mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 08:39:02 +00:00
shortcuts fix + ctrl+tab/ctrl+shift+tab functionality + heperlinks fix
This commit is contained in:
21 changed files with 771 additions and 327 deletions
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Rectangle {
else if(pos === "History") menuColumn.previousButton = historyButton
else if(pos === "Transfer") menuColumn.previousButton = transferButton
else if(pos === "AddressBook") menuColumn.previousButton = addressBookButton
else if(pos === "Minning") menuColumn.previousButton = miningButton
else if(pos === "Mining") menuColumn.previousButton = miningButton
else if(pos === "Settings") menuColumn.previousButton = settingsButton
menuColumn.previousButton.checked = true
@ -1,152 +1,17 @@
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
import "tabs"
import "components"
Rectangle {
width: 330
Row {
TitleBar {
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.topMargin: 5
anchors.rightMargin: 5
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
clip: true
color: helpArea.containsMouse ? "#DBDBDB" : "#FFFFFF"
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
color: "#FFFFFF"
visible: helpArea.containsMouse
x: 1; y: 2
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: {
return "images/whatIsIcon.png"
return helpArea.containsMouse ? "images/helpIconHovered.png" :
MouseArea {
id: helpArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: {
appWindow.whatIsEnable = !appWindow.whatIsEnable
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
clip: true
color: minimizeArea.containsMouse ? "#DBDBDB" : "#FFFFFF"
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
color: "#FFFFFF"
visible: minimizeArea.containsMouse
x: 1; y: 2
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: minimizeArea.containsMouse ? "images/minimizeIconHovered.png" :
MouseArea {
id: minimizeArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: appWindow.visibility = Window.Minimized
Rectangle {
property bool checked: false
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
clip: true
color: maximizeArea.containsMouse ? "#DBDBDB" : "#FFFFFF"
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
color: "#FFFFFF"
visible: maximizeArea.containsMouse
x: 1; y: 2
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: {
return maximizeArea.containsMouse ? "images/backToWindowIconHovered.png" :
return maximizeArea.containsMouse ? "images/maximizeIconHovered.png" :
MouseArea {
id: maximizeArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: {
parent.checked = !parent.checked
appWindow.visibility = parent.checked ? Window.FullScreen :
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
clip: true
color: closeArea.containsMouse ? "#DBDBDB" : "#FFFFFF"
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
color: "#FFFFFF"
visible: closeArea.containsMouse
x: 1; y: 2
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: "images/closeIcon.png"
MouseArea {
id: closeArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: Qt.quit()
TabView {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE QtCreatorProject>
<!-- Written by QtCreator 3.1.2, 2014-07-11T00:19:38. -->
<!-- Written by QtCreator 3.1.2, 2014-07-13T14:09:13. -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
Item {
id: datePicker
property bool expanded: false
property var currentDate: new Date()
property bool showCurrentDate: true
height: 37
width: 156
onExpandedChanged: if(expanded) appWindow.currentItem = datePicker
function hide() { datePicker.expanded = false }
function containsPoint(px, py) {
if(px < 0)
return false
if(px > width)
return false
if(py < 0)
return false
if(py > height + calendarRect.height)
return false
return true
Item {
id: head
anchors.fill: parent
Rectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
height: parent.height - 1
radius: 4
y: 0
color: "#DBDBDB"
Rectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
height: parent.height - 1
radius: 4
y: 1
color: "#FFFFFF"
Item {
id: buttonItem
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.margins: 4
width: height
StandardButton {
id: button
anchors.fill: parent
shadowReleasedColor: "#DBDBDB"
shadowPressedColor: "#888888"
releasedColor: "#F0EEEE"
pressedColor: "#DBDBDB"
icon: "../images/datePicker.png"
visible: !datePicker.expanded
onClicked: datePicker.expanded = true
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: "../images/datePicker.png"
visible: datePicker.expanded
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: datePicker.expanded
onClicked: datePicker.expanded = false
Rectangle {
id: separator
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.right: buttonItem.left
anchors.rightMargin: 4
height: 16
width: 1
color: "#DBDBDB"
visible: datePicker.expanded
Row {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 10
TextInput {
id: dayInput
width: 22
font.family: "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 18
color: "#525252"
maximumLength: 2
horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignHCenter
validator: IntValidator{bottom: 01; top: 31;}
KeyNavigation.tab: monthInput
text: {
if(datePicker.showCurrentDate) {
var day = datePicker.currentDate.getDate()
return day < 10 ? "0" + day : day
Text {
font.family: "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 18
color: "#525252"
text: "."
TextInput {
id: monthInput
width: 22
font.family: "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 18
color: "#525252"
maximumLength: 2
horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignHCenter
validator: IntValidator{bottom: 01; top: 12;}
KeyNavigation.tab: yearInput
text: {
if(datePicker.showCurrentDate) {
var month = datePicker.currentDate.getMonth() + 1
return month < 10 ? "0" + month : month
Text {
font.family: "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 18
color: "#525252"
text: "."
TextInput {
id: yearInput
width: 44
font.family: "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 18
color: "#525252"
maximumLength: 4
horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignHCenter
validator: IntValidator{bottom: 2000; top: 2100;}
text: if(datePicker.showCurrentDate) datePicker.currentDate.getFullYear()
Rectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
height: 3; width: 3
color: "#FFFFFF"
visible: datePicker.expanded
Rectangle {
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
height: 3; width: 3
color: "#FFFFFF"
visible: datePicker.expanded
Rectangle {
id: calendarRect
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: head.bottom
color: "#FFFFFF"
height: datePicker.expanded ? calendar.height : 0
clip: true
radius: 4
Behavior on height {
NumberAnimation { duration: 100; easing.type: Easing.InQuad }
Rectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: parent.top
height: 3; width: 3
color: "#FFFFFF"
Rectangle {
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: parent.top
height: 3; width: 3
color: "#FFFFFF"
Calendar {
id: calendar
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: parent.top
height: 180
frameVisible: false
style: CalendarStyle {
gridVisible: false
background: Rectangle { color: "transparent" }
dayDelegate: Item {
implicitHeight: implicitWidth
implicitWidth: calendar.width / 7
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
radius: parent.implicitHeight / 2
color: dayArea.pressed && styleData.visibleMonth ? "#FF6C3B" : "transparent"
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.family: "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 12
font.letterSpacing: -1
font.bold: dayArea.pressed
text: styleData.date.getDate()
color: {
if(!styleData.visibleMonth) return "#DBDBDB"
if(dayArea.pressed) return "#FFFFFF"
if(styleData.today) return "#FF6C3B"
return "#4A4848"
MouseArea {
id: dayArea
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
if(styleData.visibleMonth) {
var date = styleData.date
var day = date.getDate()
var month = date.getMonth() + 1
dayInput.text = day < 10 ? "0" + day : day
monthInput.text = month < 10 ? "0" + month : month
yearInput.text = date.getFullYear()
datePicker.expanded = false
} else {
var date = styleData.date
if(date.getMonth() > calendar.visibleMonth)
else calendar.showPreviousMonth()
dayOfWeekDelegate: Item {
implicitHeight: 20
implicitWidth: calendar.width / 7
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
elide: Text.ElideRight
font.family: "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 9
font.letterSpacing: -1
color: "#535353"
text: {
var locale = Qt.locale()
return locale.dayName(styleData.dayOfWeek, Locale.ShortFormat)
navigationBar: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: calendar.width
implicitHeight: 30
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.family: "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 12
font.letterSpacing: -1
color: "#4A4646"
text: styleData.title
Item {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: height
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: "../images/prevMonth.png"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: calendar.showPreviousMonth()
Item {
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: height
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: "../images/nextMonth.png"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: calendar.showNextMonth()
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Item {
hoverEnabled: true
onEntered: {
icon.visible = false
var pos = rootItem.mapFromItem(icon, 0, -15)
var pos = appWindow.mapFromItem(icon, 0, -15)
tipItem.text = item.tipText
tipItem.x = pos.x
if(tipItem.height > 30)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Rectangle {
font.pixelSize: 11
font.bold: true
color: button.checked || buttonArea.containsMouse ? "#FFFFFF" : dot.color
visible: appWindow.altPressed
visible: appWindow.ctrlPressed
@ -32,12 +32,26 @@ Item {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.margins: 4
radius: 2
width: row.x
color: {
if(item.fillLevel < 3) return "#FF6C3C"
if(item.fillLevel < repeater.count - 1) return "#FFE00A"
return "#36B25C"
width: row.x
Timer {
interval: 500
running: true
repeat: false
onTriggered: fillRect.loaded = true
property bool loaded: false
Behavior on width {
enabled: fillRect.loaded
NumberAnimation { duration: 100; easing.type: Easing.InQuad }
MouseArea {
@ -82,7 +96,6 @@ Item {
width: 1
height: 48
property bool mainTick: index === 0 || index === 3 || index === repeater.count - 1
Component.onCompleted: repeater.modelItems[index] = delegate
Image {
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Item {
anchors.fill: parent
propagateComposedEvents: true
onEntered: {
var pos = rootItem.mapFromItem(delegate, 30, -20)
var pos = appWindow.mapFromItem(delegate, 30, -20)
tipItem.text = name
tipItem.x = pos.x
if(tipItem.height > 30)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
Row {
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
clip: true
color: helpArea.containsMouse ? "#DBDBDB" : "#FFFFFF"
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
color: "#FFFFFF"
visible: helpArea.containsMouse
x: 1; y: 2
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: {
return "../images/whatIsIcon.png"
return helpArea.containsMouse ? "../images/helpIconHovered.png" :
MouseArea {
id: helpArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: appWindow.whatIsEnable = !appWindow.whatIsEnable
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
clip: true
color: minimizeArea.containsMouse ? "#DBDBDB" : "#FFFFFF"
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
color: "#FFFFFF"
visible: minimizeArea.containsMouse
x: 1; y: 2
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: minimizeArea.containsMouse ? "../images/minimizeIconHovered.png" :
MouseArea {
id: minimizeArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: appWindow.visibility = Window.Minimized
Rectangle {
property bool checked: false
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
clip: true
color: maximizeArea.containsMouse ? "#DBDBDB" : "#FFFFFF"
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
color: "#FFFFFF"
visible: maximizeArea.containsMouse
x: 1; y: 2
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: {
return maximizeArea.containsMouse ? "../images/backToWindowIconHovered.png" :
return maximizeArea.containsMouse ? "../images/maximizeIconHovered.png" :
MouseArea {
id: maximizeArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: {
parent.checked = !parent.checked
appWindow.visibility = parent.checked ? Window.FullScreen :
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
clip: true
color: closeArea.containsMouse ? "#DBDBDB" : "#FFFFFF"
Rectangle {
width: 25
height: 25
radius: 5
color: "#FFFFFF"
visible: closeArea.containsMouse
x: 1; y: 2
Image {
anchors.centerIn: parent
source: "../images/closeIcon.png"
MouseArea {
id: closeArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: Qt.quit()
@ -5,38 +5,49 @@
filter::filter(QObject *parent) :
m_altPressed = true;
m_tabPressed = false;
bool filter::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *ev) {
switch(ev->type()) {
case QEvent::KeyPress: {
QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(ev);
if(ke->key() == Qt::Key_Alt) {
emit altPressed();
m_altPressed = true;
if(ke->key() == Qt::Key_Tab || ke->key() == Qt::Key_Backtab) {
else m_tabPressed = true;
QString sks;
if(ke->key() == Qt::Key_Control) {
sks = "Ctrl";
} else {
QKeySequence ks(ke->modifiers() + ke->key());
QString sks = ks.toString();
emit sequencePressed(sks);
sks = ks.toString();
emit sequencePressed(QVariant::fromValue<QObject*>(obj), sks);
} break;
case QEvent::KeyRelease: {
QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(ev);
if(ke->key() == Qt::Key_Alt) {
emit altReleased();
m_altPressed = false;
if(ke->key() == Qt::Key_Tab || ke->key() == Qt::Key_Backtab)
m_tabPressed = false;
QString sks;
if(ke->key() == Qt::Key_Control) {
sks = "Ctrl";
} else {
QKeySequence ks(ke->modifiers() + ke->key());
sks = ks.toString();
emit sequenceReleased(QVariant::fromValue<QObject*>(obj), sks);
} break;
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: {
QMouseEvent *me = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(ev);
emit mousePressed(QVariant::fromValue<QObject*>(obj), me->x(), me->y());
m_mousePressed = true;
} break;
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: {
QMouseEvent *me = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(ev);
emit mouseReleased(QVariant::fromValue<QObject*>(obj), me->x(), me->y());
m_mousePressed = false;
} break;
default: break;
@ -6,10 +6,8 @@
class filter : public QObject
bool m_altPressed;
bool m_mousePressed;
bool m_tabPressed;
explicit filter(QObject *parent = 0);
@ -18,9 +16,8 @@ protected:
bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *ev);
void altPressed();
void altReleased();
void sequencePressed(const QVariant &seq);
void sequencePressed(const QVariant &o, const QVariant &seq);
void sequenceReleased(const QVariant &o, const QVariant &seq);
void mousePressed(const QVariant &o, const QVariant &x, const QVariant &y);
void mouseReleased(const QVariant &o, const QVariant &x, const QVariant &y);
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 268 B |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 304 B |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 296 B |
@ -13,9 +13,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QObject *rootObject = engine.rootObjects().first();
QObject::connect(eventFilter, SIGNAL(altPressed()), rootObject, SLOT(altKeyPressed()));
QObject::connect(eventFilter, SIGNAL(altReleased()), rootObject, SLOT(altKeyReleased()));
QObject::connect(eventFilter, SIGNAL(sequencePressed(QVariant)), rootObject, SLOT(sequencePressed(QVariant)));
QObject::connect(eventFilter, SIGNAL(sequencePressed(QVariant,QVariant)), rootObject, SLOT(sequencePressed(QVariant,QVariant)));
QObject::connect(eventFilter, SIGNAL(sequenceReleased(QVariant,QVariant)), rootObject, SLOT(sequenceReleased(QVariant,QVariant)));
QObject::connect(eventFilter, SIGNAL(mousePressed(QVariant,QVariant,QVariant)), rootObject, SLOT(mousePressed(QVariant,QVariant,QVariant)));
QObject::connect(eventFilter, SIGNAL(mouseReleased(QVariant,QVariant,QVariant)), rootObject, SLOT(mouseReleased(QVariant,QVariant,QVariant)));
@ -9,20 +9,50 @@ ApplicationWindow {
objectName: "appWindow"
property var currentItem
property bool whatIsEnable: false
property bool altPressed: false
function altKeyPressed() { altPressed = true; }
function altKeyReleased() { altPressed = false; }
function sequencePressed(seq) {
property bool ctrlPressed: false
function altKeyReleased() { ctrlPressed = false; }
function showPageRequest(page) {
middlePanel.state = page
function sequencePressed(obj, seq) {
if(seq === undefined)
if(seq === "Alt+D") middlePanel.state = "Dashboard"
else if(seq === "Alt+H") middlePanel.state = "History"
else if(seq === "Alt+T") middlePanel.state = "Transfer"
else if(seq === "Alt+B") middlePanel.state = "AddressBook"
else if(seq === "Alt+M") middlePanel.state = "Minning"
else if(seq === "Alt+S") middlePanel.state = "Settings"
if(seq === "Ctrl") {
ctrlPressed = true
if(seq === "Ctrl+D") middlePanel.state = "Dashboard"
else if(seq === "Ctrl+H") middlePanel.state = "History"
else if(seq === "Ctrl+T") middlePanel.state = "Transfer"
else if(seq === "Ctrl+B") middlePanel.state = "AddressBook"
else if(seq === "Ctrl+M") middlePanel.state = "Mining"
else if(seq === "Ctrl+S") middlePanel.state = "Settings"
else if(seq === "Ctrl+Tab") {
if(middlePanel.state === "Dashboard") middlePanel.state = "Transfer"
else if(middlePanel.state === "Transfer") middlePanel.state = "History"
else if(middlePanel.state === "History") middlePanel.state = "AddressBook"
else if(middlePanel.state === "AddressBook") middlePanel.state = "Mining"
else if(middlePanel.state === "Mining") middlePanel.state = "Settings"
else if(middlePanel.state === "Settings") middlePanel.state = "Dashboard"
} else if(seq === "Ctrl+Shift+Backtab") {
if(middlePanel.state === "Dashboard") middlePanel.state = "Settings"
else if(middlePanel.state === "Settings") middlePanel.state = "Mining"
else if(middlePanel.state === "Mining") middlePanel.state = "AddressBook"
else if(middlePanel.state === "AddressBook") middlePanel.state = "History"
else if(middlePanel.state === "History") middlePanel.state = "Transfer"
else if(middlePanel.state === "Transfer") middlePanel.state = "Dashboard"
function sequenceReleased(obj, seq) {
if(seq === "Ctrl")
ctrlPressed = false
function mousePressed(obj, mouseX, mouseY) {
if(obj.objectName === "appWindow")
obj = rootItem
@ -41,9 +71,9 @@ ApplicationWindow {
currentItem = undefined
function mouseReleased(obj, mouseX, mouseY) {
@ -4,169 +4,169 @@ import "../components"
Rectangle {
color: "#F0EEEE"
Text {
id: newEntryText
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 17
// Text {
// id: newEntryText
// anchors.left: parent.left
// anchors.right: parent.right
// anchors.top: parent.top
// anchors.leftMargin: 17
// anchors.topMargin: 17
elide: Text.ElideRight
font.family: "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 18
color: "#4A4949"
text: qsTr("Add new entry")
// elide: Text.ElideRight
// font.family: "Arial"
// font.pixelSize: 18
// color: "#4A4949"
// text: qsTr("Add new entry")
// }
Label {
id: addressLabel
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: newEntryText.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 17
text: qsTr("Address")
fontSize: 14
tipText: qsTr("<b>Tip tekst test</b>")
// Label {
// id: addressLabel
// anchors.left: parent.left
// anchors.top: newEntryText.bottom
// anchors.leftMargin: 17
// anchors.topMargin: 17
// text: qsTr("Address")
// fontSize: 14
// tipText: qsTr("<b>Tip tekst test</b>")
// }
LineEdit {
id: addressLine
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: addressLabel.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.rightMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 5
// LineEdit {
// id: addressLine
// anchors.left: parent.left
// anchors.right: parent.right
// anchors.top: addressLabel.bottom
// anchors.leftMargin: 17
// anchors.rightMargin: 17
// anchors.topMargin: 5
// }
Label {
id: paymentIdLabel
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: addressLine.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 17
text: qsTr("Payment ID <font size='2'>(Optional)</font>")
fontSize: 14
tipText: qsTr("<b>Payment ID</b><br/><br/>A unique user name used in<br/>the address book. It is not a<br/>transfer of information sent<br/>during thevtransfer")
width: 156
// Label {
// id: paymentIdLabel
// anchors.left: parent.left
// anchors.top: addressLine.bottom
// anchors.leftMargin: 17
// anchors.topMargin: 17
// text: qsTr("Payment ID <font size='2'>(Optional)</font>")
// fontSize: 14
// tipText: qsTr("<b>Payment ID</b><br/><br/>A unique user name used in<br/>the address book. It is not a<br/>transfer of information sent<br/>during thevtransfer")
// width: 156
// }
Label {
id: descriptionLabel
anchors.left: paymentIdLabel.right
anchors.top: addressLine.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 17
text: qsTr("Description <font size='2'>(Local database)</font>")
fontSize: 14
tipText: qsTr("<b>Tip tekst test</b><br/><br/>test line 2")
width: 156
// Label {
// id: descriptionLabel
// anchors.left: paymentIdLabel.right
// anchors.top: addressLine.bottom
// anchors.leftMargin: 17
// anchors.topMargin: 17
// text: qsTr("Description <font size='2'>(Local database)</font>")
// fontSize: 14
// tipText: qsTr("<b>Tip tekst test</b><br/><br/>test line 2")
// width: 156
// }
LineEdit {
id: paymentIdLine
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: paymentIdLabel.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 5
width: 156
// LineEdit {
// id: paymentIdLine
// anchors.left: parent.left
// anchors.top: paymentIdLabel.bottom
// anchors.leftMargin: 17
// anchors.topMargin: 5
// width: 156
// }
LineEdit {
id: descriptionLine
anchors.left: paymentIdLine.right
anchors.right: addButton.left
anchors.top: paymentIdLabel.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.rightMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 5
// LineEdit {
// id: descriptionLine
// anchors.left: paymentIdLine.right
// anchors.right: addButton.left
// anchors.top: paymentIdLabel.bottom
// anchors.leftMargin: 17
// anchors.rightMargin: 17
// anchors.topMargin: 5
// }
StandardButton {
id: addButton
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: paymentIdLabel.bottom
anchors.rightMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 5
width: 60
// StandardButton {
// id: addButton
// anchors.right: parent.right
// anchors.top: paymentIdLabel.bottom
// anchors.rightMargin: 17
// anchors.topMargin: 5
// width: 60
shadowReleasedColor: "#FF4304"
shadowPressedColor: "#B32D00"
releasedColor: "#FF6C3C"
pressedColor: "#FF4304"
text: qsTr("ADD")
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// shadowPressedColor: "#B32D00"
// releasedColor: "#FF6C3C"
// pressedColor: "#FF4304"
// text: qsTr("ADD")
// }
Rectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.top: paymentIdLine.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 17
color: "#FFFFFF"
// Rectangle {
// anchors.left: parent.left
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// anchors.top: paymentIdLine.bottom
// anchors.topMargin: 17
// color: "#FFFFFF"
Rectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: parent.top
height: 1
color: "#DBDBDB"
// Rectangle {
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ListModel {
id: columnsModel
ListElement { columnName: "Payment ID"; columnWidth: 148 }
ListElement { columnName: "Description"; columnWidth: 420 }
// ListModel {
// id: columnsModel
// ListElement { columnName: "Payment ID"; columnWidth: 148 }
// ListElement { columnName: "Description"; columnWidth: 420 }
// }
TableHeader {
id: header
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.topMargin: 17
anchors.leftMargin: 14
anchors.rightMargin: 14
dataModel: columnsModel
onSortRequest: console.log("column: " + column + " desc: " + desc)
// TableHeader {
// id: header
// anchors.left: parent.left
// anchors.right: parent.right
// anchors.top: parent.top
// anchors.topMargin: 17
// anchors.leftMargin: 14
// anchors.rightMargin: 14
// dataModel: columnsModel
// onSortRequest: console.log("column: " + column + " desc: " + desc)
// }
ListModel {
id: testModel
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: ""; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "" }
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
ListElement { paymentId: ""; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "" }
// ListModel {
// id: testModel
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: ""; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "" }
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: "Malkolm T."; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "Client from Australia" }
// ListElement { paymentId: ""; address: "faef56b9acf67a7dba75ec01f403497049d7cff111628edfe7b57278554dc798"; description: "" }
// }
Scroll {
id: flickableScroll
anchors.rightMargin: -14
flickable: table
yPos: table.y
// Scroll {
// id: flickableScroll
// anchors.rightMargin: -14
// flickable: table
// yPos: table.y
// }
AddressBookTable {
id: table
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.top: header.bottom
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: 14
anchors.rightMargin: 14
onContentYChanged: flickableScroll.flickableContentYChanged()
model: testModel
// AddressBookTable {
// id: table
// anchors.left: parent.left
// anchors.right: parent.right
// anchors.top: header.bottom
// anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
// anchors.leftMargin: 14
// anchors.rightMargin: 14
// onContentYChanged: flickableScroll.flickableContentYChanged()
// model: testModel
// }
// }
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Rectangle {
text: qsTr("<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style>\
lookng for security level and address book? go to <a href='#'>Transfer</a> tab")
font.underline: false
onLinkActivated: console.log("link activated")
onLinkActivated: appWindow.showPageRequest("Transfer")
@ -1,5 +1,59 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
import "../components"
Rectangle {
color: "#00FF00"
color: "#F0EEEE"
Text {
id: filterHeaderText
anchors.left: parent.left
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anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 17
elide: Text.ElideRight
font.family: "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 18
color: "#4A4949"
text: qsTr("Filter trasactions history")
Label {
id: paymentIdText
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: filterHeaderText.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 17
text: qsTr("Payment ID")
fontSize: 14
tipText: qsTr("<b>Tip tekst test</b>")
LineEdit {
id: paymentIdLine
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: paymentIdText.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 5
width: 156
Label {
id: dateFromText
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: paymentIdLine.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 17
text: qsTr("Date from")
fontSize: 14
tipText: qsTr("<b>Tip tekst test</b>")
DatePicker {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: dateFromText.bottom
anchors.leftMargin: 17
anchors.topMargin: 5
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Rectangle {
text: qsTr("<style type='text/css'>a {text-decoration: none; color: #FF6C3C; font-size: 14px;}</style>\
Address <font size='2'> ( Type in or select from </font> <a href='#'>Address</a><font size='2'> book )</font>")
onLinkActivated: console.log("link activated")
onLinkActivated: appWindow.showPageRequest("AddressBook")
LineEdit {
@ -65,5 +65,10 @@
Reference in a new issue