193 +4,188 @@
+ Set the label of the selected account:Imposta l'etichetta dell'account selezionato:
+ Balance AllSaldo totale
+ Total balance: Saldo Totale:
+ Copied to clipboardCopiato negli appunti
+ Total unlocked balance: Totale saldo sbloccato:
+ AccountsAccounts
+ Balance: Saldo:
+ Address copied to clipboardIndirizzo copiato negli appunti
+ Create new accountCrea nuovo account
+ Set the label of the new account:Imposta l'etichetta del nuovo account:
- (Untitled)
- (Senza titolo)
- AddressBook
+ Save your most used addresses hereSalva qui gli indirizzi più utilizzati
+ This makes it easier to send or receive Monero and reduces errors when typing in addresses manually.Questo semplifica l'invio o la ricezione di Monero riducendo gli errori durante la digitazione manuale degli indirizzi.
+ Add an addressAggiungi un indirizzo
+ Address bookRubrica
+ Address copied to clipboardIndirizzo copiato negli appunti
+ Add addressAggiungi indirizzo
+ Edit an addressModifica un indirizzo
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Address<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Indirizzo
+ ResolveRisolvi
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias addressNessun indirizzo valido trovato per questo indirizzo OpenAlias
+ Address found, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this address may be spoofedIndirizzo trovato ma le firme DNSSEC non sono potute essere verificate. L'indirizzo potrebbe essere alterato
+ No valid address found at this OpenAlias address, but the DNSSEC signatures could not be verified, so this may be spoofedNessun indirizzo valido trovato in questo indirizzo OpenAlias ma le firme DNSSEC non sono potute essere verificate, l'indirizzo potrebbe essere alterato
+ Internal errorErrore interno
+ No address foundNessun indirizzo trovato
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Description<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #858585; font-size: 14px;}</style> Descrizione
+ Add a name...Aggiungi un nome...
+ AddAggiungi
+ SaveSalva
+ ErrorErrore
+ Invalid addressIndirizzo invalido
+ Can't create entryImpossibile creare questa voce
+ CancelCancella
+ DeleteElimina
+ OpenAlias errorErrore OpenAlias
- DaemonConsole
+ ContextMenu
- command + enter (e.g help)
- comando + enter (esempio: help)
+ Paste
+ Incollare
@@ -214,18 +209,19 @@
+ Date fromData da
+ Date toData a
+ DateData
@@ -245,148 +241,149 @@
+ Sort byOrdina per
+ BlockheightAltezza di blocco
+ AmountImporto
+ PagePagina
+ Jump to page (1-%1)Vai alla pagina (1-%1)
+ Invalid page. Must be a number within the specified range.Pagina non valida. Deve essere un numero compreso nell'intervallo specificato.
+ SentInviato
+ ReceivedRicevuto
+ FeeCommissione
+ MinedMinato
+ YesSi
+ PendingIn attesa
+ ConfirmationsConferme
+ DescriptionDescrizione
+ Transaction IDID transazione
+ Transaction keyChiave di transazione
+ Click to revealClicca per mostrare
+ Address sent toIndirizzo inviato a
+ Waiting for transaction to leave txpool.In attesa che la transazione lasci il txpool.
+ Unknown recipientDestinatario sconosciuto
+ Advanced optionsOpzioni avanzate
+ Human readable date formatData in formato leggibile
+ Export all historyEsporta tutta la cronologia
+ Set description:Imposta descrizione:
+ Updated description.Descrizione aggiornata.
+ No transaction history yet.Ancora nessuna cronologia delle transazioni.
+ No results.Nessun risultato.
+ %1 transactions total, showing %2.%1 transazioni totali, mostrando %2.
+ Primary addressIndirizzo primario
@@ -406,67 +403,67 @@
ID Tx:
- Address label:
- Etichetta indirizzo:
+ Address:Indirizzo:
+ Payment ID:ID pagamento:
+ Integrated address
+ Tx key:Chiave Tx:
+ Tx note:Nota Tx:
+ Destinations:Destinazioni:
+ Rings:Anelli:
+ Please choose a folderPer favore scegli una cartella
+ SuccessSuccesso
+ CSV file written to: %1FIle CSV scritto su: %1
+ Tip: Use your favorite spreadsheet software to sort on blockheight.Suggerimento: utilizza il tuo software preferito per fogli di calcolo elettronici per ordinare in base all'altezza del blocco.
+ ErrorErrore
+ Error exporting transaction data.Errore nell'esportazione dei dati della transazione.
@@ -582,37 +579,27 @@
- Balance
- Saldo
- Unlocked balance
- Saldo sbloccato
+ SendInvia
+ ReceiveRicevi
+ RR
+ Prove/checkProva/controlla
+ KK
@@ -632,115 +619,118 @@
+ Copied to clipboardCopiato negli appunti
+ AccountAccount
+ Syncing...
+ TT
+ Address bookRubrica
+ BB
+ MerchantCommerciante
+ UU
+ TransactionsTransazioni
+ HH
+ AdvancedAvanzate
+ DD
+ MiningMining
+ MM
+ Shared RingDBRingDB condiviso
+ WalletPortafoglio
+ DaemonDaemon
+ Sign/verifyFirma/verifica
+ GG
+ II
+ SettingsImpostazioni
+ EE
+ SS
@@ -748,12 +738,12 @@
+ CopyCopia
+ Copied to clipboardCopiato negli appunti
@@ -761,12 +751,12 @@
+ CopyCopia
+ Copied to clipboardCopiato negli appunti
@@ -779,74 +769,84 @@
+ SalesVendite
+ <style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>This page will automatically scan the blockchain and the tx pool for incoming transactions using the QR code.</p><p>It's up to you whether to accept unconfirmed transactions or not. It is likely they'll be confirmed in short order, but there is still a possibility they might not, so for larger values you may want to wait for one or more confirmation(s).</p><style>p{font-size:14px;}</style><p>Questa pagina scansionerà automaticamente la blockchain e il pool tx per le transazioni in entrata usando il codice QR.</p><p> Sta a te decidere se accettare transazioni non confermate o meno. È probabile che vengano confermate in breve tempo, ma c'è anche la possibilità che non lo siano, quindi per somme di valore più elevato sarebbe meglio aspettare una o più conferme prima di accettare la transazione come valida.</p>
+ Currently monitoring incoming transactions, none found yet.Monitorando attualmente le transazioni in entrata, ancora nessuna trovata.
+ Save AsSalva come
+ <style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 12px;}</style>Currently selected address:
+ <a href='#'>(Change)</a>
+ (right-click, save as)(clic con il pulsante destro, Salva come)
+ Payment URLURL del pagamento
+ Copied to clipboardCopiato negli appunti
+ Amount to receiveImporto da ricevere
+ Enable sales trackerAbilita programma per gestione vendite
+ Leave this pageEsci da questa pagina
+ The merchant page requires a larger windowLa pagina del commerciante necessita una finestra più grande
+ WARNING: no connection to daemonAVVISO: non connesso al daemon
+ Save QrCodeSalva codice QR
+ Failed to save QrCode to Impossibile salvare codice QR in
@@ -880,19 +880,6 @@
- MiddlePanel
- Balance
- Saldo
- Unlocked Balance
- Saldo sbloccato
@@ -1011,38 +998,30 @@ Minare ti offre anche una piccola possibilità di guadagnare un po' di Mone
Mining non avviato
- MobileHeader
- Unlocked Balance:
- Saldo sbloccato:
+ WalletPortafoglio
+ InterfaceInterfaccia
+ NodeNodo
+ LogLog
+ InfoInfo
@@ -1050,105 +1029,120 @@ Minare ti offre anche una piccola possibilità di guadagnare un po' di Mone
+ Network statusStato Rete
+ ConnectedConnesso
+ SynchronizingIn sincronizzazione
+ Remote nodeNodo remoto
+ MiningMining
+ Wrong versionVersione errata
+ Searching nodeRicerca del nodo
+ DisconnectedDisconnesso
+ Invalid connection statusStato della connessione non valido
+ Successfully switched to another public node
+ Failed to switch public node
+ Switching to another public node
+ PasswordDialog
+ Please enter new wallet passwordInserisci una nuova password per il portafoglio
+ wallet passwordpassword per il portafoglio
+ wallet device passphrasepassphrase per il dispositivo del portafoglio
+ Please enter %1 for: Prego inserire %1 per:
+ Please enter %1Prego inserire %1
+ Warning: passphrase entry on host is a security risk as it can be captured by malware. It is advised to prefer device-based passphrase entry.Attenzione: l'immissione della passphrase sull'host costituisce un rischio di sicurezza dal momento che può venire catturata da un malware. Si consiglia di preferire l'immissione della passphrase basata su dispositivo.
+ Please confirm new passwordConferma la nuova password
+ Please confirm wallet device passphrasePrego confermare passphrase per il dispositivo del portafoglio
+ CancelCancella
+ OkOk
@@ -1182,37 +1176,47 @@ Minare ti offre anche una piccola possibilità di guadagnare un po' di Mone
Inserisci l'etichetta dell'indirizzo selezionato:
+ AddressesIndirizzi
+ Save as image
+ Copy to clipboard
+ Copia negli appunti
+ Copied to clipboardCopiato negli appunti
+ Show on device
+ Please choose a nameScegli un nome
+ Set the label of the new address:Inserisci l'etichetta del nuovo indirizzo:
- (Untitled)
- (Senza titolo)
+ Address copied to clipboardIndirizzo copiato negli appunti
+ Create new addressCrea un nuovo indirizzo
@@ -1269,34 +1273,34 @@ Minare ti offre anche una piccola possibilità di guadagnare un po' di Mone
Percorso portafoglio:
+ <a href='#'> (Click to change)</a><a href='#'> (Clicca per cambiare)</a>
+ Set a new restore height.
You can enter a block height or a date (YYYY-MM-DD):Seleziona una nuova altezza di ripristino.
Puoi inserire un'altezza di blocco o una data (AAAA-MM-GG):
+ Invalid restore height specified. Must be a number or a date formatted YYYY-MM-DDAltezza di ripristino non valida. Deve essere un numero o una data nel formato AAAA-MM-GG
+ Rescan wallet cacheScannerizza di nuovo la cache del portafoglio
+ Wallet restore height: Altezza ripristino portafoglio:
+ Are you sure you want to rebuild the wallet cache?
The following information will be deleted
- Recipient addresses
@@ -1315,47 +1319,47 @@ La vecchia cache del wallet verrà rinominata e potrà essere ripristinata succe
+ CancelCancella
+ Wallet log path: Percorso log portafoglio:
+ Wallet mode: Modalità portafoglio:
+ Graphics mode: Modalità grafica:
+ Tails: Code:
+ persistentpersistenza
+ persistence disabledpersistenza disabilitata
+ Copy to clipboardCopia negli appunti
+ Copied to clipboardCopiato negli appunti
@@ -1363,80 +1367,70 @@ La vecchia cache del wallet verrà rinominata e potrà essere ripristinata succe
+ Custom decorationsDecorazioni personalizzate
+ Hide balanceNascondi saldo
- Enable transfer with payment ID (OBSOLETE)
- Abilita trasferimento con ID del pagamento (OBSOLETO)
+ Lock wallet on inactivityBlocca il wallet in seguito ad inattività
+ Light themeTema chiaro
+ minutesminuti
+ minuteminuto
+ After Dopo
+ Enable displaying balance in other currenciesAbilita la visualizzazione del saldo in altre valute
+ Price sourceFonte del prezzo
+ CurrencyValuta
+ Enabling price conversion exposes your IP address to the selected price source.Abilitare la conversione del prezzo espone il tuo indirizzo IP alla fonte del prezzo selezionata.
+ Confirm and enableConferma e abilita
+ Change languageCambia lingua
- No Layout options exist yet in mobile mode.
- Non esiste ancora nessuna opzione per i layout nella modalità portatile.
- SettingsLog
@@ -1451,122 +1445,127 @@ La vecchia cache del wallet verrà rinominata e potrà essere ripristinata succe
Log daemon
+ command + enter (e.g 'help' or 'status')comando + enter (esempio 'help' o 'status')
+ Failed to send command
+ SettingsNode
+ Local nodeNodo locale
+ The blockchain is downloaded to your computer. Provides higher security and requires more local storage.La blockchain viene scaricata nel tuo computer. Fornisce maggiore sicurezza e richiede più spazio di archiviazione locale.
+ Remote nodeNodo remoto
+ Uses a third-party server to connect to the Monero network. Less secure, but easier on your computer.Utilizza un server di terze parti per connettersi alla rete Monero. Meno sicuro, ma meno intensivo per il tuo computer.
+ To find a remote node, type 'Monero remote node' into your favorite search engine. Please ensure the node is run by a trusted third-party.Per trovare un nodo remoto, scrivi 'Monero remote node' nel tuo motore di ricerca preferito. Assicurati che il nodo sia gestito da una terza parte affidabile.
+ AddressIndirizzo
+ PortPorta
+ Remote node updated. Trusted daemon has been reset. Mark again, if desired.Nodo remoto aggiornato. Il daemon fidato è stato resettato. Marcalo di nuovo se desideri.
+ Daemon usernameUsername Demone
+ (optional)(opzionale)
+ Daemon passwordPassword per il demone
+ PasswordPassword
+ Mark as Trusted DaemonContrassegna come Daemon Fidato
+ ConnectConnetti
+ Start daemonAvvia daemon
+ Stop daemonArresta daemon
+ Blockchain locationPosizione blockchain
+ <a href='#'> (change)</a> <a href='#'> (cambia)</a>
+ (default)(default)
+ Daemon startup flagsFlag per il daemon
+ Bootstrap AddressIndirizzo bootstrap
+ Bootstrap PortPorta bootstrap
@@ -1574,42 +1573,42 @@ La vecchia cache del wallet verrà rinominata e potrà essere ripristinata succe
+ Close this walletChiudi questo portafoglio
+ Logs out of this wallet.Esci da questo portafoglio.
+ Close walletChiudi wallet
+ Create a view-only walletCrea un portafoglio Solo-visualizzazione
+ Creates a new wallet that can only view and initiate transactions, but requires a spendable wallet to sign transactions before sending.Crea un nuovo wallet che può solo visualizzare e avviare transazioni, ma richiede un wallet spendibile per firmare le transazioni prima dell'invio.
+ Create walletCrea portafoglio
+ SuccessSuccesso
+ The view only wallet has been created with the same password as the current wallet. You can open it by closing this current wallet, clicking the "Open wallet from file" option, and selecting the view wallet in:
You can change the password in the wallet settings.
@@ -1618,75 +1617,75 @@ You can change the password in the wallet settings.
Puoi cambiare la password nelle impostazioni del portafoglio.
+ Show seed & keysMostra le chiavi & seed
+ Store this information safely to recover your wallet in the future.Conserva queste informazioni in modo sicuro per recuperare il tuo portafoglio in futuro.
+ Show seedMostra seed
+ Rescan wallet balanceScannerizza di nuovo il bilancio del portafoglio
+ Use this feature if you think the shown balance is not accurate.Utilizza questa funzionalità se ritieni che il bilancio mostrato non sia accurato.
+ RescanScannerizza di nuovo
+ ErrorErrore
+ Error: Errore:
+ InformationInformazioni
+ Successfully rescanned spent outputs.Scansione output spesi eseguita con successo.
+ Change wallet passwordCambia la password del portafoglio
+ Change the password of your wallet.Cambia la password del tuo portafoglio.
+ Change passwordCambia password
+ Wrong passwordPassword errata
@@ -1882,7 +1881,7 @@ Puoi cambiare la password nelle impostazioni del portafoglio.
+ MessageMessaggio
@@ -1898,8 +1897,8 @@ Puoi cambiare la password nelle impostazioni del portafoglio.
+ FileFile
@@ -1919,96 +1918,96 @@ Puoi cambiare la password nelle impostazioni del portafoglio.
Inserisci un messaggio da firmare
+ Enter path to fileInserisci percorso al file
+ BrowseEsplora
+ Click [Sign Message] to generate signatureClicca [Firma messaggio] per generare la firma
+ Click [Sign File] to generate signatureClicca [Firma File] per generare la firma
+ ClearElimina
+ Sign MessageFirma Messaggio
+ Sign FileFirma File
+ Verify messageVerifica messaggio
+ Verify fileVerifica file
+ Enter the message to verifyInserisci messaggio da verificare
+ AddressIndirizzo
+ Enter the Monero Address (example: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)Inserisci l'indirizzo Monero (esempio: 44AFFq5kSiGBoZ...)
+ Enter the signature to verifyInserisci firma da verificare
+ Verify FileVerifica File
+ Verify MessageVerifica Messaggio
+ Please choose a file to signScegli un file da firmare
+ SignatureFirma
+ Please choose a file to verifyScegli un file da verificare
@@ -2016,22 +2015,22 @@ Puoi cambiare la password nelle impostazioni del portafoglio.