Merge pull request #3620

c4c549e Upgrade Font Awesome icons to v5.15.3 (rating89us)
This commit is contained in:
luigi1111 2021-07-26 15:31:58 -04:00
commit 06025352ce
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: F4ACA0183641E010
8 changed files with 15 additions and 757 deletions

View file

@ -3,813 +3,71 @@ import QtQuick 2.9
Object {
//Font Awesome version 5.15.3
FontLoader {
id: regular
source: "./fa-regular-400.ttf"
source: "./fa-regular-400.otf"
FontLoader {
id: brands
source: "./fa-brands-400.ttf"
source: "./fa-brands-400.otf"
FontLoader {
id: solid
source: "./fa-solid-900.ttf"
source: "./fa-solid-900.otf"
property string fontFamily:
property string fontFamilyBrands:
property string fontFamilySolid:
// Icons
// Icons used in Monero GUI (Font Awesome version 5.15.3)
// To add new icons, check unicodes in Font Awesome Free's Cheatsheet:
property string addressBook : "\uf2b9"
property string addressBookO : "\uf2ba"
property string addressCard : "\uf2bb"
property string addressCardO : "\uf2bc"
property string adjust : "\uf042"
property string adn : "\uf170"
property string alignCenter : "\uf037"
property string alignJustify : "\uf039"
property string alignLeft : "\uf036"
property string alignRight : "\uf038"
property string amazon : "\uf270"
property string ambulance : "\uf0f9"
property string americanSignLanguageInterpreting : "\uf2a3"
property string anchor : "\uf13d"
property string android : "\uf17b"
property string angellist : "\uf209"
property string angleDoubleDown : "\uf103"
property string angleDoubleLeft : "\uf100"
property string angleDoubleRight : "\uf101"
property string angleDoubleUp : "\uf102"
property string angleDown : "\uf107"
property string angleLeft : "\uf104"
property string angleRight : "\uf105"
property string angleUp : "\uf106"
property string apple : "\uf179"
property string archive : "\uf187"
property string areaChart : "\uf1fe"
property string arrowCircleDown : "\uf0ab"
property string arrowCircleLeft : "\uf0a8"
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property string arrowCircleOLeft : "\uf190"
property string arrowCircleORight : "\uf18e"
property string arrowCircleOUp : "\uf01b"
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property string arrowCircleUp : "\uf0aa"
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property string arrowRight : "\uf061"
property string arrowUp : "\uf062"
property string arrows : "\uf047"
property string arrowsAlt : "\uf0b2"
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property string arrowsV : "\uf07d"
property string aslInterpreting : "\uf2a3"
property string assistiveListeningSystems : "\uf2a2"
property string asterisk : "\uf069"
property string at : "\uf1fa"
property string audioDescription : "\uf29e"
property string automobile : "\uf1b9"
property string backward : "\uf04a"
property string balanceScale : "\uf24e"
property string ban : "\uf05e"
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property string bank : "\uf19c"
property string barChart : "\uf080"
property string barChartO : "\uf080"
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property string bath : "\uf2cd"
property string bathtub : "\uf2cd"
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property string battery0 : "\uf244"
property string battery1 : "\uf243"
property string battery2 : "\uf242"
property string battery3 : "\uf241"
property string battery4 : "\uf240"
property string batteryEmpty : "\uf244"
property string batteryFull : "\uf240"
property string batteryHalf : "\uf242"
property string batteryQuarter : "\uf243"
property string batteryThreeQuarters : "\uf241"
property string bed : "\uf236"
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property string bluetoothB : "\uf294"
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